Chill of the Blizzard

Beneath a flickering street lamp in an otherwise dark alley, Marc Spector saw a lonely figure meticulously spray painting the wall of a restaurant. Though he was obviously a gang member, Marc couldn't recognize the patches on his jacket or the color association of the bandana across his face.

As Marc moved to stop the vandal, an insane voice from the other end of the alley caused him to pause. "Haha!!! Hee! Hee! You've tagged your last wall, bomber!!" the eery voice cackled.

From out of the darkness, a stream of ice entangled the spray painter's legs. His spray can dropped to the ground and noisily rolled and rattled into the shadows...stopping at the frigid feet of the notorious Blizzard.


The young graffiti artist was totally immobilized by the Blizzard's ensnarement attack. He cursed and beat his fists furiously on the ice, but could not break free.

The Blizzard was not alone. 4 Dragonlords were standing in the shadows behind the Blizzard, and all of them moved forward to finish their prey. They planned to kill him as an example to the rest of Chinatown's street gangs that the White Dragon cannot be resisted. The Dragonlords began to beat the helpless young man as the Blizzard watched and laughed maniacally.

Marc Spector had not made himself obvious, and so the Blizzard and his thugs were completely unaware of his presence. So, Marc interfered and saved the young man's life by ambushing the ninja and freeing the young man from the ice snare. Once free, the young man drew his knife and began defending himself alongside Marc Spector. The two adeptly defeat the villains.

The young man introduces himself to Marc Spector as simply, Tak. He explains that he is a member of a small-time Chinese immigrant gang called The Kongers.

"Why are the Dragonlords after you?" Marc asked Tak.

"Because I and the rest of the Kongers joined up with The Faces Of Fear for protection. We're a small set, and The Dragonlords only want people who kneel. The Kongers bow to no man."

"Where do the Faces of Fear hangout?" Marc tried.

"I don't know, man, and i wouldn't tell you if i did." Tak honestly replied.

"You know where i can find The Dragonlords?" Marc asked.

"Their OGs hold down a trap house near the waterfront. The place is under the South Street Elevated Highway near the Brooklyn Bridge. You'll know the place when you see all the crackheads on the lawn." Tak spilled.

As Marc finished conversing with Tak, a foreign car pulled up at the end of the alley. Inside were 3 more Kongers. One of them said, "Tak! We've been looking all over for you. Come on!"

Looking very nervous Tak whispered to Marc, "Please don't let the streets know i talked to you." He then hurried off to join his friends in the detailed car.