Some war legends

Quin hissed like she was laughing at me come on Master even the kings and queens of masters are treated differently in the wild y should it be any different for yall I side I knew she was right but still is infuriating to deal with them I wish we had someone who new there games better then me so I didn't have to deal with them but that's when a evil idea appeared o hahaha Hunter you fucking are the best wingman ever who wouldn't want to marry a princess I stood up and turned around walking down the neck of Rex I walked to Zarock who was leaning against a spike that was behind him I noticed he had tied a rope around the spike in front of him he had his eyes closed he looked at peace I chuckled and sat in front of him leaning against the spike that his rope was tied to I rested my arm agiant the tight rope Zarock side and without opening his eyes he said  brother what ever wicked plan you have thought up leave me out of it I chuckled you sure brother this has to do with a very attractive woman who needs saving and who deserves better Zarock side and opened one eye saying o really tell me brother if you know of such a woman y don't you save her yourself? " I side shaking my head saying I will soon have 7 wifes brother I think that's enough for now besides do you truly think Lotus or Vermillion would let another girl into the harem hell naa besides I am content with the woman I have and lastly this woman is way to kind and peer to be with a man such like my self hell she is probably to peer for you also but and I shrugged Zarock side opening his eyes saying fine you have peeked my curiosity Brother speak your mind I smiled shrugging how this idea formed in my head way simple I didn't want to deal with royalty I don't play those games brother so I thought it would be nice to have someone who knows the game and how to play it and the first person I thought of was but he cut me off saying the 3 princess Areal yea I got that but explain the rest like how and y I should even try this stupid plan I chuckled saying the how is easy we go above and behind of what the king hired us for how we do that is actually quite easy through contribution points aka we um whats that work we both love umm o right we slotter the enemies commanding officers which would be high-ranking sect members like you and I they should be pretty distinct like we are but that's not all we join each battle we will be the first charge Zarock side chuckling are you mad he said we only are 9 going up against those numbers would be stupid especially when are allies are likely to stab us in the back how do you plan on overcoming this brother a huge demonic smile spread across my face we infiltrate there camp and city are first target will be there food storage wear houses wall also cutting the ropes in all wells and destroying any water pumps or alarm on the way we will leave them with the bar minimum of food in the city so even the royalty will have to ration there food the next step will taking out big targets but I am probably the only one who will be able to do the night tasks sense none of you are proficient in such things so all yall will worry about is killing as many people as you can on the battlefield and if you see one of are targets you take them out you might say o but hound how will we fight them numbers bitch please come on Brother we are lion barbarians we are us to the deck stacked again at us besides Father in law gave me these before I left and appearing on my lap was a familiar crossbow but the toobing on this crossbow was a bit smaller do to the ammo changing plus the hole crossbow was a bit more compact so it could comfortably  be shot with one hand  I pulled out a small marble sized metal ball and slotted 5 into the toob the strings was already back I raised it above my head and pulled the trigger the crossbow burst to like with a thoof, thoof, thoof, thoof, thoof in a short of 3 seconds the toob was empty I lowered the crossbow back onto my lep the balls floor 50 feet and lost all momentum so they dropped I waved my hand the balls shooting I to my hand I looked back up to Zarocks stunned expression his eyes was shinning my I he asked I laughed throwing him this crossbow saying but of course it's yours after then I turned to everyone yelling heads up yall they looked forward just in time to catch the crossbow and a leather bag that was tied to the crossbow they looked the weapon over Brock asking what's this boss you got us a gift you shouldn't have I rolled my eyes saying this gift isn't from me it's from sect master he entrusted these weapons to yall sense yall are my group listen up all of you cuz I won't be repeating my self these crossbows can hold 50 metal balls in the toob there firing speed is great and they pack one hell of a punch but as brother just seen their range is abysmal it is do to the ammo it uses we trade range for firing speed these are still prototypes but they are reliable sense the crossbow this is bast off from your truly made and I have full trust in both my work and these us them well I will show you how to properly clean them later and I will show you all basic training drills you can run with them on your own free time but in battle is when you will fully execute these drills so get to know your weapon in the back is cleaning supplies and 500 steel balls plus one of my spiders that will show you the drills any questions Queen raised her hand I nodded to her she lowered her hand before saying no offenses sir but do I half to is this weapon my long bow is better at range and easier to retrieve ammo I am also trained in that I don't feel comfortable using a weapon with such poor range sense that's all I really do a huge grin spread across my face saying what if I had one that had better range but only had 3 shots before you have to reload would you us it more a huge smile want across her face nodding yes sir I nodded waving my hand saying come then I will lown you the weapon that these crossbows are based from she nodded and stood up and slowly walked next to me I could tell she was struggling to stand do to the wind and she was even using wind laws like I was this just shows you how much I understand my laws the wind law was definitely the one I had the lowest comprehension in and yet it was easy for me to walk on Rex Queen sat down next to me I looked to the others saying do any of you have any questions Ben then nodded I mate did I hear you right did you say we was your group everyone nodded and looked at me with expecting eyes I side and nodded yes you heard me right yall are my group well that's only if you want me to be your leader Brock laughed my sister and I are in Boss Brick nodded Jake side and looked to his group members Ben, Bella and Jarry talked with them self but Queen shrugged I have no problems following you Sir but I warn you I might case some trouble for you in the future do to my past if you catch my drift sir I nodded that's when I heard Jake sy I looked over to him as he looked at me saying you Hound are a crazy rude some of a bitch your bloodthirsty and brutal your a despicable but and a huge blood thirsty crazy smile spread across his face as he spoke but your a despicable man that I can follow I Jake o the ripper is in boss Zarock hand immediately pointed the loaded crossbow at him as a snarl spread across his face I new it he gralled Bella, and Jarry moved away from his fear on his face but Ben side really brother fine and Ben looked to me saying Ben the crimson butcher is in Boss Bella then side saying damn it you two your going to blow our cover Jake shook his head saying if anyone is willing to except us it's him Bella side I hope we don't regret this and she looked to me saying I Bella the boneless is in Queen chuckled o ok if we are doing this I might as well join in the fun I Queen the red huntress is with you sir Jarry looked over to me his eyes bursting with a orange flame and a huge crazy smile spread across his face I Jarry the pyro is at your service sir and be bowed slightly the more this group introduced them selfs the more Zarock pointed his new weapon at each of them I could see fear in his eyes I raised my eyebrows saying my apologies to yall but could any of you explain y he is acting like that and I pointed to Zarock Queen opened her mouth but Zarock yelled every one of them are war legions Jake O, Bella the boneless and the crimson butcher earned there names on the battlefield as mercenaries who slottered thousands as for the red Huntress she is known for one shot kills she is well known to to target the generals and other hi ranking members on the battlefield they all dead by a sudden arrow to the head or throat it would always be out of the blue and sudden one moment the general is giving out orders and the next they are collapse with a arrow that had red feathers sticking out of them and lastly Jarry the pyro he is the worst of them all the number of people he has burned alive is to many to count he also has burned plenty of cities and towns killing hundreds there bad news brother Jake chuckled you have missed one important thing Zarock and he looked over to me with a huge smile we all have brutally killed a few to spread fear in the ranks of the armys and we did this so well that most people think we are just tale tails a ghost story if you will very few know what we all truly look like sense we all covered are faces one way or another I am sure you understand I nodded I do I got a few questions if you don't mind answering they all nodded the first is simple enough y follow me when its obvious you haven't followed anyone else before Jake shrugged Bella leaned forward her eyes shinning with excitement cuz Hound you are just like us you got a few screws loose in the head and you won't judge us for are past Ben nodded my sister is correct you mate are crazy just like us you are a wild soul and unlike us your actually leaving behind a legacy that isn't just bloodshed Jarry nodded you lad are going places and you will need all the help you can get we enjoyed working with you when we delt with the undead and for the first time in hundreds of years I felt like I wasn't fighting alone I felt welcome and content taking orders from you Queen nodded indeed we all enjoyed fighting together with you we felt like a team that's when it struck us what we was missing this hole time it wasn't a battlefield to join but a person to lead us into battle together as one you sir Hound maybe similar to us but where we differ is this we are mindless bloodthirsty savages who isn't fit to lead wall your a born leader no a born emperor so please are savage emperor please lead us mindless beasts to victory and she bowed the others followed her leaned they lowered there head till it was almost touching Rex I was stunned hearing this a few seconds past in silent the only sound was the wind blowing by and the educational flap of the wings of Rex I recovered and started to chuckle and my chuckle turned into a laugh the laugh of a mad man hahahahaha raise your heads they did I looked them all in the eyes and chuckled I will only ask you this ones can I trust you to watch my back they all nodded yelling yes Sir I nodded good then you all are part of my unit we will go buy the name Grave cuz we all have risen beyond the grave for one reason and one reason only to kill are enemies do you hot that graves yes sir they yelled slamming a hand to there chest even Brock and Brock joined in I looked to Zarock who still didn't lower his weapon I chuckled lower your weapon brother Zarock looked to me asking are you sure brother do you really want to lead a group like this a huge demonic grin spread across my face saying I would have it no other way my brother or should I call you Zarock The bloody knight Zarock froze hearing my words he bared his teeth as he looked down so you know he asked I nodded yes I do and I must say good work not many people can handle being the execution of a kingdom especially when you was a knight I knew of your past the moment I got to town and a few days past and I don't care what people say your my brothers that's , that nothing more nothing less Zarock side hearing my words thank you brother I nodded wavingy hand of course brother I am a death hound don't forget it Zarock modded and sat back down and pulled off the leather bag off the crossbow and pulled out my spider the moment he held it out in front of him it burst to like it jumped onto its feet and looked up to him before a video appeared in front of it the video showed a green man laying down suppressing fire and different stances you could use to do that I looked to the others they was doing the same I looked to Queen who was pleasantly waiting next to me I chuckled and appearing in my hands was the crossbow I upgraded I made two I have Fjord the first this was the second I handed that and a quiver of arrows to her saying the spider will show you different ways to us each weapon keep them both and learn them both she nodded and want back to her spot I chuckled sying well that was fun and I got up and walked back onto Rex head.