Chapter 19

Tomorrow morning, I was woken up by Adel. Immediately she led me to the Vanity table with the 3 children beside her. I sat there like usual, and they did like my usual morning routine, but I saw Adel opened all of the drawers, like she had been telling me, if there was something important for an occasion or party, she would use the left drawers section. Now, she opened it and used it. It was similar like usual powder, but the scent was stronger, and more fragrant than usual. Even the oily powder was more glowing in my face than usual. Everything from those drawers were more impactful to my face and my body than the right drawers.

After they had done with my face and my body, they didn't take any gown or dress inside my wardrobe. Instead Aelia went to the door, and opened the door, immediately some women went to the room, I saw some similar faces, especially one woman, it was the owner of the boutique that I previously visited. They brought an entire gowns row in the clothes rail, the gowns seemed so expensive, and I never saw those gowns in her boutique.

She showed me some gowns, while I was sitting on the chair at the Vanity table.

She asked "Which gown is pleasing to my lady's eyes?"

"Everything is pleasing in my eyes, but I still can't decide which one I will wear." I turned my gaze to the 3 children in front of the door "How about you three take a look at those gowns, and tell me which one catches your eyes?" and I didn't forget about Adel "Adel, you take a look too."

The 3 children were surprised, they with Adel started to take a look at all the gowns.

The owner beside me asked "Are you pretty sure about this? They are children, maybe they will pick something that is weird or mismatched for you, my lady, especially this occasion is very important for you."

"Well, sometimes children's opinion can be a good idea, they see something that I can't see or maybe the adult can't see, their view about glamorous, exquisite and pretty are unique and different, than adults, even myself can be viewed as child.."

A few moments later, they had made a choice, and I asked them to show it to me.

Alecia showed me the red gown, with patterns and ornaments's color orange, I asked her why she chose it? She just said assertions of domination, courage and bravery.

Next, Alicia showed me the blue gown, with patterns and ornaments's color of green. I asked a similar question to her. She just said it symbolizes loyalty, faith, sincerity and trust from you, the fiance.

Next one, Aellia showed me the purple gown, with patterns and ornamenst's color of dark yellow, like the color of gold. I was surprised, she didn't pick a dress like her green ribbon. I asked her same question. She just said it's the color of royalty. I asked the owner beside me, was it true? She just nodded at me.

The last one was Adel to show me what she had picked. She showed me the black gown, with patterns and ornaments's color of white. I asked her the same as everyone else, she said my dresses and gowns were full of white ones, because my white hair, but how about the black ones, the opposite of white, it would be balanced, between my white hair and the gowns.

In a few seconds, I was thinking and made up my mind. I said "All of your amazing gown suggestions, and heard your thoughts about it. For this occasion, I will choose the suggestion…..from…. ADEL…Like she said, my dresses in the wardrobe are full of white ones, therefore black color will be amazing."

After I decided on it, the people from the boutique, even the owner, immediately dressed me up, and tidied up. In a few minutes, they were already done dressing me up. I looked at the mirror from the vanity table behind me, and it was really suitable for me, the black gowns. I took the hairpin and the necklace from the drawer of the vanity table, it was white hairpin and necklace with white gems, from the little two. I asked Adel to put the hairpin on my hair, so I sat back in the chair, Adel put the hairpin on my hair and tidied up. Finally the special morning routine was done, the people from the boutique and the owner excused themselves, and left the room.

Adel asked me to go to the dining room for breakfast, I just nodded at it. She led me to the dining room with the three behind me. On the way to the dining room, I saw all the other servants astonished and amazed by me. When I arrived at the dining room, I saw everyone was already there, and their faces were fascinated. The little two who already took a seat in their seats, immediately jumped down, and walked toward me.

Ophelia, the one who said first "Sister Aurelia, you are so beautiful today like you are the lady of this kingdom…and the black gown is perfectly suitable for you..your white hair has its own spotlight, and the black gown has its own spotlight…Therefore you have two of beauty…"

"Haha, Thanks for the compliment Ophelia.."

Aurelio spotted the hairpin and the necklace, and asked "Are those the things we give you, the hairpin and the necklace??"

"Ah these! Yes, they are the gifts from you. I wear them to show my little siblings affection and can make me beautiful and pretty too."

They were blushing from that.

"Let's go back to the table, and eat breakfast." I asked them.

Immediately they went to their seats with me. We took our seats. After I sat on the chair, father gave me the information about today "The Crown Prince may arrive at noon." I just nodded at him.

I asked my mother and father "What do I need to do about today?"

Mother answered "You don't need to think about that, Adel will lead you, you just accompany the Prince and have conversation with him."

"I don't quite understand, what mother just said?"

"Adel will lead you to the spot for you and the Prince, and everything will already be prepared, for example…let's see….an afternoon tea in the garden, Adel will lead you and the prince to the garden, and in the garden, everything already be prepared like the table, the chair, especially the tea, and the snacks, so you don't need to do anything beside talking and have a conversation with him."

"I see, and what topic, the Prince like?"

"I think the prince will be the one that gives you the topic, Aurelia…is that right, dear?"

"Yes, it is…usually on this occasion, the gentleman who starts the conversation, and try to sway the lady…You don't need to think about what he likes, he will tell you by himself about what he likes, to impress you, so you just follow him or don't follow him, if you find his topic not impressive for you…Immediately he will understand, if he is a great gentleman, he will apologize and avoid that topic again."

"I apprehended it…"

"Great, and once more, Aurelia…your sickness is still secret from the public even in a noble court, so I hope today, there is nothing wrong about you, and try to keep it as secret as possible, if you suddenly feel not well, just excuse yourself immediately, Adel and Gena in quick will know what is going on, and try to prevent the prince even their entourage to see your sickness.."

"I understand, father.."

"Good, now let's enjoy our breakfast.." He clapped his hands, and liked usual the foods came.

After breakfast, I went back to my room, while waiting for the prince to arrive. I asked Adel and the other three that I wanted to be alone in my room, and if he arrived, just informed me. I sat in front of the vanity table for a while, alone. Suddenly, in the reflection of the mirror, I saw two figures behind me, immediately I turned around and it was...Gena and Delina.

"How on earth can you come into my room?"

"Well, we are not human, I can show it to you.." Gena walked to the vanity table, stuck out her hand toward the mirror of the vanity table, and her hand pierced the mirror like the mirror didn't exist. "With this, we can walk or come in wherever we want, because there is nothing that can stop us."

Seeing that I immediately touched her arm that stuck out to the mirror, and it was full of solid arm, my arms did not go through her arm. She pulled out her arm from the mirror.

"So what do you two want?"

"Nothing, I just want to check you, especially since it is a big day for you." Gena said "and it is my obligation to treat you and stay beside you, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it…but how about her…" I pointed at Delia "What do you do in here?"

"Same as Gena, I'm just checking you."

"What for? Or from what?"

"Maybe about the diet that I cooked for you, is it too much for your diet or not??"

"Just tell me the real reason, you are here, don't blabber something like the diet."

"Maybe about how beautiful you are in that gown, so I am checking you?"

I didn't buy it, and stared at her fiercely.

"Hehhhh...because Gina told me today is gonna be great and amusing, so I will follow her to see that.."

Hearing that Gena immediately turned her gaze to Delina.

"Great and amusing? Why?"

"Maybe you will act—"

Out of the blue, Gena closed her mouth with her hand.. "We will excuse ourselves, my lady..and hope today will be great for you, not amusing like this woman said.." Gena said, and dragged Delina out of my room, with her hand still on her mouth. They pierced through the wall, and like that they left the room. But a few seconds later, Gena stuck out her head on the wall, and said "One more, my lady, we sense something from your prince's entourage, maybe you better be careful."

I immediately asked "What have you sensed?"

Yet, she pulled her head without giving me an answer about my question.

They must be knowing something.