Our Group

Eun Seoyoon

   Seeing Hyunjin and Han like this, I was shocked!

    We entered the class leaving Han and Hyunjin behind. Seungmin sat silently on his desk, returning to his quite and steady form. I went to my sit.

    "What was it? What did you do?" Bong asked. Letting our her each and every emotion on her face. Little questioning, little excited and little worried.

    "I did nothing!" I said feeling Seungmin's gaze over me.

    "I mean why Chan Oppa called you?" She asked.

    "To arrange the sheets and short out people among them." I answered. Which he actually gave but then having no phone I wasn't doing.

     "Oh!..... So, you selected then?" She asked with excitement.

     "Not yet! I'll be doing later!" I answered.

     Yet I felt Seungmin was watching over me. Chill Mr Kim, I won't tell your secret.

     College was over and I went outside. Guess who was waiting for me! My ANGEL! Felix!

     I again ran toward him, but with me ran a person with same feelings.

     Last time when Felix was standing in front of college, I was emotional and crying. I was emotional this time too, but not crying. I was just excited. But more excited than me, a certain person ran to him.

     "Yongboka ....." And that person held Felix in their arm so tight.

     Yongboka! Did he just called him by Yongbok! It was Hyunjin, more excited than me. And more happy than I was! Just how many days were you parted. I guess not a day!

      But he called him Yongbok! Felix does not love his name so much, truly speaking he hates that name! And he always refused to call him by this name. But Hyunjin went saying it ., I guess Felix doesn't mind it much now.

      I went to him. Standing there just to Hyunjin get off from him. And in no time here comes Seungmin. He passed a smile and Felix returned with his cute smile.

     And Finally Hyunjin stood still. We asked him how he came here. I hugged him making my way. And stood between them. He said he missed us so just wanted us three to be together. As it was so long we four went together.

     We decided to have something to eat together. Talking for few seconds, we were about to leave, when Chan Hyung called for Seungmin from other side.

      Seungmin looked at us with confused eyes, and said to wait for him for few minutes. We stood there. Hyunjin and Felix being emerged in talks I felt like third wheeling a couple. Oh no! Why you have to get close to Felix, Hyunjin! You stole my bestfriend.

    Felix, he used to talk to me like this once! Hyunjin just wait, your best friend will! Never mind!   

I waited there looking at them both. Too much emerged in thoughts that, when Seungmin arrived and was standing beside me, I don't know! Following him comes His whole team. What?

     Chan Hyung, Minho Seonbae bae, Changbin Seonbae and Han! They all were with him.

     "Don't look at us like that! Chan Hyung wanted to treat everyone, so we are all together!" Han said looking at me.

      This is so sudden! All of them arrived together. and looking at everyone I guess my faces showed too much of my heart that I was Confused!

Treat? What treat? Forget about treat or anything, but Han! Does man just switched his mbti like that! What happened in that one month of vacation! Or else you say these three months.

      "Yep, let's eat!" Changbin jumped from beside, hanging his hand over Jisung.

      "I told them Felix will join too!" Seungmin looked at me and told.

      Okay! I have no problem. But don't you guys mind, I'm the only girl present here!

     "Don't worry! I'll give you company!" Changbin Seonbae just spoke in his normal voice. ( which is loud for my intovert self)

     Hyunjin finally moved his gaze from Felix. He did earlier but his mind was still in those chats, they were having.

     Chan Hyung was standing behind all just doing something on his phone. Why he seems so busy! But still he is going to treat us. So sweet of him.

     Before we could speak Changbin Seonbae shouted 'follow me' and lead the way.

     "Shall I call Iyeni too?" Minho asked.

     "I texted him. He said just tell him place and he will be there in no time. So, I guess he will be there." Chan Hyung answered.

     We were walking when the conversation was going on. And we were on way to the same restaurant I gave the treat. I guess it's the famous one.

Felix slowed his speed so that he can walk beside me. Changbin Hyung who were walking with me too looked at him.

     "I'm not sure, if I should come or not!" Felix spoke in low voice. I looked toward Hyunjin, who is currently in charge of Felix. He was talking with Seungmin. And That's how you abandoned our Chick! Hyunjin!!

     "You have three of us! And we three don't want you to leave. And If you ask them, they too won't allow you to leave!"

I explained him in low voice as he should not feel weird or left out! Then I looked toward Changbin Seonbae who was giving his full attention to us, "Right, seonbae?" I asked him.

      He looked at me with confused expression. Does he really thought he is hiding the face which was too excited to listen our talks.

     "Exactly!" He shouted. Ah, no! He spoke in his normal voice.

     Chan Hyung who was behind us looked at us, "what?" He asked.

     "Nothing, nothing!" Changbin answered.

     Han and Minho Hyung were at last. As usual talking to themselves. When I saw them, I found Jeongin was following us from distance. He was trying his best to catch up, but he maybe walked too much earlier.

     "Look, Jeonginie!" I pointed at him through Han and Minho. Everyone turned.

     "Iyeni?" Hyunjin turned with excitement.

     And as we stop he catch up to us soon.

     "Hyung's!" He said.

     "Iyeni! Were you running?" Chan Hyung asked.

     "No, no! I was in classroom! When you texted, I packed and came down as soon as possible. But you guys already left." He looking at everyone answered.

     We went silently to the restaurant. Each of us talking separately. The first line walks Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin. Second Me and Changbin Seonbae. Who was telling me importance of Gym! Third line Jeongin and Chan Hyung. Both on their phone. Just whom they texts these much. And last our never ending talk Machine Minho and Han!

     When Han talked to me, I somehow understood! He knows mostly everything, almost everything! And he will talk to you about anything. Just it needs to be one of his interest!

      We moved to the upper floor, a family one that is! At ground level they have four to five sits per table. When me moved to floor 1, there were sits for almost 10 person at one table.

     Chan Hyung knows his stuff. We made ourself comfortable. To my left sat Changbin Seonbae and to right Seungmin. Who now a days sits beside me alot.

     Chan Hyung put his phone beside him. He was sitting next to changbin.

     "So introduce yourself, Mr Felix!" He looked at Felix. He does wanted to know about him.

     Felix looked at Hyunjin and then Seungmin who sat beside him at right and left. With confused look he looked at me.

     "Ah, myself.., Felix! Lee Felix! I'm Yoona's freind. And Also Hyunjin and Seungmin's!" He introduced looking at each and everyone.

     I guess he was afraid. Anyone will! For me they were my seniors and we are working in group. As for me it will be easy. But he is totally new. He introduced somehow in shy tone but still his voice stood out. For which each of them were looking at him with wide eyes.

     "It was his voice?" Chan Hyung in question looked at him and then at Seungmin and Felix who were sitting beside him.

     Hyunjin laughed. Which made everyone laugh.

    "No really, speak again!" Chan Hyung said again. For which Han and Changbin were wanting to listen him too. They two including Chan Hyung, were stupefied.

     Felix laughed. "Yes, this is my voice!" He was embarrassed. "It's little deep" he tried to make his tone normal which still sounded the same.

     "Can you make it deep?" Chan Hyung asked him with excitement.

     "Hyung, let's order food first!" Jeongin shouted.

     "Ah okay! You decide it's my treat!" He looked at him and said.

     Everyone ordered what they preferred. Everyone discussing with each other to share or not. Felix still searching on menu what to eat. I guess he is still feeling odd in us. I gestured Seungmin to help him. And he understood in first attempt. Helping him we finally ordered the food.

    "So, where were we? Can you really make your voice little deep like, *THIS*...." Chan Hyung really made that 'this' sound like Felix's voice.

     "Like 'this' ?" Felix really accepted the challenge.

     Everyone were shouting how good he did. And were happy about I don't know what!

     "We guys should introduce ourself to him! Don't you guys think?" Jeongin said looking at Felix.

     "I'm Yang Jeongin, but call in IN- aayen! I'm first year student but still hang out with this old people's!" He smiled to him giving him a little bow.

     Felix smiled at him.

     "I'm Lee Minho, but call me Lee know!" Minho smiled. Giving little bow. He don't talk right! I guess! He didn't actually, leaving the fact that he was talking so much with Han.

    "I'm yoona-noona's Seonbae!" He smiled at me. A mysterious, a mischievous and hiding a lot of spooku intentions, that smile it was. Speaking Yoona-noona Han laughed. Them and their jokes. I sat quite looking at Felix. He was smiling toward them.

    "I'm Han! Han Jisung!" He introduced.

    "I'm Hyunjin! Nice to meet you!" He moved his hands to him to shake, for which Felix too shook.

     "I'm Seungmin!" He smiled just following Hyunjin's protocol through. And he looked at me, and so does everyone.

     Guys he is my Best friend! Do I still need to introduce myself?

     For those gaze, "I'm Seoyoon!" I smiled. For which Felix laughed.

     "I'm Changbin! Seo Changbin!" He gestured a cute posture. "This is how you introduce! Understood Yoona!" He looked at me.

     Chan Hyung laughed, "And me, Bangchan! You can Call me Chan!" He smiled.

     "Well his name is also Chris!" Jeongin looked at him and said.

     We ate with a lot of talks. A lot of jokes on Felix's voice. And also about our special performance. I was happy I didn't have to hide the fact from Felix. And to talk about what, Chan Hyung liked Felix so much.

    That much that, he wanted to have him in his special performance. As Hyunjin and Seungmin talked about him a lot. Sharing their experience with Felix. And my sweetheart is so sweet that no one can stop him from entering into heart.

     Chan Hyung himself said that, he would like to have him in our group. If he really has joined our college!

     That made me so emotional! Yongboka, you are really special, you don't know!

This full time my crush was sitting beside me. But to think of it, I did not paid much attention to him. May be beacuse all were here. My eyes were wandering from one to one that I didn't get chance to see him.

     Or maybe that, my crush level has been decreased! No! It can't be.

Everyone shared there SNS and contact number with me and Felix. And Jeongin created a group calling Special performance team. I was still new to them,

     But I was happy for having Felix with these super cool guys.

To look at it, each and every person present here, or say in this group, have there specific aura which makes me to smile. And I really wish If Felix could join us in our performance. But I guess he is still part of our team.