two faced king

He lead me through the castle fancy halls that had paintings and fancy suits of armors placed along the gem wall I saw servants guards and nobles moving through the halls but they all got out of the way of the old man and bowed towards him many of them held fear and reverence in their eyes but the moment they seen me I seen anger fear and discounts all directed towards me but I didn't care I simply followed this old man my hands in my pockets and a smile on my face we finally got to a set of double doors that had fancy decorations on it on either side of the door was 4 heavily armored guards these guards was bright white and silver in color these was the king own personal guards the elites out of the elites if you will they say only a sect master can face these guards on even footing but I wasn't impressed since these elites of elites haven't participated in a battle sense the holy war which was just sad y be called a elite or elites if you don't get to participate in any battles hell fuck the fancy armor that was well made I could care less for rare equipment I am a fucking master smith who needs equipment from others when I can make my own no matter these fancy guards stomped there feet as we walked by and two of the guards grabbed the door and swung it open as one of them yelled know entering Bishop Pisces starlight and Hound of the lion Barbarians the old man nodded to the guards and walked in I simply followed I had my normal smiling face but my eyes was cold as ice as we walked in the room want quiet I looked around and noticed I was in a throne hall placed at the back of the room was a stairway and at the top of this stair was 2 gold and silver thrones that shined with a holy light the throne on the right was empty but the throne on the left held a old looking man he wear red white and golds robs he has a very expensive and thick looking gold chain around his neck and each of his fingers had fancy and expensive rings on it the man him self was well built like he was ones a great warrior but he was sort of getting a bit fate like he hadn't picked up the sword in a while he was clean shaven and his long gray and red hair was pulled into a bun and there resting on the top of his head was a gold and silver crown the man him self had bright silver shining eyes that glowed with a hidden power placed on either side of these stair way was two balconies that held 5 seats in each that was placed so they could look towards the bottom of the stairs each of these seats was filled except for one the fifth seat on the left balcony the old man who name was Pisces walked to the bottom of the stairs and bowed to the man at the top of the stairs saying my lord I have brought the boy like you asked the king nodded and in a powerful deep voice he spoke yes thank you Pisces you may take your seat the old man bowed his head saying yes my lord and with that the man walked through a side door and soon sat down in that empty seat on the left balcony the king then looked at me saying so your the one they call Hound the kingdom has been chattering about your deeds come step forth I nodded and stepped forward and I stood at the bottom of the stairs my hands in my pockets I smiled up to the king who raised a eyebrow asking ant you going to bow to your king I shrugged I could but sadly there is only one man who I will kneel down and bow for and that's my sect master but I will at least show you some respect sense you was ones a warrior and I brought my hands together and bowed slightly I want people to know this is how members of the same sect bow to one another usually the deeper the bow the more respect and power the other party holds but I barely lowered my head this is how people who are equals in power respect one another but this was also how fellow warriors show there respect to one another no bowing there heads to what could be there enemy it is a equal exchange a sign of trust if you will but the moment I did this 10 angry old man yelled at me and unleashed there killing intent that pressed down onto my back and shoulders I heard one of them yell brat how dare you make us wait and you won't even apologize for your tardiness ones more you wont kneel and bow your head to your king how dare you brat we should just kill you and be done with this problem murmurs of agreement spread through the hold man but I simply straightened my back and brought my hands behind my back as a huge grin spread across my face as I stood unmoving under there pressure I grinned at each and every one of them my draconic eyes showed absolutely no fear hell they shinned with excitement the old man shook out of anger when they seen my huge grin on my face one of them was about to speak when I looked back to the king asking sir you summoned me I apologize if I made you weight long I had an urgent matter to do before I came here and ones I got here I was stopped by your 4 daughters miss Areal insisted to talk to me so it would be very rude of me to turn down the princess the old man was shocked you talked to Areal how shocking usually that girl is locked in her room she rarely leaves it if I may ask what did you talk about lad I shrugged I have no problem telling you sir she wished to see the man who made the pill recipe that not only saved her live but her siblings life also then we talked a bit about the kingdoms history then we talked about the battle she asked me questions like y I chose to be a lion barbarian and y I kill my enemies I must say sir your daughter is way to naïve he side nodding yes I know I am sorry if she annoyed you I waved my hand no need sir I can tell she is a sheltered child I simply responded with the truth and walked away I guess I should be the one who should apologize I might have scared her with the truth the king waved his hand saying I will check on her later thank you for telling me and who knows maybe she might take your words to heart I nodded so y did yall summon me of all people the king smiled well like my daughter I wanted to see you with my own eyes and to thank you personally for saving not only saving members in my family but for my hole kingdom this includes the 10 angry old man you majesty one of them hissed but the king rolled his eyes saying stop acting you old fools thd boy is obviously not affected by your pressure besides the boy has been nothing but honest with us it's only fair we do the same after all and the king looked back to me with a smile if it wasn't for this child we would be going through a pandemic still many of the old men mumbled to themselves but their pressure lifted from my shoulders I smiled up to the king saying sir you have no need to thank me I and my sect was happy to help the king laughed you sure have a way with words lad but back on business normally I would offer you to join my holy nights and give you some soldiers to task over but I can tell by that look in your eyes that wouldn't work so I will just come out and ask you, sir Hound as a thank you for saving my kingdom I will provide you with any reward of your choice no matter the cost hell I would even allow you to go through my families valt and you can chose any 6 things from it so what would you wish riches, rare ingredients or even a hi demi-god weapon or armor mmm I ran my hand through my beard as I thought over what I wanted I had all the money i could need the same could be said for resources a demi-god peace of armor is very tempting but I could always make one suited for me what was I missing then it struck me by beasts this was the perfect opportunity to get powerful magic beasts bodies with no questions asked but that would be a very small payment for saving a powerful kingdom such as this so what else did I want mmm then I remembered a conversation that Lotus and I had after the battle these guards had giant techniques I wanted those and I thought of two particular rare metals that I really wanted but couldn't find any hehe lets rob this fucker blind shall we I looked up to the king saying sir I am honored with this opportunity and I truly don't want much I wish for some particular rare magic beasts bodies of my choosing they will need to be fresh and undamaged mostly the king nodded that's easy enough but do you truly don't want nothing more come lad I am willing to pay my grin got slightly bigger as this old man feel onto my trap ok sir I wont hold back then I have heard you have found and kept some giant techniques I wish to see and make a copy of each you can have the main source of information the king raised a eyebrow asking that is easily done lad but do y do you wish to see these techniques when no race other then a giant can us these techniques I quickly thought of a believable lay um its actually quite simple sir I am fascinated with all magic creatures and a bit of a researcher I like to study creatures and see how they interacts with well everything of course this also shows me the creatures weaknesses Giants is a topic that I have been trying to study for a while sadly there really isn't much left of them to study the king nodded this request is easy enough do you not wish for anything else the things you have said haven't really been to expensive I chuckled in my head this old king really isn't very good at reading people or maybe he knows I am beating him with each word but he simply doesn't care um there is one more thing sir and it is expensive the king smiled lets hear it then I gulped like I was nervous but I looked up to the king saying I wish for 2 types of extremely rare metals the first is called tungsten which is one of the hardest steels known to man wall the second steel is known as gem mercury I wish for a batch of this steel it doesn't have to be a bit batch but at least 5 to 10 ingots the kings smile got even bigger hearing me finally say something that costs a pretty penny the king nodded all three of your request will be granted what please give the list of what type of magic beasts you wish for and handed it to my butler he will handle it all and appearing next to me was a fancy butler that reminded me of Alfred the man bowed to his king and looked to me asking do you need a scroll or but I easily pulled out a scroll that had the different types of magic beasts bodies I was looking for luckily I had already planned out ahead of time on which magic beasts would by my friends new bodies and every single one of them was definitely very rare monsters hahah they put there souls in my hands out of trust the least I could do is find them a powerful brand new body the man took the scroll bowed and disappeared in a flash of blue light space laws how rare I muttered the king nodded indeed he has served me for a while he is a good man ones he returns he will have your rewards but till then sir Hound I got another topic I wish to discuss with you I raised a eyebrow asking o what would that be I asked he thought over his words before he spoke um we plan on taking the Brusha kingdom it is time we strike back at those fucks its time for this to end I raised a eyebrow asking ok sir who will be leading the charge or commanding the army will it be you the man side and shook his head saying sadly I put down my sword a long time ago it will be my 3 son Brom morningstar the child is my air to the throne and its time for him to go out on his first conquest he will command over the army as for who will lead the charge it will be my holy night caption Vegas I nodded ok sir but what does this have to do with me the king hesitated to respond but he side Sir hound I wish for you to go with them as an adviser you can bring 8 people of your choice with you I raised an eyebrow asking um sir I don't mean to be rude but what exactly do you want for me do you just want me to watch from the back lines and give your son advice or would you want me to join the fight also if we lose do you want me to guard your son or? The man nodded to be honest hound we are already sending great numbers so the Brusha kingdom will be heavily outnumbered so there will probably be no use for you to join the attack unless you wish to even if my son orders you to attack you don't have to follow his orders all you are there for is to aid him in combat strategy and stuff like that you and your group will basically be a separate party that goes with the army and if they enemies attack your base you don't need to worry about protecting my son I am sending a group of my own private guard with him so they will protect him basically your life will be in your own hands so do you expect I raised a eyebrow asking lets say I do agree to this whats in it for me the king smiled saying I am glad you asked that and he waved his hand saying show him a made slowly walked forward she was holding a strange gold box she bowed her head ones she got in front of me then she opened the box the moment I seen what was in the box dollar signs appeared in my eyes they was 8 viles of that spirit water but just below these viles was something that I really wanted for my gauntlets there was a 8 bags that had these bright red gems in them these gems shinned with power these were called blasting rocks normally they would be used for traps or grenades hell even to brake a wall normally these gems would shatter after the explosion but these were high-level ones so they could be reused all you had to do is channel your spirit power into it or let it recharge naturally I looked up to the king who had a smirk on his face I chuckled you my good sir know exactly how to bring out the greed in man's hearts I will go with your son but be warned if he or anyone else attack me or any members of my group I will not help him and my group and I will return at that point you can pay us half of what you offered here is this fine by you the king thought it over and shrugged saying that's fine but if my son falls in combat can you at least bring his corpse back I nodded I ant one to leave a ally behind the king nodded thank you Sir Hound right at that moment the butler was back he appeared next to me saying we didn't have two of the beasts you wished for so we simply gave you a few more ingots of what you asked for plus the information where you can find the beasts we didn't have and with that he handed me over a space ring I took it my eyes quickly scanned it over I didn't see no traps or tracking runes so I bond the ring to me and looked through it they gave me 20 ingots of both tungsten and gem mercury as for the magic beasts corpses there was only 6 corpses going down the list there was

1 lightning and metal Tigar

1 lightning and blood tigar

1 fire and wind wolf

1 shadow and death wolf

1 fire poison and earth Wyvern

And lastly 1 poison death and ice serpent

Out of all these corpses the last three was definitely the rarest I smiled seeing the scrolls snd maps that was also in this ring I looked up to the king asking when are we heading out sir the man smiled two days from now be ready I nodded we will be well if that's all you need from me sir I will be taking my leave and I brought my hands together and bowed like I did when I got in front of the stairs I turned around and walked out as I walked 12 small spiders clocked in shadow crolled of me and disappeared into each corner of the room the huge doors opened for me and like that I walked out of the throne hall the moment I left and the door closed the king's smile was gone he had an angry expression on his face he looked to Pisces asking did that boy tell the truth did he talk to my daughter Pisces shrugged saying I am not sure your majesty when I came in contact with him the child was already at the castle so there is a change he could have met her in the garden the king angrily side how dare that little brat not listen to my command I will have to punish her latter and he kicked his lips his eyes held something that no father should have in his eyes when thinking of his daughter the king had lust in his eyes but one of the old man side asking y didn't we just kill the boy here and know this broke the king out of his daydreaming the king side shaking his head and risk the lion barbarians revolting against us no thanks we maybe strong and outnumber them but they are blood thirty savages who would stop at nothing to kill there enemies one of the other old man nodded indeed but y did you ask him to be a aid to your son when you know he wont need one the king grinned evily o thats simply in the battlefield ascended are bond to happen besides its much easier to cover up a murder hahaha but that's when Pisces spoke and what if he really does abandon the army or even worse kills your son then what the king had a cold ruthlessness then we execute him and if the lion barbarians revolt we fight and slotter them all down to the last child the old man grinned at each other with excited expressions the only one who didn't look excited was Pisces he had worry in his eyes the old man side mumbling I hope everything goes well back to Hunter at this point I was already out if the castle I heard and seen everything that just happened in side that throne room I had a huge demonic grin on my face so the king wishes to play with fire doesn't he knows he's likely to get burnt hahaha I, of course, spread even more spiders around as I walked through the halls I had thousands of these spiders and I plan on using them to there full extent I just walked through the gates and with that I disappeared but this time I stood on a cloud looking down over the city the sun was setting behind my back I walked to the edge of this cloud smiling time to spread some spiders around I waved my hand as thousands of spiders formed on the cloud clocked themselves in shadow and took a running jump off the cloud it was easy to control them all but maybe I should get another set of eyes mmm who would be best with this who has nothing better to do then I snapped my fingers I got it Quintis he had nothing better to do and the ghost butler was completely loyal to me so I could trust him with this but that will have to wait a moment I pulled out Fjords soul talisman and channels my energy into it the paper glowed red for a few moments till it flashed green and I heard Fjords voice yow Hound whats up how was the meeting? I side gather everything you trust together I got information that yall will wish to hear Fjord side saying ok son Zarock will pick you up at your house in 15 minutes and like that the slip stopped glowing I nodded and jumped off the cloud disappearing in a flash of green lightning I appeared outside of my house and walked I Quintis I said the moment the door shut yes sir and appearing up from the ground was my butler I waved my hand and a puppet that looked exactly like him appeared I have a task for you and I have a feeling your just the ghost for the job Quintis didn't ask any questions he simply shot into the puppet the eyes of the puppet started glowing blue as it sat up saying o whats all these other sites I am seeing I heard his voice in my head I responded in my head as I walked passed him those are my spider puppet that I have spread through the hole kingdom I want you to monitor and control these puppets if I ant doing it and report back anything you find Quintis puppet clicked happily ooo this will be so much fun I seen him walk to a couch and sit down as the light in his eyes disappeared I rushed into my training hall and brought out each corpse and looked them over with my draconic eyes I scanned every inch of these bodies luckily I did cus I found many hidden tracking runes hell I even found one exploding rune on the snake corpse after I was done I looked through all the other stuff in the ring and as I thought more tracking and listening runes I dispelled all these runes before putting them in a sepret space ring I through off the space ring from the king it got thrown into the furnaces it quickly melted at the very end it made a loud pop noise but I wasnt in the room to care I brought my hands together and started to make hand sings my last shape was a diamond I then spoke arise my beasts arise your slumber is done it is time for action it is time for us to fight arise my friends Selence and Deimos my your fangs rip and tare are enemies arise the fearless Hera and Hades it is time to go on a hunt ones more arise Rex allow us to sore the sky together ones more arise Quin it is time for us to strike back our enemies it is time to go on a hunt so arise my hunting partners we got pray to kill and eat haha let us go and with that Islammed my hands onto the ground the moment I did so bright green spell circles appeared around each body then came the pain I felt my hands be cut open as my bloodshot towards these corpses completely covering them but I didn't mind blood for blood I gralled arise my pack the moment I said that the green circles flashed with a blinding light I looked away closing my eyes soon the light was gone I blinked a few times trying to get ride of the bright circles I was seeing but soon I focused back in front of me and like that 6 corpses opened there eyes Selence slowly stood up yawning her dark black teeth her fear was as black as shadow but right between her eyes was a odd white mark that looked like a skull and crossed bones her eyes shinned with a bright green power as she said dang master you don't need to yell we are up Deimos nodded next to her he had bright white fangs his fear was bright red and orange and right in the center of his head was a odd mark that looked like a skull and bones his eyes glowed with a mighty green fire Hera stretched her body like a cat her bright green claws shined in the light her fear was blood red but right between her eyes was a green lightning bolt her eyes shinned blood red as she spoke now now stop bitching Selence we should be thanking him can't you feel are new power Hades nodded next to her his fear was a dark silver annd black his claws and teeth shined like they was made from steel he two had a green lighting bolt in the center of his head and blood red eye that's right Deimos show some thanks for ones Deimos huffed saying yeya Rex shook her head saying enough children she had bright red and silver scales and her eyes was bright green and her fangs also was a sickly green she had a pair of what looked like goats horns that looked to me made from obsidian right behind these horns was strange finds that had 3 spikes in each these was basically her ears the Huge snake next to her nodded that's right show some shame children Quin said her scales was a dark green and block but her fangs was bright white her green and black eye shinned with a cold energy she has spikes that want down to her sharp looking tail that's when I noticed Rex tail it was basically a huge stone hammer I chuckled weakly its good to see all of you the cuts on my hands healed Selence walked forward and licked my face its good to see you to master but right at that moment I heard a quick knocking at my door I side standing up saying yall go back to my soul sea and get to know your new bodies they all nodded abs turned into green balls of light before shooting into my chest well all but one I looked to Quin with a raised eyebrow she hissed I am coming with you and she shrunk down till she was no bigger then a rattlesnake she slithered forward I picked her up saying you are to stubborn but no matter let us go I wrapped her around my neck as I walked out.