charpter 9

After Qiqi learned of my divorce, in order to celebrate my return to singleness, he asked me to go to a bar.

In the evening, I wore bright lipstick, wore a long black slip dress, and sat on the booth smoking.

Anyway, it's too late to quit smoking now, and I just broke the jar.

Qiqi originally wanted to pull me to dance, but I really didn't have the strength and refused.

When a cigarette is about to burn out.

Someone walked up to me and then bent down and asked, "Sister, can you borrow a fire?" 」

I looked up and crashed into the boy's dark eyes.

The lights above his head were bright.

I was momentarily confused.

Then the smoke in the mouth turns the last scarlet, as if on the eve of the disappearance of life.

In a trance, I remembered how I was with Chi Day.

Also about a cigarette.

That day, he continued to soak in the bar.

After breaking up with Liang Xiaoxiao, he often went to bars to drink at night, and either missed class or slept in class during the day.

Because he was the first professional in our class, the counselor turned a blind eye and did not give him a big punishment.

Chi Day's eyes were red with drinking, and he was still playing Truth or Dare with his friends.

After he lost, he chose the big adventure.

Someone coaxed him to confess to a member of the opposite sex in the bar.

He walked up to me, who was smoking.

Maybe I look like the kind of Aquaman who loves to play and doesn't care if he is let down.

My appearance is a little aggressive, especially when I am cold, and I can look mean.

It's not at all the same as Liang Xiaoxiao, who he likes, maybe that's why he chose me.

He took my cigarette, put it in his mouth and took a puff, then spit the white mist in my face.

"Do you want to try falling in love with me?" 」

"Huh? 」

I was dizzy and felt like I was drunk.

I asked, "Why?" 」

His thin eyebrows were a little red from alcohol, and he looked at me nonchalantly: "Don't like me? 」

"Like. 」

I nodded.

Then, he leaned closer.

It was a kiss with the smell of mint smoke.

In the smoke, I saw a man standing in ruins.

The woman set a fire in his world.

He doesn't have a home anymore, so it doesn't matter who he's with.

I thought that night was just a drunken dream, but we were really together.

He took only one step toward me, and then I willingly took ninety-nine steps toward him.