causing some chaos

30 minutes before the rock raven sect master death standing at the edge of a camp stood a familiar man in a red and black rob his hair was pulled back into a braid that want down his back you could see a huge smile form from beneath his beard I laughed as I looked forward at the wall thinking of the chaos that I was about to make it was going to be glorious standing slightly behind me was Eragon who simply stood there his trident in his hand the man didn't move or anything he simply looked forward I chuckled saying loosen up Eragon I promise I won't bite he side shaking his head saying sorry sir but we but before he could finish a familiar voice cut him off as he laughing he is right Eragon you are no longer a soldier you are a lion barbarian loosen up mate and surrounding us was a group of 8 familiar people and as for you Brother and Zarock looked to me a bit of anger on his face we are coming with you and that's final I side saying no Zarock I have said this before I am the only one who has the shadow law and none of you but Jake cut me off saying no sir with all do respect your the one underestimating us and at the same time each of them used a ability to disappeared but I could still see them due to my draconic eyes I raised an eyebrow saying a clocking ability no you all have the same artifact that reflects light turning you basically invisible nice but none of you can compare to my and the shadows wrapped around me and I disappeared they all looked around trying to find me Eragon side and he wrapped himself with his soul energy which turned him invisible he then put his Trident on his back as he longed forward towards the wall the others followed him I smiled behind me seeing my squad moving behind me but I was using my wind law to boost my speed so I was already at the wall I looked up noticing there the guards was switching out for the night Eragon told be each sect has 2 watch towers looking over them one on each end basically and the wall was in a very strange shape there were 6 sides and 4 gates it definitely was a strange design and the wall was made from a stone that was harder then many rocks but still not hard enough to with stand many cannon shots but no matter I jumped up in to the air I covered halfway up the wall with that one jump I then reached up my left gauntlet turning into 3 climbing hooks that cot on the side of the wall silently I used this to throw my self up I side a flip and without making a sound I landed on the wall I looked to the 2 guards that were walking towards me I smiled raising my gauntlets that silently formed into 2 daggers but the guards stopped on either side of me the two nodded and looked forward at the camp I heard one snort saying look at those holy kingdom dogs I can't wait to sink my sword into there guts the other man nodded yea my cousinn is out there fighting devils and these holy fucks and I am stuck with bloody guard duty I about broke out in laughter hearing these two talk with me right between them its almost sad so sad its funny these poor fools don't even know there dead yet but no matter we can fix that and my Daggers gauntlets want back to normal as I pulled two small needles out from my rob I simply stabbed these needles into right into there throats there bodys tensed up for a moment there eyes going wide and I seen confusion and fear in there eyes but the next moment there bodys loosened as there eyes rolled to the back of there head I propped them up right when Eragon pulled him self over the edge he froze for a moment when he see the guards bodies but he noticed they wasnt moving or breathing hr side and he claimed up the others soon following him they also froze for a moment seeing the bodies but recovered fast I chuckled saying we split up from here Zarock will take Brock, Brick, Ben, Bella and Queen wall I will be taking Jake, Jarry, and Eragon the spiders will show you your targets also if you will please channel your soul energy into them they all pulled out there spiders and did as I asked the moment they did the spider burst to like attacking to there arms as one of the spiders eye shot up impacting there ears so know they had a small red spike earring know I did the same to mine the moment I got the earring I channeled my soul energy into the earring saying testing one two can yall hear me there eyes went wide Eragon nodding I noticed the earring simply sank right under his ear holes are Zarock was stunned he looked over the spider on his hand saying what sort of devise is this brother this ant like the others that I have seen right I nodded but realized he couldn't see me so I spoke yea the spiders I am letting Azreal and Fjord us are basically the normal models these are the improved models that only my squad will be able to us as you have seen it has the same features as the other spiders but this one also comes with a earring that works as a earbud and the map will not only show your location but the other squad members location to and it will even show all enemies that you can sense on the map they will appear as red dots plus you are able to highlight any building or enemy dot and the last thing of note is that these carry a much bigger explosive and batch of my poison but do not I repeat do not us that feature unless you opulently have to sure you may kill the enemy but you all are more important to the sect and to me alive so don't take your own life unless you have no other choice if I find out you had a choice to escape I swear to gods I will drag your souls out from where ever you go and I will beat the hell out of you got it they all quickly nodded fear in there faces good are plan here is simple cause as much damage and chaos as we can ones everyone is distracted with are fact light shows we head to the sect master building we got some of are people to save and I will be damned if I let any of my own be impressed and treated like prisoners so go show no mercy to these Brusha fucks yes sir they said and with that we all disappeared Jake, Jarry, Eragon and I ran to the farthest look out tower silently killing any guards along the way Jake about sounded the alarm he tried to silently take out a huge man who was holding a strange hammer he was standing next to a huge bell well Jake tried to do one hit kills like the rest of us sadly when he tried to slice the mans throat the man sense Jakes killing intent and blocked his attack the big man opener his mouth like he was going to scream but I through one of my throwing knifes at the man my knife flow into the man's mouth and sank into the back of his throat the man choked on his own blood he fell onto his knees holding his throat but he soon died all glares at Jake who embarrassedly looked away I waved my hand the man's body stabs up on its own and leaning against the frame that held the bell Jarry leaned his hammer again at him next I jerked my hand down and shooting out of the man's mouth was my blood knife but that wasn't it all the blood on the man shot of him and floated in front of me I extended my hand out absorbing the blood we continued after we all have Jake a good ear full but he learned fast enough I also noticed Eragon had been taking certain weapons and armor from these guards plus he had also been looking in any armary and guard room we came across I was going to ask him y he was doing this but I noticed the current weapon he just pulled from the hammer man body it was a bone dagger that had jagged edges like shark teeth there was red and green runes pained down the blade and the handle was made from simple wood and black leather but on the guard I noticed a simble it looked like Eragons lower jaws so I guessed he was taking back his and his families stuff it was strange on how fate works hahah but we kept on moving till we killed all those in the watch tower ones we did that we made are way down into the city and it would seem we was in a red light district or some cuz it was very lively there was bars with beautiful woman and man hi I don't judge anyway these works was dressed very slutty and there was a constant pink and white smoke in the air but we didn't stay for long we simply silently landed on the roofs and ran forward to are first target as we moved I spread out more of my small spiders around but I was starting to get low but no matter as we moved to one target one of my spiders was moving to the other but I deactivated its poison and when I do that the liquid in the poison capsule turned into a very flexible owl which is nice hehe but we landed on across from are first target it was a smithy this was the rock ravens head smithy actually and there wasn't that many guards but there was a shielding array around it this array would not only keep out anyone in the gold rank but one rank higher than that and if that wasn't bad enough the array would not only attack back but also alarm the guards who ever draw this array was a master in array drawing but there was something they didn't block against and that was anything that had no mana in it sadly everything in the world has at least a small amount of mana in it the only law that allows you to counsel your mana to fool arrays like this would be shadow law but the bigger the target the more mana and strain it will take on the user but that wasnt a problem with me hehe and I through one of my spiders forward it landed right in front of the array barrier it sprung to life the moment it did it was covered in shadows it quickly scuddled forward and slammed into the barrier the array light up slightly but it quickly faded as my spider slipped throught my spider then scuddled to the array box it walked to the center of the array get ready I said they all nodded the array flashed again the moment it did a hold in the barrier formed big enough for 4 people to jump in easily and that's what we did the moment we landed on the tip of the smithy roof the array stopped glowing and the barrier want back to normal I slowly moved to what looked to be a vent my gauntlet first finger starter to glow red and I cut the vent open with ease I turned around whispering Jake and Eragon take the back Jarry and I will take the front loot all you can they nodded and Eragon and Jake disappeared I crawled into the vent Jarry following behind us the moment we entered this vent the temperature spiked up the farther down we want plus the farther we got the dirtier the vent got luckily there was no smoke yet but we easily made it above what looked to be a work area I seen 30 forges and work tables none of them was being used but I did see 4 guards moving around the room but I truly couldn't car I cut the vent open again and silently dropped into a work table Jarry followed me I tapped him in the left shoulder twice he nodded and I seen two curved daggers out from his sleeves he silently walked over to the group on the left wall I simply raided my right hand as I slotted 2 throwing knifes onto my gauntlet that had formed a strange knife thrower Jarry jumped and landed in front of the two guards but he was invisable so they didn't see him and he was so quiet that even a mouse would be impressed and as the two guards walked passed him his two curved daggers there throats the guards stopped for a moment before they clouched their throats as they made a gurgling noise before dying Jarry cot them and there weapons before they hit the ground at the same time my two daggers flew forward and sank into the back of the guards heads right under there helmet the guards body tensed before they started to drop down but I waved my hand as both mine and Jarry's guards stood up and walked to a corner and leaned against it I then jerked my hand back as my two knives shot back into my rob and forming in front of me was a blood ball I absorbed it before Jarry and I started looting there wasn't many materials in the work shop but there was someone almost better blueprints and incomplete projects, for example, I found a blueprint of those strange rifles that the brusha kingdom was using and resting on top of it was a complete rifle I picked it up and looked it over before storing everything in my ring we moved on to the back of the smithy which was a storage this is where all of there resources and finished items was stored I looked to Jarry whos face had black ash smeared across it but he didn't looked fazed or like he didn't care I chuckled whispering is following me everything you dreamed he looked over to me chuckling but he didn't respond he simply stepped forward and started looking I side saying damn elf and I started looting to soon Jake and Eragon came into the room right when we was done I looked to them noticing they was covered in new blood I waved my hand the blood flying off them and into my hand let us move they nodded we walked back into the smithy I walked to one of the forges that still had red hot coals in it I then pulled out a strange bundle of red toob and I through it into the forge and with that we quickly got out of there I had the spider deactivate the array there was no point having it up know we disappeared off the street back onto the roof Jake chuckled saying well that was but before he could finish several load booms shook the town as a powerful shockwave exploded forward destroying any window throwing people off there feet of they wasnt strong enough I heard a woosh of fire behind me I turned around to see the hole smithy was on fire I laughed seeing that sight Jake and Jarry followed my lead wall Eragon had a terrifying smile on his face I heard Zarock from my earring targets taken out heading to the sect master building I nodded rager that we are heading that way to go work yall and with that we disappeared but we only got half way to the house when I heard Zarock say brother look up I did so the moment I seen who was floating in the air a huge demonic grain spread across my face as I stopped and dragged my right hand down my face as I reach down to a quiver on my side I pulled 2 tungsten spikes out as my right gauntlet formed two barrels on the top of it I loaded my spikes Into theses barriers as I raised it I put the iron sights right in his chest I then pulled the trigger which activates the 2 runs one a fire rune and stacked ontop of that rune was a wing rune which launched these spikes forward with a thump thump the two tungsten spikes was about to hit the man but a necklaces on the man flashed and a gold barrier formed in front of him but the moment my spikes impacted this barrier it shattered and my spikes slammed into the rock raven sect master chest this forced him to slide back in the air he started frantically looking around trying to find me but he just couldn't he then spat up purple blood I heard him yell but how this is poison how am I being infected by it but I laughed and in my normal demonic mocking voice I spoke that's because my poisons are nothing you have ever seen before and they will be the last thing you feel but feel honored you was the first of many who will die by the death hounds hand so die in peace and I appeared beside the man I had a huge wolfish grin on my face and my draconic eyes was glowing bright I reached for Tempest that was on my waste and unsheathed it very fast I shot passed the man and stopped I flicked off the blood of my blade and sheathed it saying tempest slash the moment my katana locked in place blood squirted out of the mans neck as his head dropped off his body and soon his body followed I side chuckling I dragged my hand up and shooting up from the ground was a ghostly green chain attached to the end of it was a soul I opened my jaws and ate this soul before turning around to my group saying let the chaos begin and like that we all disappeared again heading to the big house we easily found the hidden path that lead down to a secret prison well prison is putting it nicely it was more like a sick torcher lab I seen hundreds of humanoids that had been other races body parts attached to them this was from skin grafting I mumbled that must mean there's someone who has the blood and healing laws like I do skin grafting is the art of taking body parts from other creatures and putting it on a living creature masking it a weird flesh monstrosity there is no flesh law so you have to be able to control blood and be able to heal flesh to do this hell technically all you needed to graft skin off and onto  someone is the healing ability there is plenty of laws that allows you to graft flesh most people us it to seal wounds or to get rid of scares hell I have even heard people loosing a arm or leg and a healer grafts it back in but of course where some people see good others see bad and this was bad Azreal formed on my belt and I started putting these people out of there misery the others didn't stopped my hell must helped but Eragon was to busy walking forward worry and fear in his eyes we got to the end of the prison and there was nothing but a wall in front of us Eragon gralled get out of my way and he punched the wall with all of his might the hidden door exploded openwe walked through the door I waved my had blowing the dust that filled the room from Eragon punching the door open out and we stood in a white room and there was 16 people every one of them was in raggy clothes and around their necks was a color but my hands tightened seeing the group of 5 men torching these people which was predators hell 4 of them looked similar to Eragon but way younger and unlike Eragon everyone had there eyes still with was a dark green black color the man looked to us with shock one of them yelling who are you and what you doi but before he could finish I flashed in front of him and grabbed him by the throat my gauntlet claws sinking inti his skin slightly I started coldy at this man as a snarl formed in my face who am I you ask who em I well hahaha I am your worst nightmare bitch and I dragged my right hand down my face as my wolf mask formed and my shadowy coat but that's when one of the other man grab the woman in front of him he put a blade to her throat saying put him down dick head or she but I cut him off saying or she what its going to be hard to do anything without a hand wouldn't it the man looked confused what do you mean? My hand is fine and he raised it and flecked it a few times see so but before he could finish a wind blade formed in front of me and shot forward flying his hand off the man looked stunned seeing his bloody stump no you listen to me dirt bag I grabbed as I set the man I had by the throat down the moment I did thousands of cracking noises came from his body as shooting up from his arms legs chest back neck hell even his head was bone spikes the man screamed in pain but I didn't care I walked in front of the man who I just cut there hand off and I stared I to his fearful eyes listen up all you dirt bags what I am about to do it will be very personal and I am going to enjoy it hahaha you harmed my people me the fucking death hound people so I hope your ready to pay for your actions in both life and death hahaha the man in front of me turned around saying no please don't mercy, mercy I surrender and he tried to move away from me but I grabbed him by the shoulder as a huge demonic grin spread across my face mercy I don't think so surrender I don't take prisoners and I don't negotiate with punks like your self especially when they arm my people hahaha no no you will take this punishment either you like it or not the mans face want pale no please but it was to late all of his blood wrapped around his body snapping his legs and arms as strings attacked them selfs to the sealing hanging him like a puppet I looked to the next victim the woman started to step back no please I didn't want to do this I didn't touch them I gralled but you watched it happen your just as guilty and I appeared in front of her and reached out my hand but Eragon stopped my hand I looked to him with anger and in a slow beastly voice I asked brother y you stopping me Eragon side letting my hand go saying cuz I know Mally personally she is good people I side and looked to the girl who had nothing but fear and a bit of hope in her eyes fine brother I will trust you and my eyes feel on my next victim and I brutally hurt him to but I didn't kill them I just made sure they couldn't move the last one tried to run but got his legs blown off by a fire ball with that I looked to eragon saying time to leave he nodded and we left the moment we got outside I wrapped everyone in shadow as I raised my hand controlling the wind under every ones feet and like that we took off into the air.