A talk with a princess

As I sprinted towards the castle as I ran down the street I weaved and jumped over carts and people riding magic beasts it was actually quite fun to do some parcore I flipped jumped rolled any acrobatic thing you could think of I did it as I ran through the streets many people didn't appreciate my skill though cuz as I flipped by them they screamed threats and made very unpleasant hand signs but I truly couldn't care not my problem hell I want a bit out of my eye just to piss off some high class looking people they was probably merchants from out of the kingdom hell I ran towards one person that had on fancy and flash blue and green clothes he was ridding a green and white unicorn I ran straight by them and that unicorn apparently got spooked and through its rider off its back the fate man hit the floor with a thump his face want red as he screamed angrily towards me as he tried to get up with no prevail the surrounding people laughed at this man which made him even more red-faced and angry he yelled to one person saying ant you going to help your princes but no one did come to his aid I grinned happily of course I did all this for a reason each fancy person I ran by I dropped one of my small mechanical puppet spiders these small spiders would then crall onto that person hidding y did I do this you might ask its simple knowledge simple as that you wouldn't believe what the right pieces of information is worth to some people and me being the greedy careful opportunist that I am I will of course use this information to great effect be it the royal family or anyone else for that matter I do not care hehe everyone has skeletons in their closets especially in this cultivation world but I didn't just put my spiders on people no I spread them around this side of the city soon nothing will happen on the east district without me knowing about it and best part about all these is I plan on spreading these spiders all around this city especially in the holy winged fuckers side and sense these spiders was puppets of mine they can us my shadow law to cloke them selfs in shadow also each spider was connected to a recording stone that I, of course, had with me I would never leave such a thing just laying around it was actually hanging around my neck hidden in plan sight it was attacked to the top of the gator tooth that I had it was covered by the not that held the fang on the leather strip but its probably time for the main course, the castle its self hahahaha man I truly am a ruthless man I thought as I headed towards the castle for real this time the scroll said I had 2 hours to arrive and it had already been 1 hour and 40 minutes do to the assassination attempt and me spreading my spiders around which luckily meant I got to fuck with hi class people which is always fun but I probably shouldn't keep the king or the consul waiting any longer haha i at least should act like I give a fuck right hehehe but right then I stopped in front of the inner wall gates you see the castle in the center was not only surrounded by another wall but a fucking force field there was only 4 ways in and that was through the gates placed for each sect but the people who guarded these gates wasnt from the sects o no they was guarded by the holy guards which was trained by the kings family hell the holy guards was practically a outer royal family do to how many of the royal family make up the holy guards they was supposed to be the elites of the kingdom there only match would be the sects head disciples but this is only what people say the truth is the holy guards are a bunch of lazy fucks they apparently haven't joined a single battle since the great war with the devils but apparently that war also goes by the holy war also but whatever I truly could care less I side clearing these thoughts from my head as I walked up to the gate which was closed at the moment the moment I walked up the guards brandished there weapons one of them yelling holt state your name and business I side yelling my name is Hound as you can see I am part of the lion barbarians and a chosen of the sect leader him self as for my business and I held up the scroll I am answering a summons I seen the guards glance at one another but that one who had been talking to me yelling ok advance forward and show me the scroll any sudden movement and we will attack I roll my eyes saying Yaya and I walked forward with no fear on my face one hand in my pocket the other still holding the scroll I heard one of them yell pull your hand out of pocket and show us your hands or we will but I looked to that person with a neutral expression my draconic eyes was cold and uncaring the moment my eyes fell onto that guard he started to shake his full plate armor rattling as he did so I clicked my tongue disappointedly I looked back to the guard I have been talking to who had on slightly more fancy armor compared to the rest and the halberd in his hand was a high copper ranked weapon which was shit but compared to what the other fools had it was at least polished shit I held out the scroll to him he took it and wordlessly read it over quickly ones he was done he looked back up to me saying you do know your very late right you should have arrived as soon as you could I raised an eyebrow asking was the king and the consul waiting for me the guard shook his head no but its common respect he said I shrugged so is greeting and introducing your self and yet here we are the man smiled at me fare enough he turned around yelling open the gates the moment he yelled that the gates shuttered and started to open but they didn't fully open they only raised hi enough for a person could walk under it the man stepped aside saying head on in mister hound I nodded and walked next to him and held out my hand saying the scroll good sir the guard smiled and moved his hand that had the scroll out from behind his back and handed it to me saying o right sorry sir please enjoy your time I took the scroll it disappearing into a space ring saying you to and I walked through the gate uncaring if I had to duck down to pass through the gate I heard snickering behind me but no matter I walked forward up the path on this side of the gate the cort yard was a garden but instead of fancy flowers and trees there was very rare pill ingredients I realised this was how royal people flont there money to others they show off rare and expensive things like plans or minerals the rarer the better it was essentially a huge pissing match between royals gods I could hear the royal drama already noble woman not choosing a man cuz his pill garden not being big enough or not having to many rare ingredients so she chooses the one who has the biggest hahah that would be one hell of a drama show the cultivators hook up or maybe batular cultivator haha Im sure it would be a hit with some I chuckled to my self as I walked around a fountain that had high level spirit water in it if I had the chance to bath or even drink a vile of it I would brake through to the next stage in my soul cultivation but I didn't even look at it with greed or anything I simply enjoyed my walk in this beautiful garden allowing some of my spiders to crawl down my leg they was already using my shadow law so it was very easy for them to jump into the bush and disappear into this garden that's when I heard a female voice come from my left so you are the Hound everyone has been talking about you don't look to special to me I looked towards the fountain not surprised to see a woman sitting on the edge of the fountain this woman had dark blue scaled skin her face was a bit elongated but other than that very human and beautiful she had long wavy black hair that want down her back she had on a very expensive looking blue dress I noticed a silver tiara that had a green gem in the center of it she was waving her right hand through the water in the fountain I noticed in-between her fingers was webbing but it only wan halfway up her fingers she was looking at me with bright green eyes that reminded me of a sea serpent I could tell she was sizing me up but I simply looked to her with my neutral expression I thought about responding but deemed it not worth my time so I shrugged saying ok and I continued to walk passed her the woman was shocked hi I am talking to you hi hi I stopped and turned around to her with my neutral expression but there as a bit of annoyance in my eyes what I asked the woman was stunned but that didn't last to long she angrily huffed saying don't you know who you talking I am the princes of this kingdom you should be honored to even be in my presents let alone but at this point I had enough so I turned around saying don't care and continued to walk the woman was stunned but that's when she snarled angrily hi I am trying to talk to you and you will show me some respect she yelled as she raised her hand out of the water throwing a water trident that formed in her hand I simply stopped side and leaned my head to the side catching the trident that just missed my head I turned around holding this water trident with my neutral expression but my draconic eyes was cold I walked forward one hand was in my pocket the other was still holding this trident the princess froze seeing me advance towards her with a weapon she stuttered stay back and she walked into the fountain but I noticed she walked on the water I got to the edge of the fountain and started at her coldy I extended the trident out before dropping it into the fountain again as I spoke your shouldn't throw such a rare and precious resource away like that many people would do anything to even get a single drop of this water and yet you were going to waste it out of anger I side shaking my head what a damn waste and I turned around and started walking towards the castle again but I only took 2 steps when someone grabbed my arm as a sad voice said I am sorry sir hound I simply wanted to talk with the man who the kingdom has been talking so much about and the man who not only saved my life but many of my siblings life also I side and turned to this women I could see genuine sadness in her eyes but I also seen a very deep loneliness I side saying, ok princess, you can call me Hound as you can see I am part of the lion barbarians and a chosen of the sect master your turn her face light up hearing my words she took a few steps back before Kurtseeding hello Hound it is a pleasure my name is Areal Morningstar the 4 princess I raised my eyebrow asking morningstar huh so you must be related to Micheal and, Lucifer Areal nodded correct Lucifer was the first prince and my elder brother but I don't remember him he abandoned the kingdom way before my birth as for Michael he was the second prince but he got stripped of all of his rank and tightle when he joined the radiant wings do to political reasons my eyebrow got a bit higher saying umm thanks for being honest with me but isn't those things a bit of a secret cuz it sure sounds like it Zreal shrugged they are but they ant much of a secret when the hole city seems to know about it but my turn to ask a question what made you join the likes of the barbarians my eyebrow at this point was at the highest it could go what do you mean lass she shrugged you don't just look like the type that would join a sect that is known to be a bunch of blood thirty savages and sinners there was much better option like the radiant wings if you want to fight and do good for the kingdom or there is the sculpter who pills and knowledge in many things has kept this city going for thousands of years heck you could have even joined the soul legion any three of these would have been ten times as better then the lion barbarians and a hole lot safer to so y them I rolled my eyes saying you don't get out much do you princess a frown was on her face as she shook her heard no but what does that have to do with you answering my question she asked annoyed I chucked everything you are way to naïve you speak of things you have no understand of you have never been in a war you have never had to fight for your life you have never suffered at the hands stronger then you you have never held a dying friend in your arms as they breath there last and ones more you speak of these sects saying which ones are more honorable and better when you have never even been in there sects you haven't talked to there people you say my sect are a bunch of savages and sinners at least we wear our hearts on our sleeves and we don't backstab each other unlike the other sects and another thing miss Areal you are terrible at reading people you say I don't look like a bloodthirsty savage but tell me lass how did you learn about my name she made a confused face as she spoke lets see I first heard about you after I asked where the pill that cured the my siblings and I but ones the sects returned I heard you not only cured your sect but lead the charge against the undead and I also overheard some new recruits say a man who want by hound had the highest kill count in both battles they said that man slottered through the enemies with nothing but a demonic grin on his face but they was obviously talking about someone else right you don't have the but right then she looked up and seen I had a huge demonic grin on my facecabs my draconic eyes shinned ruthlessly she yelped and took a few more steps away from me out of fear I chuckled at her cute action you was saying lass she shook out of fear but stared into my eyes and attempted to speak in a confident unscared voice but it didn't work her voice still trembled out of fear that was really you but how y you could have spared some of your enemies not only that I heard you tried to kill my brother you seem so kind so y do these things y kill I chuckled shaking my head as I spoke in a cold voice again you show your naïvety lass I didn't spare my enemies cuz y should I they attempted to take my life and some of them got damn close to I wont allow my enemies to live in my old life I showed mercy and it allows stabbed me in the back besides this is war lass and in war you got to crack a few eggs to win so if someone becomes my enemy I wont hesitate to take there head as for your brother the moment I said that word my grin turned into a snarl he dared tried to court one of my fiancés behind my back when he knew we was engaged he dared try and put a hand on her I took one step forward my eyes burning with a bright angry fire listen up lass I am going to only say this ones and you should take it to heart if someone crosses you if someone threatened you or your loved ones put that person down do not hesitate cuz that person wont either Michael is lucky that damn Fox blocked my attack out his soul would have been mine but his time will come he dared to make an enemy of me of all people me a death hound someone who is born to eat souls hehehe and we can't wait but and like that I was back to normal I will play nice but if you will excuse me I have kept your father and consul waiting long enough it was a pleasure to meet you to lass hope we meet again and you take me words to heart with that I brought my hands together and bowed to her before turning to the castle and walked forward with long confident strides no one stopped me this time and I got to the front doors of the castle or I guess the side doir I wasn't sure where the front door was 2 guards brandished there weapons at me saying who are you state your business I side saying I am Hound I am here cuz I got summoned by the king the guards lowered there weapons one of them said o let me inform them your here and he pulled out a soul slip that started to glow he spoke with someone but I paid little attention to them I was more interested in the castle this craftmanship those runes gods damn this is a masterpiece I mumbled that's when I heard someone speak your quite right lad I looked down to see a old looking man that had white and gold prest robs the man had his hands together he had short gray hair and a scar that want across the top of his head and his eyes shinned with a gray energy I brought my hands together bowing to this man he did the same to me after that he said come lad we have been waiting for a bit know and people are getting agitated I nodded and followed him.