
 After seeing off Dime and the rest of the Kingsguard, Cain and Alec rode the carriage to the guild.

 Inside the carriage, the two remain silent as they are lost in emotion. The carriage in which Dalmatia was playing the role of the guru was going through the city.

 When they arrive in front of the Adventurer's Guild, Dalmatia opens the door of the carriage.

''Cain-sama, Alec-sama, we have arrived at the Adventurer's Guild.

 They dismounted from the carriage and entered the Adventurer's Guild through the door that Dalmatia had opened.

 The inside of the hall was deserted after the busy morning hours. The receptionists were chatting and waiting, but only Letia was busy at the back, with a pile of papers on her desk.

 A tense atmosphere instantly flowed through the receptionists when they realized that the child who entered the guild was the lord's Cain. When one receptionist walked over to Letia and whispered to tell her that Cain had arrived, Letia stopped her work once and came out of the back into the hall.

''Thank you for taking the trouble to come, Cain-sama. I will show you to the guild master's room.

 After arranging for the nearby receptionist to prepare tea, Letia led Cain and the others to his office.

 When they arrived at the Guildmaster's office, he knocked and told them that Cain had arrived. Just as Letia was about to open the door, the door was opened from the inside with great force first.

I'm sorry to bother you, Master Cain. Come this way.

 Guildmaster Lixetu leads Cain to the couch, as if in fear.

 Cain and Alec both sit on the couch they were led to, with Lixetu and Letia sitting face to face.

'A new deputy has been assigned to the post and we wanted to introduce him to you. This is my second brother, Alec.

My name is Alec von Silford, and I've been assigned as the deputy in Drintle. It's a pleasure to meet you.

 When the two-meter-long, large, muscle-covered Lixetu and the slender Alec shook hands, the difference in size was enough to make the adult Alec look like a child.

''Alec-dono, this is Guild Master Lixetu. I apologize for the guild's blunder. I am currently working with Lord Letia to purify the guild. As for the two staff members who were already operating under Betty, we are preparing to capture them and transfer them to the guild in King's Landing today.

 Regarding this matter, Lixetu has been low all the time due to the lack of management by the guild master.

 Especially since even Edin, the King's Capital's supervising master, has come to Drintru, he needs to put it all together as soon as possible.

''I'll leave the staff to you. And since he's a guild employee, I'm sure Edin-san will be the one to judge him in the royal capital.

 Everyone nodded.

 With both Lixetu and Letia-san busy, Cain and the others left the guild early.

 In the guild after Cain and the others left, the receptionist started to make a fuss again.

''Who was that person who was with Cain-sama? I've heard that there's a new deputy coming, but that young handsome man is it!

Master Cain may be too young, but the deputy seems to be an adult, so maybe he's the one to go after!

 The receptionists are busy gossiping about the people who came with the lord, as it is a calm time for them to work.


 Suddenly, there is the sound of clapping hands. When the receptionists turn around, Letia, who is also a sub-guild master, is angry with the clapping hands on her waist.

''Hai Hai, that's enough gossip. That man is the new deputy, Alec von Silford-sama.''

When I say "Silford,

Yes, Master Cain's older brother. You're the frontier lord's second son. And since he's the second son, he'll be considered a nobleman.

""Dear Alec: ..."

 The receptionists have a crush on the blue-haired beauty, Alec. Cain, who is also the head of a noble family, would be a high priestess, but Alec would be treated as a child of a nobleman. A nobleman's daughter is often the wife of a nobleman's daughter, but commoners have ample opportunity to do the same.

'Totally you guys are ...'

 Letia sighed and began to look through the pile of papers on her desk.

 After leaving the guild, Cain and the others returned to the lord's residence.

 Cain and Alec were sitting on the sofa in the office. Dalmatia had left her seat once to prepare tea.

''Now we can focus on our internal affairs, right?

 Alec took a few books from the substitute residence and placed them on the desk in his office.

'First, we need to expand the city walls. We'll have to get the people who live there to move in to demolish the slums. We'll have to wait until after the summer break to do that.''

 Alec was taken aback by Cain's words.

''Cain, expanding the walls of the city will take several years and it's very difficult to arrange people. And it will cost a huge amount of money. Wouldn't it be better to start closer to home?''

It's okay. I'll create it with magic and use a lot of magic, but I think I can handle it. I'll need Brother Alec to take care of the maintenance after that.

'Come to think of it, His Majesty told me .... Cain would do something out of the ordinary .... I understand. I'll let Cain take care of the walls.

 As we continue to talk, there is a knock on the door and Dalmatia comes in.

'Thank you for your patience. The tea is ready. Also, I have a visitor, how can I help you?

 Dalmatia came to visit, placing the tea in front of Cain and Alec.

 Cain sipped the tea placed in front of him.

'Guests? That's unusual. I wonder who in the world is here.

"--that's why Master Set is here to see you: ...

 Dalmatia replies apologetically.


 Cain blew out a mouthful of tea.

 Alec didn't know Set, so he nodded his head at Cain's response.

'He's waiting for you outside now, may I let you in?

 If that Demon King Set was standing outside the front door, the people around would be surprised.

''Su, show me here immediately! If you can stand out there like that, that's exactly what we need.

 Dalmatia bowed and left the office.

 A little later, the door was opened vigorously.

 The one who entered was, of course, Demon King Set. He still had three horns protruding from his forehead and was wearing noble clothes and a cloak.

''Cain-sama! Listen to me!

 However, the demon king, who was half crying, had no dignity at all.

 Cain was just amazed at his appearance.