
Gu Qing opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of white mist, feeling the chill in the air. He tugged at his thin clothes and found himself in a dim and damp prison cell. The only source of light was a small window, through which faint rays of sunlight filtered in.

Gu Qing felt like his head was about to split open. Instinctively, he reached to hold his head but instead felt long hair.

"I... Did I transmigrate?"

Gu Qing quickly stood up but almost stumbled again due to his weakened body from the sudden movement.

Looking at his shorter limbs, Gu Qing said, "It seems like I really did transmigrate."

He grasped the iron bars of the window and stood on tiptoes to look outside. Through the rusty iron bars, he saw a knee-high field of weeds in a desolate courtyard.

At that moment, the wooden door at the front of the courtyard creaked open, and an elderly man dressed in traditional attire entered, carrying a square box.

Gu Qing quickly crouched in the corner, pretending to still be unconscious, while memories belonging to the original owner of this body began to emerge gradually.

The old man approached the iron bars, looking at the feigned unconscious Gu Qing. He stared at Gu Qing's face, emitting a creepy laugh that sent shivers down Gu Qing's spine.

After a while, seeing no signs of Gu Qing waking up, the old man placed the square box outside the iron bars. He gave Gu Qing one last glance before reluctantly leaving.

Meanwhile, Gu Qing felt a sense of discomfort because he was reviewing the memories of the original body's owner. It turned out that the previous owner of this body was also named Gu Qing, and the place he was currently in was an ancient and secluded family known as the Gu Family.

The original owner's mother brought Gu Qing to the far northern region to escape, but they accidentally stumbled upon the hidden mountains of the Gu Family.

This reminded Gu Qing of the story of the Peach Blossom Spring he had heard of on Earth. However, the Gu Family was far from being a utopia like the Peach Blossom Spring; instead, it was a hellish place where people were devoured without a trace.

The original owner's mother was exceptionally beautiful, arousing the desire of the people here. She endured countless humiliations in order to protect her child but eventually met a tragic end.

As for the original owner, due to inheriting his mother's beautiful appearance, despite being young, he possessed an androgynous face that was captivating. After being taken in by the pedophilic patriarch of the Gu Family, the old man from earlier, he endured three years of torment before succumbing to the unbearable suffering and dying. This created an opportunity for Gu Qing to seize the body.

"It's truly... a tragic life."

Gu Qing lamented the tragic life of the original owner and contemplated his own future path when a mechanical female voice echoed in his mind, "Host binding: Gu Qing, 16 years old, male."

Gu Qing's eyebrow twitched slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he asked softly, "Who are you?"

As expected, the female voice spoke again, "I am the World Annihilation System, dedicated to serving you."

Gu Qing thought to himself, "A system, huh? Could it be the typical perk of transmigration, the protagonist's essential cheat? Hehe, it seems I won't be lonely in the future."

Gu Qing himself had some neurotic tendencies; otherwise, he wouldn't have been shot by the police in a frenzy during his arrest due to his homicidal tendencies, leading to his transmigration.

Thus, without any doubt, Gu Qing believed in this World Annihilation System. "Tell me more about this system."

"Host, the World Annihilation System is focused on the annihilation industry, dedicated to exterminating all intelligent life across various realms and dimensions."

Gu Qing immediately became interested. "Oh? In simple terms, it's about killing, right?"

"Correct, not only humans but any intelligent life form is our enemy."

"Besides humans, are there other intelligent life forms?"

The system replied, "Indeed, apart from humans, there are other intelligent life forms as well."

"The ones you will encounter in the future, Host."

The system didn't elaborate further, and Gu Qing didn't inquire more. For him, killing was the most enjoyable thing.

"What should I do? What functions does the system have right now?"

"Triggering mission: Establish a base. First, the Host needs to acquire an area suitable for establishing a World Annihilation Base before proceeding to the next step."

Gu Qing rubbed his chin. "A base? Why does it give me a feeling of playing a real-time strategy game? Anyway, this secluded ancient family seems like a suitable place. Let's set it up here."

The system responded, "Detecting a significant presence of intelligent life in that area. The base cannot be established."

"Damn it! I'm currently trapped here. What should I do?"

The system said, "The Host can claim a beginner's gift package, which might assist the Host in completing the mission."

Gu Qing suddenly felt a glimmer of hope. "Oh? There's a beginner's gift package too? Why didn't you mention it earlier? Claim it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Qing felt a spatial distortion around him, and three shining silver figures appeared before his eyes.

"Congratulations, Host, for obtaining three high-level puppets."

Gu Qing's eyes lit up as he exclaimed, "Awesome! These big guys look incredibly powerful."

The system explained, "The high-level puppets are made of refined silver, with extremely strong defense and immense strength. They lack intelligence and strictly obey the Host's commands. Their range of action is within one mile around the Host and inside the World Annihilation Base."(look the comments for picture)

Gu Qing said, "Dedicated guardians, huh? Let's test their power."

With that, Gu Qing commanded one of the silver puppets to grab hold of the iron bars of the prison cell. The enormous palm of the puppet tore apart the seemingly indestructible bars, and Gu Qing walked out with a satisfied smile.

"Really craving to kill someone."

Gu Qing looked at the three towering silver puppets.

"But before that, let's fill our stomachs first."

As a food lover, Gu Qing had already caught a whiff of the aroma emanating from the box brought by the old man. Surely, it contained food for him.

Having a full stomach gives him the strength to kill. It has always been Gu Qing's life motto.

Opening the box, he found a bowl of porridge, a plate of vegetables, and a plate of meat.

Gu Qing smirked. "A balanced mix of meat and vegetables, nutritionally balanced. It seems that the old man doesn't want me to die just like that. But the previous owner suffered more in his mind than in his body and couldn't bear it, so he died."

While eating, Gu Qing spoke to the three puppets. "Don't just stand there. Go and disable those who can still breathe and bring them here, breaking their limbs in the process. If you can't capture them alive, just kill them."

From the memories of the original owner, Gu Qing knew that there were people in this world who practiced martial arts, just like in the martial arts novels he had read in his previous life. Although he had confidence in the three high-level puppets given by the beginner's gift package, they were currently his only reliance, so he needed to be cautious and not break them.

The three puppets had no concept of using doors. They selected the nearest path, broke through the wall, and filled the air with dust. It made Gu Qing cough a couple of times and saw some of the dust settling on his food.

He cursed, "Damn it! These puppets don't lack intelligence; they're downright idiots. How do you explain this, system?"

The system responded, "No explanation needed. This system has already warned you that the high-level puppets lack intelligence and strictly obey the Host's commands."

Gu Qing rolled his eyes. Although the food was now dirty, considering that he still needed strength for the upcoming activities, he gulped it down without further ado.

Wiping his mouth, as soon as he stepped out of the door, he faintly heard shouts of anger and the clashing of weapons coming from a distance.

Gu Qing was well aware that his current physique couldn't withstand a single punch from someone else. So he decided not to get involved and instead found a rickety chair to sit at the doorway, waiting for the puppets to return.

In his mind, his silver puppets were invulnerable to blades and bullets, with unparalleled defense and immense strength. The people in this Gu family, at most, would have some martial arts skills, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Having eaten his fill and quenched his thirst, basking in the sun and killing people, it felt absolutely delightful.