Unleashing the Doomsday Base

In the chilly air, a strong scent of blood permeated, enough to make an ordinary person feel nauseous and uneasy. However, Gu Qing appeared to relish in it.

After a brief rest, Gu Qing took a stroll around this hidden ancient family and discovered that the place was quite vast, with the ancient family occupying only a small portion.

Standing on the training grounds where the descendants of the ancient family usually practiced, Gu Qing spoke to the system, "Can we now activate the base?"

The mechanical voice of the system responded timely, "No nearby sentient life detected, meeting the criteria for base activation."

Suddenly, a mysterious force spread outward from Gu Qing as the center. Under the influence of this force, the buildings and courtyards that belonged to the ancient family turned to ashes, and even the scent of blood in the air vanished.

On the location that was originally the training grounds, a black sphere expanded continuously until it reached a diameter of about ten meters. Then, it stopped and revealed a smooth opening on one side, which was presumably the entrance to the base.

"Is this the base? It's too small. Even a bathroom is bigger than this," Gu Qing complained to the system discontentedly.

"Please step inside the base to see for yourself," the system replied.

Having witnessed the power of the system earlier, Gu Qing didn't say much and directly stepped into the black sphere.

As soon as Gu Qing's foot touched the black sphere, he felt as if he had entered another dimension. He found himself standing on a black corridor that seemed much longer than the diameter of the black sphere. It seemed that this base was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Gu Qing walked forward and noticed several rooms on both sides. The system explained to him, "These are study rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a kitchen prepared for the host."

Gu Qing nodded, knowing that the real highlight must be yet to come. As expected, after passing through the corridor, he entered a massive hall.

Directly facing the entrance in the hall was a display screen, currently showing a topographic map.

"This is the command center of the Doomsday Base, and it will be your workplace in the future," the system explained.

Pointing at the image on the screen, Gu Qing asked, "What is that?"

The system replied, "It's an overview of the terrain in this area."

Gu Qing took a look. The place was surrounded by mountains, with a vast expanse of ice and snow beyond. The towering peaks acted as a shield against the harsh weather, making the air here cold but suitable for human habitation.

"It truly is isolated from the world. I wonder how the ancient family found this place," Gu Qing mused.

The system said, "Task: Activate the base, completed. Main storyline task triggered: Doomsday."

As soon as the system finished speaking, the topographic map on the screen disappeared, and several icons appeared before Gu Qing's eyes.

The system continued, "The current level of the Doomsday system is Level 1. The available tools for Doomsday include: Basic Puppets, Basic Simulated Robots, Clones, Basic Beast Eggs, Basic Incubation Chambers, and Basic Spy Satellites."

Sitting on the gilded chair in front of the screen, Gu Qing stroked the unknown beast fur blanket covering it and said, "Give me a detailed introduction."

System: "Basic Puppets: Wooden puppets. Their strengths are strong defense and power, but they have the drawback of stiff movements and lack of intelligence. They can only passively defend the Doomsday Base and must not leave its premises. They can be possessed. (Acquired innate triple) (30 Kill Points)

Basic Simulated Robots: Ordinary metal skeleton with simulated skin. Their advantages are a 100% human-like appearance and strong power. Their drawback is that they don't bleed when injured, exposing their metal skeleton. They lack intelligence and can only follow commands. Once outside the base, they are remotely controlled by the system and can be possessed. (Acquired innate triple) (30 Kill Points)

Clones: Carbon-based lifeforms with intelligence and random talents. They come in six categories: Common, Inferior, Standard, Superior, Excellent, and Divine. (50 Kill Points)

Basic Beast Eggs: Used in conjunction with Level 1 Incubation Chambers. They can randomly hatch into beasts. At the basic level, only ordinary beasts are available. (100 Kill Points)

Basic Incubation Chambers: Used to incubate beast eggs. By adding materials containing natural energy, the hatching process can be enhanced. At the basic level, only basic beast eggs can be incubated. (100 Kill Points)

Basic Spy Satellites: Construction of these provides a global field of vision, allowing complete control and knowledge of enemy movements. It enables overall control of the situation. (300 Kill Points)

Level 2 System: (Requires 2000 Kill Points)"

Gu Qing asked, "Please explain the terms 'acquired innate triple.'"

"According to the power system of this world, there are acquired innate levels from one to nine, Innate Masters, and unknown subsequent realms."

"How many Kill Points do I have now?"

"You have killed 39 ordinary people, earning 39 Kill Points. You have killed 27 individuals in the acquired innate levels one to nine, earning 1,020 Kill Points. You have also killed one Innate Master, earning 200 Kill Points. In total, you have acquired 1,220 Kill Points."

Gu Qing rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I didn't expect the Gu family to bring such a generous amount of Kill Points. However..."

Gu Qing remembered the three advanced puppets placed around the base and said, "I suppose the puppet I received as a beginner's reward is a Doomsday tool that can only be created with a Level 3 system?"


Gu Qing waved his hand. "First, create a basic spy satellite for me. Since this is a war, intelligence always takes precedence!"

"Creating a basic spy satellite. Deducting 300 Kill Points. Estimated time: eight hours."

Gu Qing pouted. "It takes that long? Well, system, I'll take a nap for now. Wake me up when it's done."

With that, Gu Qing walked along the corridor and first found the bathroom to take a shower, washing away the dirt and blood. He then put on a robe and found the bedroom prepared for him in the base. He collapsed onto the comfortable and soft bed, quickly falling into a deep sleep.

After an unknown period of time, Gu Qing slowly opened his eyes and heard his stomach growling. He sighed helplessly.

He had been awakened by hunger. He touched his stomach and, without suitable clothing, walked out of the room wearing his robe. He needed to find something to eat.

For a foodie like Gu Qing, hunger was an unbearable torture. Unfortunately, the entire Gu family had been wiped out by the system, and there was not a trace of food left. The Doomsday base also didn't provide any provisions.

Gu Qing looked at the clean, well-equipped kitchen and smirked at the system. "I mean, seriously? You have everything here in the kitchen, but no food?"

The system showed no signs of shame. "The host can bring their own ingredients."

Finally, Gu Qing decided to go out and explore. The area was vast, and he hoped to come across some wild animals.

Before leaving, as if suddenly remembering, Gu Qing asked the system, "Oh, by the way, is that spy satellite ready?"

"It will be ready in two hours."

Gu Qing nodded. It should be about the right time. Regardless of whether he found anything or not, the spy satellite would be ready when he returned.

Stepping out of the black spherical Doomsday base, the three silver puppets stood faithfully in the surroundings.

Suddenly, Gu Qing realized something horrifying.

He seemed to have given the order to the puppets earlier... to kill every living thing nearby?

"Oh, fuck!"

Gu Qing felt incredibly foolish, and now he could only hope that the puppets interpreted "nearby" in his command as limited to the Gu family's vicinity.

If it extended to the entire Evilman Valley... Well... Gu Qing had already decided to name this place Evilman Valley. After all, the name "Peach Blossom Spring" was indeed not suitable. In this isolated place, how would Gu Qing solve the issue of food in the future?