My wife is Scary

He sat a half-crying Set down on the couch.

 Alec was surprised because although he knew of the existence of the demon race, this was the first time he had actually seen it in person. And he was even more astonished when he saw the demon race clinging to Cain in a half-crying state. When he saw Cain quieting down, he guessed it was a complicated situation, and after being introduced and greeting Set, Alec left the office, saying he would work at the substitute residence.

'So, what's going on all of a sudden?'

 I had no idea what was going on, so I let Set explain it to me.

''--my wife caught me cheating on her and kicked me out of the Demon King's Castle ....


 Cain exclaimed. Dalmatia, who was standing behind him, sighed.

'I told you not to do that when I was in your service .... I've told you, over and over again, that Master Leffane is a very strict man when it comes to cheating.

 Dalmatia knew about Set's wife.

 And she seemed to be quite a yakuza, and she was tough on cheating.

'When Dalmatia was here, the Lord would have stopped me. Now I don't have anyone to preach to me like that. That's why I couldn't resist. ...

 While Set's wife was off to another city, the messenger attached to Set reported to his wife, Lefferne, all the messengers who had been attached to Set had reported to his wife, Lefferne, that he had messed with a city girl.

 After Lefferne returned to the castle, Set was questioned and confessed, and was kicked straight off the terrace of the royal castle. Then he chased after her with a demonic force, so he started to run away, and since he had summoned her in this city before and knew where she was, he had transitioned to her.

Set... had it coming.

 Cain sighed, then coldly pushed away.

'Oh no. ...'

 Set's shoulders slumped weakly on the sofa.

 According to Dalmatia's explanation, in the land of the demon race, monogamy was the basis of the demon race's country, not polygamy like in this Esfort Kingdom.

 Moreover, Set's wife Leffane was the daughter of a powerful nobleman in the Land of the Demon Race, and she was particularly strict about cheating, and Set was always angry with her.

''Don't be so cold! You've got three fiancées! I need a break from time to time too!


 It is true that it was legal in this country, and even though it was forced by the kings' policies, Cain had three fiancées. When that was brought up, Cain couldn't say it strongly.

''--I understand. You can stay in this mansion for a little while. Just don't go outside, okay? It would be a big deal if people found out that a demon tribe had been walking around this city.

 At Cain's words, Set's eyes lit up and he wrapped his hands around Cain's and thanked him.

'Master Cain! Thank you! Just let me stay in this mansion for a little while. If you use the art of transformation, you can do the same as the human race. I don't mind staying in this mansion.

 Set stands up and chants some kind of spell, and his body is engulfed in light. When the light disappears, there stands a man who looks like Set's face, but without the horns and with red hair of the human race.

 Confirming the figure, Cain continues to speak.

''With that appearance, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone saw it. Stay in that outfit while you're in this mansion. But still, I didn't know there was such a magic. Maybe even Dalmatia?

 Dalmatia nodded silently.

'Yes, I have always been in this form through transformation magic. Shall I break the magic?

 At Dalmatia's words, Cain's mind conjured up the image of the Mushimushi Master. Then, after shaking his head to the side to dismiss the image in his brain that came to life in an instant, he pleaded with Dalmatia to stay the same.

'I understand. I'm sorry, but let's keep it that way.

'And yet, Set, you can stay for a few days, but you need to get back to your own castle.

 At Cain's words, Set nodded in disgust.

''In that case, I will go to the country of the demon race and explain it to you. If it's me, I can go straight to the royal castle, and you can meet Lefferne-sama.''

 Cain nodded at Dalmatia's suggestion.

'That's true. It would be a disaster if the king suddenly went missing. Dalmatia, can you tell him that Set is here?

 At Cain's words, Dalmatia straightened her posture, bowed, and disappeared into the black vortex that gushed out of the ground.

 Since I was alone with Set, I asked her many questions about Set's country.

 I heard that the country of the demon tribe lives on an island that goes all the way south from the continent of Grunyud, where this Esfort Kingdom is located, and then crosses the ocean for a week or so by boat, as one country. It was said that there were about two million people now, but they all had strong magical characteristics and had the blessing of the magic god.

 Cain listens to the story while picturing the face of Reno, the magic god.

 Because it is an island, fishing is popular, but they also have agriculture in the interior, and civilization is flourishing in its own way, and from what I've heard, life is almost the same as in this country.

 The demon tribe also has an aristocracy, and among the demon tribe that is roughly divided into advanced, intermediate and low class, the advanced demon tribe is running the country as a nobleman. The intermediate demon clan was mostly bureaucrats, while the lower class demon clan supported the country as citizens.

 Set's wife, Refine, is the daughter of the Countess of the upper demon family, and Set fell in love with her at first sight because she was so beautiful, he confessed his love to her and they got married.

 However, he didn't even know about her character until they were married, and after they were married, he found out that she's been on his ass for a long time.

'You are welcome to come and visit us sometime soon, Master Cain. You're welcome to come and visit us.

Yeah. I'd love to come by.

 Cain nodded at Set's words. After that, he and Set discussed many things about the land of the demon race.

 As they continued to talk, a black vortex suddenly formed in the room. Since it was the same vortex that Dalmatia had disappeared into earlier, I thought it had come back.

 Out of it came Dalmatia, who was covered in wounds all over her body and her left arm was gone from her shoulder and she was already in a state of bug breath.

 Cain was surprised and quickly approached Dalmatia.

''Extra Heel.''

 As Cain casts his magic, Dalmatia is enveloped in light. When the light disappears, Dalmatia's butler's clothes are in tatters, but her body is back to normal.

 As I pick up her body, Dalmatia begins to speak, although she is dazed and dazed.

''Cain-sama, I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm sorry, Set-sama, I'm sorry ... it was impossible to convince you with my explanation.''

 With those words alone, Dalmatia lost consciousness.


 Set trembles at the sight of Dalmatia.

 At that moment, a new black vortex is created again.

 And the one who emerged was a beautiful woman wearing a bright red dress. Her hair is red and stretches to her waist, and her face is so beautiful that it could be said to be an immense beauty. Two horns grew out of her forehead, though. The red dress that the beauty was wearing was open at the chest, and the style of the dress was so beautiful that it was hard to take your eyes off of it.

 Seeing such a figure, Set's face had turned blue.

 Then the beautiful woman begins to speak.

''Oh, my dear. There you are in a place like this. Dalmatia has come to explain to you, but can't you see that you're bothering the others?

 The beautiful woman looked down at Set with cold eyes from above.

''No, no, no, ...-sama Cain is not such a bother ....

 Set replies, his face turning pale and breaking out in a cold sweat.

'Oh, I'm afraid I haven't greeted you yet. I'm Set's wife, Leffane Van Dalstein, and my husband is always at your service. My husband has always been a great help to me.

 She gracefully plucks the ends of her dress and greets him politely.

 Cain also stands up and greets Lefane. I felt like I shouldn't go against the aura that emanates from this woman.

''It's nice to meet you, Cain von Silford Drintle. Lord Set has told me many stories about the land of the demon race. Please sit down first.

 I suggest the seat next to where Set is sitting.

'Thank you, Master Cain. Now if you'll excuse me.

 Leffane sits gracefully on the couch. And before he knows it, Dalmatia notices him and turns behind Cain.

''Cain-sama, I will prepare tea for you. I would also like to get dressed, so please excuse me once.

 Dalmatia left the room, looking a little impatient, which was not usual.

 Cain, Set, and Leffane remained in the office.

'Lady Cain, I believe my husband has told you what's going on. What do you think of it as a man?

 LeFarne stared straight at Cain with her bright red slit eyes.

 He just had a gut feeling that he was someone who should never be disobeyed.

 With sullen eyes, Set stared at Cain, but he immediately declined.

''I heard that the country of the demon race is monogamous. And with such a wonderful wife who could be considered an immensely beautiful woman, it's outrageous that he would be aware of another woman.''


 At that moment, Set's eyes look like he's about to cry, and Leffane has a happy expression.

''Oh, Cain-sama, I agree with you. Even so, you have a great way with words, being an immensely beautiful woman.''

 Leffane replied while covering her mouth with the fan she produced from her chest. It seemed that women were happy to be complimented on their appearance, after all.

 There is a knock on the door and she enters the room, pulling a wagon with a cup of tea and a cup that Dalmatia has prepared for her.

 Before she knows it, she has changed into her new butler's uniform and prepares the tea.

'Sorry to keep you waiting,'

 Dalmatia said and placed the tea in front of each of them. Then she refrained behind Cain.

 Leffane takes a sip of her tea and smiles.

''After all, the tea brewed by Dalmatia is delicious. It's still a pity that she's retired.'

I serve Master Cain now, sir.

 Dalmatia takes a bow.

 They chatted for a little while, and then both Set and Lefane had to leave.

 As expected, I felt sorry for Set, so I told him that he could come visit me anytime he wanted.

 LeFarne agreed to Cain's words, and Set looked happy.

The actuality of this is that it's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it. Let's go, Set-sama.''

Master Cain, I'll be back!

 Leffane grabbed one of Set's ears and they both disappeared into the black vortex.

 Cain took a breath and sat down firmly on the couch.

'Dalmatia, there are some people you shouldn't disobey: ...

'Mr. Cain, as you say: ...

 It was Cain who thought again that women were scary.