The beginning of the fun

We easily flee over the wall without being seen we flew back to the camp and interred are mine and Zarocks tent without being seen the moment we walked throought the tent flap I waved ny hand as an array formed which expanded the inside of the tent so we could all fit inside it comfortably I then waved my hand down as  26 shadow chairs formed up from the ground I turned to everyone smiling please make your selfs comfortable wall I cook something for us all the big man here and I pat Zarock will pass out healing pills to everyone so please make your selves at home Eragon can explain everything they all nodded like lost ducklings but 4 preditors practically tackled Eragon to the ground they all yelled Dad Eragon laughed hugging all of his children the oldest was probably 15 or 17 wall the youngest was no older then 6 to 8 my beautiful children my dearest children I missed you to and he pressed his head against there's all of his children let out a happy clicking noise Eragon then looked up to a woman that stood slightly behind the children her scales was dark red and black and her eyes was black and purple he stood up and opened his arms saying my love I am so happy to see you she let out a angry click saying none of that Eragon you best explain y you are with these and she looked to my group who walked passed them and was already sitting in chairs Brock, Brick, Ben and Queen was cleaning their crossbows wall Jake was helping Zarock give out pills to the injured wall Bella and Jarry was looking over the list of everything we stole tonight wall I was already in the center of this tent I stood over a fireplace that was dancing around a pot that was hanging over the fire next to this fire was a small table that I was sitting at that had ingredients on it I was chopping some strange purple potatoes when I was done making small squares out of them I scrapped it into the pot I was humming to my self as I worked Eragon wife looked back to him saying human Eragon rasied an eyebrow asking what do you mean dear the only humans here are the ones outside of this tent everyone you see isn't human they maybe humanoids but definitely not human actually Eragon My sister and I are human Brock said raising his hand Eragon turned to him saying yea right and I am a lizard everyone in my group chuckled at his comment and a few of his people did also Eragon's wife scoffed and in a angry voice said what is the difference what they are called it was people like them that had killed are tribe members and forced us out of are land just look at you dearest husband look what they did to you they took your eyes and has tortured us that man over there is proof enough of that and she pointed to me with feary in her eyes you seen what he did to his own kind he is a monster just like but Eragon bottom jaws slammed together angrily this cut her off and in a slow forced to be calm voice Eragon spoke enough Morgog that is no way to thank are savers and ones more that's no way to talk to my brother Morgog was stunned hearing that your brother she snarled you claimed one of them as your own y who Eragon side and turned and looked at my back saying that man over there and the leader of this group his name is Hound and as for y and he turned to her and a sad smile spread across his face he swear to help me get you back he not only swor to the heavens but to his ancestors and on his family name that he would help me save you and to take us into his family and he kept his word he saved you and are families are one now from here on out are family name is Colt the woman's eyes want wide and tears started to form in her eyes Eragon opened his arms and this time Morgog rushed into them crying into his chest I heard her say I am sorry so sorry Eragon I had no idea I am just scared, scared of are future Eragon hugged her tightly and whispered don't worry dear Hound will take care of us he has done this much I believe in my brother Morgog nodded and looked up at him ok Eragon if you trust him I will also and they brought there heads together I smiled standing up and put the lid over the pot as I walked over I waited for a few seconds I let this moment last for a bit before I cleared my throat Morgog jumped in Eragons arms but eragon simply smiled at me saying thank you brother I couldn't but I raised my hand saying no Eragon there is no need to thank me the moment are families became one no even before then I had planned on helping you I gave you my word and you gave me yours from here on out we are family your peoples problems are my problems remember he nodded laughing ok Brother I smiled nodding as I clapped my hands saying now let us look at these colors shall we Eragon youngest which was a little boy rushed forward yelling uncle Hound do me do me first I laughed what do we got here and I crouched down and looked into this boys eyes that had a fire in those peer young eyes I laughed we got a fiery one good, good you must get it from your mother hi Eragon said but Morgog crossed her arms nodding like I just said the wisest thing in the world the others laughed I pat this kid on the top of the head saying whats your name young one Quincy uncle I nodded well Quincy you got a fire in your soul don't let anything snuff it out got it he giggle yes sir I nodded good we will make a fine warrior of you yet but lets see and I looked at the collar that was around his neck my draconic eyes glowing slightly the collar its self didn't look like nothing special a simple leathers band with a metal lock but this collar was anything but ordinary mmm a slave collar and a pretty expensive one at that Eragon walked next to Quincy he put a hand on his sons shoulder asking can you remove it I smiled but of course I can and appearing In my hand was my obsidian rune drawing pin the tip started to glow red got I looked to Quincy saying don't move ok he nodded and I brought the pin up to the collar and I tapped the lock 3 times on the 3 tap the collar unlocked and hung around his neck I pulled off the collar nodding good job kid who's next and like that 1 hour passed with me taking off collars and everyone eating after we was done Zarock leaned forward asking so whats next? Brother we obviously can't keep them here it will draw to much attention hell I am surprised more people didn't throw a fit when eragon just appeared I nodded I agree but one of Eragons uncles I think his name was Slicks stood up saying but sir hound we can be beneficial in the battles to come we can fight yea we can and a few others stood up agreeing with him but I shook my head saying that it may be that you all can fight but you ant Lion barbarians yet your just my people you haven't gone through the training to earn that tightle yet and in tell you have that tightle you wont be fighting with us on any battlefield but Slicks said about to protest but I raised my hand saying you all would just slow us down my unit works as one we fight as one if you all join us you will just get in our way ask Eragon he has seen how I command over my unit they all looked to Eragon I could tell many of them was expecting his support but his next words shocked them my brother is right we would just get in there way they operate on a completely different level in the battle where I fought against them Hound killed 2 of the commanders on my side like it was nothing then he tackled me off my raven wall his wyvern flew around with his people on his back slottering my man and all the others they was only 8 and yet they got the highest kill count in that battle Hound keeps a firm hand on his unit but it ant just that everyone in his unit are war legends and yet they follow him without question Slicks opened his mouth saying I didn't think I would ever see the die Eragon is running from a fight has loosing your eyes dolled your edge nephew hi Morgog snapped watch it Slick smiled at her saying or what little but before he could finish he was forced to the ground by Eragons killing intent so was any of the others that was with Slick Eragon stood up and glared at him and in a cold chilling voice Eragon spoke does this answer your question Uncle Slick gulped and nodded yes I am sorry nephew I shouldn't have said that Eragon scoffed no shit and with that his killing intent was gone Slick and his friends side but I was having none of it I smiled to Slick saying allow me to show you what your nephew meant when he said my unit is on a different level then you and I looked to Brick saying show them she nodded and looked to Slick and his friends and Bricks killing intent exploded out from her Slick and his friends knees started to shake and they was breathing hard Bricks eyes was cold and ruthless and in a ice cold voice she spoke you overestimate yourself self old man and you underestimate us the graves and most importantly you heavily underestimate are boss the death Hound if he was the one doing this you all would be groveling on the floor unable to move unable to breath the only think that would be going through your head is will I live after this and who did I just underestimate so next time listen to your nephew and like that her killing intent was gone Slick and his friends took a deep breath and a few more they was already sweating and breathing hard but after a few moments of them breathing Slick sat up saying my apologies sir Hound I waved my hand saying no need just learn from this and grow he nodded that I will Zarock looked to me asking do you got a plan brother I nodded saying yep they leave now on Rex my shadow cloaking can last for a whole especially if I give them a spider if anyone asked where Rex want we just say she want out to Hunt they all nodded I looked to Eragon saying Rex will drop you off outside of the city in the woods stay there I will send some people to get you they will bring you into the city and they will lead you to my house where you will find the lion barbarians sect master and my father in law waiting for you it is up to him if you join the sect but I wouldn't be worried sense your under my banner now he will happily except you into the sect my butler will handle your housing and stuff and till we get back you all do nothing but rest and spend time together got it Eragon nodded ok brother sounds good Zarock smiled evily when we come back is when all training starts we will make a lion barbarian out of you yet ant that right brother I nodded a huge demonic grin forming we will work you to the bone hahaha Eragon and the rest of them faces want pale hearing my words and like this Eragon and his family left the Brusha kingdom I side stretching my body I looked to the rest of them saying go and get some sleep cuz tomorrow are weapons will taste are enemies blood on the field of battle they all nodded and walked to there tents I looked to Zarock we both nodded and want into our tent which was back to its normal size and we fell asleep the morning soon came I woke up to Zarock kicking the side of my cot saying get up brother the prince is summing you to the front I side and got up and walked over to a water bool I snapped my fingers before splashed my face with ice cold water wow there we go I said whipping my face as I turned around pulling on my rob Zarock laughed I noticed he was in his red and gold armor that had a roaring lion in the center of his back and over his right shoulder was his huge black long sword appearing around my hands was my clawed gauntlets and Tempest up from the cot and attacked its self to my hip I pulled my hair back tying it saying well lets go brother best we not keep him waiting Zarock nodded and we walked out of the tent standing in front of the camp was all the holy nights in there full armor and there in the dead center of them was Brom the prince he was wearing bright gold and silver plate armor and on his hip was a glowing blue long sword Zarock kept on eyeing that sword as we walked up the prince turned to me saying o Hound your here good so whats next and where is your armor I laughed showing off my gauntlets saying its right here sir as for whats next that's simply we storm the wall might I suggest the peacocks side it's the one on the left I have heard peacock is a wonderful breakfast with a sweet meed he smiled rising as eyebrow saying what about the Rock ravens wont they help defend against us a huge demonic grin spread across my face probably not sense I killed there sect master last night The prince was stunned hearing that so was everyone else other then my squad of course but the Prince broke out laughing of course you did let me guess those explosions in the city was your handy work I smiled shrugging it was the work of grave yes he raised his eyebrow asking Grave whats do you mean a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I yelled Grave form up yes sir and appearing behind me was my squad Brock and Brick was wearing basically the same chain mail mixed with leather armor on there left shoulder was a lion Jake had on dark red and black armor that was a mix of plate and leather on his hips was a blood red hooked sword and a fiery red bone dagger on the back of his belt was a old well used chain mace but the head had 3 long hooks coming out the top of it on his right shoulder was a roaring lion but in the center of his chest was the head of a horned catechism emblazoned on his chest was the head of a Tarrasque next to him was Ben he was covered in black dwarven full plate armor that had dark red spikes coming from is on his hips was two blood red axes and he even had two horns coming from the top of his helmet painted into the steel in the left shoulder was a roaring lion and in the center of his chest was a bull Bella was on my other side she was in the same armor as her brother but hers was a purple and white color and on her back was a huge war hammer that was made from white bone on her right shoulder was a female lion roaring and painted over her helmet was a skull Queen was behind her she had on a leather and scale mail mixed armor over her head was a bright green elven cloke on the back of her belt was a quiver full of arrows that had red feathers slung over her back was her crossbow and sheathed on her back was two scimitars in the center of her armor was a female roaring lion and just behind her was Jarry he had on a half plate on wrapped over his armor was a bright red coat and in his hands was a bright red Elvish naginata and that armor also looked elvish also and I seen a basic warn long sword on his back on his right shoulder pad was a roaring lion but in the center of his chest was two trees that had the moon behind it this was the elf kingdom mark Brom and the rest of the holy knights was stunned seeing this I chuckled and dragged my right hand down my face and forming on my face was my wolf mask I had a huge demonic wolfish grin and in a beastly voice I spoke we are Grave Brom smiled nodding understood so how do you want to do this I smiled saying like any lion barbarian we charge I walked passed him and started walking towards the wall my walk quickly turned into a run and soon I was sprinting towards the wall at full speed there was a thunderous noise behind me as I heard the prince yell you heard the man we charge and they follow my squad forward I got probably 60 yards from the wall when the sun got blocked by the hundreds of arrows flying down towards me shields up I yelled and I waved my hand up and forming above me was a blue fire shield I heard hundreds of other people raise there shields or form there own the next second the sound of hundreds of arrows descending around us came and it didn't stop I looked to the prince my draconic eyes glowing and a huge smile was on my face the prince was standing under a windshield he had his helmet on but I could still see his face you ready prince this is where the fun begins I yelled he grinned nodded yelling show me Hound I nodded with pleasure and I snapped my fingers the moment I did I detonated a few spiders the moment I did the ground shook as 6 load booms want off a huge shock wave blew passed us and the wall slowly crumbled in on its self I turned around Drawing Tempest screaming this is it maggots this is where we kill these Brusha dogs lets give them a little taste of there fates and they all let out a mighty war crazy I turned back forward saying that's the spirit charge and I shot forward lightning arking off my body my squad and the prince right behind me the holy nights following fast I shot passed the collapsed wall my draconic eyes scanning everywhere my eyes locking on a force that was rallying to attack I slammed I to the first person I seen there head being severed from there body as I landed on this corpse I smiled at the others who looked at me with fear one of them yelled no its him its the death hour yelp I cleaved my way through these people who barely for back Tempest was nothing but a sharp blur I was just swinging down at the last one when a rapier blocked my blade I think you have done quite enough lad I looked up to see a man in black and dark red armor and embraced on his chest was the holy bishops mark and that rapier it wasnt of this world it was to ordinary I chuckled at him and in French I spoke Alors finalement nous rencontrons un gars de la deuxième couche, alors comment trouves-tu Eden which means so finally we meet fellow from second layer so how do you like Eden his eyes want wide and he responded tu parles français mais comment je pensais que j'étais le seul which badically means you speak french but how i thought i was the only one I laughed shaking my head saying non, tu n'es pas le seul à être spécial, alors n'agis pas comme si tu l'étais, au fait, ton idée de pistolet à trou est quel est le mot pour ça, c'est vrai, c'est de la merde haha, ma grand-mère propose de meilleures armes que ça which basically means no you are not the only one you ant special so dont act like you are by the way your hole gun idea is whats the word for it o right its shit haha my grandmother comes up with better weapenry then that hahaha the mans face turned red from anger he then spoke how fucking dare you I be the best the cardinal ever ask for I am the caption of the red guard and you will fear but I rolled my eyes saying your just a shity Musketeer your not even half of a man compared to them and you ant even a quarter of a smith compared to me but enough I am here to kill and killing is what I will so and I snapped my fingers the moment I side ice spikes shot up all around me the man jumped back leaving the women on the ground to a bloody fate I looked to the left smiling the sight I seen the man smiled saying this is my army I hope you light it fire and 200 people fired at me but I didn't care I simply stood there with a huge grin on my face my heart was pumping my blood was flowing fast I was having fun hahaha let us dance I gralled and I moved my arms out of my rob as I let out a mighty howl as I did my giants ora exploded out from me and I got a few feet taller I am normally 6 3 6 4 but know I was 8 feet tall my muscles tightened and grow and shooting out from my back was two black claws arms appearing in my left hands was Sekhmet and lorek as for my right hand I was already gripping Tempest so below tempest appeared Azreal my scares started to glow with a bright green ghostly energy and my skin turned black and shadowy as a familiar black coat formed I flipped Sekhmet in front of me cutting all the shots in front of me I looked to these people who was stunned seeing my transformation and in a deep beastly voice I spoke your souls are mine and I let out a mighty howl that shook the area.