Unleashing the Puppets of Destruction

"Bang!" A loud noise echoed as Gu Qing saw a silver figure burst through the wall and crash into the courtyard. Gu Qing immediately started and quickly took cover inside the house.

"Darn it, it seems I underestimated the experts in this world."

At that moment, the system suddenly spoke, "As the host, you have absolute command over all the destruction tools produced by the world annihilation Base. You can also choose to possess and personally command them."

Gu Qing exclaimed in astonishment, "I can possess them? Haha, that means I can personally experience the thrill of slaughter and battle. It's much more exciting than just watching a bunch of paralyzed puppets!"

"May I ask if the host chooses to possess?"


Suddenly, Gu Qing felt a momentary dizziness, but the vision before his eyes quickly cleared up. Gu Qing's field of view split into four separate perspectives, corresponding to himself and the three silver puppets. Strangely, Gu Qing didn't feel any discomfort, and the convergence point of the four perspectives automatically merged into one large independent field of view. This allowed Gu Qing to see more things and command the three advanced silver puppets more skillfully in battle.

Suddenly, a flash of a blade appeared, and Gu Qing instinctively controlled the puppet to raise its arm and block it. The sound of metal clashing resounded as only a shallow mark was left on the puppet's right arm.

Gu Qing controlled the puppet and looked towards the old man who had delivered his food earlier. At this moment, the old man was holding a long knife, his face filled with anger as he glared at Gu Qing.

With the knife in his hand, the old man exuded a different aura. Fallen leaves spun in the air but couldn't get within three inches of him. He took a step forward, effortlessly evading Gu Qing's counterattack, and spoke loudly, "I don't know which esteemed guest from the Puppet Sect has come to my Gu family. I kindly ask for some face for Gu Yantao. Is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Gu Qing sneered, "Puppet Sect? I simply have a pure desire to kill your entire family. It's as simple as that."

However, the silver puppet had no ability to speak, so Gu Yantao couldn't hear these words. Seeing the puppet relentlessly charging at him again, he knew that today wouldn't end well. His expression darkened as he raised his knife to strike again.

Gu Qing simultaneously controlled the three puppets. One was engaged in a fierce battle with Gu Yantao, while the other two were held back by a group of middle-aged men brandishing swords.

In truth, relying on the silver puppets' invulnerability and indestructible nature, it wouldn't be difficult to kill these people. However, Gu Qing himself was only average in fighting skills, with no particular technique. He solely relied on the puppets' powerful defense and strength to confront his opponents head-on.

Even so, it made the Gu family disciples suffer greatly.

Gu Qing controlled the puppets, making their sturdy legs move. With a quick movement, he withstood a sword strike from a middle-aged man with sword-shaped eyebrows. His massive fist struck straight out, directly hitting the middle-aged man's chest. The sound of bones breaking resounded, and the immense force sent the middle-aged man flying like a kite with a broken string. Blood sprayed, creating a beautiful scene in the sunlight.

"It feels... exhilarating!" Gu Qing exclaimed.

Gu Qing let out a moan that seemed to be filled with pleasure. He didn't expect that killing a powerful opponent would feel even more exhilarating than killing ordinary people.

Compared to Gu Qing, the disciples of the Gu family were truly suffering. They were living a peaceful life in seclusion when disaster suddenly struck. Several powerful silver puppets swept through, leaving many disciples with broken limbs scattered in the corners. The screams were spine-chilling just to imagine.

These Gu family disciples had little experience in combat, as they had lived a secluded life. Under Gu Qing's control, the silver puppets had no defenses, openly engaging in head-on confrontations. The disciples were terrified, and as their morale weakened, they were no match for Gu Qing.

Gu Qing grabbed the sword aimed at the puppet's head. He recognized this person as one of the culprits who had insulted the original owner's mother. Gu Qing sneered mockingly. They actually thought that the head would be the puppet's weak point. Unfortunately, even Gu Qing didn't know where the silver puppet's weak point was, or perhaps there simply wasn't one.

The long sword shattered in Gu Qing's hand, sending broken pieces flying like darts straight towards the person's face. Unable to dodge in time, three broken sword fragments lodged into his face, directly bursting his eyeballs. The person immediately howled in pain, covering his face. Gu Qing kicked his massive thigh onto the person's lower body, causing him to scream in agony as he flew backward, blood flowing from his injured area. He was likely crippled if not dead.

The number of people besieging the other two puppets outside was decreasing. Gu Qing directly withdrew one puppet to join forces with the previous puppet to confront Gu Yantao in the courtyard.

At this point, the puppet that was initially attacked by Gu Yantao was covered in sword scars. Gu Qing had to admit that this old man's martial arts were truly formidable. However, he was also in a tough situation. He no longer had the calm and composed demeanor he had at the beginning. His forehead was covered in sweat, indicating that the battle with the puppet had consumed a great deal of his energy.

Now, the more Gu Qing fought, the smoother it became. Relying on the puppet's sturdy body, he had no worries and used an exchange of injuries strategy. However, Gu Yantao dared not let the puppet land a single hit on him, as that would result in severe injury or even death.

Gu Qing felt like a boss in a game, with high attack power and thick health. Players could only slowly wear him down with agility, but Gu Qing wasn't an unintelligent boss. The puppet that came to support from outside joined the battle, and Gu Yantao, caught off guard, was finally struck in the back by the puppet's iron fist.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Gu Yantao realized that the situation was hopeless and turned to escape. But Gu Qing couldn't let him go just like that. Aside from Gu Qing's desire to kill him, the grudge the original owner held against him was something that couldn't be washed away even if all the waters in the world were used.

The puppet's large hand reached out, trying to grab the figure of Gu Yantao as he flew away. Being heavily injured, Gu Yantao was caught by the puppet's ankle. Gu Qing forcefully swung Gu Yantao towards the ground, but unexpectedly, Gu Yantao's flashing knife miraculously absorbed the impact. A fierce look flashed across his aged face as he performed the act of a hero cutting off his own limb. He severed his own lower leg with a single knife strike and, with his remaining leg, swiftly propelled himself again in an attempt to escape. At this moment, Gu Qing realized that it was too late to catch him. After all, although the silver puppet had incredible defense and strength, its speed was lacking, making it appear somewhat cumbersome.

Just as Gu Yantao leaped over the wall, a silver figure rushed towards him. It was as if fate had determined that Gu Yantao, with all his misdeeds, was destined to fall into Gu Qing's hands. The last puppet, having just finished off the remaining Gu family disciples, coincidentally intercepted Gu Yantao's escape. Without hesitation, the puppet slapped Gu Yantao, who was trying to resist, but he could only block with his horizontal blade. Unfortunately, he couldn't compare to the puppet's strength, and coupled with his heavily injured state, the long knife couldn't bear the burden and was split into two. Gu Yantao fell back into the courtyard.

The courtyard was now a mess. Gu Qing walked out slowly from the house. He felt that killing this person with his own hands would be more satisfying. Gu Yantao had lost all ability to resist, but seeing Gu Qing, whom he had experienced firsthand how formidable he was, he couldn't help but wear a look of disbelief in his blood-stained eyes. "Didn't expect... didn't expect this!" Gu Qing chuckled, not wasting more words. He inserted the half-broken blade into Gu Yantao's neck. The blade was already full of notches, and a large amount of blood gushed out. However, Gu Yantao's head didn't completely detach, so Gu Qing swung the blade again and again until it became a bloody mess.

Finally, he grabbed Gu Yantao's head, lifted it, and kicked it outside the wall. After completing everything, Gu Qing felt a sense of tranquility throughout his body. It wasn't the satisfaction of a murderous impulse being fulfilled; rather, it was the fulfillment of the last obsession of the original owner. It was as if his soul had been uplifted. Gu Qing casually tossed the broken blade aside, feeling a bit dizzy in his mind, likely due to the aftermath of being in control of the three puppets during the intense battle. "My body is still too weak."

Gu Qing decided not to possess anyone else and instead commanded the three puppets, "Kill anyone nearby who is still breathing. Leave no survivors." All the Gu family members with combat power should be here. The rest were just the elderly, weak, and women.