Special One ( Filler )



      It was in evening when Seungmin got a call.

     " I don't wanna be at home tomorrow, can I say I'm with you?" Hyunjin asked.


     He talked in calm way as he could, but the person listening to his please, can understood he was not in quite good mood. And it was always like this.

     Hyunjin, who always helps his family in business have been currently going through some family problem. Some miscommunication!

    Hyunjin's mom wants him to handle their business. As he always helps them and he knew more than enough about it. And his parents believe he can learn everything quickly. They are forcing Hyunjin to join their business.

    While Hyunjin don't want to be a businessman like them. He want to be an Idol. Which is unexplainable to his parents. Who believes study is everything!

   And there comes the question! If they are willing to let him avoid his studies to join there business then, why can't they not ignore it for his dreams.

    The daily quarrels sets on nothing. And Hyunjin being always angry leaves on his own. Sometimes with Seungmin and sometimes alone.

    Seungmin thought of nothing. It was usual. Hyunjin loves to travel and travelling brings back his joy. So he just said yes and Hyunjin cut the call.

    "Can you come early tomorrow?" Hyunjin call a certain person!

    "Tomorrow? In early means when you are asking about?" The person answered.

    "If you are okay how about..." Early in morning to have breakfast together... Hyunjin speaking half aloud and half in silence in his heart.

    Questioning himself for a while, we woke up when the person asked for his presence calling his name.

    "Just when you will finish your work. That will be early!" Hyunjin not wanting to worry the person. In some laughing tone he answered.

    "Wait! I will call you tomorrow once I Settle the thing. Then I guess we can have our time." The person answered.

   "But Felix,....." He again stopped himself from saying something.

   "What is it?" Felix questioned.

   "Is it okay, If you keep it from Yoona! I don't really wanna say this but ....." He was finding the rest of the words he wasn't able to say.

   "Don't worry! It's my promise. I won't say a word. And, it happens. I'm glad I'm involved in one of the person you share your concerns to. And I guess you have your own reasons not to talk to her. I understand!" Felix answered.

   He tried his hard not to make Hyunjin overthink about his descision.

   "Ah, wait! Yoona is calling continuously!" Hyunjin asking him to end a call. He answered the call then,

   "Boy! You look so busy!" Yoona exclaimed.

   "Not like you!" Hyunjin teased.

   "Nothing like your days!" Yoona answered.

   "Why were you calling for. And .." checking on his phone. "5 calls that is! I guess you miss me alot!" Hyunjin answered.

    "I was saying, let's spend tomorrow together. You, me, Bong and Seungmin!" Yoona said.

    "Umm....." Hyunjin took a long pause. "I have my plans with Seungmin. Let's go on another day!" He finally answered. With a long pause to say it or not!

    "Oh, that's great! Then can we two join?" She asked.

    "Um, sorry to say! But let make that for another day!" He said in disappointment tone.

    "So, you busy tomorrow!" She took a pause.. "Okay, no worries! Just enjoy your day ..." She hung up.

    A very clear tone of dissapointment shown in her voice.

    "What is that important plan, he even don't wanted us to join. Did he not think of us as friends? I thought he thinks for us as best friends. Well, I guess I thought it wrong!" Yoona being stressed by getting answer as no.

     She called Felix ,

    "Felix, Hyunjin don't want spend tomorrow with me! Do you think I'm not that close that I can't even attend his birthday party?" As soon Felix answered the call she started complaining.

   A tone of questioning from which you can understand how much she was looking forward for tomorrow!

   This 'tomorrow' was special for some persons. The 20th of March. It was Hyunjin's birthday. Hyunjin's mom made some plan of her with her friends, which Hyunjin didn't wanted to attend. So He asked for Seungmin to help him.

  Hyunjin's mom trusts Seungmin a lot. And if he want to spend his day with him, she can not say no.

  While Hyunjin was planning something else. These days Felix were living in dorm near his college. Yoona wasn't knowing about this. That Felix is in city. But Hyunjin and Felix went to hangout sometimes. And Hyunjin knew Felix was living in city.

   Seungmin knowing Hyunjin's family matters, he didn't forced him or even asked him about what happened. As it will only make Hyunjin sad. When hyunjin wants to tell, he will open up without even questioning.

   These days Hyunjin talked about it to Felix. Over call and texts. And in some meetings too. Felix too now, was known about Hyunjin's troubles.

   He promised he will spend his day with him. Without knowing exactly what day was it.

   "Tomorrow is his birthday?" Felix asked Yoona, who was in worry over phone.

    "Yes! Bong and I wanted to surprise him. But Bong said to ask him first that will he come or not. She said he don't really like surprises!" Yoona answered.

   "I don't think that's the case!" Felix answered.

   "I don't know! What is it! But I am really disappointed! Why!! Why!! He said he have plans with Seungmin...." In more tensed voice. "I thought we were freinds but I guess he really did not think of me as one of his friends!" She said.

    Worring was Yoona's favorite hobby. And Felix already knew.

    "Yoona, Yoona! You are thinking too much. He might have some work. And really don't have time to join." Felix wanting to comfort her was searching for some reason.

   He knew Hyunjin was not in good mood. And may be he sounded rude when he declined Yoona's invitation.

   "Work or not! But it will be over in 10-15 minutes. Can't he even join for it. You know, he and Seungmin are going for something. But don't want me to come." Little Yoona really was feeling uneasy about this.

   "Yoona! He isn't leaving college or he didn't abandoned you. It's just a day. Chill!" He answered.

   "But it's the day Felix!" Yoona answered. "It's his special day. He should spend it happy and with all friends. Why is there only Seungmin cause he really want only him to be there. Cause he is his only freind!"

    "Stop, will ya! You are thinking too much. May be he really is busy. Let just give him one day. And it's 10-15 minutes then it can be done on next day too!" Felix who wasn't able to lie but have to, cause Hyunjin said not to tell her. He was trying his best not to offend her and not to break his promise.

    "But it really was of 10-15 minutes! I wanted to surprise with cake!" Yoona somehow getting calm said.

    "You can give him surprise the day after tomorrow! okay?" In tone how one make a stubborn child stop to cry, Felix answered her.

    "It's okay! But I will ask.. " stopping herself she said, "leave it! I'll give him the day after tomorrow!"

   "That's my girl! Good girl!" Felix Giggled a little.

    "Um! Then I'll go! You have something to say?" She asked before hanging up.

    "Nothing! Just take care!" He answered.

    "You too!" She hunged up.

    As soon Felix kept his phone on table here comes another call.

    "Felix, are you coming tomorrow?" One of Felix's college friend asked him.

    Felix had some plans with his friends, for which he thought as he promised he will be joining them and then will spend some time with Hyunjin.

   But he was confused now.

   "I guess I won't!" He hesitated but said.

   "We really can't get held of you?" He said.

   "Not like that. But let it be for day after tomorrow!" Felix answered.

   "Um, I guess everyone will be fine for that!" He answered.

   "Why, aren't we going tomorrow?" Felix asked.

    "Few of us haven't done assignment! And submission date is on 21! It will take a whole complete day to them! Have you completed?" He asked.

    "To be honest....." He spoke one word per second. "I forgot!" He tensed laughed.

     "You should them! That teacher is little strict! I heard he will not hear anything and just mark your assignment as fail. Not even a hour is spared!" His friend somehow scaring him said.

     "Thanks for telling me. I'll be completing it very soon!" He answered and hung up.

      Felix sat quite looking at his burning table lamp. He then regretted something and went to find out the things for his assignments from drawer!

       He sum up all his belongings, his laptop in his front. Searching up something he set up all the papers and books beside.

    He soon started to work on his project. Time passed and mostly the rough idea for his assignments were done. He reached to his phone and set the alarm.

    It was already past 10. He sat around 6/7 pm. He set the alarm for 11:55 so that he can wish Hyunjin on time.

    Felix went to grab something to eat. Snacks he had brought. He ate few of them and then letting them rest over his table, he went to complete the rest of the thing.

     When Felix woke up it was already past 5 AM in the morning. Felix woke up with, "Oh Sh*t!" And grabbing his things he hurried his way.

     He first checked all the things in assignment. A second look to give to it. And then few time of himself. To dress him up. He then look at time. Just few more minutes and he needs to submit the assignment.

     He ran to the college. And just about 5 minutes to the deadline, he submitted the assignment.

     Giving a sign of relief he checked the phone. He found out he missed the alarm. Again with exclamation he ran to shopping mall.

    He took a taxi and called Hyunjin!

    "Hey Hyunjin! I'm sorry for calling you this late!" Felix said.

    "What are you talking about?" Hyunjin in sleepy voice answered.

    "You aren't at college?" Felix asked.

    "Nope I'm on leave today!" Hyunjin giggled.

    "So when we are going to meet?" Felix asked.

    "Whenever you are free!" Hyunjin replied. Not thinking much.

    "Fine! You said you wanted to eat brownies! How about I make them for you today?" Felix asked. Still hiding the fact that he knows it's his birthday.

       "That will be awesome!" Sleepy Hyunjin woke up with excitement.

       "Fine, meet me at shopping mall!" Felix told him the location.

       "Um, let's make them together! What you say?" Hyunjin asked.

       "Then you have to come early. And arrange a kitchen!" Felix answered.

        "Yep, I'll ! Just tell me when and where to come!" Hyunjin said.

        "Fine. You come in one hour on this point. And we will leave together to your place!" Felix said.

        "Are we calling Yoona or Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked.

        "If it's okay with you, we can call them up!" Felix answered.

       "No, no! Wait! Yoona still don't know I'm here!" Felix added in worry. Not to ruin his surprise.

       "Fine! I'll be there in no time!" Hyunjin confirmed.

       "Okay! See you then!" Felix.

       "Yep!" Then he hung up.

     He checked the phone. With thousands of missed calls and hundreds of messages. He checked the phone and first checked message from Seungmin. He wished him correct at 12. He texts back with smile and thank you.

    Second he checked for Yoona. She too texted a lot. And tried to call him several times.

    Third he checked the group, which still hadn't had any messages.

     He slowly checked all his important persons messages except his mom and dad. On whom he was angry.

     He got up and get dressed. Then left to meet Felix. He bought the car with him. Reaching at destination where Felix called him he waited at the entrance parking the car nearby.

    He looked here and there and in no time here arrived Felix. With a great smile and a bag carrying some stuff.

    They exchanged the smile.

    "Is this all you want?" Hyunjin asked seeing a bag not carrying much stuff!

    "Yep! We have to made little portion! Or I, always just make a lot of it!" He answered.

    Walking to his car he gestured him to sit. And with talks of this and that they went to Hyunjin's farmhouse.

    Hyunjin fought with his parents, Felix was knowing. So he bought him where he stayed for night. And will be staying for few days.

    They entered the house. Hyunjin made Felix to relax all he could. Just like he once felt at Felix's house.

     They rested for few minutes and Felix asked for kitchen. He asked Hyunjin to spread the ingredients in bag at counter. And he went to check Oven.

     He checked the pan and preheated the over. And went to see that Hyunjin almost took out everything from bag.

     He grabbed two bowl and then they started to make a dough/mixture.

     "A lot of chocolate!" Hyunjin said.

     "Yes! A lot of chocolate!" Felix smiled.

      Felix looked cute in his yellow apron. Hyunjin was smiling seeing him. Almost Forgetting all his worries.

     He helped him setting up then and then rest them in oven for about half an hour.

    Hyunjin showed his basement where a lot of time passing things were available. They played a little. Talked a little. And having talked for 20-25 minutes they went to check for brownies.

   "I think it might have been ready up now!" Felix said wearing gloves to take out the brownies.

    Hyunjin standing at the counter was ready to eat all of them.

    Felix set them on table.

    "Here you are!" A shouting noice of women break the silence present there. They both looked toward where the sound came from.

    "Mom! How you know?" Hyunjin somehow angered but more surprisingly asked her.

    "You think I won't know unless you tell me!" She was angry more than Hyunjin. And it seem to be thing of worry.

    Hyunjin looked at a caretaker with side eye. He was sure if she wasn't the one then who could it be.

    Felix was worried. He was in other persons house and he didn't knew or have ever met that person.

    Hyunjin's mom made her view to look at Felix. Felix bowed with some hesitation in smile.

   "Mrs, Hwang, Let have some brownies!" Felix said with hesitation.

   "Yes mom, please. Have a little for taste. Felix really makes them delicious!" Hyunjin said. With pleasing tone. And as happy he could be.

    He saying this, suddenly the expression on Mrs Hwang Changed. She looked at Hyunjin with some confused eyes.

   "What was last time when he talked with such tone. Did he ever smiled like that when he talked to me! Or once ever smiled a little truly like that when he is at home!" Mrs Hwang was lost in thoughts.

    "Please join us Mrs. Hwang!" Felix looked at her with purest smile. Which melt Mrs. Hwang's heart.

    She looked at Hyunjin. Who was smiling like a child. Like he never quarreled with his mom. Like he is a toddler just wanting to eat brownies.

   "I guess you like them a lot!" Mrs Hwang said.

   Hyunjin making his way to his sit, "Not all mom! Felix's one are special. You should try!" He replied.

  Felix made a chair for her to sit. And she came with blank expressions. But somehow her head muscles are so contracted that they seemed to be in Fury.

  Three of them sat. Felix stood up and went to reach for another plate. He served few brownies over it.

   Three was already on table. "For whom it is?" Hyunjin asked.

   "That miss outside. I guess she will also love to eat!" Felix was talking about the old caretaker. Who is here just to watch over them.

     He went and returned with smile.

    He had already served two of pieces to Mrs Hwang who sat making no noices and not a single hint of wanting to eat. Felix was confused.

     She called for caretaker. And she came as soon she called. Having her plate with half eaten brownie she asked what she has been called for.

    "Make me some herbal tea!" Mrs Hwang frowned. "I can't eat sugary things!" She slided a plate forward.

    "Oh mom come on!" Hyunjin complained.

    "No worries. I'll make. Please sit and enjoy!" Felix gestured to old caretaker to sit. And went to bring some tea.

    And in no time he came back. Having four cups of tea he served one to each of them. Mrs. Hwang yet haven't tasted one of brownie.

   Felix's smile dropped. He was worried. Hyunjin saw it. "Mom! Felix made it with his whole heart. Don't break his heart." He looked at his mom with pleasing eyes.

    Hyunjin was in good mood. He didn't wanted to have rude talks for now. Looking at him Mrs Hwang was confused. But was happy inside. He have not talked like this from so long.

    She broke her stiff posture. And went to taste a brownie. Old caretaker and Hyunjin had already finished. Felix askex them if they want more. Old lady refused but Hyunjin went for another.

   Felix was waiting for Mrs Hwang's reaction. His gaze staring at her.

   And his eyes glittered. The stiffened muscles of anger on Mrs Hwang melted just like a chocolate.

   And smiled re-appeared on Felix face. Hyunjin smiled too. With those chocolate flavour in his mouth and Sun shining beside him.

   Mrs. Hwang looked at him. He smiling like a toddler. She rested her anger for little time.

  "It's really delicious!" She said.

   Hyunjin looked at her having his mouth full. "See, didn't I told you!" Hyunjin said.

  "Um!" Having a sip of tea Mrs. Hwang said.

  "So what is your name, Mr. Felix?" She asked. Again bringing back her aura of angry mom.

  "Lee Yongbok!" Felix again bowed.

   Hyunjin looked at him with uneasiness in his eyes. Yongbok?

  Hyunjin was questioning him with eyes.

  Felix smiled. He remembered Hyunjin telling him that his mom is cultural person. So he thought of rather than saying his name like this he should say some please one that his grandmother loved to used to say.

  "Um! So Mr. Yongbok! What your family do?" She asked.