
Mina's POV

Commander Erwin dismissed me first, telling me not to tell Captain Hange about my ideas about the Titans. I have no idea why he would order such a thing, but as a soldier, all I can do is obey such orders.

Upon taking a step outside, I finally realized what I had just done. It's cruel and tactless toward Captain Levi's feelings, but it's much better to know the truth as early as possible. 

Even if it's just an 'idea.' 

"Oh? Mina, you're finally out." The first who greeted me was Eren. I gave him a small nod as a greeting before deciding to help him with his tasks. 

"How have you been, Eren?" 

He shrugged his shoulders before placing down the bucket filled with horse food. "I'm fine. I should be asking you that, though. Is it classified?" 

I nodded my head and proceeded to feed the other horse, a bit glad that he didn't recall that I was the one who woke him up by spitting out his dreams amidst the battle.

"Hey, Eren," Gunther then called out to him, asking if there were any in our class who would enlist in the Survey Corps. Just remembering them made me worry about Mikasa's safety. I wonder how she is now? 

"There are." Eren confidently answered before realizing the horrors we'd just suffered from. "No, there were. I don't know about now."

"Don't worry, Eren. If I joined the Survey Corps, then there's a lot more who would do so as well." I glanced at him before continuing. "Like Mikasa." 


The sound of horsesteps claimed both of our attention, making both Eren and I drop our buckets. It seems like Captain Levi has finally finished his talk with the commander as he announces the agenda for today. 

"Good morning, Captain Levi!" Eren greets him and quickly performs a salute. Watching a younger version of my father act like this is kind of adorable. 

It's even a bit amusing to watch. 

"Listen, Eren. Never fall two horse lengths behind me. Don't forget that the only reason you're not locked up is that I'm watching you."

"Yes, sir!" 

"In addition," His gaze eventually locked into my figure, making me want to crawl under the bush just from remembering our earlier stare-off. "Hange told me that your job, while she's gone, is to observe this brat as thoroughly as possible. Got that?" 

What do you mean as thoroughly as possible- "Yes, sir!" 

"Let's go."

In world number two, this was also the day wherein the trainees would choose which branch they would be in. Most would have gone to the Garrison, no doubt about that, but I knew that the batch where Eren and I were included contained one of the most courageous, stupid, foolish, yet brave soldiers. 

I… can't wait to see them. But more than that, I prayed that my actions didn't change any of their feelings and decisions. 

No matter what happens, I must prioritize my goals. But, for just one night, I wished for everyone's safety and dedication to offering their lives for the sake of humanity's survival. In exchange for those feelings, I will gladly offer my life to create an ending where everyone becomes happy, safe, and protected.

The next day, Moblit came to get me, telling Captain Levi that Captain Hange needed to borrow my brains. Seeing his reaction was both entertaining and amusing, one that earned me a quick glare from the said man. It was still awkward to be around him, considering what I had told the two of them, but we were getting there.

Maybe I can ask him next time how he brews his tea or something. 

That night, Moblit and I spent most of the succeeding hours with Captain Hange in finding any flaw in Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation. However, if I was being blunt, the man is too fucking flawless when it comes to strategies that we may have just wasted our energy on looking through a perfect formation.

Not that I'm complaining, because going through such a hassle certainly aided in enhancing my way of planning. It's irritating, but I don't think I can ever reach Commander Erwin, Captain Hange, or Armin's level of intellect. There's a reason why they became the commander of the Survey Corps, and I truly applaud them for it. 

In addition to our task of looking for flaws, Commander Erwin also instructed the squad to invent the machine, one that left me bewildered. It's like he's showing us that he plans to capture whoever may be found in our next expedition. Captain Hange might have probably understood, but the other soldiers blindly followed his orders to create this… capturing machine. 

But of course, as someone who knew about it during my stay in world number two, I immediately understood what he was asking for us to invent. Commander Erwin must have noticed that I understood his plan, so he simply held out his finger and placed it on his lips, an act of silencing my mouth. Well… It's not like I have anyone to talk to about this now, right?

Now, how the fuck will I keep them from dying? 

If I properly recall the events that happened in World Number Two, no one that I was close to died. But still, upon our first encounter with the female titan, a lot of soldiers died that day, and that includes most of Squad Levi. 

I'm getting worried about my next move. Will I act as I used to and continue to ignore their upcoming deaths, or will I finally do something for a change? 

With those thoughts lingering inside my head for weeks, the day of the expedition finally came.

I sat on my horse, a few centimeters away from Captain Hange, wondering how the hell I got to end up in the front group.

Commander Erwin, what the actual fu-

"Mina? Are you excited about your first expedition?" Captain Hange called my attention, halting my thought process of strangling the commander. 

I simply gave her a nod as I looked behind the group. 

Captain Hange seems to have noticed my concern because she immediately touched my shoulder, which is the act she always does when a member of her squad is feeling troubled. "They'll be fine. Trust in the commander's plan, and we're good to go." 

With nothing left to do, I sighed. "Yes, ma'am." 

"Sir, it's almost time." 

I tightly gripped my saddle upon hearing those words, knowing what would come next. "We've driven away all the titans in the area. Thirty seconds until we open the gate!"

I gulped, eyes blazing in anticipation of knowing the horrors that would come once we rode our way out of this gate. The beating of my heart was steady, slow, and calm as I continued to recall every death that I had seen during this expedition. 

I have decided.

"It's time. Humanity will take another step forward." A veteran soldier said at the back of the group, trying to lift the spirits of the soldiers. "Show me what you can do!" 

Then came the cheer, the scream, and the hopes of surviving this expedition. For some, it'll be their last hoorah, and for others, it'll be their source of motivation. 

And for one, it will be the start of his downfall.

And I can't have that, not on my watch.
