It begins

Rex descend next to the prince cart yes master and like that we started to drop altitude and soon we way flying next to the prince cart I waved my hand as a wind ball slammed into the door ones twice three times i prepared the forth ball when the door opened and the prince stood on the doorway in a blue rob he had anger on his face but when he seen the huge wyvern flying next to his cart and he raised his head to and seen me smiling at him quickly his anger was gone what replaced it was a neutral expression Hound what do you want he yelled I shrugged pointing forward saying the brusha kingdom is in are sights we need to find a place to make camp nodded saying I will leave all that to you I expect you will have no problems with that I shrugged saying I don't but they might and I looked to the holy knights he sides nodding fear enough and he looked forward to the holy knights he cleared his throat before he yelled in a booming voice listen up you all will follow Hounds orders to the letter any order he execute it like I was the one who gave you the order anyone who doesn't follow his orders will be labeled as a trader do you all understand me Yes Sir! they all yelled he nodded and looked to me nodding and want back onto his cart I smiled and Rex moved into the center of the holy knights yelling listen up fuckers I do not care if you don't like me cuz I don't like you but we all have are orders yours are to follow my orders wall mine is to lead yall and make sure most of you make it home so I will put side my beef with yall so we can have a change to make it home and kill these Brusha dogs who's with me I sir!! They yelled I smiled yelling what was that I didn't hear you come on a swamp frog is more lively then yall who wants to kill these brusha dogs we do sit!!! There voices shook the air with determination and bloodlust I nodded good we will be making camp there and I pointed to a hill on the east side of the kingdom not to far away from the east gates but also not close enough for people to hit us from the wall plus it was close by the river they all nodded yelling sir and we distended as we did Queen walked next to me whispering in my ear Hound Eragon is awake and has been informed of the plan by the spider you put on him I nodded ones we land set up our tents and keep guard over him wall brother and I command over the knights she nodded ok and she walked back to the others and explained my orders and soon we landed on the hill I jumped off Rex and immediately started giving my orders I split the knights into 4 groups 2 of them was to set up the camp and to get are water and food situated wall the other  2 groups I left to Zarock they was to build a wood wall and clean out a location for the toilets wall I had Queen, Jarry and Bella on lookout just in case the brusha kingdom attacked wall Brock, Brick,  Jake and Ben guarded eragon who hadn't said a word sense we landed hell he hasn't even looked up he simply sat his hands bound behind his back and his head down like he was trying not to stand out but his clothes had changed and his hood was up so the brusha kingdom wouldn't know it was him and ones we got are tents up I brought him into Zarocks and my tent I looked into his eye sockets sying it time Eragon can you explain to me the city and where the rock ravens are and where your family is he nodded that's easy enough and the spider I gave him crawled onto his shoulder and appearing in front of him was a map of the brusha kingdom he highlighted the north side of this city saying this is the rock ravens territory here are all the important location and 4 locations glowed a bit brighter the first is the head family storage but a lot of the outer families us this location also the second was a smithy the third was a food storage house and fith was the head alchemy shop for the sects as for where my family is and another location started to glow brighter it was an underground bunker no that was a prison this was right under the head families house sadly I don't know how to get into this place sense each time I was able to see my family I was blindfolded and nocked out the only reason I was able to get this information was cuz I payed a pretty penny to put a tracking rune on my soul that would disappear after 24 hours passed I nodded ok I will handle the rest and I stood up but he cot my arm I looked down to him and I seen hesitation and fear on his face but he gulped and said please take me with you I raised an eyebrow saying you don't expect me to take a member of the rock ravens with me on a stealth mission to harm his sect do you think I am stupid or something he side and lowered his head to the floor bowing to me and in a desperate voice he begged please sir take me with you I wont be a burden I sware I side thinking about it for a moment and shrugged does this mean that much to you he nodded yes it does I am willing to do anything just for this chance a slight smile spread across my face anything you say and what if I ask for your life or the lifes of your family are you willing to give those to me at this point he was starting to shake and I could tell he was conflicted but that only lasted a few seconds ones those seconds passed what was left was determination and he looked up at me clicking sir if that's what you wish I will give you my and my family lifes all that I ask is for you to lead my family to victory and to treat us like your own I smiled I have already told you Eragon I was happy to take you and your family into my fold but you are going to have to do more then just say pretty words for me to trust you he chuckled nodding and he want onto one knee and he looked at my face and in a deep clicking noise he spoke I Eragon Alienest X sware that my family and I will follow you till are last breath all that I ask is for you to lead us to victory and prosperity may the heavens and our aancestors bare witness to this outh I smiled pulling out his trident I looked it over for a moment then I looked back to him saying I expect your family into mine from here on your family will no longer go by Alienest X but Alienest Colt may the heavens and our ancestors bare witness to the merging of these two families into one and I stabbed the trident right in front of Eragon saying take up your weapon brother we got are people to save Eragon lowered his head saying yes brother and he reach out and grabbed the Trident the moment he touched the trident thunder shook the sky and he stood up Trident in hand so whats next brother he asked? I smiled and looked him over and seen his shitty black rags that we had put him in I laughed first we get you a change of clothes then we go cause some chaos his lips curled up into a very creepy expression that I could only assume was him smiling alright brother and he pulled up his hood and with that, we walked out. In the city on the north side in a huge house in a huge office was a ugly man in black and purple robs he paste back and forth behind a desk his eyes was cold and gray his long greasy black hair was slicked back his skin was pale like he was sickly but he moved normally he would take 4 steps then turn around then take another 4 steps then turn around and do it all over again there was a huge window behind the desk that he moved in front of the light coming in from the window was slowly getting darker and darker till the room was in pitch dark but the man didn't seem to care he continued to paste like nothing had happened time slowly passed with this figure moving back and forth but he soon stop when he noticed a flicker of light coming from the window he looked out the window at this light his eyes want wide seeing where the lights was coming from before he could move out of the window a loud boom woke the hole city up as 4 buildings exploded up in flames hell some of the debris from these 4 builds made other building and if that wasnt bad enough a huge shockwave came out from each of the buildings making the ground shake and window shatter from the force of the explosion the window in front of the man exploded into thousands of sharp chunks but the man frowned waving his hand the glass shards behing covered with a sickly green acid that quickly ate away the shards who dares do this to my sect he gralled jumping out of the window and he was standing in the air his eyes looking all around but he couldn't see anything that simple fact angered him to the core how come I can't detect them he gralled how are they hidding from the likes of me a man in the holy spirit mortal stage how he gralled clinching his hands who ever you are I will find you and I will kill but before he could finish a neckless around his neck glowed and a gold mortal stage shield formed around him something slammed into this shield the moment it did the shield shattered and 2 red hot tungsten spike slammed into the mans chest the man flow back in the air for a few feet before he fell onto one knee in the air coughing up dark sickly purple blood how he muttered this is poison but how am I being affected but a demonic laughter range through the air and in a mocking demonic voice someone spoke that is because my poisons are nothing you have ever seen before and they will be the last thing you feel but feel honored you was the first of many who will die by the death hounds hand so die in peace and a figure appeared next to the man standing in the air was a man who was covered in black and red robs and a wolfish smile of his wolf face and his bright green draconic eyes shinned quickly and in one fast clean movement this man unsheathed the katana on his hip and cut the mans head off the wolf figure cot the mans body and took off his storage range before letting his body drop that's ones the wolf figure said with a huge demonic smile Grave on me he gralled and forming behind him was 9 figures all in red robs and huge demonic smiled on there faces let us began the chaos the man in the wolf mask gralled as he flicked the blood of his katana and sheathing it yes sir they all said and like that the 10 figures disappeared like they was never there little did these 10 figures know that they was about to do something that was going to go down in history by the simple name the bloody graves just uttering that name would strike the fear of god in many but that's in the far future hahaha all the graves know was this was there first mission and they didn't want to let there leader down nothing more nothing less.