Some uninvited guests

We walked over to the balcony and flew up onto it gold rank is when people can start flying naturally all though it is really draining in the beginning stages so I simply just jumped up grabbed the edge of the balcony and through my self over the railing doing a flip before landing on my feet Zarock landed next to me we stood at the edge of a tea table sitting there was Fjord Niara and two other of Fjords wifes but I paid them no mind my eyes locked on Fjord bring my hands together and bowing as I said you asked for us sir Fjord looked up from a scroll he was reading and waved his hand saying have a seat we nodded and walked forward taking a seat across from him one of his wives leaned forward asking tea dears Zarock both nodded saying yes please she smiled and poured us 2 cups and slid them over to us I smiled taking a sip but immediately regretted it this was unseat tea what sort of sin is this I thought but I didn't let my feelings show on my face as I sat the cup down my eyes scanned over the table looking for sugar but there wasn't any which I thought was odd there was honey and other things you could put in your tea but no sugar but my eyes then feel on the woman who served us the tea she was shorter woman her skin was red from sun burn her long blue hair was pulled back in a braid that wants all the way down her back she had dark blue and black robs and I must say Fjord definitely had a good eye for beauty cuz this woman was stunning and had some good curves but something struck me as odd Lotus looked similar to this woman this isn't her mother but maybe her mothers sister yea that would make sense but that wasn't the strange part she kept on glancing at me and blushing and every slit movement of hers was very seductive and planned that's when I noticed flouting behind the woman on a water disk was a small container that had sugar cubes in it this woman did this on purpose but y actually I don't care I glanced to Niara who looked to the woman and shook her head sying I looked to Zarock pulling out a small container of sugar cubes out from my space ring I offered him it asking sugar he smiled unconcernedly and pulled one out from it thanks brother I nodded and I pulled two cubes out and dropped it into my tea I put away the sugar and was about to steer the tea but I noticed there was no spoons and I seen all the tea cups on the opposite side of the table had spoons hell even Zarock had one but I didn't but I didn't care I simply used my wind laws to steer the tea I took a drink from it after and nodded happily I glanced up to see that woman had a frown on her face like she was disappointed in something I chuckled saying what disappointed your little test or what ever didn't work the women frown got bigger hearing mt words as she looked to me saying do you know who your talking to with such disrespect I raised a eye brow asking I dont know what you mean mam that was a question not a statement here is a statement if you want one and placed my tea cup down and glared up at her angrily saying your charm arts wont work on me I have never and will never be interested in married woman there for I will never be interested in one of my girls family members your Lotus ant correct the woman smeared asking and what makes you think I ant her mother I rolled my eyes and took a sip from my tea before responding your actions plus your eyes they maybe purple but yours is a darker shade compared to Lotus another thing is your eyes are completely different Lotus eyes are cold unless she is with family then they are as bright as the sun wall yours are angry and sad you two couldn't be more different this doesn't even mention I can see your deepest secret and my eyes locked on the cursed mark that was on her left arm hidden under her sleeves the only parts of her body that wasn't covered was her head and hands the rest of her body was covered so no skin showed this was do to the sickly black tattoos that covered her hole body it was sad but this women was powerful but at the moment even I could kill her do to how much strength these tattoos was sapping away the woman crossed her arms definitely as fear spread across her face saying how can you see them I simply pointed up to my draconic eyes and took a sip of tea this is when Fjord lowered the scroll in his hand and put it next to him he looked over to me saying that's one of the reasons y I asked you here Hound for her sake but allow me to introduce the three women next to me you of course already know Niara she nodded at me the woman on here right is my 3 wife Ashes this women looked over to me and nodded saying how do you do death hound I raised a eye brow and and looked this woman she had darker spin fiery red hair and those fearsome blue eyes this had to be Vermillion's mother and to further prove my point the robs this woman had on was the same color scheme that my lioness wares I smiled and bowed to her saying I great mother in law its a pleasure to meet you the woman smiled warmly as she spoke Vermillion was right you really are a gentleman I chuckled my mother would be happy to hear that Fjord cleared his throat saying and the woman next to Ashes is my 2 wives Gem I looked to that woman saying we have been introduced already Gem glared at me Fjord side saying stop it you two honey you shouldn't have tried to test the boy and you Hound that is my wife you're talking to show some respect I looked to him raising an eyebrow saying I will when she has earned it all that she has showed me is hostility and I treat people the way they treat me you know this father and yet you still allowed this knowing what was going to happen Fjord side raising a hand massaging between his eyes saying I know Hound but enough of this do you know of a way to cure Gem he asked hope in his eyes I looked back to gem who glared at me I shrugged I ant sure father I would need to get a closer look at that it but y have you come to me I am sure you have plenty of healers and other such people that you could summon so y ask me Fjord side saying cuz I know your knowledge of these things Azreal and I had a little talk he is doing good by the way he has change slightly but I chose you for your knowledge in these things and cuz I know I can trust you to keep quiet if I but right then his head shot to the side I felt killing intent being detected at us I snapped my fingers the shadow condensing around us as I shot spring onto the table my eyes scanning all around 4 arrows sparks harmlessly off my shadow doom but one arrow made it through before the doom back up that's y I shot onto the table I cot the arrow with my teeth I turned around my eyes burning with anger that arrow was aimed at Gem I seen a dark black poison at the arrow head I gralled snapping the arrow in half with my jaws my eyes landed on 5 archers that was hidden on top of the roof but the moment they felt my eyes lock onto them they stood up trying to run Zarock stay with them they are mine I gralled as I flashed passed him spring off the table and in a blink of a eye I stood in front of these artchers who was trying to run away my draconic eyes was shining with anger as I unleashed my giants ora this froze 3 out of the 5 of them but the two that didn't freeze in fear charged at me pulling out daggers that had that same poison on them a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I thought Iorek let us dance I heard the happy roar of a bear as a ice axe appeared on my right hip I ducked under the first thrust of one of the archer his dagger and arm passed over the top of me I then locked his arm with my left shoulder as I stood my right-hand shot to my waste pulling off Lorek and raising it just in time to deflect the other archer dagger I stepped forward swinging Lorek up the archer was shocked that I got closer so she couldn't move back in time so the back of Lorek slammed into the bottom of her jaw the woman stumpled back dropping the dagger as she feel onto her knees coughing the man that I had his dagger arm locked in place struggled against me trying to get out of my grip but my hold on him simply got tighter as I felt him struggling I looked into his eyes and noticed he was staring not at me but back at the woman there was fear and worry in his eyes I then looked back to the woman laughing you two dared tried to kill the members of my family when you two could have left and started a family of your own how foolish are you and with that I snapped the mans arm as I twisted my shoulder and arm the man screamed in pain but the moment he was out of my grip he rushed to the woman and crouched down next to her worriedly i heard him ask dear are you ok the woman nodded as she took slow labored breaths yes dear he just hit my throat so I couldn't breath for a moment there I side saying I am sorry to stop this beautiful moment but and I flashed forward and grabbed the woman by the throat as I rested my Axe on the mans neck I started into his eyes saying tell me who sent you and I will let you two love birds live another day the man snarled pulling down his mask saying we will never tell you shit and he bit down on something and soon the man feel forward dark orange froff came out of his mouth poison capsules how fun I looked up to the woman asking do you wish to talk she shook her head and was about to speak but I simple clocked her on the side of her head nocking her out I looked down to the man who was froffing at the mouth I shrugging and stomping my foot down on the mans head blood and brain matter spattered as his skull got crushed I then kicked his body down the house towards Zarock and Fjord my eyes then locked on the 3 archers that was still frozen in fear I side chuckling surrender or day your choice it was no shocker to me when they dropped there weapons and raised there hands this is when 20 barbarians appeared Zarock at the head of this group I through him the woman saying she is one of the leaders he nodded catching her as another person stepped forward saying sir Hound is there any other threats I raised an eyebrow asking you tell me Barret you're the sects guard how on earth did this happen the man side and looked back to the archers saying it is cuz this attack didn't come from outside but from inside the kingdom it would seem someone in the kingdom wishes yall dead do you have any idea who that might be he asked glancing back to me I laughed o let me see mmm haha hell it might be easier to tell you the people that we haven't pissed off which would be the soul legion Barret side so basically everyone I grinned nodding yep ant it fun Barret side shaking his head you damn made man this is when one of his man ran up to him saying sir take a look at this and he held out a odd long toob that had two arms on either side of this toob attacked to these arms was a very tought wires that want into this toob I seen a stock and trigger also Barret took the weapon saying what in the hell Dashes the man shrugged I ant sure sir but they only had that a dagger that had poison on it and a quiver of long arrows nothing more there is no bows in sight sir Barret side thinking so how did they shoot the arrows then I laughed walked right next to Barret I held out my hand for the weapon he passed it to me asking have you ever seen anything like this hound cuz I definitely haven't I took the strange weapon and looked it over I noticed that you could easily load a arrow into the top of this toob and at the top of this toob was a strange square piece of metal I laughed and said yall really need to do more research on weapons of the second layer I lowered the toob to the ground and stomped on the square piece of metal as I pulled the tight wires back I soon heard a click noise I brought the weapon up again I looked to the man called Dashes and noticed he held a quiver in his other hand I seen very familiar arrows in this quiver one of the arrows shot out into my hand I looked the arrow over it was a bit heavier then normal arrows and a bit longer to the arrow head was a normal sharp point arrow head this arrow was meant to peers through armor and the last thing of note the fletchling was placed strange normally you would have three feathers you would place these fletchling opposite from one another and they would curl around the arrow slightly but this wasn't the case here there were two fletchings on each side of the arrow two on the left and two on the right and they didn't curl around the arrow I raised my eyebrow and slotted the arrow into the toob and raised the toob up to my shoulder and looked down the toob I looked around for a target my draconic eyes then landed on a strange out of place hock that was sitting at the hight point of the house this also put it right over the balcony where Fjord was comforting his wifes and kids that stormed onto the balcony the hocks eyes was locked on the balcony like it was deadly focused on what Fjord was saying or it was locked on someone it was paying no attention to anything else around I chuckled found you bastard and I pulled the trigger the string whipped forward throwing the arrow forward with a thunk woosh noise the next second a hock screeched out in pain as a arrow sank into its through it dropped forward landing on the table that I was just minutes ago was sitting at everyone looked at the dead bird then looked up to me I turned to Barret who had a dumbfounded expression on his face that was over 100 years the soldier next to Barret said he two was dumbfounded I laughed looking this crossbow back over saying this is a fine piece of weaponry good craftsmanship o and whats this and I turned the crossbow so the trigger was facing up and there right above the trigger there was a smiths stamp it was that of a simple K the craftsman stamped his work Barret said walking next to me I nodded indeed this wasn't any basic attack this was planned move quick and find this craftsman before someone else does Barret nodded and disappeared so did half of his unit wall the others took care of the prisoners I took the quiver that the soldier held in front of me I waved the crossbow saying I am keeping this the man shrugged your probably the only one who can us it to its full effect I grinned shrugging and jumped down landing next to Fjord he turned to me calmly asking has it been taken care of I shrugged only time will tell that but one thing is for sure this attack was planned and came from the inside I held out the crossbow Fjord took the crossbow and looked it over saying a crossbow but not one I have ever seen before and whats this he seen the smiths stamp we got a craftsman he asked looking up to me I nodded yea I bot Barret on that this crossbow is not one I have ever seen either its much more powerful then anyone that I have used plus there's this and i flicked my wrist as the arrow that was in the birds through pulled out from the bird and shot in front of me it flouting in front of my eyes as it slowly rotated this is a arrow not a bolt but this arrow is bult like a bult the arrowhead down to the fletchings hell its even a bit longer and heavier then a normal arrow, in conclusion, this was made to kill cultivators Fjord said I nodded flicking my hand down as the arrow shot into the quiver that crossbow draw weight is above 1000 pounds its practically a small Ballista at this point but as you can see and I pointed to the bird it neither got pinned to the building nor did its head get ripped off by the force in conclusion Fjord then said again its an unfinished weapon it loses power but makes up for it in speed I nodded correct again father in law if you wished I could make something similar but way better then that if you wish Fjord raised an eyebrow saying o right I about forgot you're a smith how good of a smith are you he asked I grinned patting Tempest on my hip saying I am one of the best sir here take a look and I draw Tempest and showed it to him I seen his confusion probably wondering y I didn't hand it to him a sheepish smile spread across my face as I scratched the back of my head sorry father in law she doesn't liked being touched by others Tempest shook in my hands like saying she agreed with me Fjord had a understanding smile on his face nodding that's fine its best not to piss off weapon spirits he then examined Tempest for a few seconds his eyes then landed on my stamp that was right above the hilt he looked to me asking is this your mark I grinned nodding that is correct be it in this life or my last I have used the same stamp and name for my smithy and that is he asked I stamped my feet and yelled the reapers smithy sir we master in the art of making the reapers tools and we are damn good at it what will you do with my works will you slotter or will you protect I do not care do whats you want with the reapers tools but remember you reap what you so so don't coming back to me with your whining cuz remember no refunds Fjord stared into me shocked but he then broke out laughing the next second seeing my serious expression well done lad hahaha he through the crossbow back to me I cot it with one hand as Tempest flouted in mid-air so I asked Fjord nodded if you can make a better weapon bring it to me and if I am impressed I might outfit the sect with it but wait Odysseus no right then a kid about my age he had dark tan skin his short fiery spiky red hair was unkempt he had gold and red robs on his eyes held greediness and scorn in his eyes as he lunged at me no he wasn't lunging at me but at Tempest I didn't have time to stop him he snatched tempest out of the air and rolled passed laughing haha take this you damn fake over glorified bitch and he swung tempest up at me but right before the blade could cut my head off the blade stopped this brat was stunned he pushed the blade forward yelling listen to me you damn blade I am your new master your In my hands now your all mine so obey command Tempest started to shake out of anger as a cold dark sickly white mist starting coming off the blade as a dragon roared release me brat or die this brat made a mockingly smile as he looked at tempest you can't harm me your just a stupid spirit in a blade so shut up and couch, he spat up blood he started dumbfoundedly at my blade fear in his eyes but how he asked as blood started coming out from eyes I chuckled Odysseus was it naa fuck being nice my partner has given you enough warnings I thrust my fist forward my fist slammed into his face the brat got launched back and slammed against the wall he spat up blood as he feel onto his knees you first dared not listen you your father I gralled didn't he literally just said angering a spirit weapon is a bad idea then you dared attack me with my own weapon it would harm me you asked how let me tell you how and I walked forward and picked up this brat by his hair he screamed kicking at me but I simply slammed a fist into his chest spit and air left his mouth and lungs I started into his bright green eyes that held fear in them you dared tried to steal soul bond weapon and then us that soul bond weapon against its master what sort of idiot does one got to be to try such a stupid thing its obvious you know nothing about these things I side dropping the brat to the floor he feel onto his knees breathing hard I pulled a book I found I the old mans study and dropped the book in front of the brat the tightly clear for everyone to see spirit awakened weapons history and facts I turned around saying being stupid isn't a sin brat its staying stupid that is you got plenty of guts I will give you that but guts means nothing if they in up on the ground you can't brought forces everything remember this learn from it and then improve your self I walked forward Tempest did a few flips as it shot at me before it shot into its sheath I looked over to Gem saying my apologies mother in law for my rude actions when we first met if you wish I can but she shook her head no thanks Hound I dont think I trust you just yet I shrugged that's your right miss we only have just met but out of good faith till I can property get a look bath in high level holy water everyday it will slow it down till you deem me trustworthy she nodded smiling alright I looked over to Fjord noticing Barret was back I heard him say we got the smith captured just in time we chased off 3 attackers that was about to brake into the smiths force I walked next to Barret as a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I popped my knuckles saying give me ten minutes with him and the archers I will get everything out of them Fjord grabbed my shoulder shaking his head saying sadly for you son you've been summoned by the king specifically for a mission he them passed me the scroll he was reading when I saw him today I took it and read it

By orders of your king Stooless Light and the holy council the lion barbarian known as Hound will report to his majesty and the council in 2 hours his majesty and the council has deemed Hound of the lion sect a worthy candidate for a mission of great imported

I looked up to Fjord asking do I really have to sir this stinks of a trap he side massaging between his eyes saying I know son I know but the king asked for you specifically if it was just the council I wouldn't risk it but my hands are tide behind me back I side nodding I understand Father in law I will go but keep the sect on hight alert we got enemies on all sides and we don't need any sneak attacks Fjord nodded yea that's the plan I nodded slammed my hand to my chest yelling my you be as fears as a lion he then yelled and as smart and loyal as a wolf I then yelled and as cunning as a fox with that I disappeared in a flash of green lightning Fjord side Zarock walked next to him saying don't worry sir if it really is a trap my brother wont go down easy Fjord nodded yea that's what I am afraid of up are plans get everyone working double time Zarock nodded and disappeared Fjord then looked down to the person who kneeled down in front of him Fjords eyes burned with anger Odysseus what was you think he gralled Odysseus held the book hound gave him I one hand as he lowered his head saying sorry father it just angered me that he is able to wear those robs and not me your 4 son I thought he didn't deserve those robs or my sisters Fjord side asking and now Odysseus looked over to the book in his hand he side saying I see I was very mistaken I can see y grandfather Wolf made him his legacy he reminds me a lot of him Fjord nodded your lucky you still got your life Odysseus I have seen what they boy can do when he is angry luckily for you I think he just thought of you as a annoyance a ignorant brat if you will that's y he gave you that book his words was true it is no sin to be stupid but it is a sin to remain stupid come my son it has been to long sense I have tought you anything Odysseus shot up and walked next to his father and like that the two walked into the house far off on another building was another hock its eyes locked on the back of Fjord it held fury in those eyes it screeched angrily as it took of towards the castle.