I was positive I was going to wake up drained the next day, yet I felt perfectly fine when I did. It was even more so as I had woken up because Nadia decided to give me a morning blowjob. Talk about being drained. Currently, we had just finished breakfast, having just got out of the shower and we might have had to stay in there a bit longer than usual, as we had spent just as much time getting dirty in there as we did getting clean.
Currently, she was examining and marveling at her third fox tail while we sat on the couch, now freshly scrubbed.
"I love this. They feel even softer, and the white tips? How did you do this, Sid?" She asked, stroking the newest appendage.
I looked at her and shrugged. I didn't have a fucking clue.
"Don't know. I know it's related to my powers, and me marking you, but that's it." I said.
"I wish we had more answers for you babe. It sucks. You're so strong, and the things you do are awe inspiring, yet no one can even tell you what you are." She said, a frown on her face.
I scooted closer to her, and wrapped an arm around her.
"I do wonder at times, I'm not gonna lie. But, I also don't care all that much. It's not what matters to me. Don't get me wrong, I have my mom and dad, and I love them. Actually, I should probably call them soon. That being said," I told her, facing her and taking her hands in mine. She met my eyes, listening intently, "I have everything I need. If I find out, cool. If not, oh well. I still will have everything I need."
She buried her face into my neck.
"I love you, Sid. Being wanted, needed... it's something I've always wanted too." She said, sniffing.
I kissed the top of her head.
"So, are you like, stronger or something?" I asked, and that drew Nadia back to look at me, and she pondered.
"I... don't know. Let's find out." She said, and I became a little excited.
I think she said she had the power of illusion or something, but I'd actually never seen her use it before. I waited as she concentrated, making an adorable face as she did so.
"Oh my, yes!" Nadia said, although her lips didn't move.
"Uh, how did..." I trailed off as Nadia said something again, once again her lips not moving.
"I can make two now! And I feel like they will last longer." She said while not saying anything, and I noticed that the sound came from behind me.
I whipped around to see two Nadia's, both mirror images of the one in my lap.
"Huh.. that's... kinda cool actually." I said, reaching out to touch one of them.
My hand sank right through her, or it? Nadia giggled.
"They aren't solid, buuuuuut," She said, drawing out the word, "People with greater capabilities in their illusion magic can potentially create solid clones of things. I'm much too young and inexperienced for that, however... hmm. Your power actually might be a solution to that. In time, anyways. I bet Liz's healing is stronger now."
That was something to think about. Not only did I mark them with my...anyways, that made their capabilities increase. Another interesting thing was that, on the inverse of that, I could feel... well, something from them. For Liz, I could sense green, which was the color of her mana when she healed people.
"Nadia, can you cast something? Like, something I can see?" I asked, and Nadia looked confused, but nodded.
She created an illusion of a flame coming ouf of her palm, and I stared at it. It was orange, which, yeah it was fucking fire, but I mean, it was HER orange. Nadia's beautiful orange, which now was a part of me. I didn't know what that meant, but I wondered if it was something I could do something with.
My phone began to ring. I picked it up, looked at it, and laughed.
"Speak of the devil." I said, answering the call that from from my mom.
"Hey mom." I said warmly.
"Hello sweetheart, sorry for calling you so early. I was hoping to catch you on your break." She said, and I just chuckled. Nadia watched me with a cute little smile on her lips.
"Not an issue. I was already awake anyways, and well, I got a new job. I start next week." I said.
My mom gasped.
"You did? Oh, how I exciting. I hope it's better. You are meant for better things than that place. Tell me the details." She said, and I winced, unsure of what exactly to say.
I looked over at Nadia, and she just kept smiling at me. Love, affection, and... trust. That's what I saw in those amber depths. Yes, trust. I loved my parents, and I trusted them. And then....fuck, I might come to regret this.
"Mom, can I come over this weekend? I wanted to tell you this in person." I said, then I watched Nadia's gaze on mine, and she looked both nervous, and hopeful. I smiled. "And also, there's a couple people I want you both to meet. They are... very important to me."
I didn't want to just come out and say, hey I'm bringing my two lovers over to meet you, mainly because I wasn't sure how she would react. They were pretty old school, but only in matters of the heart. One heart belonging to another and all that. At least I would have a better chance explaining the situation to them in person. Plus, and I firmly believe that, once my parents meet and get to know the both of them, they will fall in love with them too.
"Oh, yes of course dear! It has been a while since you came to visit us. My, your father will be over the moon. He talks about you everyday. 'Have you heard from our boy?' 'Did he find a woman yet?' Will one of these people be the woman you told me about?" She asked, and I smiled, as I didn't have to lie.
"Yes." I said, and my mom squealed.
"OOOH YES! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet her. Have you both gotten together yet?" She asked me excitedly.
"I can't wait for you to meet them. And yes, yes we have." I said.
I looked at Nadia, who was blushing but smiling brilliantly. My mom didn't even seem to notice that I didn't refer to one girl in particular.
"Great! Saturday?" She asked.
"Sounds perfect." I said.
There was more squealing and squaking, more praisen directed at me for finally getting a girlfriend, and just her expressing how happy she was to me again. I loved them both, but this made me realize with more than a little shame, that I had closed myself off a bit to my own parents. I would be fixing that. I am not the same lonely and sad man I was before.
"Love you son! Take care." My mom said.
"Love you too mom. Ill see you in a few." I told her, and then hung up shortly there after.
"That was cute." Nadia said with a smirk.
I tossed my phone to the side, and grabbed her wrists and pulled her towards me. She didn't resist whatsoever, and giggled as I pulled her back on to my lap.
"You're cute." I said, stroking her hair, and massaging her ears with my thumb.
Nadia shuttered.
"Oh... just cute?" She asked, purring into my neck.
I groaned as she began to trail licks up and down my neck.
"Well... incredibly beautiful, sweet as can be, and sexy to the point where I'm gonna need to buy new underwear." I corrected myself, and she giggled as she scraped her teeth across my neck. Now it was my turn to shutter.
"I wish I could stay here all day...but I promised my mom I'd be by to help her later on today. But that doesn't mean right now." She said, then she leaned back to smile at me, "And now, I have to find out what I want to wear when I meet your parents. And you're gonna have to tell Liz." She said, and I sighed.
"You think she'll agree?" I asked, and Nadia scoffed.
"Of course she will. She's actually been thinking about it every now and then. Said she wants to meet the people that raised such a wonderful man." She replied, and that made me smile.
"She is adorably optimistic." I said, and Nadia laughed.
"Yes. Always has been. I... am beginning to understand that feeling now." She said, smiling at me warmly.
"Me too." I said softly, and soon, our lips met one another's.
Our kiss may or may not have turned into more, if her riding me until I shot a barrage of seed into her counted as more. I was going to take her to her mother soon, and we wanted to get a few more rounds in before that happened.
After that, I was gonna go and see Liz to ask her if she wanted to come and meet my parents this weekend. I could just call or text her, and I did text her to see if I could come over, which was a resounding yes, but I just really wanted to see her. I wanted to hold her in my arms, and I wanted to taste her lips. I held out a small hope for more, but, well... I guess we'll see.
It was about an hour later as we drove to little drive to Yuna's bakery. It still made me laugh. Nadia's parents had seemingly normal jobs, well besides her dad who said her operated on supernaturals quite frequently. On the flip side, Liz's parents had the true fantasy level occupations that one would expect. Thad made bank making enchantments for people, and Ryanna was just a certified badass, killing all sorts of creatures to make life a little bit safer for everyone.
Meanwhile, my mom worked in hospice care, and my dad was an electrician. The most normal jobs you could imagine, and at the time, that was what I thought my life would be. Working a tiring, mediocre, and ultimately shitty job for the rest of my life. It was all changing so fast that I honestly had whiplash, yet I couldn't stop grinning. No matter what happened, life was good.
We arrived at the bakery in short order, and I I led Nadia in by the hand as we walked through the front door.
"Hold on just moment please." Yuna called from the back.
It was actually a mere moment, and soon, Yuna came out with two trays of baked goods in either hand. She smiled upon seeing us.
"Hello my two lovebirds." She said warmly, and honestly, it was a soft and genuine tone that made me smile.
Nadia still blushed of course, but her smile didn't wane.
"Mom.." She said, but it was soft and gentle.
"I can't bring myself to say what I normally would. This is just... too cute for that." Yuna said.
She really was a kind woman. I knew we wouldn't be hearing the last of her sexually charged dialog, but for now, this was nice too.
Nadia turned to me.
"Time to go." She said wistfully.
"Yeah... I love you, Nadia." I said, and she smiled, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me in for a sweet kiss.
She released me lips, and gazed up at me with the softest and most tender eyes I'd ever seen from her.
"I love you Sid." She said.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yuna turn around and start dabbing at her eyes with a cloth. Damn, we were being that bad, huh? Not that I would stop. All of this was just... it was too good.
"I'm gonna go see Liz. I gotta make sure she's on board for this weekend. See you later?" I asked, and she smirked.
"You better. Now go, you're distracting me from working." She said, and I barked a laugh.
"Sorry babe. See you later." I said, giving her another quick kiss before I waved goodbye to them, "Have a good day. Bye mom, it was good to see you."
And just like that, I was heading off.
Nadia watched Sid go with some longing. Being around him, seeing his smile, his kind eyes, and his unfiltered love... it was something she thought she'd never have. How could someone be so perfect?
As she turned around, Yuna was there, but Nadia became concerned looking at her moms puffy and red rimmed eyes.
"Mom? What's wrong?" Nadia asked, walking up to her.
"Nothing dear. Nothing is wrong at all." She replied as she englufed her little girl in a tight hug, "It just makes me so happy to see you so happy."
Nadia was taken aback. Definitely not what she expected her to say, but the earnest tone, and the sense of approval that came from her. Well, it made her tear up.
"He's... so wonderful." Nadia said, burying her face into her mother's chest.
"I know. I can see how much he cares for you. Don't you go chasing him away." Yuna said, and Nadia laughed.
"Never." Nadia replied, and Yuna kissed the top of her head.
Yuna straightened up, looked at Nadia, and grinned.
"Oh god..." Nadia thought.
"Now, I want to hear everything about last night. Don't think I didn't notice that limp in your step. I was like that on my honeymoon." Yuna said.
Nadia just stared blankly, and then she sighed.
"Well... at least I know you're not an imposter." Nadia said, and Yuna grinned.