A Crack'd house crumbles

After days of investigation and discovery, the Heroes For Hire decide to stage a raid on the Dragonlords trap house. They hope to be able to stop the distribution of Oxi, as well as any other illicit substances or illegal activity. Reports indicated that men with alot of power within the organization personally ran the location. It is Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Cloak & Dagger who attempt to raid the trap house.


Ahead of them was the dilapidated house Tak had told Moon Knight about. The titanic Brooklyn Bridge loomed overhead and spans the East River. They could hear the motors and horns of traffic moving across the immense structure.

There appeared to be no one around, except for a mangy hound that had tipped over a metal trash can and was rummaging through its putrid contents.

Startled by the sudden noise of breaking glass, the dog yelped and ran in terror as a screaming figure crashed through a second-story window of the trap house. Tumbling end-over-end, the man landed with a loud THUD on the remains of the dog's meal. From the serpent on his shredded jacket, the Heroes For Hire could indicate the hapless thug was a Dragonlord.

An ominous and familiar voice boomed from the shadows of the shattered window, "What have you done with The Celestial One?" Framed by jagged shards of glass, an imposing figure emerged into the light. It was the Silver Samurai!


From his position in the window, the Silver Samurai immediately teleported in front of Colleen Wing and initiated a fierce battle! Jumping and tumbling, 10 tongs emerge from windows and doors in the house to fight the Heroes For Hire.

The Dragonlord who had been thrown through the window laid on the sidewalk, unconscious. He was not seriously injured and didn't require immediate medical attention. Luckily for him, the mound of garbage he had landed on had cushioned his fall. Coming to in the onset of the battle, the thug slunk away in the confusion.


When the assassins began to lose the battle, Silver Samurai once again teleported away and left his minions to their capture.

Inside the trap house was as repulsive as the outside. The entire building was in a state of utter disrepair, refuse littered the floors and clung to the walls. Surprisingly, there were no drugs found anywhere when the Heroes ransacked it. All the Dragonlords had already escaped and must have taken their supply with them. However, Daredevil heard a cry of help from the basement.

Arriving on the scene, Daredevil discovers a strange situation. 3 haggard teenagers were bound with rope, and were lying in the cargo hold of a mysterious vehicle. The machine looked like a van with treads instead of wheels. It had a large screw-like device attached to the front. The vehicle's function was then evident from a large hole bored into the basement floor -- it was obviously some kind of drilling machine.

When the teenagers finally see Daredevil they cry in fear, "Help us, please!! Before they come back!!"

After they are freed, they are compliant with the Heroes' questioning. "What are you doing here?" Daredevil asked.

"We were kidnapped by Dragonlords and brought here." one of the teens answered.

Another teen shoved the first hard, and addressed the heroes. "We came here to buy drugs, and they kidnapped us when we couldn't pay." the second teen amended.

"Why were they keeping you?" Daredevil queried.

"We constantly heard the Dragonlords talking about someone named The Chemist, and about his strange experiments. It was the drugs." the second teen explained.

"They were gonna use us as lab rats, man!" The first teen cried.

"Who's The Chemist?" Dagger then became intrigued.

"None of us have seen him. Rumors say it's the guy created this new Oxi." The 3rd freed teenager answered in a hushed tone of exhaustion and starvation.

"Where did the Dragonlords and The Chemist go?" Cloak asked.

"There was a ruckus upstairs, before you guys got here, and all the Dragonlords came running down here into the basement. They took down the hole in another digging machine after cramming us into the cargo hold of the other machine." the second teen pointed.

"There was another kid like us getting in their truck, too!" the first teen added emphatically.

Unfortunately, after being held in captivity, the 3 teens did not know much else and were instructed to notify authority of the situation. The 3 teens fled the house in a hurry, and 2 ran to the nearest hospital while the 3rd began flagging down the first police officer he could find.

The present Heroes gather into the boring Machine's passenger cabin to pursue the Dragonlords and The Chemist into the tunnel beneath the house.