They are real

The creature side as it stabbed the end of its trident into the ground saying what do you wish to know sir I chuckled saying enough with the sir thing just call me Hound it nodded and let out a few clicked in acknowledgment as for what I wish to know mmm lets see and I crossed my arms and stroked my beard mmmm I then looked him over and noticed his hole body was covered no skin was showing only his face I smiled shrugging lets start with who and what you are the creature chuckled as it nodded my name is Eragon Alienest X as for what I am that's simple enough my species is called hialienasha but when he said his races name all I could hear was him clicking in different pitches I raided a eyebrow saying huh I didn't understand that one English man English he side clicking his tonge in annoyance it isn't my fault that my races name can't be said in your language he clicked a few more times in anger but he then side saying other races call my people the aliensh predators when I heard that my mind want blank for a moment then an explosion want off in my mind as hundreds of thoughts rushed forward like holy hell so he really is a predator but how did people of earth know about this creature hell how did I not recognize this creature for that matter I had covered from one side of the earth to the other and not ones did I see or hear anything about this creature hold on that means either someone descended and made the movies or one of these creatures want to earth and got seen then that person made the movies but hold on, hold on, hold on if the predator is real that means the aliens might be real also no no no that can't be hell no that would absolutely be a pain in the ass to fight I side putting these thoughts to the back if my mind all of this only took 2 seconds Eragon looked at me waiting for my next question I chuckled saying sir Eragon you said you couldn't stop us from descending y was that it side and simply shrugged simple my people don't have access to spirit cultivation but we make up for it with our bodies physical strength and durability and those of us who can us soul cultivation are hailed as kings and queens I am one of those kings the moment he said that a shock wave of soul energy exploded out from him this energy was a strange green and black but I didn't care I simply covered my body with my soul energy the moment the wave touched my soul energy it got destroyed the wave moved past me I smiled seeing his stunned face but he recovered fast enough you he spoke in a low click your the one who killed many of the brusha soldiers in the last battle i shrugged nodding indeed I did I am also the one who buried them his eye socket want wide that was you but y you are the brusha kingdom enemy y did you buried your enemy I side a bit annoyed y do people keep asking me that I thought but shrugged no matter they was my enemies but they was no longer my enemies ones they died all that I seen was hundreds of people who would never get to see there families again nor would they laugh or anything else it didn't sit right with me just to leave their bodies to the wild beasts they made the ultimate sacrifice the least I can do is put them to rest I am the hound who walks between the graves I am the one who protects those graves I am the death hound its best yall remember that Eragon nodded that makes sense you are a worrier and one that I can respect do you have any more question laddy or but I nodded yes I have just one more question and that's y are you fighting in this war you may wear the colors of the rock raven sect but I can tell your not one of them willingly are you he side shaking his head no I am a slave but one that hasn't been bound by any contract or outh you see my tribe my family got captured by the sect master of the rock Ravens and when he seen my skill in combat he threatened to kill my family if I didn't join him I haven't seen them much the sect master keeps a very close eye on them and me when I heard that a huge grin spread across my face laughing o so there are more of you in the brusha kingdom good to know I think I know who's my first target the rock raven sect Eragon shook his head saying you will never get in I chuckled allow me to worry about that till then I will give you a offer surrender to me and you will get to see your family again Eragon was shocked and his eye sockets squinted at me saying what the hell y would you do such a thing for me I shrugged as I put my hands in my pockets I wish to hear more of your kind besides from what I can see your a respectable man and a good worrier to boot I need powerful friends who I can trust so Eragon Alienest X what do you say will you join me if you do I give you my word you and your family will be able to live together in a much better place maybe not in peace but together and yall will be able to grow together so how about it and I held out my hand will you join me I asked smiling Eragon looked down to my hand then back up at my face then back down at my hand I could tell he was thinking it over do you truly think you can save my family he asked I laughed simply replaying with a yes he thought about it some more but after 3 seconds it would seem he made up his mind as he walked forward and grabbed my hand saying ok Sir Hound if you can save my family I am with you I smiled nodding good but I am sorry this might hurt a little ones you wake up the spider will tell you my plan he was confused and opened its jaws to speak but the next second I sent through his body I was a bit shocked to see him resist a lot of the energy not many people could stay conscious with hundreds of vaults going through there bodies but he did but only for a few seconds soon me passed out but I made sure to catch him I through him over one shoulder as I extended my hand out his trident shooting into my hand which quickly disappeared into a space ring I looked to see the battle was basically done the remaining brusha soldiers was retreating but the holy nights didn't chase them nor did Rex I smiled seeing Rex descending down towards me I bent my knees and sprang up meeting her halfway the moment I landed in her back Red flapped her wings ascending again I looked to Zarock throwing him Eragon saying bind him but make sure he is able to get out of them Zarock nodded asking so brother do you have a target in mind a huge demonic grin spread across my wolfish face as I pointed to Eragon saying the Rock ravens is are first targets if any of you come in contact with one of them kill with extreme prejudiced unless you feel like that person is being forced to serve I will leave it to yalls discretion they all nodded I walked to the head of Rex sitting down as we got next to the cart the Prince who was still standing in top of it looked to me asking did you get him I smiled but of course and I pointed behind me to Eragon the prince nodded as a small smile formed he will be of great us to us he said I simply nodded as Rex contend to ascend up the prince didn't care about Rex actions he simply sheathed his sword and want back into the cart little did he know a small metal spider that was cloaked in shadow followed him in ones we got high enough a huge smile was on my face as my wolf mask disappeared damn I am good I laughed as a spider cralled onto my hand and showed what was happening in that cart and I was stunned a bit the inside of the cart was way bigger then the outside I could immediately tell this was special magic and at its finest at that the room was lavish and flashy there was a bar a huge bed and even couches and a fire place in the center of the room resting on one of these couches was the queen she had on a see through blue robe and purple lingerie she was also laying on her side in a very seductive pose immediately my little brother awakened seeing this very hot sight but what happened next killed my lust the prince walked up to his mother and started to kiss her passionately and the queen kissed him back with even more passion the two fondled one another but the queen was the ones who pulled away asking what happened? Dear the prince side saying we was attacked by the brusha kingdom the queen nodded saying I figured that son but what happened y do you look down the prince side and let go of the queen and walked over to the bar and poured him self a drink saying Hound is what happened the Queen walked over to him taking the bottle from him and fills his glass saying O What did that brute do now the prince side and downed the drink with one motion he side saying it isn't what he did its what he could do that I couldn't he killed 3 of the flying commanders wall his 8 members killed more brusha soldier then the hole of the holy nights but it just that Hound himself through him self single handly took down and captured the last brusha commander a person that I had had trouble fighting with and I was 4 ranks higher then the brusha soldier and yet Hound easily took him down and he is a lower rank then both me and that commander I am just astonished that such a man exists and he downed the glass again the moment he put the glass back on the table the queen refilled it like it was normal the prince side continuing what he was saying I dont want to kill Hound I want to befriend him if I had a man like that backing me no one would dare question my ascend to the throne not even father and those old fools and he downed another glass the queen narrowed her eyes at him saying are you telling me you want to go against your fathers orders and I seen a dangerous glint in her eyes but the prince didn't see this he was to cot up in his thoughts the prince side shaking his head no mom I just am frustrated that such a valuable person will be killed without us using him to are advantage but father gave the order to kill him so he will die simple as that the queens dangerous glant disappeared and she smiled placing a hand on his waste saying come dear let your mother take care of you the prince smiled and nodded sounds good mom and quickly they want to the bed I side saying in my head Quintis are you there that's when I felt his another consciousness connect to mine as I heard Quintis voice I sir what do you need I connected him to the spider in the cart saying let me know if anything intresting happens yes sir and I felt his presents fade I side closing my eyes and crossed my legs meanwhile back in the kingdom a familiar man with a fox like mask walked down dark sewers this man stopped in front of a oddly clean wall and he pulled out a strange disk he placed it on the door immediately the wall moved to the side letting the man go through the hidden door the man put the disk back in his pocket and stepped through the door with his hands in his pockets and a huge fox like smile on his face this was my soul clone that I left back in the kingdom I left it there for one reason and one reason only to complete bounties the moment I left the black hand headquarters I made this soul clone wall I want back to my work it also got to work it had the desk that the receptionist gave me ones I left I looked at what this coin did and I was stunned it was basically a computer it was connected to a system that displayed 4 different sections the 1 was called bounties and any questions 2 was called abilities and store 3 was called basic info on the guild and its enemies and the last was called bounty statues and info all 4 categories was very simple it was in there name the 4 categorie was where I found out all the info about the bounty I took it simply said 

Quest kill the third prince

Specific assassin required: name Fox 

Quest difficulty: 8 and a half stars 

Info: the third prince is heading to the Brusha Kingdom your job is to kill him and for a bonus reward kill the holy night caption called Vegas and any other hi ranking members of the holy kingdom 

Request sender: Azzy

From there I clicked on the 1 page and there hundreds of bounties appeared most was assassination request but there was a few steal this item from so and so or kill this magic beast for its body parts but my eyes fell on the Assassination request and I found Fjord and all of his family had bounties on there heads and very hi ones at that below the bounties there was there danger score which was the stars a bounty could range from 0 to 10 stars the higher the stars the more dangerous the bounty was this was showed by the bounties on my family members they all had 10 stars under there names Azreal also had a bounty on his head but his was only 8 stars wall Zarock had a 7 in a half stars then I seen a bounty for me it simply said 

Name: unknown but goes by Hound

Danger level : unknown but can't be over 4 stars

Bounty info: kill the Hound and bring proof of death 

Reward: 5000 beast cores and 1000 gold coins

Request sender: Michael morningstar 

I laughed seeing that bounty I wasn't shocked to see I had a bounty hell I would have been shocked if I didn't and it came at no surprise Michael wanted me dead but holy hell that was a reward just to kill someone no higher then 5 stars hahaha it would seem plenty of meat bags will be targeting good and I licked my lips let them come I can't wait to take there blood and souls but till then I chose 3 assassination bounties all three was 5 stars and had the best rewards the bounty was simply find and kill the 3 spiders in the city I didn't care who these people was but from the information, they were triplets brothers who grow up on the streets they had been taking children who they sell to the highest bidder they was called the 3 spiders cuz they were as steadily and dangerous as a real spider they were none to be careful and ruthless but sadly for them a real hunter had set his eyes on them it didn't take me long to find the 3 brothers I was laying on the highest point in the city which was a huge clock tower I was laying down on its roof bad news in my hands I was scanning over the city as I looked down the iron sights but my draconic eyes was zoomed in so much so that I was practically looking through an optic Quintis had detected me to 3 man acting shaddy in the sculptor's sect territory I of course looked to see who he was taking about ones I seen the three-man I immediately knew it was them their faces might be different from the bounty pictures but that was cuz they were wearing an illusion mask this item allowed it wearer to change their facial features with a illusion of what they wanted but I could see right through this items illusion my draconic eyes locked on the canter brother he was the strongest a huge foxish grin spread across my face as I took a deep breath in then out I did it again deep breath in but this time I only let half of it out as I put the iron sight right between his eyes as I slowly squeezed the trigger a distinct thoop noise came from bad news as a tungsten spike few out of the barrel a second passed as I stared at the center brother who had none the wiser that a hot tungsten spike was flying at him I seen the spike shoot through the air till thump it hit right between the center brothers eyes the spike easily passed through his skull making the back of his head explode the spike then flew into an alleyway and sank into a box the other two brothers didn't even realize that the middle brother had stopped walking I chuckled my sights landing on the brother on the left and thoop my next spike shot out and thump it to hit its target I quickly pulled two more spikes out from a quiver on my hip as the double barrels moved up as the chambers was exposed smoke came out from them but I simply slotted the two spikes into the chambers and flicked the chambers down I pointed at the last brother who at this point realised his brothers wasn't beside him he turned around to see the 2 bodies who's heads was basically brain and bone matter I seen the man shake not out of anger but fear he turned around with a fearful face but thoop I squeezed the trigger the 3 brother took one step forward when a red got tungsten spike slammed into the center of his chest forcing him back pinning him to the stone road I smiled stood up saying Quintis retrieve my spike please and leave behind what we talked about yes sir I heard him say and I seen 5 spiders in my mind move and retrieve my spikes the moment these spiders touched the spikes they disappeared and appearing in the center of each brothers was a small grinning fox trinket that had this stamped into the back of them the fox was here I put bad news back into my space ring as I disappeared off the clock tower I quickly moved into the sewers and back to the black hand out post I walked through the hidden door and straight to the receptionist who gave me a smile o sir Fox your here does this mean the brothers are dead I simply nodded as I brought out the disk which showed the 3 brothers dead bodies she was stunned seeing how the brothers was killed but she quickly recovered as she brought out that book and flipped it to the bounty page she then asked me to place the disk on the page I did so when I did the page started to glow as huge green word want across the page and that word was simply complete the glow faded and I took back the disk the receptionist nodded and took back the book saying if you wish I will get your reward for you I nodded not saying a word she smile saying I will be right back and she disappeared into the shadows that is when I felt all the eyes on me but I didn't care I simply stood there in front of the desk my hands on my pockets my back straight and my huge foxish smile on my face my tails danced behind me that is when someone yelled hi old man I glanced to the side to see a man in a dragons mask but I didn't react to his words and I simply looked back forward not saying a word hi old fuck I am talking to you and I heard someone walk next to me and grab my shoulder I side and looked to him saying what do you want lad the man chuckled that's better y don't you become one of my subordinates you will be but before he could finish I looked away boredly saying no thanks laddy the man was shocked seeing how I just cut him off and how rude I was being a snarl want across his face as he grabbed me by the front of my rob as he gralled listen up old man you ant shit you should be me the great drake is offering you this great chance but you spit it back in my face how do you think you are old fuck huh I simply stared at him with a bored expression let me go boy and walk away before you get hurt the mans grip tighted around and he screamed how dare you and he brought one hand back as a hidden blade in his sleeve shot into his hand I will fucking kill you he screamed thrusting the blade at my throat but before the blade could even touch me I side saying I warned you that's when the temperature increased it got burning hot in this room immediately people started to sweat feeling this heat even those who had fire laws wasn't spared the blade in the mans hands immediately bot red hot the man screamed dropping the red hot dagger he held his badly burnt hand he looked up to me with anger in his eyes how dare yo but before he could finish dark red wires wrapped around him this wire was made from a hellish flame these wires bound the man easily and tightly cut into his skin slightly the reason he stopped talking though was cuz of the wire around his neck I side saying you asked me who the fuck I thought I was and that's a simple enough answer and I took a step closer to the man who was shaking out of fear I stared into his fearful eyes as a huge foxish grin spread across my face before saying I am the Fox and you my good laddy will be my warning to the others but don't worry it will be quick you will only feel a small bit of pain before your death so rejoice my child your sacrifice will be a worthy one this old Fox thanks you for his meal that is when I brought up a hand to one wire the man started to shake his head quickly he opened his mouth and screamed noo crutch splat but his words was cut off by me pulling down on the wire which made the other wires tighten around the man the wires cutting deeply into him till all that was left of the man was bloody body parts on the ground and bright hellish flames that glowed in the darkroom I looked around grinning and in a happy cold voice I asked anyone else want to waste my time but no one spoke they all looked away like they wanted nothing to do with me I laughed good and I waved my hand the wires disappearing that when the receptionist came back holding a simple looking spacial ring she smiled at me saying here you go sir Fox and she placed the ring on the table I picked it up and bound the ring to me I quickly checked its contents I nodded seeing all of the reward there I smiled bowing my head at her saying thank you miss a and I turned around leaving I side ones I got out of the black hands room ugg people are so annoying but that's when I saw what my main body was up to I smiled saying so the predators are real how cool but I should inform Azzy about the queen and with that I disappeared and reappeared on my house sitting in his normal spot was Quintis he looked up to me saying hello sir sir Azzy is already waiting for you I nodded thanks Quintis he nodded its my pleasure sir and he lowered his head his eyes going dark I looked to the orb on the table as I channeled my soul energy into it and appearing over it was Azzy in his normal form he looked to me his owl skull smiling o Hound I was starting to get worried I rolled my eyes saying yes right Azzy but enough of the small talk anyway let's get down to business Azzy side your no fun but fine what did you want to talk about I smiled shrugging o nothing much just that the bloody queen is with the prince when Azzy heard that he froze for a few moments then he yelled she is fucking what!.