
While Jessica Jones, Misty Knight, and Colleen were patrolling Chinatown, they came upon a disturbing scene. Several Dragonlords were standing atop of a mound of reeking garbage in the back of a city sanitation and disposal truck. They were hurling globs of muck and entire bags of trash through the broken windows of a souvenir shop. The owner was screaming for help as the Dragonlords pelted him with missiles of filth.

A crowd watched in dismay as one of the Dragonlords yelled triumphantly "see!!! This is what happens when you refuse to pay the White Dragon for protection!! This could happen to any of you!!!" with that said, the thug then hurled an old tire that landed on the shopkeeper's head and shoulders like a toy in a child's ring-toss game.

The old shopkeeper stumbled to the ground. Laughing hysterically, the Dragonlords began to cover the man with armloads of stinking wet garbage.


Jessica stood up to the 4 Dragonlords atop the truck in defense of the old man, when the Dragonlords began pelting her with glass bottles and junked furniture. Misty and Colleen are able to swiftly climb atop the truck to battle the Dragonlords. As they do, the thugs draw more lethal weapons (knives and nunchucks) and the vehicle lurched into motion!

As Jessica attempted to climb the hand-ladder to the top of the truck it moved and she fell onto her back from a height. Inside the truck, the unconscious driver had slumped over onto the gear shift lever. His foot was jammed down on the accelerator, causing the massive diesel machine to rampage down the congested street with Colleen, Misty, and the Dragonlords atop its back!

In the jerk of movement, everyone is shaken and one of the 4 Dragonlords falls from the back of the truck to land hard on the concrete. As the vehicle rapidly accelerated down the street a trash can was luckily it's only first victim -- it smashed under the heavy truck's tires with a metallic crunch!. Screaming pedestrians and other automobiles began moving out of the truck's way.

Misty quickly defeats another of the three remaining Dragonlords in combat by holding the thug out over the edge of the truck, causing him to be hit by a sign and thrown from the truck. She then began making her way to the cabin to take control of the wild vehicle. As she crawled through the window of the driver's side door and moved the limp form of the driver Colleen was left alone against 2 Dragonlords.

A stalled car was directly in the truck's path! As a frantic mother desperately tried to start the auto, the screams of her terrified baby echoed from the backseat! Misty was able to wrestle control of the vehicle and swerve wildly and avoid the stalled vehicle, but rocking Colleen and her foes savagely to and fro.

The truck was half on and off the sidewalk. Snapping off steel street signs like saplings, it rumbled aggressively towards a wooden newsstand. With eyes wide open, the vendor inside stood frozen with terror. He would've been smashed, had not Jessica Jones given the truck chase and was able to surpass it using her metahuman speed and strength. Taking a defensive posture towards the oncoming garbage truck, Jessica lowered her head and shoulders and halted the truck in its tracks with a mean shoulder check. As the front end of the truck wrapped around Jessica's immovable body the engine was obliterated and parts of metal flung like shrapnel. The internal airbags erupted and the force of the impact severely battered Misty. A remaining Dragonlord was projectiled into the wall of a shop, ending up unconscious on the shops doorstep. Colleen, noticing Jessica's plan at the last second dove head first down into the pile of refuse to secure herself and cushion the impact with soft and moist garbage.