while reading the daily bugle, Peter Parker reads on the front page:
Last evening around midnight, police responded to a disturbance at the Orbison Warehouse in Chinatown. According to the official report, the warehouse was the setting for a fight between several street gangs. Several teens suffering from minor cuts and abrasions were escorted to the hospital by emergency services. No one was seriously injured or killed. The police also made numerous arrests due to the involvement of the Heroes For Hire. An anonymous witness reports that the gangs are the hired thugs of the powerful Maggia organization. Although police refuse to speculate, it would appear that last night's mayhem is yet another example of the internal battles rocking the crime family. Let us all hope this gang war is ended soon, and before anyone else is injured or killed.'
Flipping through the paper, another article catches his eye:
At approximately 3AM this morning, police responded to complaints of a disturbance in central park. Over a dozen residents near the park complained to police about bright lights and a high-pitched screeching noise. Upon investigating the park, police found no evidence of the incident and considered the case closed. Eyewitnesses to the event provided investigators with wildly conflicting testimonies. Some claimed to have seen brightly-colored discs spinning in the air above the park, while others saw a giant swirling mass of shining colors, and a third party claimed to have seen a swirling tornado of ghosts. From the sheer number of eyewitness accounts it appears something strange occurred this morning in Central Park. However, the police disagree and are dismissive. Just another strange occurrence in the park. Several of the locals have decided to hold night-long vigils in an attempt to catch another glimpse of the bright lights over Central Park.'
At the Heroes For Hire headquarters, Misty Knight recieves a message from Hiram Jones. It claims he has new information regarding the disappearance of their genius employee.