2 boring days finally some excitement

2 very uneventful and boring days past as we flew southeast the only fun thing that happened in these two days was when a band of bandits attacked us wall we was filling up are water supplies and are mounts was drinking Rex was the exception she didn't need to drink much water nor does she need to eat much to survive sure there was a limit to how long she could go without water but that wasn't for weeks but back to the bandits they attacked us on horse back which was surprising and they was trained but the moment they got within 50 years my group opened fire on them easily killing a group of 15 in seconds the metal balls want straight through the chest plate armor that the bandits had on I saw one of the bandits who was wearing a helmet head burst open do to the force from the metal ball naturally Zarock used his metal control to retrieve all ammo that was lost and any balls that had been damaged we kept sense we could make more ammo from the broken balls of course Vegas and how s man was dumbfounded seeing this hell even the prince and the woman in the cart with him was dumbfounded I glanced over to the woman the prince had tried to keep her hidden but it would seem they wanted to watch the show when I seen the woman my face want pale slightly this woman had on a bright blue robe around her neck was a few expansive necklaces and rings on her skin was a slight tent of blue and her hair was dark green over her face she had a blue Vail over her face the only thing most people could see of this woman face was her bright pink fish like eyes but I could see right through that Vail do to my draconic eyes and the woman was stunning to the point most man would be enchanted by her beauty probably so badly that they would start to drool hell I bet even some woman would be affected by her beauty but this wasn't what made my face go pale it was the fact I recognized this woman how could I not I have seen a few paintings of her in the castle and she was locked arms with the king in that painting she had a crown on her head holy shit this was the bloody queen but ones I recognized the that it was the queen I also started to notice some dark spots on her neck these spots I recognized easily they have gone by many names like love bites or some kids call it shark attack but the normal name for these was hickeys there was some old and some very fresh I about throw up out of disgust Zarock seen me turn forward with a pale face plus I lean against Rex he walked over and in a low voice he asked you ok brother I nodded yea I um and I about through up again at the thought but I swallowed my uncomfort and finished yea I just seen who the woman was in the cart with the prince Zarock raised an eyebrow asking who I side and whispered the bloody fucking queen and if that wasn't bad enough the damn woman has hickeys on her neck some old and some very fresh like very fresh Brother Zarock opened his mouth to respond but immediately closed it his face want pale ones he understood my words o shit he mumbled and he leaned on Rex also I could hear him breathing slightly harder then normal but that's when I heard Rex say that shinny tin bucket is walking towards us master I quickly tapped Zarock on the shoulder three times that was are code for the unwelcome company we both straightened and are faces want back to normal Vegas walked around Rex right after that he stopped in front of us and glared down at me for a few seconds but then turned to Zarock but he was specifically looking at Zarocks Crossbow that he had hanging on his back over the great sword on his back I seen greed and longingness in his eyes but also a slight tent of fear where did you get those weapons he asked Zarock smiled and shrugged not saying a word Vegas angrily looked to me saying hi I asked you a damn question peasant and you damn shall answer it or else I but right at that moment Azreal appeared on my belt and as fast as lightning I drew one of them out and pointed it straight at his head and with how close we was my barrel just barely touched his head this made Vegas freeze in place out of fear he looked to the Azreal then back down at me I had my huge demonic grin on my face but my eyes was burning out of anger and in a cold mocking voice I asked or else what huh my shinny bitch what exactly will you do about it huh with that I pulled the hammer back it making a click noise as the hammer locked in place Vegas didn't speak for a few seconds but on the 5 second his shocked changed in to a angry snarl his face turned red as he bellowed you wont pull that trigger you don't got the balls as he spoke a lot of spit flew out of his mouth all over my face that I simply had my huge demonic grin on my face I side chuckling but this seemed to make Vegas even more angry whats so funny you mother fucking peasant huh are you that stupid not to see the fact the moment you shoot me my man will attack killing you that's when someone yelled that's right and I heard the sound of weapons being unsheathed as the army of holy nights marched forward towards us but that's when 6 people formed a line in front of Rex blocking the holy nights path you could hear the sound of crossbow strings be pulled back and be locked in place Jake then shot one ball that impacted the ground right in front the closet person the ball hit the ground with a thump throwing up dirt the holy nights froze out of fear the memory of what just happened with the bandits passing through there heads Jake then yelled chuckling anyone who takes one more step forward will be shot down I looked to Vegas with a huge demonic grin saying I wouldnt have minded normally if you asked where the crossbow came from but you want and had to be rude then you tried to order me around when I have specifically told you that I don't take orders from you nor him and I glanced to the princes who was trying to get through the holy nights heading our way I looked back to Vegas sying I told you that and yet here you are a gun to your head maybe if I put a round through your Nobel ass you will finally get the fact we don't take orders from you through that thick arrogant head of your mmmmm what you thinking brother take off a finger or shoot off one of his toes or ears Zarock chuckled shrugging he had his crossbow in his hand he rested it on his shoulder shrugging I would just take one if his knee caps of maybe a eye I nodded mmmm so many chooses what about you? And I looked to Vegas with a huge demonic grin where would be the best place for me to shoot so you can open up those ears of yours oooo Zarock snapped maybe shoot him in his Nobel ass literally that way when he is ridding his pegasus he will feel constant pain even when he sits down to shit he will be reminded of this I thought about it and chuckled I agree the Nobel ass it is but right at that moment Vegas hand shot to his sword he slashed forward as he unsheathed it the Prince screamed no as he pushed through the past guard and rushed forward but it was to late a huge demonic victorious grin spread across my face as Vegas sword slashed towards me I didn't move I stood as still as a statue with my huge demonic grin Vegas laughed like he had won already what frozen in fear be bellowed but I payed no attention to him I was more focused on the his ghost copy that was moving faster then he was this was one of the draconic eyes abilities it was called Spector shadow this was literally Vegas shadow basically it sees hears and does everything that Vegas does just before Vegas himself does it this allows those with my eyes to product his attacks even before Vegas thinks about it this ability did have its downsides like on how slow everything moves around me for example right now with Vegas he was moving in slow motion wall his shadow was moving at a faster pace then him I could easily read and predict his movement but if I used this ability on like say Fjord both Fjord and his shadow would be moving almost at there normal pace when I fot with Fjord and Azreal I used this ability to great effect Fjords shadow and him was basically moving at the same pace so all I could get from it was detection and how much power was put into the strike but Azreal shadow was moving faster then him not by much but it was still enough for me to easily product his attacks this ability came with the first yang sign in my eyes and I had 3 in each so that 2 other abilities but enough thinking about my self lets pop a cap in this fuckers ass I chuckled slightly at this point Vegas sword was about to slice into my neck and I hadn't moved an inch there was no fear or anything in my eyes and I was grinning like a mad man but right before the blade could hit me I leaned my body back in a very unnatural way Vegas was stunned seeing this and sense he put so much force into this strike and was expecting to hit something he was now off balance he stumbled forward passed me as he moved past me I point blank popped a cap in his ass my gun want click as a black spike shot into Vegas left ass cheek the moment my bullet sank into his ass he jumped in the air holding his ass howling in pain I moved my hand over my eyes blocking the sun as I looked up damn that boy can jump hahaha Zarock chuckled next to me but that's when the Prince pulled out his sword and charged at me screaming how dare you mother fu but I simply side and pat Rex she hissed and whipped her tail around and thin down it just missed the prince it hit the ground with a loud thump hell it left a huge deep crater in the dirt the prince frooze seeing Rex pull back her tail and was ready to swing again this time she wasn't going to miss the prince gritted his teeth at he started at me sitting on her left foot I had a bored grin on my face he side and lowered his sword saying my father asked you to advise me but all you have done is make trouble and now you hurt the leader of my army so y don't you do your damn job and advise me on what I should do now I chuckled shrugging that isn't the right question to ask lad he bit his lip out off anger hearing my words but he side again o really then what is the right question to ask he said angrily I chuckled shrugging again what do you want to do not what you was ordered to do but what do you want to do the way I see it there is many paths you can take mate he raised a eye brow asking o really say a few of these options I shrugged you can continue on this campaign of yours and destroy the Brusha kingdom how you do that there is many options but you can also just go back home you can't lose a campaign if it hasn't even started yet and there's a few wild cards you could take these holy nights and build your own kingdom or simply run away with the woman in your cart and live happily ever after or hell instead of destroying the Brusha kingdom you become its new ruler its king but this could put or at odds with your father but and I shrugged again its your choice so which will you choose the prince that it over and then spoke the first option you said there was many different alcomes what is the most profitable and best alcome that leads to my victory faster I grinned there we go now we are getting somewhere but right at that moment Vegas face planted onto the group still holding his ass he didn't move but he was breathing the prince barely glanced at him before he looked back to me saying continue I smiled shrugging the way I see it you have three options to take or destroy Brusha the first you send your man in with out anyone leading the charge this will definitely made the most casualties on are side and it will take the longest out of the three second you can give the shinny bitch over there a healing pill but even with that it will take at least a week to fully heal or you could find a healer for him this will definitely boost his healing process but this could take the most time depending on a few thing like find a good healer and a safe defensible place to stay but are enemies will definitely strike walk the shinny bitch is healing this could make even more casualties than the first depending on how hard the enemy attacks and how they attack the princes nodded ok thats 2 whats the last one a huge warm smile spread across my face as I stood up and pat Zarock on the shoulder saying we lead the charge prince was stunned hearing that but he recovered fast you but your only 9 he said shaking his head you will surely die I laughed watch your tongue mate we are lion barbarians we have always lead the first charge into battle we live for that sorts of shit and that right yall who! My group yelled stomping their feet The prince looked me over asking y would yudo something so dangers when you was only supposed to hr an adviser I grinned shrugging my reasons our my own but the mean reason it is so boring back here the prince was stunned again hearing my words as he asked is being on a battlefield that thrilling a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I slowly nodded my eyes shinning with blood lust and killing intent o you have no idea there isn't anything like it in the world standing there in the heat and danger of battle one wrong move and you can die or be seriously hurt but that's all part of the fun feeling your enemies be cleaved in half the war cries it is chaos at its finest your blood is pumping and your senses on hi alert mmm there ant no better drug then that I saw envy and anger in his eyes he turned around saying you and your people will be leading the charge with me and with that he walked away I had a huge grin on my face that was yesterday Vegas was furious  when he woke up but I didn't care sense I was on Rex I yond as I leaded against one of Rex horns I was so bored but thats when someone walked and sat next to me I glanced over to Queen who was the only one besides me who could walk on Rex wall she was in the air she didn't say anything at first she simply stared forward at the very beautiful view of open mountain plans we were following the river upstream I wonder what she wants I thought no matter I thought and looked back forward and leaned my head against Rex horn as Quin moved and sat around my neck I raised my hand and scratched the bottom of her chin without even opening my eyes Quin hissed happily O is this one of your Beasts Queen asked I was half tempted to respond in a very sarcastic way do to how bored I was but I held myself back so I simply nodded indeed she is this is Quin I said not even opening my eyes I sensed Queen scotch closer and lean forward extending her hand to Quin but Quin didn't like that I felt her constrict around my neck like she was ready to spring at someone Quins very sharp tail started to shake and she let out a very low hiss this made Queen stop and remove her hand pretty fast she side saying it would seem you haven't trained her as good as Rex here and Queen pat Rex in the top of the head Rex didn't even react to her patting Quin hissed at her angrily at her words and I heard her say can I eat her master people let me eat her I chuckled and started to scratch her underbelly this calmed her done very quickly she hisses in happiness this showed off her 3 rows of bright white fangs that shinned wickedly in the sun like you seem to be miss understand something Queen and I opened my eyes for the first time sense she sat down and I looked at her I have not trained my beasts to do anything other then fighting the only reason Rex is allowing yall to ride on her back is because I asked her to unlike what you may think all my beasts are still wild and I tend to keep it that way I don't care if they bite or kill someone when I ant there who ever is stupid enough to try and pet my beasts with out me being there and me allowing it is that's very stupid and I don't care for stupid people all my beasts are beasts of war so know that we got that miss understand out of the way can you stop beating around the bush and say what you came here to say I ant much for small talk and I have a feeling you ant either Queen side and I seen her start to twirl her hair around one finger nervously um how do I say this she mumbled I shrugged you just say it simple at that she side at my words you know you can be a real ass hole some times sir I chuckled shrugging I never claimed to be a good person so you shouldn't have assumed that I would be she side again fare enough so I will say it then and she side and looked at me with a cold expression I am the 1 princess of the wood elf kingdom or the former 1 princess that is I have been stripped of my tightle status and family name Jarry was my buttler I raised a eyebrow asking truly you are a princess she nodded yea or I was I was supposed to become the queen ones I got old enough but sadly after my mother was killed in a assassin but my stepfather took over as the ruler and named his daughter the second princes the successor to the throne not me wall I was throne to the side he locked my in my mothers study for years the only person I seen and talked to was Jarry who was not only my buttler but the head guard tasked to watch over me he was given orders if I tried to escape to capture me alive but just barely alive and not to give me any healing pills or anything luckily for me my mothers study had plenty of resources and knowledge for me to us and to get lost in a few hundred years passed quietly that was until my step father came to me and said I was to be married to Michael morningstar to build strong bonds with the humans but when I refused he beat me and screamed I had no other choice this is a order from your king and father and you damn well do as I say you have free loaded off this family enough it's time you do something useful for this family but I refused and told him he wasnt my father or my king and I told him where to shove it this pissed him off even more so he drew his belt off him and advanced towards me but before he could do anything Jarry came up behind him and knocked him out the king wansnt a soldier nor was he hi in really any cultivation he relied on others to do his work for him so Jarry was much stronger then him we stole his space ring and ran away apparently my mother last wishes was for Jarry to promise he would watch over me and to take me and run I stored everything of my mothers in that studdy before we ran luckily fir my Jarry was good with runes and destroyed any tracking rune on the kings ring and anything else that had a tracking rune on it and with that we ran hundreds of years would go by with Jarry and I being sell swords we want from one battlefield to another where we sort of developed a name for our selfs that you already know but what you don't know is that my step father and half sister have put a bounty on both mine and Jarrys heads this is y we joined a sect apparently Jarry had saved Zarock in the past so he owed him that's how we got into the sect the sect master does know about our past and still he happily excepted us into his sect I thought you should at least know of are past if you're going to be our leader Jarry agreed with me so here I am so knowing all this do you still wish us in your group? Or do you want us to but I yund boredly Queen was stunned seeing my bored expression she raised a eyebrow asking am I boring you sir with my life story I heard a bit of anger in her voice I chuckled and looked over to her shaking my head  not at all Queen thank you for telling me this its best that I know about it now so I can make plans ahead of time if you hadn't said anything I would have been stunned and ill-prepared but one thing is for sure and that's simply no matter what no one will take you or Jarry if any one tries they will feel the full rath of the grave we look after our own your enemies are our enemies and there is only one fate for my enemies and that is death its as simple as that I ant worried Queen neither should you or Jarry you should have faith in the people who you stand next to like they should have faith in you Queen side and a beautiful smile spread across her face saying thank you Hound I am glad we met you please don't abandon my husband and me I was a bit shocked to hear that last part as a huge grin spread across my face as I looked back to Jarry who was looking forward at us worry in his eyes but he had his normal calm expression are eyes locked you sly old fox hahaha good on you I thought and I gave him a proud smile and a thumbs up like I was praising his good work for landing such a beauty Jarry simply smiled and nodded no words was needed between us for him to understand my meaning I looked back over to Queen chuckling do not worry lass my brother brought you all on this mission cuz he trusts you and I trust him with my life so as long as you don't betray me you and your husband are one of my people and I look after my own she smiled happily and was about to say something when I heard an explosion come from below us I immediately looked over the side and seen the holy nights dodging spells coming from below them but that want the worst part no it was the fact that a group of large birds was flying towards them and I seen riders on the back of these horses my draconic eyes zoomed in on the people and I noticed every one of them had symbols emblazoned on there clothes each one of these symbols was from the sects from the brusha kingdom there was 5 every one of them was symbols of magic beasts the name of these sects want from the pink horned rabbit, the scarlet peacock, the crimson owl, the rock ravens and lastly the white wort hogs out of these sects the ones flying towards the holy nights was the scarlet peacocks, the Rock raven, and the crimson owls wall the people on the ground shooting up spells was the pink horned rabbit and the white sort hogs I scanned over all the weapons everyone had and noticed some very strange magic staffs in the hands of the people on the ground these staffs had a long metal barrel and a stock so you could rest it against your shoulder I noticed a trigger also it reminded me of a very early model of a musket I could immediately tell what this weapon did all you had to do is channel your spirit power into this strange musket and whatever law that you had access to would form in the the chamber ones the person pulled the trigger a huge guest of wind shot this law out of the barrel at there target but I could tell this sucked a lot of spirit power from its user my eyes quickly shot to the people flying towards us and I noticed strange flint lock pistols on there belts these was actual flintlock pistols just the grips was straight instead of the normal curved handle I was us to when it comes to pistols grips that's when I remember what aira it was in the second layer it was the time of the musketeers and the cardinals guard hahaha it would seem one skilled hunter had ascended and it would seem they had a good mind for smithing if they was able to make them rifles and pistols in such short of time one should know the war with the brusha kingdom had only been going on for a about a year but the Brusha kingdom was facing enemies on both sides the Brusha king got a bit to greedy and pissed off the wrong people so the war started and the fact I hadn't heard or seen these weapons mean they had just been made more proof of that was the simple fact that the brusha soldiers had problems hitting there shots this meant they was only trained how to us the guns but not to great effect but guns are very easy to learn you just basically point and click so people was slowly starting to understand there new weapons but sadly for them I had been bored for to long and they have broken my boredom and I tend on paying them back hahahaha Queen go back to the others and tell them to tether to Rex she nodded and quickly got up and walked back to the others and very quickly the graves pulled out rope and tethered them selfs to Rex spikes just in time to the bird riders was about to clash with the holy nights I had been looking this riders over for a few moments and I spotted 3 birds that was a bit bigger then the others and there riders was in the hi gold rank these was the strongest people amongst the riders a huge grin spread across my face as my eyes landed on the weakest it was a familiar woman in blue robs she had a blue Vail over her face and her brought pink eyes shinned with killing intent she was ridding a bright pink peacock its was very beautiful sadly it feathers would go for a good price on the market my revolvers appeared on my belt as I laughed yelling dive Rex dive lets kill these mother fuckers so we can feasts on there corpses hahaha  Rex let out a mighty defiant roar as she dived I sat there between her horns on her head my legs crossed a huge demonic grin on my face and my draconic eyes glowed with excitement.