Attack Case 2

Hi. You have a visitor at this hour? You're dressed very fiercely. I didn't mean to call you, though.

 Cain greeted them with a smirk and a black smile.

 At that moment, the gazes of the group of assailants in the hall quickly gathered on Cain.


 They stared at each other in silence.

 The target, who was thought to be asleep, came out in an armed outfit.

 And while the gaze turned to Cain alone, an object that I hadn't imagined came out from his side.

 It was Haku and Gin, of course. Since it was a vaulted hall, Gin had grown a little larger in stature. He was still about two meters long, though.

 On either side of the targeted child were a white wolf and a silver dragon.


What the hell was that?

'Dragons! I'm not listening to you!

What was that big wolf? 

 Everyone could only be surprised. No one had ever heard of such a thing.

'Huck! Ginn! Try not to kill him! Go.

Wahhhh. Cui.

 As soon as they heard those words, the white wolf and the silver dragon let out a shout of joy as they jumped down the stairs toward the group and plunged in. As Haku ran, the raiders in front of him were repelled and sent flying through the air.

 Ginn flies around the hall, bouncing the marauders off one after another with his claws and tail.

 Rick, who was also the dark guild master of the execution unit, watched the scene in stunned amazement.

''Nah, what the hell is this ... impossible ...''

 It was supposed to be just a job to assassinate one of the lords of this city, but on the contrary, we're being attacked by a white wolf and a silver dragon.

 I've never heard of a wolf this big, much less a dragon, no matter how small it is, it's just a disaster. 

''You guys, run!''

 Rick yelled involuntarily. He had to say so.

 That was the moment.

 A voice came out of nowhere from behind me.

'I'm not going to let you all go.'

 Rick couldn't help but turn around.

 Behind him was Cain, who had only just watched the devastation from the top of the stairs earlier.

'Oh, no. ...'

 In that moment, Rick's consciousness had been reaped by Cain.

 Cain had been watching from the second floor until the end to identify the leader of the raiders.

 The nearly fifty raiders in the hall had already been defeated by Haku and Gin, and none of them were conscious. Only the growls of the raiders echoed through the hall.

 After making sure none of them were able to stand up, Cain turned his attention to the red display in his vision.

'Now we just need to get the guys outside, or Haku, Gin, and wait here for a bit. Keep an eye on these fallen guys.

 Instructing Haku and Gin, Cain opened the front door and walked out.

 Then he walked towards the main gate.

 Cain called out to the two guards who were standing there sleepily.

''Sorry it's so late. There was an attack through the back door. I've already fought it off, so can you go to the guard station and get as many of the guards as you can for me?

 The guards were surprised by Cain, the lord who suddenly appeared, and after listening to what he had to say, one of them ran to the lord's mansion and one to the stuffing station.

 Of course, he explained to the guards who headed to the lord's mansion that Cain's summoning beast was there.

 Because they would be surprised if a white wolf and a silver dragon suddenly appeared in front of them.

 Cain stood at the main gate, which was empty, and spoke towards the red markers gathered and hiding.

'I know you're hiding in there. Do you want to be forced out? Or will it come out of you?

 The silence lasted for a few moments, and then out of the shadows came a group of people I hadn't expected to see.

 A few of the people who seemed to be in the company of the attackers, and from behind them came Stagg, the priest, Betty, the sub-guildmaster, and, last but not least - Ella Eve.

'I didn't expect them all to be in collusion. ... This way, we wouldn't know unless the inspection came in directly, would we?

 Cain looked at the gathered faces and sighed heavily.

''Shut up! If you hadn't come to this city, it would have been the same as it was before!

 A furious Stagg shouted.

''I didn't expect you to be this strong, but I don't know about these members, they're all A-rated here.

 Betty stepped forward as she said that.

 Other than Ellaib and the others, the five attackers here seem to be active adventurers.

 The five of them spread out to surround Cain.

'Don't feel bad. It's also a request. I get paid good money for it.

 A man who looks like the leader of the adventurers speaks to me.

 And then Ella Eve comes out at the end of the line.

We have raised this city. We've raised this city and we can't let some boy lord come along later and do what he wants. Also, would you please lay down your weapons?

 Cain tilted his head at Ellaib's words.

 As Ellaib called out behind him, a man came out of the shadows, more from the shadows. He was dragging something with his right hand.

 Cain's eyes widened the moment he saw it.

 The one who was being dragged - was a girl with cat ears.

 Yes, it was Enak.

 Enak was unconscious while bleeding from her face.

'I had it ready just in case, but it's good.

 Ellaib turns to face us with a laugh.

 Cain tossed his sword away silently.

 All of us were relieved to see it. So did the adventurers surrounding us.

 At that moment, Cain disappeared.

「「「「「 eh」」」」」

 Pah ---- n!

 At the same time as the sound, the head of the man who had been dragging Enak along was obliterated.

 The attacker, whose head had been obliterated, fell forward as it was.

「「「「「 ha! 」」」」」

 Everyone was stunned. The man who should have been right in front of them suddenly disappeared.

 Then the hostage who should have been behind him disappeared, and the man who had held the hostage died in an instant.

 Cain returned to his original position with Enak in his arms.

 He looked at Enak's swollen, bleeding face.

'I'm sorry, Enak, that you had to go through this.

"Extra Heel

 As soon as Cain cast the magic, Enak was enveloped in a divine light.

''Well, well, no way, such ... advanced recovery magic ...

 Stag was surprised when he saw the advanced recovery magic that Cain had cast.

 Advanced recovery magic can only be cast by bishops and above in the church. A bishop is a senior position that is sent to each country from the Marineford Church Kingdom, one person per country, and oversees the church headquarters in each country's capital. There is only one of them in this Esfort Kingdom. Such advanced recovery magic was used by a child. He shouldn't be surprised.

 After confirming that Enak had recovered, Cain took out a blanket from the item box, laid it on the ground and then slowly laid Enak down. He then gave Enak's head a quick pat, and then stood up.

'Haku, Gin, come on.'

 At that moment, the door was opened vigorously from inside the mansion and a white wolf and a silver dragon jumped out.

''Will you protect this boy?''

 Haku and Gin understood from Cain's words, and after a single squeal, Haku and Gin surrounded Enak protectively.

'Ha, a dragon to a white wolf. ...'

 Unaware of the devastation inside, the attackers here were surprised by Haku and Gin.

 And from Cain, who stood up, the killing atmosphere spread in all directions at once. It's a real killing atmosphere, just like the killing atmosphere I saw in the Adventurer's Guild. The moment they received that killing air, the adventurers who were surrounding Cain's affairs in the immediate vicinity blew bubbles and fainted.

 Elaive and the three others who were a little further away also wet the ground like a flood from the lower half of their bodies, wobbling on their hips and shaking.

'What happened to you ... Enak's parents ...?'

 Cain gave them a cold stare, taking a step closer to the three of them.

'Shh, shh, I don't know ...'

 Ellaib said one word.

 Cain waved his hand silently.

 At that moment, his right arm was blown off.

 The arm away from Ellaib's body was flying in the air.


I ask again. What's wrong with my parents: ...

I'm really lurking at ...

 Before he could finish, this time both of his legs were shredded from the knees down.

 Seeing his situation, Ellaeve shouted.

'My arms, my legs, my legs!

 Cain looked from the screaming Ellaeve to Betty and Stagg.

 At that moment, their faces froze.

'Wow, we don't know .... It was Ella Eve. Wow, I had nothing to do with it.'

 As he finished, both of Betty's legs were blown off.

 And then Stagg was gone from the knee down as well.

 Cain turned his back on the three of them, who were screaming in pain.

'I'm going to see what's going on. You guys stay here. Haku, Gin, watch these guys.

 Cain said coldly and disappeared on the spot.

 Then, having transitioned, Cain stands in front of the Cat's Wami Pavilion.

 The door has been broken down and there is no light inside the inn, only moonlight.

 As it is, Cain walks in.

 Inside the shop, tables are destroyed and chairs are scattered all over the place.

 The interior is broken and it's clear that there was a battle here.

'Mr. Dash! Himica! Where are you?!

 Cain walked into the back of the store, looking for the two men.

 Then, at the far end of the kitchen, he found the two men lying on the ground.

 Dash was covered and both of them were down, as if protecting Himika.

 Dash's back had been cut, his clothes were ripped open, and his arms and legs were bent in a strange direction.

 And a pool of blood had formed around the two men.

 Cain was stunned at the sight of them.