The fuck are you!?

Rex roared as she folded her wings and shot down towards the peacock I simply sat there my arms and legs crossed I had a huge grin on my face as the wing started whipping against my face as Rex dived down I heard muffled screams coming from behind me I glanced back to see Zarock Jake and Jarry had huge grins on there faces as they leaned forward clutching the spike in front of them they was laughing with enjoyment wall everyone else was screaming out of fear they tightle hugged the spikes in front of them like there lifes depended on it I heard Ben scream dwarfs ant meant to fly I started to laugh seeing this hahaha best you get us to it I yelled soon I will get all yall a flying beast and you will train them your self Bella yelled your a bastard Hound I laughed shaking my head saying sorry but my but my parents was married when they had me so I ant a bastard hehe she glared at me but I simply smiled mockingly at her but that's when my smile faced and a cold ruthless expression spread across my face as I looked back forward yelling grave its time for us to kick this party off right prepare for combat yes sir! And I heard the sound of crossbow strings being locked in place I made sure the gloves was tight in my hands before a huge demonic grin spread across my face lets have some fun shall we Rex Quin I heard them giggle yes and at the same time they said yes master I chuckled Rex announce are intense will you yes master she took a deep breath in as he shot through the clouds the moment we want past the clouds we was right over that peacock its rider Rex roared angrily as a bright blue flame shot out of her mouth her fire not only covered the peacock and rider but anyone around them also the woman looked up and waved her hand up as a windshield blocked the blue flames but most of the people around her couldn't react that fast and was engulfed in blue flames mount and all the birds let out a pained scream before them and there rider burnt bodies dropped out of the sky but Rex fire didn't stop it pushed down in the woman barrier this forced her to raise both hand to hold back the flames her mount let out a angry chirp as it raised its head and opened its mouth as a huge worldwide came from its mouth this forced Rexs flames to stop but no matter it did its job hahaha Rex hissed happily as she dived through her blue flames I raised my hand as the fire all around me condensed into a bright blue spear I flung it forward I saw my spear slam into the woman's wind barrier my spear spun a few times before the barrier shattered just in time for Rex to dive through it and slam into the peacock Rex claws sank deeply into the bird that let out a pained scratch before it flapped its wings and tried to shake Rex off but Rex didn't move hell Rex claws started to glow with a sickly purple energy as it ripped into the bird the Peacock screamed and turned around trying to us it's talents to cut Rex but the birds talents sparked harmlessly off Rex scales the rider of the bird was stunned seeing this but she didn't wasnt any time and pulled out a green curved saber the edge of this saber burst with the wind law making it more sharp and deadly she swung up ar Rex but how could I let this bitch touch my Red as Sekhmet appeared in my hand in her war scythe form and I blocked the saber easily the woman's eyes want wide seeming this weapon and she looked up at my grinning face you she snarled killing intent exploded out from her but I didn't care I simply smiled mocking at her saying well, well, well who would have thought I would see you here um o right we never did get to introductions we just want straight to the fun part so do you wish to introduce ourselves or skip right to your death your choice she hissed arrogant bastard I will fucking kill you how dare you look down on me one of the head disciples of the scarlet Pracock sect how dare a worthless nobody like you look don't on the likes of me the great Aruca Zealand I grinned saying o that's a cutie tightle but sense you introduced your self its only right I do the same hello Araca Zealand people call me Hound member of the lion barbarians and one of Fjord lion chosen champions and the leader of the group called Grave its a pleasure to be the one killing you and your beast ant that right Rex the moment I said that Rex roared as she whipped her tail up at the peacock in her claws the Peacock tried to get out of Rex claws but it was no us it couldn't escape Rex ball spiked tail flew up at the bird the woman screamed no and a huge gust of wind blow Rex back Rex flapped her wings to right her self back up in the air I leaned Sekhmet against my shoulder smiling demonically at this woman impressive I am quite shocked you was able to throw Rex off your bird sadly your to late your birds death is certain and like to prove my point the bird dipped in altitude it was having problems flapping its wings and all the cuts from Rex claws was a sickly purple color the woman was stunned yelling that beast is a fire and poison wyvern but how I thought they all had been killed I chuckled SSekhmet changing onto a familiar red and black Fangtian saying I am done playing with you I got others to kill today and I can't waste my time with you let us end this shall we hound and I dragged my right hand over my face as I heard hound chuckle saying let us eat and my wolf mask formed as my huge beastly grin spread across my face the woman raised her weapon yelling scarlet peacocks form on me surround them and like that many peacocks surrounded Rex but my huge grin didn't face hell it got even bigger the woman smiled her Vail was gone so I got to see her pretty face but that's when I remembered the woman I had killed the moment I got into Eden I killed her and her husband on the battlefield this must be that womans elder sister it would seem the young sister modeled her self off her big sis how cute but it truly didn't matter to me her soul will soon be mine so will the rest of these people the woman smiled cockily at me saying what will you do now bastard your surrounded with no where to go hahaha y don't you be a good boy and come kiss my shoes and maybe I won't kill you but a huge mocking smile spread across my face as I laughed hahahaha the womans smile was gone she snarled scream whats so funny bastard your about to die ant you scared I chuckled shaking my head and in a beastly deep voice I said naa not really you say you have surrounded me but all I see are really big targets with very jusy souls and I licked my lips thinking of all them souls the woman started at me like I as crazy your a mad man she yelled girls kill this bastard yes mam! And the peacocks shot forward a my huge grin spread across my face as I laughed a madman I maybe hahaha but you sa are no match for me sa ant that right graves yes sir! They yelledfrom behind me one of the riders yelled die you bastard but before that person could get any closer a hole appeared right between her eyes as a click noise echoed through the area and in my left hand was a smoking Azreal I brought the gun in front of my face as I breathed in the smoke through my nose o opened my mouth as I blue smoke out from my mouth as I said woow that hits the spot ant no better smell in the world but enough of this Grave slotter the bastards yes sir! And I heard the sound of many crossbow strings whipping forward and back the peacocks started falling out of the sky all around us but I didn't just stand there I had Azreal in each hand and I shot all over the place some forward some behind me some to my sided but one thing was for sure with each shot someone or thing died with deadly accuracy and the best part about all this I didn't even aim with some of these shots it was like I had eyes on the back and sides of my head but this was simply my draconic eyes and my sensing abilities my glowing draconic eyes flashed all around me as I shot if there was one ability that I new and used the most it would be the draconic eyes hell I hadn't stopped using them sense I came to Eden all the drawbacks from using my draconic eyes had basically disappeared sense I came to this world y that was I didn't truly know sense I haven't found anything like my draconic eyes in any of the old hounds books and even when I asked Azreal and Fjord they had no idea either I believed this was a very old hidden ability that had been lost to time how I could use it I didn't know but sense only my fathers bloodline can us these eyes I can only assume its a bloodline ability that came from a descender aka someone who had came descended to earth and stayed there for a long time long enough for my first ancestor to be born and the fact I have not only Adam, Eve and Kane blood I me but Liliths and Lucifer's blood as well that was way too much of a coincidence I felt like something behind the seems had been working very hard for this very thing and I think I know who that thing is it's really simple it was the earth it's self many people didn't realize it but the earth its self was alive and had its own soul that's y when you take a walk through the woods and you feel like your not alone that is the spirits of the land aka the soul of the earth I had always felt at peace in the woods that's where I feel how alive that planet was and the fact that not only I got reincarnated but others from my timeline did as well and these wasnt your common people either o no these was your powerhouses of my time and ones that I knew and had a strong bond with it was like the world was giving us another chance to live are lifes a chance to lead are people ones again I was like the earth gifted us it's last gift the gift of life the gift of hope the hope to lead are people to a new age I side as Azreal want click over my shoulders as 2 peacocks dropped out of the sky there riders screaming Rex let out a pained grall as a wind arrow pierced her wing immediately 4 more pierced the other wing as a huge owl shot up from underneath Rex I heard a man laugh as he yelled haha take that you bastar but before he could finish Rex let out a angry bellow as she dipped down whipping her tail up at the slow owl this took the rider and owl by surprise so they couldn't react in time the balled spiked end of Rex tail slammed into the side of the owl her huge spike sinking deeply into its side I also heard the sound of braking bones as the bird let out a painful cry but sadly for this owl sickly purple liquid started dripping out of the wound as Rex pumped her poison into this owl the man who was dressed in blues and browns yelled raising one of those pistols at me screaming No he pulled the trigger and the hammer dropped sparking the black powder and boom a red led ball flee towards me but my huge demonic grin hot even bigger as I holstered ond pistol and just stood there unmoving the man laughed hahaha that's right you can't handle my firepower I chuckled saying you truly are stupid I ant even shot let alone dead the man looked up to me his eyes going wide seeing what happened I had my huge demonic smile on my face and floating right in front of my head was a small led ball that was spinning quickly the ball lost its momentum and it stopped spinning he screamed how can you stop are firepower its impossible I chuckled it obviously not impossible I just did it besides your firepower is shit compared to mind here let me show you and I raised Azreal up the mans eyes want wide recognizing it as a gun be want to scream no but the sound of Azreal hammer dropping cut him off my first shot slammed into his right shoulder I quickly fanned 5 more shots every one if them hitting in the center of his chest except my last shot it made the back of his head pop I spun Azreal on my finger saying that's real firepower and I looked around smile laughing that's one leader down who's next Rex roared happily as she ripped the owl in half my eyes then locked on the woman and her peacock the bird at this point was starting to descend do to how much it was struggling to fly and the woman was trying with all her might to help her beasts she was out of the fight for now so I want to the last commander and soon I spotted him in combat with the prince and I must say I might not like the fucker but the prince was pretty skilled in combat not many people could fight on the top of a flying moving cart and make it look easy the raven was flying and diving all around the cart trying to brake into it wall its rider a man in all black thrust a strange silver trident that shinned in the sun like but I did a double take when I seen that spear mithril holy shit that's mithtil hahaha I want it I thought as I licked my lips I already had the asteroid steel which was one of the rarest metals in all of Eden but there was a few steels that trumped the asteroid and on the top of that list would my mithril a metal so rare that some wars have be started do to someone finding a mithril mine which are almost none existent usually items made from mithril are extremely old and powerful this was cuz only extremely dangerous dungeons had them king arthers sword was one of these mighty rare weapons of old but with one glance I could tell this spear wasnt anything special it had no special abilities or anything it was a blank slate like it had just been made which was good for me hahaha I want it very badly Rex I yelled jumping up I hear her say right master I flipped around in mid air as she whipped her tail towards me half way through this motion I landed on her tail my legs bent like a spring that got tighted ready to spring forward Rex tail finished its movement forward which throw me forward the wind whipped passed me as I yelled yeehaw lets fucking go and boom I slammed into the cloaked man on the raven tackling him off his mount and soon we started plummeting down the wind whipping my hair and clothes the mans hood came off from the wind and what I seen made my face go pale slightly what greeted me wasnt a human face but a strange face the best way I could describe it is easy think of a predator had a strange bug baby that's what I was seeing the mouth was that of a predator its face was that of a mantis and its eyes were just black holes and the last thing of note was its skin it wasn't scaled like the predator but smooth green like a mantis and as we plummeted to our deaths its head which was facing down turned all the way around its jaws splitting down the middle as it screamed angrily at me I seen its sharp jagged teeth and that's when I saw its tonge o my god that was the tonge of an alien what in the nine hells are you I screamed as I moved my head to they side as its tonge shot out at me like it wanted to eat me the creature heard what I said and angrily bellowed again in my face as it thrust its spear behind it trying to stab me but I simply leaned to the side the trident missing me but that's when I felt something grip me by my shirt and drag me forward I tried to fight it but it was sort of hard to stop your momentum when your was plummeting in the air very easily I got moved in front of this thing and he held me there with a grip of steel the ground kept on getting closer and closer that's when I heard a deep prim and praper voice come from behind me say either stop us or become a crader in the earth your choice laddy I was stunned yelling you can speak the creature scoffed like it was offended and it was I think of course I can speak I ant a mindless monster I am a distinguished gentleman I was stunned to the point I didn't even react as the floor got closer and closer the beast quickly shook me saying save us both now or I will ram you into the ground then take your skull for my own I quickly shook my head saying y don't you do it your self huh the creature didn't respond at first but when he seen that I wasnt reacting to the ground getting closer and closer he quickly yelled I can't I will explain everything just save us I frowned slightly saying how can I trust you your my enemy the beast clicked angrily and in a desperate scared voice he screamed I swear to my ancestors if you save me I will explain everything so please fucking save us I chuckled shrugging y not and I waved my hand as the wind slowed us down till we gently landed on the ground the creature side from relief the moment he felt his feet touch the ground I used this chance to elbow him in the face he stumbled backwards releasing his grip on me he angrily looked at me as he wiped bright green blood from his mouth he then clicked angrily what was that for he asked I chuckled shrugging call it me being careful so talk depending on what you say might spare your life the creature side saying what do you want to know.