Chapter 25

I arrived at Liz's place in short order after leaving Nadia with her mother. I was once again greeted by a valet, and think this one was Jacoby. He wished me well as he sent me along inside. I made my way towards the living room, and I wasn't sure if it was just me, but I felt like this walk always took longer each time. Once I arrived to the living room, it only took me a second to zero in on my target.

Liz was on the couch, smiling and giggling as she talked animatedly to her mother. I began to walk towards them. I didn't see Thad, which meant he was probably off enchanting something for someone.

"Ah, Sid. It's so good to see you again." Ryanna said warmly.

Liz wipped around, smiled wide, and then promptly got up and began taking hurried steps towards me. She was wearing a mouth watering attire of a t shirt with kitten on it that showed off some of her flat stomach, and a knee length skirt. We closed the distance, and she became a puddle in my arms as I pulled her close, leaned down, and kissed her. We didn't use tongue, but the kiss was longer than just a quick peck. She released me, and stared into my eyes.

"Missed you." She whispered, and I smiled.

"Missed you too." I replied just as softly.

"Aww. So cute." Ryanna said, reminding me she was still there.

I scratched my neck.

"Sorry, Ryanna." I said, but she waved me off.

"Not a big deal. It was just a kiss. It's not like you deflowered my daughter and then someone activated a power you don't know how to control to then leave a brand seared into her chest with your initials on it or anything." She replied evenly.

I began to choke on my own saliva. Liz looked at my shyly.

"I wasn't thinking about it, and my mom seen it while we were by the pool. Dad hasn't yet... might wait on that one." Liz said.

Ryanna got up and walked towards us, standing right in front of me.

"How do you feel about my Lizzie?" She asked, and the words came faster from me than if I had thought about them first.

"I love her with everything I am." I said firmly.

"And Nadia? Is she marked?" She asked me.

"Y-yes ma'am. I... I love her just as much." I answered.

Honestly, I had no fucking idea where this was going. She didn't seem mad though, that's the thing. Just getting very personal. That's when I noticed she had her hand over her mouth now, and I could hear the soft laugher coming from behind if.

"Mom, please?" Liz asked, pouting.

That seemed to break the flood gates, as Ryanna started to burst out laughing

"Aha. Hahahaha. Oh dear, Sid your face. You went white as a ghost." She said, laughing like a mad woman.

I was just blinking in confusion. Does everyone just like to fuck with me? Ryanna calmed down, and then came over to me.

"Sid, in all seriousness, I'm happy you feel the way you do. You're all adults, and can make your own choices. But... I am truly happy they made it with you. It was my idea, and well, you're a good son." She said.

"Oh... um, thank you, Ry-" I said, and then corrected myself, "Thank you, mom."

She gave me a soft smile and hugged me.

"Do you know why I did what I did?" She asked me as she let go of me.

"Not really. I thought it was just because you were... well, strange. But now, getting to know you, I don't truly know." I answered.

She sniffed hautily, and then giggled again.

"Yes. I won't deny that. It's partly because they are both my children in my eyes, and when they smile... it warms my heart. I also don't think love should be denied, and well, they both had strong feelings for you. I wanted them both to be happy, and you seemed like the kind of man who would do that. Seems like I was right." She said smiling, and her earnest tone touched me.

"Thank you. I can't imagine life without them." I said, and Ryanna smirked.

"I'm sure there are many... benefits as well." She said.

I coughed and flushed.

"Mom, please stop hanging out with Yuna." Loz groaned.

"My dear, this is what most of our conversations are like." Ryanna answered.

"Nice. I'll make sure to not be around for that." Liz sighed, and then turned to look at me.

"It's so nice to see you today, Sid." Liz said, smiling up at me.

"I'm happy to see you too. I wanted to ask you something, and it came with the added bonus of me seeing you." She smiled as she walked up to me, and grabbed my hand.

"Ask me anything."

"I'll not eavesdrop on you two. I'm going to go and make your father give me attention." She said, and promply stormed off. I started laughing.

"Poor Thad." I said, and Liz snorted.

"You don't live her so you don't have to hear the noise. Anyways, what did you wanna ask?"

"Liz, I... I want you to meet my parents. Nadia is coming too, and I was hoping you wanted to as well." I asked.

Liz hugged me tight.

"Of course I will babe. That would make me very happy. I've kinda been wanting to for a while now."

I smiled. She was such a wonderful woman.

"Great. Thank you." I said.

Liz kissed me, then kept kissing me, then once again kept kissing me. I was breathless by the time I had to come up for air. Liz looked at me with heat in her eyes.

"Sid, have I ever shown you my room?" She asked in a sweet voice.

" No you have not." I said with barely restrained lust, "But what if someone notices?" I asked her, and kissed me again.

"I don't really give a damn right now. Plus, my mom and dad will be busy for at least an hour, maybe more." She said, and I blinked.

"That... explains a lot, actually." I said, and she smacked my chest, but there was no power behind it.

"Oh just you wait." She purred, and I swear I could hear my penis actually yelling at me.

"Don't you have like, a bunch of housemaids and stuff?" I asked, and she just waved it off.

"We don't have as many as you think. Besides, they are pretty big on personal privacy. Besides, I'm sure they've heard Nadi and I many times." She said, and that thought made my cock twitch, and then it stiffened close to bursting when her hot breath tickled my ear, "And, I don't really give a damn right now."

I breathed out a ragged breath.

"You've convinced me." I said.

She led me to her room, which of course, took way to goddamn long. I never knew such a big house could prove to be so annoying. Soon though, we got to her room, and I blinked rapidly as she led me inside.

"Welcome to my humble quarters." She said, and I began chuckling.

"Oh yeah, your bedroom is the size of my living room. Very humble." I joked.

It was a nice bedroom though. She seemed to truly be a fan of green and blues. Artistic tapestries, an entire wall of bookshelves, all packed with more books than I've read in 3 lifetimes. Plants, herbs, and flowers hung from decorative pots suspended from the ceiling, but not anywhere where they proved to get in the way. A desk with a laptop, a pen and paper, sketches of people...wait is that one me?

Liz walked towards her desk nervously, cheeks flaring like the sun as she picked up two sketches.

"I draw... in my spare time. It's a hobby of mine that I've always been happy doing, but I've never been confident in my work. That being said, I share them with Nadia, and she tells me they are good, and now.... I want to share my work with you too. I want to know what you think." She said, and I smiled when she handed me two pieces of large drawing paper.

I flipped over the first drawing, and my jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Liz, how the hell could you not be confident in this? It's goddamned amazing." I said honestly.

The first one was a drawing of our dear Nadia, but it was so much more than a simple drawing. It had been worked on meticulously. It was more like a portrait captured in lifelike detail. Color was added to make the sketch appear closer to the real thing, and it honestly warmed my heart to look at it.

"It's just... I've never been confident in my work. It always feels like I'm missing something, and..." She said, trailing off when I cupped her cheek.

"Liz, it's amazing. Perfect even, I daresay. The way you perfectly captured Nadia's likeness in this, something you handcrafted yourself, is truly something to be proud of. You are talented Liz, and that list just keeps growing by the day. You even captured her wonderful figure that is going to get me in trouble one day." I told her, and she smiled as her eyes glistened as she chuckled from my dumb joke.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I carefully set the drawing of Nadia down, and flipped over the other one. This one hit me almost as hard as the previous one with how fucking well done it was, as well as making my heart soar. It was a sketch of me, complete with colors, and it struck me just then how much I adored the woman in front of me.

It was a damn near perfect representation of me, not a flaw in sight. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed she just took a picture of me and added to it, but the clear signs of her personal touches to it set it apart from that. The white of my hair, the crackle of my eyes, and the easy-going smile I seemed to sport these days. It was all there, and in such perfect detail, that if it wasn't Liz, I would have been concerned. I never doubted that she loved me, but this jus5 further confirmed that.

"Liz... I'm sorry for my language, but goddamn it, you are so fucking amazing. You... Nadia... what we have together, I wouldn't change it for anything." I said, my word choked out as I struggled to hold back my emotions.

I was done wondering if I deserved this or not. I had this, I had them, and if nothing else, I would show them and myself everyday that I deserved them. I walked up to Liz and wrapped my arms around her. She did the same to me as she buried her face into my chest.

"I love you." She whispered.

"And I love you." I said as I buried my face into her hair, "So much."

Our little show of love eventually led to some kissing, and some innocent foreplay. That, predictably, led into much more carnal acts. We went on for at least 30 minutes before it ended with me bottomed out inside of her as I unleashed a torrent of seed inside of her, which caused her to squirm and whimper against me.

We just lay there breathing heavily for a moment before we decided to redress ourselves, as we had already spent much more time alone than I had thought previously. Liz opened the door to her room, and stood frozen as Ryanna was standing right there with a knowing look on her face.

"Mom!" Liz said quickly, looking like she was about to explain herself, but Ryanna put a finger to her own lips, illiciting silence from her.

"Liz, my dear, I already know. Your father and I already know it happened the last time too. I could smell it on you. And it's fine. You're both adults, so you don't have to explain yourself. Hell, you spent the night with Sid, did you think we didn't know? We both like him. Well, I already love the boy like he's my own, so don't worry about it." Ryanna said with a smile.

Her words caused me to go red in the face. Was I really so likable? Liz hugged her mother before Ryanna came up to me and did the same to me.

"I assume I can always count in you to safeguard my daughter, and her heart?" She asked me.

"Absolutely." I said immediately, and she squeezed me tighter before letting me go and patting my cheek.

"Good boy." She said, and then she turned and walked down the hall, leaving me stunned.

"You hear that? Good boy, Sid. Now, sit!" Liz said, and I chuckled at her.

"Why me? If anything, you've proven you are much better at sitting than- hey!" I said jokingly before she poked me in the sides.

"Oh you think you're funny, don't ya?" She asked me with a glare.

"Well, I mean, yeah kinda." I replied, before I quickly began poking her.

She began laughing as I thoroughly tickled the shit out of her. I had explored her body enough by now that I knew all of her most sensitive points. It wasn't like I was safe though. I may be pretty much invincible, as I hadn't found anything that could truly hurt me, but I found that I was still pretty ticklish.

And so, there we were, laughing and giggling as we did what amounted to playground antics. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Ryanna watched the two with a smile, and her husband had joined her soon after, having just finished a job for a client of his.

"Aren't they cute?" Ryanna said with a fond smile.

Thad wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her in close.

"They are. And I'm happy for them. Yet, despite these many years, I've still to find anyone cuter than you, my dear." Thad said, making Ryanna actually fucking blush for once.

She leaned in close, resting her head on his shoulder.

"That kinda talk will get you far." Ryanna said with a smile.

"Well, to be fair, you pulled me from my work not too long ago to go pretty damn far, if you ask me." He said, and Ryanna giggled.

"Oh, weren't not done. I think I've got energy to spare before I head out. Actually... I was thinking about taking them with me later. What do you think?" Ryanna asked, and Thad thought about it for a minute.

"Hmm, dangerous for sure, but that is life. I worry for Lizzie, but she is an adult, and is free to decide that on her own. Plus, I know neither you or Sid would let her get hurt. Hell, if it's really bad, Sid won't let either of you get hurt. And seeing what you were asked to look into, I think I'd be more at ease if they went with you." Thad said, and Ryanna hummed happily for a minute.

"Fine, I'll ask them in a half hour." Ryanna decided, and Thad paused.

"Why a half hour?" Thad asked, and Ryanna smirked as she whispered into his ear.

"Well, I'm feeling rather empty right now, and I need you to fix that."

Thad looked at her incredulously.

"You're as insatiable as a college girl." Thad said.

Although, as he stared into her hungry and lust filled eyes, he gulped, and then smiled.

"Fear not, I am the perfect man for the job."

Ryanna laughed before jumping into his arms, causing him to quickly scramble to catch her. And just like that, he was once again on the way to their bedroom, carrying her like the queen she was.