I think I am a little angry

I opened the door to see Zarock he was leaning next to the door he had his arm crossed he was scanning in front of my house like he was on watch or something and he was importantly tapping his foot on the ground this was a nervous tick of his and those scanning of the eyes he was on guard I opened the door Quin wrapped around my waste under my robe but I noticed her head was slightly peaking out from from the rob I looked to Zarock who quickly pushed off the wall angrily saying took you long enough brother what did you have to redo your makeup or something I grinned at him saying naa brother I was in the back room cultivating sorry what did you need this is when I faced towards him asking this but my Draconic eyes was quickly scanning around Zarock and I made secret hand signs just in case we needed to tell one another something with out speaking out loud many of these hand signs could easily be hidden in plan sight like this current hand sign his arms was crossed still and his left hand had the first two fingers crossed under his arm that someone had to be to come at just the right angle to see which my door way was that angle this sign either meant danger or we was being watched I was leaning towards both I could feel hostile eyes locked on us but I couldn't tell from witch detection Quintis I spoke in my head us the spiders around this area do you see anything strange like a out of place hock yes sir there are 7 hocks in your general vicinity how did you know he asked cuz I am looking at one I said as my eyes locked on a hock that was standing on the big gem house in the same location where I shot the other hock but I only glanced over it and looked to Zarock I didn't want the enemy to know I had spotted them come on in brother I was about to cook dinner you hungry I asked and stepped aside with a huge grin a huge smile spread across his face as he nodded sure I haven't ate anything yet so y not and he walked through the door way I followed behind him making sure I didn't look behind me I shut the door behind me when I did Zarock rounded on me asking you seen it two right I nodded walking to the small table in-between the couches saying yea we got 7 Hocks in are generally vicinity Zarock side shit how are we supposed to leave if they are watching us I grinned o don't worry about that brother Quintis show me a map of the area the eyes of his puppet turned on as he looked to me saying yes sir and he looked back forward his eyes glowing brighter and appearing above the table was a 3d map of the hole kingdom this included what was under it like hidden paths and other things like that hell it even showed the hidden black market and the underground slave ring hell even the castle was fully mapped out with floating names for each rooms like the kings and queens quarters it even showed all the secret rooms and paths like the king had a hidden fault in his room for instants Zarock walked over behind a couch his eyes was wide as he looked at the map holy hell brother how did you get all this and he looked up to see my grinning face I shrugged Zarock I am a puppet master and a master smith I have my ways besides I can't take all the credit Quintis here did most of the work the puppet chuckled saying no master if it wasn't for you taking the initiative to start this then we would only have half the map complete but sense you spent time spreading them around before and after your meeting with the king we was able to get a complete copy of the city like this it also helps that I may or may not have stolen a map of the city back in my youth so with your initiative and my knowledge we got this does sir wish for me to show all strange creatures on the map I nodded yes go for it the map which was blur in color polst as small green images of animals started to appear and holy shit there was a lot of hocks flying around the city and below the city I seen a lot of rats moving around but there was only one location that all these creatures want to and came out from and that was the castle its self holy shit Zarock said leaning forward against the couch they have been watching us this hole time he mumbled I nodded I looked to Quintis asking where is the king the map polst again as a small green model of the king appeared but he wasn't in his quarters he was in princess Areal room and appearing over that room was a video of what was going on in that room what I seen made my face go pale

Author warning here the next few captions will have parent abuse and rape if you don't like reading about that sort of thing skip a head to my next author mark .

What I seen made my face go pale sadly what came next was the sound and this was the sound no girl should have to say to there father ever in their life which was no father stop what are you doing? Slap the king slapped Areal across the face as he bellowed in her face I told you to stay away from all man didn't I slap didn't I Areal face was red at this point as she nodded yes father you did I am sorry a huge evil grin spread across his face saying o you will be sorry and he ripped the robs Areal was wearing off Areal screamed and tried to cover her self but the king grabbed and forced her hands above her head he then scanned over his daughter with lustful eyes Areal struggled but he was too strong the king then started sucking on Areals left breast Areal squirmed and tried to fight but the king brought his head up and licked his first 2 fingers and with an evil smile he brought his hand down to Areals honey pot Areal crossed her legs saying no Father please don't I have learned my lesson please no more I am but the king forced his hand in-between her legs and I heard the sound of quick fingering Areal squirmed yelling no father stop I don't want this stop please I don't want this I but right thin the king kissed her and used this chance to slip his tongue into her mouth Areals eyes was wide out of fear and disbelief I her the wet fingering noise go even faster Areal legs started to twitch and shake till her hole body started to shake but right then the king took his fingers out from her as he pulled his head back he had a huge grin on his face as he through Areal onto her bed he then snapped his fingers as gold chains wrapped around her arms and forced her legs apart the king stripped off his clothes saying maybe this time I wont give you a birth control pill what would be the ultimate punishment but for you to carry my child for 9 months and then give birth to them just to see me kill that child haha Areal fought against the chains as the king got closer and climbed into the bed the king positioned himself right below her and with no mercy or gentleness he thrust his hips forward as Areal screamed no stop please stop I don't want this stop stop but the king kept on going at this point is when I recovered and I waved my hand through the image

Author note here

I looked up to Zarock who had a similar pale face as he looked up at me Quintis side saying the king isn't the only one who is being discussing it would seem the queen is currently in the room of her 3 son and they are doing it to but there's seems to be consensual unlike the one you just seen I turned around and leaned against the fireplace as I brought my hand to my face I heard the sound of an angry man punching a wall behind me but it didn't stop at one a few more got thrown after a few minutes of silence I turned around saying I need a strong drink Zarock turned around his fists was bleeding slightly but the skin was barely broken he nodded I do to and he pulled a glass bottle out from his space ring he pulled the quirk off it before he tilted it back I heard him gulp 4 times before he lowered the glass ripped his mouth as he through me the glass I cot it and without even hesitating I downed the rest of the glass and it burned going down this was dragon breath moonshine and a very strong and expensive one at that but Zarock and I just down it in seconds I side lowering the bottle as I ripped my mouth saying that didn't help much but it helped a bit he nodded as I through the glass back to him he cot it and put it back in his space ring saying so I don't assume you have a hidden path to the big house do you a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I nodded saying sure I do and I turned around to the fireplace and moved the painting that was hanging up over the fire place to the side but there was nothing but bricks but I tapped on 4 bricks in a certain order after I touched the last brick it sank in slightly that's when the beck of the fire place slid to the side showing a hidden latter I glanced behind me to see Zarock had a stunned dumbfounded expression his mouth was hanging open like a fool I laughed saying close your mouth brother or a fly might fly into it lets go Quintis your coming with he stood up the map disappearing as he said yes sir I ducked down and claimed down the latter it didn't go far only about 8 to 9 feet down I dropped onto a dark dusty stone passageway on my left it lead away from the big house apparently this path would take you all the way just outside of a city to a stables that the sect owned but they used 2 parties to buy it so no one knew it was our hell even the king sent his beasts to this stables to be taken care of no one knew it was ours probably cuz we haven't had to use this passage apparently the old wolf's grandfather built this passageway so his family could rush and save the sect leaders family sadly the Wolf's family was killed off till he was the only one I was shaking my head as I started walking right as I did so Zarock and Quintis dropped down behind me all three of us could see in the dark Zarock maybe not as good as me or Quintis but still Zarock was still looking around wide eyes so the old wolf's family put this in right he asked I nodded indeed it would seem even after that old hound his family was always really close with the sect masters and there family many people thought the old hounds family was the most loyal and dedicated to the sect master family and they were right that's y they killed them off till there was only the old man left Zarock side saying we really need to leave this place we are unwelcomed I am scared if we stay any longer our sect will be distroyed I gralled if that day comes I hope they are prepared for this hole kingdom to be blown sky high Zarock was shocked hearing my words you have planted explosives Hound I chuckled I did something like that you see all my puppets have exploding mine runes on them all I would need to do is place them in significant places under the city and one thought from me and the city gods boom and collapses in on its self but if that wasnt the worst part all my puppets also have a vile that ones exploded will spread a deadly toxic fog whats in this dog you might ask o only the most deadliest poison I have ever created and only I hold the cure Zarock didn't say anything probably out of fear but Quintis started to laugh before saying Jesus fucking Christ master your almost as scary as the old hound hahaha Zarock nodded honestly I agree brother your fucking terrifying teach me I laughed saying stay with me brother and I will show you how I do things there is a reason my enemies call me the death hound hahaha but we have arrived in front of me was a wall that had a small ring sized indent in the center of the wall I brought up the old wolfs family ring a I put the snarling wolf head I to this indent a few seconds passed till clicked and slid to the side I walked forward and realised we was in a wine seller Zarock and Quintis walked forward with me when Quintus stepped out the wall slid back in place I glanced behind me to see the wall had a wine bottle stand on it which really made it blind I well Zarock looked behind him saying quicked come on yall we have kept them waiting for to long and he walked to another wine stand and pushed in 6 bottles in a specific pattern I easily mesmerized it and again this wine stand slid to the side revealing a hidden staircase that want down and want in a circle he turned around to me grinning but I simply walked forward patting him on the shoulder saying so this is where the secret meeting have been happening Zarock was stunned hearing that wait you know I grinned at him saying my dear brother two of my fiancé have been part of these hidden meetings they might not have told me what wall was doing or talking about but they told me all they could after one of them said they had a important sect meeting to go to and when I asked more about it they both opened up to me saying they couldn't tell me anything just that the soul legion and the bargains have been meeting up for hidden meetings and they told me both sect masters band anyone from telling me Zarock looked to the side I could tell he was ashamed as he muttered sorry brother I laughed your all good brother I never blamed you or anyone for that matter I am more interested to see what yall have been hidding from me I can understand y yall did it so just forget about it brother I promise soon we will be cleaving through our enemies together so come on when Zarock heard my words that lifted up his mood as he nodded yes let's go and we started descending down the stairs Quintus following behind us the wall closing behind him the path was soon bathed in darkness ones again but we didn't mind we just started to walk I wasn't sure how long had passed or how far underground we have want but it had to be 30 minutes at least on the 31 minute marker I heard someone a echo it sounded like something hitting something else the farther we got the load the noise got hold on hold on hold on that's the sound of a hammer meeting steel I looked to Zarock grinning as lightning sparked off me and with that I sprinted down the stairs Zarock side damn it how did I know he was going to do that ones he realized what that noise was but I was already gone the farther I want down the stairs the loader the noise got after 5 seconds I seen a light coming from the bottom of the stairs and soon I burst through a door way I was standing in a huge dugout cave I was standing towards the top of this cave on a ledge I looked down and what I seen made me freeze out of shock and excitement I was so exciteded that I started to get a war boner hahaha what I was looking at was a ship it was only half done but it was the size of a war gallon but I noticed this was no mear ship this was a bloody airship they had the frame built already and they was working there way from bottom up this ship was behind held up by hundreds of wires and below this ship was hundreds of work stations that had dwarfs, elfs and even some gnomes all of them wore the robs of a barbarian but I also seen my other of my sect members moving around helping mixed into them was the purples and blacks of the soul legion and at the front of this ship on another ledge was a huge war table where I seem Fjord and all

15 or his wifes and all of his kinds and trusted sect members, Azreal and his trusted members was with them but I didn't care about them my eyes was locked on the bloody ship my draconic eyes was glowing with excitement as I took a running jump off the ledge I cot one of the wires flipped onto it and slid my way down it yelling yeehaw and before I slammed into the frame of the ship I jumped off it and perfectly landed on the frame my eyes was scanning all around it I noticed they was using a dark wood for the hole ship which was almost as hard as steel almost but this wood could handle a cannonball being blasted into it let alone a artillery shell and I didn't even see any cannon ports hell I seen no differences at all I flipped and rolled my way from one side of the ship to the other I was like a spider monkey with how skilled and fast I was moving the Dwarfs, gnomes and elfs that was handing off the side of the ship stared at me stunned they had rope and harnesses I seen they also tethered them selfs to the ship with different things and abilities but who needs that safety shit anyway this was way more fun hahahaha I slid to a stop where they had actually started building things and I shook my head this wood wasnt as tuff as I thought besides this wood was way to worped I actually didn't mind that but if this got put into the water it would be a bad deal water would seep up from in-between the wood planks do to they not being properly squeezed together hell I would hate to fly on the air with this thing to the air would go through the planks way faster then the water it might not kill you but it would make the ship cold as fuck I then did back flip onto one wire I then sprung off that wire grabbing another one and another one till I flipped onto the Ledge Fjord and everyone was on Fjord and Areal looked to me with a smile as they walked forward but before they could get to me two blurs slammed into me one black and one red Lotus and Vermillion slammed into my chest hugging me but I didn't mind I huged them back I heard Lotus day we are so sorry Dear that we couldn't tell you Vermillion nodded yes gods knows we wanted to I chuckled its fine dear and honey I ant angry at you and I kissed them both of the cheek that's when Fjord walked forward rubbing his hands he had a huge smile on his face as he spoke so what so you think of are little project so but before he could finish I disappeared out if Lotus and Vermillion arms as I flashed forward punching Fjord in the face my fist burst with my fire this made two booms shake the room Fjord shot back and slammed into the wall I stood up my green draconic eyes was burning in anger as I gralled no you don't get to call me that after you kept the secret you were building a bother fucking air shit right under my feet and you my eyes fell on Azreal who raised his hands up in surrender I noticed he looked taller and a bit bigger his skin was also as white as marble know and I seen two of his teeth sort of looked like fangs but they were nowhere as big as a real vampire's fangs and I noticed his presents had changed hold on Hound we can but I flashed in front of him saying na your getting it to and I punched him in the chest I didn't us my fire this time but he still shot back and slammed into the wall next to Fjord I rolled my shoulders saying o that's feels so good whoever said violence can't fix your problems obviously wasn't using enough of it but right then a figure clocked in fire burst off the wall and shot at me Fjord had an angry expression as the throw a point at me yelling you ungrateful little I grinned up at him as his fist flow down at me but just at the last moment I moved slightly back his fist just missing my face it slammed into the ground again the room shook a loud boom filled the room I yelled back at him saying me ungrateful me of all people mother fucker you better check your self and I through a left roundhouse kick at him he blocked my foot as the then through another punch at me but I crossed my arms and shooting out from below my skin was black and red scales as my body burst with my blue fire I slid back from his punch I stood up unharmed my arms smoking slightly I chuckled at his shocked expression I slammed a scaled fist into my scaled hand the moment the two hit each other a strange ringing came out from it like I was hitting steel I glares at Fjord my draconic eyes burning with a intense green fire as I gralled if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have done this and yet you hid this from me me of all fucking people I flashed forward my body bursting into blue fire as I through a punch at Fjord who easily blocked it he through a punch of his own but I deflected it to the side grabbing it and I turned around flipping him over my shoulder this took all of my strength to do so bot gods damn it I did it he hit the floor with a thump he looked up to me with shocked eyes how the hell are you this strong he asked I gralled don't you changed the subject fucker and you Azreal get the fuck out from my shadow i turned around and stomped down onto my shadow the moment I did my shadow jumped back and forming a bit away from be was Azeal he had shocked eyes how the fuck could you see me he yelled I yelled back and know your trying to change the subject you fucker and I flashed forward and through a punch at him he blocked it he through a punch of his own I easily blocked his strike as I grabbed his wrist I dragged him forward as I swiped his legs out from under him saying you two had one bloody fucking year to make your plan find the people and then start crafting for one year you hid this from me for one bloody gods damn year and yet you have only gotten this far what the fuck yall its obvious yall have no fucking idea what your doing and yet instead of asking me you want to some else a less skilled smith and craftsman the fuck I kicked him away from me towards Fjord I slowly walked towards them Fjord jumped up sying your right lad we should have came to you immediately but we thought you was to busy training hold on let me get this straight I gralled the reason you didn't come to me was cuz you thought I was to busy training Fjord smiled nodded that's but I flashed in front of him roundhouse kicking him to he slid to the side my blue fire that covered my body burst even brighter and there was flickers of dark red fire with it as I gralled Father in law your a piss poor liar, you knew about my puppets I specifically showed you them and told you what they did and everything I diversed information about one of my most kept secret ability to you that only my family knows about I trusted you with this information and yet armed with this information you made the choice not to bring me into this project hell I would have already been done with 3 ships like this and yet I only get 2 fucking days to work on this project before I have to go with the kings 3 brat who plans on trying to fucking kill me o yall piss me off and I roundhouse kicked Azreal who was trying to get up as I was looking at the ship he slid to the side his arm was up this is when Zarock ran on the seen yelling brother wow wow you don't want to but I looked to him with my glowing draconic eyes saying do you want what they are having Zarock immediately raised his hands nope and he backed up yea that's what I thought I gralled I looked back to Fjord and Azreal who was looking at one another emotionlessly like they figured I would be pissed but I bet they didn't think I would be like this but this when Quintis walked in between us he looked at me saying I know your angry master but just think at what you seen earlier we might have all the time in the world but others might not I closed my eyes trying to calm my self down but it wasn't working so I turned around and slammed my fist into the ground huge cracks shot around my hands as the room shook one last time as I let out a angry beastly roar my blue fire slowly reseeded as I breathed hard my hands still on the ground after a few moments I pushed my self to my feet and side your right Quintis I will allow you to explain it wall I fully calm my self down and I walked over to Lotus and Vermillion who was still standing where I left them I hugged them tightly as my body shook the girls was shocked at my state they wondered how and what got me to this state and they was about to find out.