Some cloaked figures

I chuckled at Azzys outburst the fire that covered his skull calmed down as he cleared his throat embarrassedly after that he looked back to me with a sheepish smile saying sorry about that Hound about lost my cool there I laughed waving my hand chickling your all good mate I also almost lost my cool seeing her luckily I didn't Azzy nodded so what do you know a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I shrugged o the norm I have taken over at leading the army sense Vegas has um hurt himself plus I found this and I waved my hand showing the conversation that the prince had with the queen specifically the part where the queen showed hostility towards the prince the fireballs in Azzys eye sockets got bigger as he watched this little video he looked over to me saying holy hell Hound just how did you get eyes in that cart without either of them noticing I grinned winking at him saying that's a trade secret but be worned Azzy the kings guards that was supposed to protect the prince I have not seen nor have they showed themselves during the attack but I know they are gone sense I seen the king give them the order to go and protect his son with there lives hell even when Vegas and I got in our little spat they didn't show themselves nor did they show when selves when an enemy leader attacked him Azzy thought it over and we sat in silence for a few minutes till azzy shook his head saying I don't understand y would they not show there king gave them specific orders to protect the prince I nodded like I agreed with him but that's when Quintis sat up saying not if the king faked his orders sir you will want to see this and he sent me a video in my mind I leaned back in my chair watching the video from the spider that was in the 3 princess room I snarled at the sight Areal was sobbing in her bed as her father was writing degrading things on her body with black ink as he did this he had a huge proud smile on his face and I heard him whispering to Areal don't worry my dear don't worry you will always be safe here you will always be mine you wont have to worry about any of those barbarians talking to you again daddy is taking care of them daddys mean are hunting them Areal weeped a bit loader but the king took that as a good weep cuz he said shhh shh don't worry don't worry they will gone and my little girl will be save and he placed a conferring hand on her naked stomach and smiled at her like a protective father but the words right under his hands said otherwise it said daddys dumpster and a arrow pointing down when I seen those words my killing intent exploded out from me this shook the room Azzy was surprised by this cuz he could sense a bit of my killing intent through the projection I stood up saying that's what his plan was and I waved my hand seeing Azzys confused expression he looked to the image but snarled his killing intent exploding out from him the fire that covered his head burst with intent rage but I didn't just send this to Azzy I gave a spider to Fjord and his wifes plus Azreal and my girls I told them if they was in trouble just to channel a bit of there soul energy into the spider which will send a distress signal to the others and your location naturally ones Fjord and Azreal heard about this they asked for a few more Fjord wanted his children and the people he trusted to have one and Azreal wanted those who he trusted to have one but these spiders didn't just send distress signal it also send messages and recordings to any other spider so basically it was a hallow phone in the design of a spider but show me a phone that can not only explode a hole city block but carries a deadly poison that can cover 3 city blocks hahaha naturally I and Quintis could look through the spiders but that was a small price to pay for all the benefits besides Fjord and Azreal trusted me and Quintis to keep personal things secret and we did it was sort of funny I want from the man who heard nothing and didn't care to the man who has all the tea and still don't care hahaha so not much changed there immediately I was being haled by 4 spiders I side sitting back down waving my hand and appearing next to Azzy was the forms of Fjord, Gem, Lotus and Vermillion all 4 had an angry expression and Fjord gralled how many I side and looked to Quintis saying show me a map of the city he nodded right away sir and his eyes started to glow brighter and appearing in front of me was that same 3d map of the city I nodded show me all the spy creatures the next send several green hocks and rats formed on the map I looked at this map for a few moments but I side shaking my head saying they haven't change course so this means they must already scouted there targets Quintis has any of them change there paths in these few days he shook his head no sir shit I mumbled that means this are well into there plans by know ok show me a live map of the city and like that the map glowed and green figures started to appear they were formless the just had the shape of a humanoid nothing more mmmm I scanned over this map of thousands of figures moving this is when Gem asked what are you looking for child? We don't have time to for pointless games I didn't even look up to her as I responded I ant playing any games mam this is a live map of the city I am looking for any strange things Quintis can you give features to but before I could finish the map glowed again and all the green figures formed into exact copies of there real bodies I nodded thank you Quintis he bowed slightly my pleasure sir and I scanned over this map again with my draconic eyes that's when I seen it the animals paths didn't charge that meant either they had already scouted there targets but that would make no sense y wait till now if there plans was already ready or they have been constantly scouting there targets location waiting for the right opportunity to strike and there were 5 of these locations first was the lion barbarians, alchemist shop and school the second was the lion barbarian blacksmiths shop third was our bank forth was are graveyard and fith well fith was my house that's when I got a bad feeling I shot up yelling Quintis activate the protection Runes he nodded and a pulse want through the house he looked to me saying runes activated sir I nodded and was about to say something but that's when the hole house shook and a load boom!! Noise rang throw the air I feel onto the couch from how hard the room shook Lotus and Vermillion screamed Hound but I sat up saying I am fine girls what the fuck was that Fjord asked I shrugged saying it would seem someone through a fireball at my house and a damn strong one to if it shook the house that but right then the house shook again and another boom wait off I side saying it would seem they are quite persistent Vermillion shot up snarling I am on my way but I shook my head no time and I sent them the other 4 locations saying these are the other locations save them Lotus and Vermillion frowned as Lotus coldly stared at me saying you don't expect us to just stand by wall your in danger right Vermillion nodded that's right what the hell are you thinking I shrugged grinning my dears however alive I may look remember this is just a soul clone they don't even know anyone is home they think I am with the prince they just want to destroy my home to send a message and however much I like this house its just a building it can be rebuilt unlike the lives at the other locations of we lose any of those locations it will make it way harder to do are plans so go I will be watching and with that I waved my hand cutting there call as I stood up Azzy looked to me asking what's your plan now hound a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I laughed saying you tell me Azzy how much would any of the kings guards bodies go for on the black market ones Azzy heard my question a huge devilish smile spread across his face saying quite a bit I will be happy to by any of them off you sir fox I nodded bragging my left hand down my face and in a deep proper voice I said thank you for the business Azzy and forming on my face was my fox mask and flicking behind me was my 7 tails my clothes changed into my red and black assassin robs as I disappeared and reappeared on that same clock tower I brought out the black hand disk and opened it to bounties and there I seen there was 2 bounties for me the first was simply how ever many kings guards I kill Azzy and I will split the profit from when he sells the bodies and the second quest wasnt from Azzy but from one another deadly sin the sin of wrath Satan he simply asked me to kill 3 hi ranking members in the radiant wings sect if I did that means Satan would ow me 3 reasonable favors of my choice I of course accepted them both I had no reason not to I put away the disk as bad news appeared in my hands I got down into a firing pose as I looked in front of my house that just got struck with another fireball it came from a 3 cloaked figures that stood in front of my house all three hand there left hands extended out and on there hands was a set of thick gauntlets that glowed bright red those gauntlets was hi gold tear equipment holy shit after a few seconds the gloved then pulsed and a fireball shot out of each gauntlet these 3 smaller fireball met up halfway forming a huge fireball that slammed into my house again I snarled as I put my sights on the center figure wall two fire spikes formed over 2 of my tails I seen a red X form in the center of the other two figures I gralled eat fuckers and I pulled the trigger bad news want thump as I felt the recoil but at the same time the 2 fire spikes shot forward like many rockets or a knife missile the figures didn't do anything at first but the right figurehead shot up as he rolled to the side my fire spike taking off his arm but the other two didn't have the chance to react they simply looked up and my tungsten Spike slammed right between his heads then made the back of his head explode as the spike counted and slammed into the ground behind them wall my other fire spike blow a hole in the left figure chest you could see there still beating heart as they looked down with wide fearful eyes and fell back dead the right figure screamed holding there smoking stump of a arm I side shaking my head as another fire spike formed and shot at the figure writhing on the ground what a waste of good equipment and damn am I getting rusty I mumbled as that figures head sort of exploded I shrugged no matter practice makes perfect and I quickly reloaded and took aim again easily finding the other 4 locations Fjord had 2 cloaked figures in his hands as he swung them hitting the third and forth figures wall Lotus was slowly draining the water out of 3 cloaked figures and it was quite hot seeing her work brutal but hot hehe wall Vermillion was taking a move from Fjord she was spinning around one cloaked figure and used them as a weapon to beat the hell out of 3 other cloaked figures but unlike Fjord Vermillion was on fire so was her human beating stick so to say it was brutal i think that would be a bit of an understatement wall then my eyes fell on the last location the bank but what I seen there made me snarl Gem was fighting off 6 cloaked figured and she was losing badly she was already bloody I could tell the figures was just toying with her know I disappeared and reappeared on the bank mumbling you fucks and forming over all 7 of my tails was 3 fire spikes and I raised bad news taking aim at the closest target to Gem a dagger user just moved behind Gem and thrusted his dagger at her back but that's when I pulled the trigger bad news want thump as the fire spikes launched forward Gem turned around just in time to see the dagger user be blown off his feet and be launched back being pinned to the stairs she turned around to see a bloody mess as the 6 figures all had scorched holes in there body they dropped to the ground dead Gem looked around but I was already gone but appearing all the death bodies was a fox charm that said on the back of it the Fox was here I appeared at the top of the clock tower reloading saying Quintis where are my other three targets and a map got sent into my head and I heard Quintis say sir the three are currently in the radiant wings headquarters and have been there for 2 days and haven't left I smiled chuckling this is going to be a long hunt I mumbled. mean while back to Hunters real body I opened my eyes and seen a barren hillscape there were no trees or anything for whiled just farmland and at the center of this hellscape was a kingdom that shinned do to the marble it was made from we flow forward as a huge grin spread across my face saying o this will be fun.