28. Run Lil piggy run!

After a long few days, everyone takes advantage of the ac an enclosed cabin, taking refuge in bunks, chairs or just a pile of blankets and clothes, when morning comes, Silver doesn't bother waking the crew as they take off again, the power cores whisper quiet and the thrusters packs better than factory specced now only letting out a soft low rumble as the new striker vehicle navigates with ease through the desert, the mana used to mold the glass having tinted it slightly purple made the sun much more Barrable all of a sudden, so with that and a soft him to her favorite tune turned way down. Nearly half the day passes, when she comes across a haggard looking man, standing quite tall, may six or seven feet and built stocky, stopping a distance away, Silver stops before climbing on the roof, before even getting a word out of her mouth the man speaks quite rudely and rashly. "Who the feth are you,oink?!" Silver smirking playfully, an intrusive thought slowly winning her over. "Awe, don't recognize your bounty without anyone to tell you Lil pigman?" Silver teases him a twinkle in her eye. "So you are the one who got me in this mess you bitch, oink!" At this, it makes silver chuckle. "If i were you i would start running, it would suck getting hit by this monstrosity." She says before slipping back inside speeding up towards him, though keeping just slow enough not to catch the fat pigman bounty hunter. "Run Lil piggy run!" She cries out quietly making him run...more jog as fast as he can if he starts trying to walk, bumping him stiffly with the plow until he picks up the speed. Like this, she continues following him through the desert, nearly an hour passes as she harasses the pigman, having grown bored, she keeps it up despite everything. After awhile micah wakes up, only to witness Silver tormenting someone in front of the car, he doesn't speak, just looks over at her questioningly, as if asking 'why are you torturing some poor bastard? We are on the run here?' Glancing over and seeing the look, silver can only sigh, afterwards she is about to be a villain in more ways than one. "Hope...I am giving him hope, he is running in specific direction, where? I don't know, but he is...hope is a powerful thing, for the one hoping, and the one trying to take it away...I am giving him hope that i am naive, and will follow his fat self aaallll the way to the next set of bounty hunters, and hope that he gets a slice of the bounty since he led me right to them...unfortunately I am looking for more people to kill, and he hasn't realized he is first on my shit list..." The rest of the group had woken up, somewhere in the middle of her response, some realizing that silver isn't a hero, or at least, not a typical one. And here her parents being the earliest to wake besides micah having heard it all, remain silent, afterwards she was engineered to fight it should be natural to want to bury her enemies right? But why does it feel as if she doesn't care about the method? Micah doesn't say anything, simply gets comfortable in his seat and watches it play out. He chose to follow her no matter what a long time ago, for better or worse he is a loyal friend. And like this, half a day passes with the pigman panting and frustrated throwing curses at her over his shoulder, only to get rammed roughly to the ground in response, eventually in the horizon, almost like a mirage, a large convoy of vehicles stretching wide, more than twenty armored vehicles and and a hundred mercenaries, ranking from low rank to mid high rank fighters or supports, appear making the pigman laugh hysterically as he speeds up as if he could outrun Silvers suped up truck. "Getting hell! Took em long enough, you know what I am gonna do to you before cashing in that bounty? I will be you living and dead nightmare you getting bitch! Oink!" Only to hear a clicking sound...then nothing. Silver shot him without a word, using her new magnum handcannon, the upper torso and head of the low mid rank, barely that as it was, was exploded into red mist, the bounty hunters in the distance surely saw with either binoculars or scopes, or if their traits boosted vision, their eyes to witness the pigmans execution after having been forced to run through the desert for so long. A long standing silence from both sides forms, the hunters coming to grips that they may well die for money, after a moment they shrug it off, afterwards, with this many what can she do? After not even a minute of silence, the wall of vehicles take off racing towards silver, and at first the group is concerned by the number of vehicles and hunters. "Oh he of lil faith, have no hope in the passage of peace, but the passage of war and bloodshed." Silver says, accelerating and flicking a few switches, the satisfying clicking just before the vehicle lurches, tilting slightly up as all of the thrusters are now powered up and over clocking as the vehicles on screen speedometer quickly exceeds one hundred miles per hour, then one fifty,two hundred, two twenty five, and climbing two fifty two seventy five, slowing down as it reaches ever so much closer to three hundred miles per hours, the speed causing a sand storm in her wake and causing everyone to buckle up, slowly sinking into their chairs from the g forces. Rocketing towards the convoy, a slow, crazed grin spreads across silvers face as she locks eyes on a large tank looking vehicle moving to line up with her. "Lets play the worlds deadliest game of chicken then..." Silver says, making everyone in the cabin panic and start voicing out about it. "Do we really need to tempt fate at this time? We have the speed to outrun most of them?" Her parents try to reason with her,but being the stubborn girl she has always been though she listens to them, silver has always been head strong. " nothing sends a message quite like a good ramming!" And after only about 30 seconds the gap is too small to run now, the only option is if someone flinches out of silvers way, but everyone is determined to stop her, having faith the heavy vehicle can take the hit as the prepare for the ram, but before they can feel excited, silver does something that for some reason makes the aggressors hairs raise in fear, and some to have a cold sensation on their spine like a warning, but its too late. Silver, grinning from ear to ear like a lunatic,releases her mana, choosing to devour all the ambient mana in the area around the truck, and surrounding the vehicle in it, giving it an ethereal, and sinister appearance just moments before impacting the large vehicle, letting the mana seek and devour the mage, and healer, digging deep into a mana gunner, severely wounding him from just that before the ram splits the bigger vehicle rapidly the rest crunching and killing the driver before he has a chance to realize what happened, rapidly the stryker passes through the tanky looking truck with a ear bleeding metal scraping screech. "Agh. What the feth! Silver you lunatic, you're fething crazy!" Micah Said, clutching his sensitive ears, a hand on his heart. And with that, and the thunder of the Ai controlled turret letting loose into the vehicles, with an rpm of more then 1500 rounds a minute, its handing out lead like its free, because technically it is. Shortly after an explosion from one of the smaller vehicles getting shredded by the mean dual chain gun turret, announces the engagement making the group slightly pale faced as the race through, the turret making swift work of the smaller cars with the upgraded ammunition, and taking a bit longer on the bigger more armored vehicles. At the speed Silver is traveling, now having been slowed from ramming such a tanky heavy truck, only sitting at around two hundred or two twenty now, before regaining speed many of the smaller faster cars and trucks are able to keep pace, returning fire, the tink and bang of the kinetic based weapons echoing in the stryker a bit as they discuss the situation, already sick of the roller coaster. Seeing cars bursting into flames, or turning into a macrabe sight of swiss cheese from the turret, it atleast reassures the group of Silver and her plan a bit, knowing it will take a bit more than this to kill them. Sometimes, a flurry of magic attacks strike, everything from mana arrows, to ice walls, that get rammed through or shot apart, to fire balls, wind blades that drag sand behind it causing a small sandstorm in the center, people attempt to board, trying to dodge the turrets vision, unaware its no longer based on vision, after being saved as part of Silver's class, it gained the same effect as her eye's mutation allowing her to see through the veil for mana flows, so the turret snaps around, catching assassins, and barbarian, and a slew of other classes off guard slaughtering them swiftly. They fight drags on many vehicles choosing to harass from the edge of the melee. As Silver speeds away, eating closer to the next region past the desert, a forested zone that leads all the way to the ruined city, five days travel from the desert, an excellent location by all means, plenty of food sources well balanced seasons cool temperature which is strange considering the proximity to the desert, and no wildlife or dungeons that are extreme risks. Making an ideal city location. Unknown to Silver though, this isn't the only group that guessed where she might be headed so a large group lead by a former elven princess named Roxanne, though her bounty hunter name now is roxxie, its not as important as the fact as nearly her entire team hunting Silver are mid level fighters and she has several powerhouses in those fighters, mostly archer powerhouses from the elves, having magical attack that are powerful enough to destroy armored trucks or the ability to have the arrow track a target mid flight, the skills and abilities extremely varied.