Chapter 18

Arriving at home, the 3 children welcomed us in front of home. After I left the carriage, I immediately went to my room, and the 3 children followed behind me. I ignored the women that father brought. On my way to my room, I saw Lady Laura went to mother with an envelope in her hand, which I saw had a yellow seal and some pattern around the seal. I stopped for a second, from afar, I saw my mother receive the envelope, and opened it. It was a letter, and her face seemed surprised by the content of it, followed by father behind her.. After that, I continued to my room.

In my room, I could not immediately go to bed, because of the gown. I just went to the balcony like usual, enjoyed the tea and the fresh air. After some moments, there were knocks on the door. Aelia went to the door, and checked it. It was Sofia and one of the women that father brought or the goddesses. Sofia and her walked before me. In front of me, Sofia told me the information that was bad for me.

"My lady, may I introduce this young woman to you?"

I looked at the woman, while taking a sip of my drink. I put the cup "What's the reason you want to introduce this young woman to me?" and continued sipping my drink.

"This young woman will be your personal physici—"

Hearing that, I immediately bursted my drink "WHAT!" I slammed my cup to the table, and stood up in front of Sofia's face "Does my father dismiss you? I will talk to him, just stay here!" I tried to walk out, but…

Sofia immediately grabbed my right arm, and said "You don't need to do that, my lady, because his grace doesn't dismiss me.." She went behind the woman, grabbed both of her shoulders, and said "This young woman will become your personal physician, is that great?" She peeked her head from the woman's body.

"But you are my physician, why do I need her beside you??"

Meanwhile, the table was spilled with the drinks and some minor messes, Alicia and Aelia tried to clean the table and tidied up it.

"I am the family physician, but with her, you have your own personal physician, is that great for you, my lady? Especially at this time."

I took closer to the woman that I knew from the beginning, but I wanted to see her human form closer. The woman just kept her poker face, but when I looked closer at her face, she suddenly gave me a smile, and I took it personally.

"May I introduce her to you, my lady?" Sofia asked.

"Surely, I am curious too, what's the name of the woman that father took interest in.."

"Her name is Gena…." Sofia kept explaining her skills and ability, but I didn't hear all of that.

What! She just takes her own name, from Gennaia to Gena, what about Delios?

"My lady, perhaps you don't hear me?"

"I heard you…so this is Gena.."

Gena bowed, raised her skirt, and introduced herself to me "This Gena will be your physician, my lady.."

"Raise your head, Gena.."

She raised her head and looked at me..

After that, Sofia took a leave from the room…but Gena didn't follow her, she just stayed beside me..

"Why you not follow Sofia? And why are you still here?"

"Because I am your personal physician now…so it's my obligation to stay beside you, my lady.."


The table was already cleaned and tidied up, Alecia and Alicia took their work well done. Aelia poured the tea into the new cup. When I wanted to take a sip of it, Gena suddenly said.

"My lady, I think you have enough tea today.."

"Huh?" I was confused..

"May I take a look at your tea?" She immediately took the teapot from Aelia's hands, opened the lid. She showed a small smile on her face while looking inside the teapot, "My lady, perhaps do you consume this type of tea everyday?"

Aelia answered "Yes, she drinks the tea everyday, is there something wrong?"

"This type of tea is not healthy for my lady body.."

"Is that true, Gena?" Aelia asked.

"Yes, maybe this tea can be one of the causes, my lady's health deteriorates.."

"You are making this up right?" I asked, but the 3 children's faces took it seriously, and their faces were horrified about it.

Immediately they bowed down at me, asked forgiveness from me. I just forgave them, they took the cups and the teapot from the table, and they left the room, leaving me and Gena alone.

"Look what have you done!!" I said to Gena.

"I just did what was the best for you, my lady.."

"Cut your chase and your fakery, there is no one around here…..Why you two follow me? Even disguised in human form."

"We thought it would be more fun than watching you from afar."

"*Sigh* Just do whatever you want, but don't lay your single finger on the people in this house, especially I don't want any information about concubines."

"You just gave us a great idea, I like it.."

"HEI!...and that's body, how old is it?"

"This body? I think I disguised myself as a 24 year old woman.."

"So you are younger than my mother…"

"Really? That's a great opportunity…But her beauty is undeniable, when I saw her for the first time, I didn't believe it, if she is a human from her beauty.."

"And about your tea commotion, you were making it up, right?"

She just showed her smile without a single word coming from her mouth.

"You know, your words will make a big commotion, especially in the kitchen.." I said.

"I think it will be alright.."

"Why are you so confident about it?"





"Ah! Aurelia, finally you are in here, we are waiting for you, this dinner will be different because Delia will be the one who cooks it…" Father said at the dining table.

I froze at the entrance of the dining room, like she said "Because Delios already took over the kitchen.." and like Gena, her fake name is like her real name, Delia and Delios..

"Why do you keep standing there? Come and take a seat!" Mother said..

I went to the dining table, and took a seat..

After dinner was done, there was only father left at the dining table. I asked father "Why did you let this Delia cook?"

"Because your mother likes her cooking.."

"Mother likes her cooking?"

"Yes…I believe your mother came across Delia cooking something in the kitchen, she tasted it, and found it delicious…Immediately she let Delia take the kitchen.."

"Just like that? Mother let a stranger take the kitchen.."

"Well, she is not a stranger anymore…and about your tea, I was shocked to hear that from your personal maids…for now, Delia and Gena will be providing everything that is best for you…"


"Don't grumble about it, and your mother said to me that she wanted to meet you, you can ask your maids about that, and they will lead you to your mother."

I just nodded at my father, and left the dining room. Outside the dining room, the 3 children already waited for me. Without speaking to them, they led me to my mother. It was the same room, when Adel led me to my mother. Mother waved her hand to me, and I sat beside her on the sofas.

She showed the envelope from Lady Laura early, and said.

"You need to read this.."

I took the envelope, opened it, and read the content of it.

It said

'Dear Duke and Duchess of Florence

On the behalf of The Royal Highness, The Crown Prince of Fotia. We would like to inform, The Crown Prince will take a visit to your duchy tomorrow as this letter arrived. I hope his Grace Duke Marcus Aurelius and her Grace Duchy Cordelia Aurelius have prepared for The Crown Prince's arrival. The Royal Highness has a desire to meet his fiance Lady Aurelia Aurelius. We hope The Lady will present as The Royal Highness visit.

Yours Sincerely

Courtier of Court His Royal Highness, The Crown Prince of Fotia.'

After I read it, I looked at mother, and said "Is this true?"

"Yes, Aurelia…The seal of the envelope is real…"

"I don't know if my fiance is from the Royal Family, especially the Crown Prince…Mother just told me his name.."

"I forgot to tell you about it…Aurelia, do you have a desire to meet your fiance or not?"


She hugged me. "If you don't have the desire to meet him, it's okay…we will find another way, but if you have the desire to meet him, we will allow him to see you…"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Because your mother wants the best for you, beside this betrothed…"

"Does mother object to my betrothed to him?"

"Not quietly object to it, but more not supporting it."


She released her hug to me "It's just…a personal…matter…your mother with the royal family…beside that, what is your answer to this letter?"

"First, I want to look into my fiance more, so I will present when he arrives."

"If you say so…" She suddenly clapped her hands, and in a second, I was surprised, two figures that I knew appeared on the entrance. "They will stay beside you in this circumstance, because the 3 children still do not have experience about the royal's arrival…but they will stay beside you, so in this circumstance you will have 4 personal maids and 1 Lady-In-Waiting."

It had been over a few weeks, and I didn't see them… I got up from the sofas, walked towards them, and hugged them.. "Welcome back, Adel and Lady Octavi.."

"It's an honor to see you again, my lady.."

Mother said "You two better not show feuds with each other again…

"We knew our mistake, madam…"

"And once more, Aurelia, Lady Octavi will not be your tutor again, she will be just Lady-In-Waiting, your new tutor will be Gena…" Mother said..


"It's alright, my lady…to see you and with you, it's enough for me…" Lady Octavi said.

"You better get rid of your grumble trait.." Mother said "All of you can dismiss and leave the room.."

Outside the rooms, Adel and I went to my room followed by the 3 children, but Lady Octavi separated away. After arriving at my room, Gina was already waiting there, I could not see her as human, every time I was seeing her, I saw a goddess. Gina told me that she would be conducting an examination of me from Sofia's order. Before I laid down to the bed, the 3 children undressed me and dressed me with pajamas.

I laid down on the bed, and Gina started to examine me, like Sofia, she checked my pulse, temperature, and my tongue. After the examination, she leaned her mouth to my left ear, and said.

"You better be in bed tomorrow.."

I was surprised, because tomorrow I needed to be present, I could not be in the bed. We exchanged whispers with each other.

"WHAT!! Why??" I asked by whispering.

"The dianoia will react tomorrow…the specific time, I don't know about it, but I guarantee it will react to your mind, so it will be great if you stay in bed."

"I can't do that…Tomorrow I need to be present, my fiance will come to the house. Is there anything you can do about your thing? That is somehow inside my mind."

After she heard that, she pulled her ear from my face, and showed me a little smirk. "I think it's just that, I see there is nothing wrong with my lady's body…." Immediately she walked out from me, and left the room..

That woman…