Welcome back

It's been three days since Xunyi came back to Shanghai. As usual, she went to the hospital to visit Deming, who was still in a coma. His aunt (mother's younger sister) came to visit him as well. Xunyi brought some fruits to them as she went grocery shopping just a few hours ago. She got a chair from the other side of the room and sat beside Anna (his aunt).

Anna is currently managing J&J Law Group since she used to be a manager back in Singapore. She wasn't as talkative compared to her older sister, Yuyue, but she seemed really caring. Anna looked at Xunyi and smiled, "What are you studying?"

"I'm in law school aiming to become a lawyer one day." Xunyi looked back at her notes, and Anna leaned over and saw some of the lecture notes, "It's hard work. What made you interested in law?"

"It's a long story. Deming saved me once eight years ago. It was his idea that I go and try this profession. To be honest, at that time, I was in a very dark place. I didn't know where to go or where to start. It was Deming who pulled me out of darkness. So, I slowly became interested in law over time. Not because I like it but because I get to help more people in the future. I need to become more knowledgeable. Deming is way higher than I could ever be." Xunyi laughed, and Anna nodded in agreement, "He's certainly very smart. But sometimes, he could make wrong choices."

"We make wrong choices all the time. Certainly, for me, as well." Xunyi looked at Anna and asked, "It's good that you're here. How are we telling him about his parents?"

"Hm... we'll see after he wakes up. He's been through a lot already." She replied, and Xunyi looked at her lecture notes and managed to finish writing her notes before lunchtime. Since the nurses will come around at lunchtime to check Deming's vital signs, Xunyi needed to be there to make sure she understood what was happening.

Once the nurses arrived, they did the usual checkup and told Xunyi to look after the patient, and if the patient had any problems, she would be able to let them know. Anna came in, and she brought lunch from outside. It was a simple bento box since they were the cheapest and the most delicious. Xunyi missed having them because she didn't get those while she was in London. Anna was frugal despite being very rich. After they finished eating, Anna went back to the company to manage some stuff while Xunyi looked after Deming.

Xunyi got up and looked outside the window. She stretched a bit to get her blood moving. On the bed, Deming slowly opened his eyes. He didn't feel comfortable with the oxygen mask on. He turned his head slowly and saw a young lady. He wasn't sure who she was. Her hair was brown, and she was wearing a brown turtleneck sweater and jeans. He wasn't able to talk yet, but he kept on looking at her.

Xunyi put her hair into a ponytail since she was feeling a bit warm. After turning around, Xunyi noticed that Deming's eyes were opened. She quickly went to his side and started talking to him.

"Deming! Deming! Do you know who I am? I'm Xunyi!" She was excited that he was waking up.

"Xun...yi..." He whispered under the oxygen mask.

"Don't worry, Deming. You're in the hospital now." Xunyi held his hand and smiled at him. She pressed the button above the bed, and a few of the nurses came. His doctor also came in a hurry.

"It's a miracle. He's awake." The doctor said, "Deming, you've been asleep for two years. Welcome back." The nurses checked his vital signs, and there were no problems. The doctor did a few tests on him and nodded, "Reaction is normal. Deming, do you know what happened to you?"

"A..Accident..." Deming tried to talk, and the doctor nodded, "That's right. You came here after a car accident. Do you know who she is?"

"Xun...Yi." He said slowly. The doctor smiled, "Good to have you back. Miss. Xunyi, I need to talk to you."

When they went outside, the doctor gave her a grim look.

"Miss Xunyi, do you know this person, Li Xun?"

She nodded, "He's Deming's best friend. What is it?"

"Last night, he passed away from a stabbing wound. The police were investigating, and they wanted to know if anyone knew him. He died in this hospital." The doctor shook his head and said, "What a world we live in. Miss Xunyi, if you know any other information... please let the officers know?" Xunyi nodded and went back into the room. She closed the door and stood against it. She felt a lump in her throat, and her eyes were starting to get teary.

"How am I supposed to tell him?" She thought as she tried to wipe away her tears. She looked at the ceiling and told herself to calm down. After taking a deep breath, she went to Deming's side. He didn't need an oxygen mask anymore so she could see his handsome face. He sat up and looked at Xunyi.

"Deming, how are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?" She asked. He shook his head.

"That's good to know. If you feel any discomfort, let me know."

"Xunyi... is it a dream?" He did not take his eyes off of her. Xunyi smiled and leaned closer to him, "If you think it's a dream, you can try and poke my cheeks."

Deming was glad that Xunyi was beside him. Xunyi made sure he was comfortable, so she placed a few more pillows behind his back.

"Deming, did you dream about anything?" Xunyi asked in curiosity.

"The accident." He replied and looked down, "I dreamt about my parents saying goodbye to me."

Xunyi wasn't able to hold in her tears anymore. She didn't care about her fear. She embraced Deming and sobbed, "I'm sorry. I promised I won't cry but I can't help it." He embraced her slowly and then closed his eyes, "Thank you for being here. I thought I'll be alone." Xunyi embraced him tightly because even though he looked alright from the outside, he must be feeling lonely and hurt on the inside.

"Deming, I'm here. I'm here."