Attack Case 1

''Then we'll talk again. The school will be on a long vacation after the summer break, so I plan to settle down in Drintle for a bit.

 Cain stood up from his seat and shook hands with the guild master, Rixetu.

''It's the same for me, you can always call on me.

 After coming out of the reception room, Cain walked out of the guild, wondering as he received a heated look from the receptionists.

 It was still too early to return to the lord's mansion, so he made his way back to the lord's mansion, browsing through the city's weapon shops and armor shops.

 The civil servant informed me that Ellaeve was out, and I was holed up in my office alone, recommending the settlement of documents.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 By the time Cain is holed up in his office, there are four men and women sitting in chairs in the dimly lit room. All of their faces are in a bad mood and their foreheads are wrinkled.

''What in the world is going on today? We can't leave the guild for too long.''

 The first words came from Betty, who was also the sub-guild master of the Adventurer's Guild.

''The one we have gathered today is none other than. It's about that lord (the little boy). I came to the church today, but he left after assuring me that he would press charges against the church in King's Landing. That's not a good thing to do. If there's an investigation, everything you guys are up to will be exposed.

 Stagg, with rings on each hand and fingers studded with colorful jewels, shakes his heavy body and breathes a breath that reeks of alcohol as he shakes his heavy body. The other three sigh, as anyone would think if they were dressed in the guise of any kind of money, and the other three sigh.

'We've had a bit of a problem too. We have a new internal affairs officer on the way. I think there will be an inspection of the entire city's tax revenue. As it is, it's going to be a problem. We may all end up in jail. We need to deal with this as soon as possible. Rick, you're going to provide the manpower. And if you have to, get someone from Betty.

 The man sitting in the middle began to speak.

''All right. I'll gather the men of the Dark Guild of the Slums over here. We'll take the decision this evening, right? If they return to King's Landing tomorrow, Stag will be a problem, right? Besides, you could attack them on the way to King's Landing, but you're an adventurer rank A, right? The damage here will be severe.

 Rick, who was wearing a black hood and trying not to show his face too much, replied.

'I'll get a few senior adventurers who can do some back-breaking work, too. I saw some magic in front of me, but I think that thing will only return if you attack it head-on in the daytime, and if you're going to attack it in its sleep, it shouldn't be a problem.

 Betty shuddered as she remembered what had happened in that guild's training grounds.

'When you're ready, I'll unlock the door for you. The main gate will be guarded at night as well. I'll make sure that you can enter through the back door. The rest of you can go to ... in case of an emergency.

 The man in the center of the room smiled creepily.

 Then everyone nodded at the man's continued words.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 At supper time, Ellaeve had returned and we ate together.

 The meal at the lord's residence is basically a meal with the deputy and the two of us when there are no visitors. They eat there while exchanging information.

''Lord Cain, how is the church?''

 Ellaib asked Cain as he sipped his wine.

''I will tell the church headquarters about that church as soon as I return to King's Landing. As was the case when I was in Gracia territory, a priest must be humble. I can't imagine him wearing a bunch of rings on both fingers and drinking in the daytime. I'm sure they'll have to send a new priest to do it.

 Cain knew the churches in the royal city and in the Gracia territory. The churches were not supposed to have paintings or ornaments, they lived a simple life. I take that for granted.

'I see .... I didn't know it was that bad. I've tried to get appointments, but they've always gone against me and I've never been able to meet them.'

 Ellaib looked disappointed and drank the wine down.

''Tomorrow, I'll return to the royal capital early. There are a lot of things I need to get around to.

 Cain finished his meal early, bathed and changed into his nightgown in his bedroom.

 When he looked out of the window of his room, he saw that the lights of the night were busy and decorated the streets.

 I had heard that this city had a lot of adventurers, many places to drink, and a brothel.

 As I looked out the window, I suddenly became aware of a distant gaze.

 ''World Map (World Map) Hostile Display.''

 As Cain chanted his magic, this map of the surroundings appeared in the corner of his vision.

 And red marks representing hostility appeared on the map, surrounding several mansions.

 This magic is a combination of the world map (world map) and exploration (search) that Cain made with his creation magic before.

''As soon as you went to the church, you immediately went to ....

 With a sigh, Cain closed the window and changed out of his nightgown and into his adventurer's attire. He turned off the lamp that had brightened the room and sat in a chair in the darkness, just waiting patiently.

'I couldn't call you before because you startled me in this town, but today is a good day.

Summoning Haku and Gin.

 A magic circle floated in the room, and Haku the Divine Wolf (Fenrir) and Gin the Divine Dragon appeared from within.

''Wahhhh.'' ''Cuey.''

 Haku and Gin are happy that Cain has called them, and they cling to him.

'Look, look, Haku, tickle me, don't lick my face so much.

 Haku was summoned at a slightly smaller size than his actual size, but still about two meters.

 Ginn has also grown up to about two meters in size if he can stretch his wings and neck, but he's smaller than Haku and about a meter in size. I'm not particularly worried about it, because if something happens, I can change its size by myself.

'Haku, Gin, listen to me. The house is probably attacked in the middle of the night. I could take care of it alone, but there are some maids that live here that could help me out.

"Wahhhh." "Cui!

 Both nodded. Partly to prevent drowsiness and partly because he hadn't been able to bother them lately, he stroked and enjoyed stroking Haku and Gin, looking at the red markings displayed in the corner of his vision. It was late at night and the red markings were gradually increasing. If I counted them, there would be over fifty.

''I didn't expect you to collect so many: ...

 Cain had no intention of losing to such a number of people, but he hadn't expected to prepare that much for one person. Then it was time to cross the day and the red markings began to move rapidly.

 All of the red markings seemed to go around to the back door, except for a few in the front. Then they entered the grounds without incident.

'Someone's guiding you: ...'

 Cain sighs and walks out of the room, his sword still in its sheath in one hand.

 Haku and Gin follow behind Cain. Ginn is on Haku's back since he can't fly inside the mansion.

 From the third floor, where the bedrooms are located, Cain slowly descends the stairs without making a sound. The people marked in red enter the mansion through the back door and gather in the hall just inside the main entrance.

 Thinking that the maids might be attacked if they searched the mansion, Cain intended to ride into that hostile area himself.

 And so Cain stood on the stairs that led down the hall from the second floor.

'Hi. You have visitors at this hour? You're dressed very fiercely. I didn't mean to call you, though.

 Cain greeted the marauders who had gathered in the hall and were preparing for the attackers, with a black smile on his face.

 At that moment, the gazes of the fifty armed groups in the hall gathered on Cain at once.