My pray come to me

I seen the soldiers of this French man go pale the moment my giant's ora sweeped over them I had a huge beastly smile on my face as I slammed which was in its halberd form onto the ground the moment I did so the ground in front of me exploded with bright blue fire the soldiers yelped trying to get out of its blast radiance but it was to late the people who took on this force of fire got engulfed in fire as body parts separated from there body I laughed as I raised Sekhmet onto my shoulder and walked forward the stone road below my feet was nothing but red magma but I was walking through it like it was nothing the French man yelped as a wind barrier fell around him and about half of his army was still alive wall the other half was laying on the ground as body parts I waved tempest up and shooting up from these bodies was many different color souls I opened my jaws and took a deep breath in as I did the souls shot into my mouth never to be seen again I licked my lips my draconic eyes glowing brightly the black coat around me seemed to get more realistic and my scares started to glow even brighter the French man took a step back in fear I raised Tempest and pointed it at him chuckling your next but that's when I sense something flying at me from the air I simply swung tempest up cutting a wind blade in half the two blades flew passed my and hit the ground behind me as I looked up smiling floating down in front of the French man was a woman who had beautiful elegant plate armor that had many bright colorful armor sticking out from it the woman colorful rainbow long hair was pulled into a bun so she could have a elegant helmet Greek style helmet that was covered in feathers so much so the helmet its self looked like it was made from these colorful feather and on her hips was two rapiers that seemed to chance colors every few seconds resting on her back was two sets of beautiful blue and purple wings I smiled up at this beauty into her sky blue eyes but she had anything but a smile on her face on the contrary she was frowning and her eyes had anger in them but I didn't mind right at this point Brom walked slightly in front of me I wasnt sure y he was just know intervening sense I got to swept up in my bloodlust to monitor him and his actions but I did at least had the common sense to keep a eye in my squad and where the holy nights was currently the holy nights was just arriving in the seen sense all this that has happened has only lasted a few seconds wall my squad was killing a group of rock ravens who tried to attack me walk I was distracted but they had just killed the last one and was starting to slowly make there way towards me as for what the prince had been doing I honestly didnt care but I seen the signs of combat on him his shinny gold armor wasnt so shinny with blood covering it plus the sword in his hand had blood dripping off it and the prince face had blood and a bit of dirt on it but he was smiling and his eyes was shinning as he looked up to this woman you must be miss Polota Peacock the sect master of the scarlet peacocks I had heard about your bounty but I must say your way more beautiful in person Polota snorted and you must be the third prince Brom Morningstar I guess all those roomers on how you were a horny dog was the truth how disappointing Brom chuckled shrugging y don't you come down here and find out my lady Polota smiled a beautiful smile and she descended down but not in front of Brom but in front of me she floated down till she was eye level with me she looked be over with those sky blue eyes but I wasn't fazed my smile faded into a neutral expression my draconic eyes scanned her over to but I wasn't checking her out I was admiring her equipment her armor was in the low demi-god rank so was her swords just one glance from me and I could tell they was masterpieces of her sect I was a bit jealous everyone had there cool armor and all I had was my gauntlets hell even those in my squad had unique armors take Jakes armor for example it not only had a second form which was a necklace that he always warn but his armor reacted to his will like it was part of him like it was a part of his body and his helmet covered his hole face all you could see is a bright orange blowing grin that sort of reminds me of what you would us for a jack o lantern and his eyes holes glowed with a yellow light plus this helmet had dreadlocks hair in the form of hundreds of sharp wires that want to a spike and currently this hair of his was floating up on fire he had been wearing his helmet the moment he put on this armor this is how he got the nickname Jack O the ripper cuz of the unique shape of his helmet this was only one example this didn't even cover the other 7 Brocks and Bricks armor was made from a rare chain devil chains that they had killed Ben and Bellas armor were works of dwarven art apparently they were part of a family that served right under the dwarf king by the name the spiked guards a simple enough name it maybe but if you mutter that to a dwarf they would shiver in fear cuz the spiked guards was the dwarf kings enforcers they didn't show up unless shit hit the fan or someone really pissed off the king as for Queens armor it was her mothers before hers so it had sentimental value Jarry's armor was the armor he was given by Queens real father as a sign of his rank and even Zarocks armor was given to him as a gift from Fjord I was the only uncool one and this irked me more then I cared to admit how the fuck Hound thought growing to 8 feet tall and forming two more arms and have a black coat form from nothing be uncool only the gods know but I didn't let it show on my wolf face Polota looked back up into my glowing draconic eyes we stared at each other for a few moments when she finally spoke you must be this death hound I have heard so much about o I asked raising a eyebrow you know who I am it would seem my reputation proceeds me then the woman nodded indeed unlike the disgrace next to you your a true warrior and a gentlemen I have not seen or felt any lust coming from you even when you was killing my girls or even when I showed up tell me do you not find me or my girls attractive or something I grinned shaking my head no miss you and your girls are plenty beautiful but I have seen beautiful women before I have 7 wifes you see and everyone of them has stolen this death hound dark heart so do you think just looked alone can make this hound beg like a good dog naa I think not she smiled hearing my answer we started at each other for a few seconds that's when I sensed killing intent front my left and I side shrugging besides pretty faces are nothing but trouble and Lorek disappeared from my hand as I grabbed the prince by the mack of his armor and jerked him back as a stone spike just missed his face the stone spike was the size of a 308 bullet it few passed him and hit the ground right at me feet my eyes hadn't left Polota that hole time my smile got even bigger as I chuckled wouldn't you agree miss Peacock Polota was stunned but her stunned expression turned into a angry snarl yea that's right girls on me she yelled and dropping from the sky around the cowering French man was the all of scarlet peacock sect every last of them had on armor and weapons they was prepared for war Brom angrily sliced at Polota but the wings on her back flapped which shot her backward she slid to a stop in front of her sect She drew both of the swords on her hips as she raised them yelling slotter the holy dogs and she disappeared in a burst of wing I laughed and crossed Tempest and Sekhmet in front of me and slamming into my crossed weapons was two rapier blades as Polota appeared in front of me the wing wrapped around her just from this one attack I could feel her strength she was in the hight gold rank for body cultivation and definitely in the demi-god rank in her spirit cultivation as for her soul rank I ant sure bug it wasn't common for people to practice all three cultivation like my sect did which was good for me fighting against her should be fun I thought as Lorek appeared back in my hand and I shocked up at her leg my axe slammed into her armored plate leg not leaving a scratch but that wasnt my goal the moment Lorek slammed into her armor ice chunks shot up shit I heard Polota say as she jumped back and swung one of her rapiers down braking the slowly growing ice she looked back up at me with caution I laughed as I shrunk back down to my normal size but I still had 4 armors The prince walked next to me saying on your mark hound the moment he said that the holy nights formed a line behind us they slammed there weapons against there shields and appearing around me was my squad Zarock had a black knights helmet on and he gripped his executioner's long sword in both hands in anticipation as he yelled let us slotter these fucks brother on your mark the others nodded and readied there weapons a huge beastly grin spread across my face I started at Polota and she started at me a intense silence fell over everyone no one made any sudden movements or anything they simply gripped there weapons waiting for the sound to charge the tension in the air was so thick and heavy a butter knife could cut it a gust of wing kicked up some dust in front in front of us this silence wasn't broken by a sound to charge no it was broken by a whipping noise and I simply raised Tempest stopping another stone spike my eyes shot to the right locking on where this shot came from my eyes locked on a man in bright what leather armor that had crimson owl feathers on it this was the sect master if the crimson owls in his hand was one of those strange rifles but his looked a bit different it was more flashy for one and two the runes on it was more powerful the moment my eyes landed on him he froze in fear I raised Tempest to my throat and draw it across my throat in a very threatening meaner the man face want pale from fear and he shot up the ground melding around him and he shot next to Polota the woman was shocked seeing the man slide to a stop next to her but she didn't complain she looked back forward at me as I slammed my gauntlets together a load ringing noise echoed out and I laughed hahahaha who want to kill these Brusha dogs I yelled we do sir my side yelled good then lets kick some brusha dogs ass and I let out a mighty howl that sent fear into my enemies hearts and bolstered my troops morale and I disappeared in a burst of wind I appeared right in front of the two sect masters growling you to are mind and I swung Tempest and Sekhmet up Polota crossed her rapiers and the crimson owl sect master was just able to pull out a strange serrated bone short sword but the center of this sword was made from mithral so was the grip and handle and there at the pommel of this sword was a familiar mark that of two predator jaws my killing intent exploded out from me Sekhmet burst with bright blue fire and tempest blade soon was covered by a dark purple cold mist the sect masters was just able to block my strikes both strikes exploded tempest in a burst of blue fire and Tempest with ice this through the sect masters into the air they did a few flips in the air before they stopped floating Polota right arm was covered by a dark purple ice wall the crimson owl sect master left half of his body was scorch black his face was red from the fire some of the peacock sect members rushed forward thrusting there weapons at me but a wall of fire engulfed them screams came from the fire as Jarry rushed passed me with a huge toothy smile on his face and his eyes was glowing with that same orange crazy fire that I saw before in his hands he swung his naginata cleaning cutting off 3 peoples head with scary ease he spun his naginata screaming come at me you damn cowards hahaha I then seen Ben and Bella rush passed me throw the firewall they both charged at the biggest group next to them and charged straight through there enemy Ben with his axes was like a bloody blender wall Bella left nothing but broken bodies in her wake this didn't even cover how they used the spikes on there armor they would literally slam into anything that came near them Brock and Brick then rushed passed me there axes in one hand and there crossbows in the other they fell into the peacock sect members they might not have been as skilled as the other 3 but these two made up for it with teamwork neither of them moved with out the other in mind it was like they was one person in two bodies that's when 3 arrows few passed my head with red feathers and sank into three people that had surrounded Brick Jake and Zarock then rushed passed me Jake has his hooked blades in his hands which was shinning sharply from the blood on them Zarocks blade started to glow with a bright orange fire Zarock cut one persons head off before swinging his sword down cutting 2 people in half spinning over his back was Jake he hooked his blades together as he swung forward with the two blades hooked together it busted his range and sense there was a blade on this guard and even a sharp spike as a pommel it didn't do anything at first just to make the enemies move back but the next moment I seen bloody threads attacked to the hilt of his blades he cot his blades and jerked them down the moment he did so body parts got ripped off bloody screams filled the area as the holy nights and the prince joined the fight I looked up to the two sect masters who hadn't moved I smiled using my earring saying I am going after the sect masters brother your in command Zarock chuckled as he deflected a spear to the side with his armored gloves before that persons head was separated from there body Be careful brother and have fun he said swinging his sword down all the blood on it flying off I grinned you two and with that I disappeared in a burst of wind I soon was standing in front of the sect masters saying thank you for waiting Polota smiled waving her hand saying we didn't do it for you I didn't want are fight to kill any if my girls I laughed far enough I said my eyes locking with the crimson owl sect master who are you I asked he side Pall Owl and your the death Hound I know I smiled good at least you know of yalls fate come lets us dance the dance of death and with that all my weapons burst with spirit energy Sekhmet was covered with a blue and black fire Lorek started to have white mist coming off from it Tempest blade was covered with a purple and green mist and Azreal shinned with a dark power as the runes on it started to glow I got into my stance and shot forward with a huge beastly grin on my wolf face.