charpter 10

During class, he would sit next to me and occasionally bring me breakfast during morning class.

He would also take the initiative in front of his friends to say that I was his girlfriend.

Moments will also post my photos.

But that's all he can give me.

I even vaguely guessed that he just used me as a tool for Qi Liang Xiaoxiao.

Because he never gave me true love.

Since computer science was really difficult for me, I switched to advertising in my sophomore year.

Once we made an appointment to go to the cafeteria for lunch together, but the teacher took a quiz in that class and had to do an exam on the p-chart .

I was not skilled at the time and was delayed by twenty minutes of class.

I thought he would wait for me, but after walking out of the classroom, there was no one in the empty hallway.

I messaged to ask where he was, and he said he was in the cafeteria.

That was the first time I lost my temper with him.

"Why can't you wait for me for even twenty minutes?" 」

In fact, what I want to ask is: why can he wait so long for another person, but he can't even give me twenty minutes.

"Is it different to wait in the cafeteria?" He replied nonchalantly.

"It's different, I want you to wait for me. 」

He hung up on me directly and ignored me for three days.

In the end, I took the initiative to wait for him to finish class, and I wanted to go up and apologize to him.

He avoided me.

I still remember the way he moved.

I followed him until he was downstairs in his dormitory, and stood downstairs for a long time before he came down.

But he didn't come to me.

He and his roommate took basketballs to the playground.

Someone gave me a sympathetic look.

But I really loved him.

So I put down my principles and retreated again and again.

I came to the playground with a case of drinks and sat quietly watching him play.

It was obviously the height of summer, and everyone else was dark for a while, but he was so white that he was blind.

If you have a child in the future, I hope he can be as white as Chi Day.

Chi Ri wore black short sleeves, and when he wiped his sweat with the hem of his clothes, the scene inside loomed.

I didn't want others to see it, so I rushed forward and pulled off his clothes and whispered, "Don't show it to others." 」

The corners of his mouth had a mocking arc of their mouths.

"It's waiting for you to finish class, and I'm not allowed to show it to others, and I have so much love with you." 」

It seems to be disgusted, and it seems to be ridiculed.

I thought his subtext was to break up with me, but I couldn't hold back my red eyes.

Just as I was about to let go of my hand, he suddenly took me into his arms and reached out to slap away the basketball that was flying at me.

He turned around and said coldly, "Looking for death? 」

His friend giggled: "Brother Chi, don't be angry, isn't this an assist for you?" No need to sheha, the brothers withdrew. 」

The huge playground soon became quiet.

Chi Ri didn't let go, so I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Chi Day, I'm sorry, don't be angry, okay? 」

Later, apologizing became my norm.

However, I obviously did nothing wrong.

Once, he took me to a mountain.

He didn't know I was afraid of heights, and I held his arm tightly as we took the cable car down the mountain.

He thought I was asserting sovereignty in front of his predecessor, so he was impatient with me.

That's right, Liang Xiaoxiao was also in the cable car that day.

Later, I learned that it was Liang Xiaoxiao's birthday.

They all went to the mountain together.

Not by accident.

Because there was a temple on that mountain, where they used to ask for marriage.

He ignored her the whole time, but Yu Guang kept watching her.

When the cable car slipped to the middle, it suddenly shook violently.

Chi Ri directly pushed me away and hugged the frightened Liang Xiaoxiao.

I always knew that I was never his exception and favorite.

Actually, that day, I should have let go.

It's me who is too stupid, really stupid.

Seven years together, I gave in little by little in his cold war at the beginning, until I finally lost myself.

"Sister?" The boy in front of me called me again.

I looked back and lifted my chin at him.

He will care.

The boy lowered his head and touched my fireworks with the cigarette in his mouth.

In the next second, the boy was grabbed by the collar and knocked to the ground.

I didn't expect to see Chi Ri here.

I didn't expect Chi Ri to start beating people, and I looked at him coldly.

The boy got up to fight back, and I stepped forward and grabbed his arm and apologized, "I'm sorry, my ex-husband." 」

He turned his head, the corners of his mouth broken, and a trace of blood oozed out.

"Sister, I hurt. 」

The teenager's voice was clean and full of grievances.

I reached out and touched the corner of his mouth and whispered in his ear, "I'll take you to the hospital in a moment." Now, take me away. 」

Chi Ri looked at me angrily: "Xia Zhi, we haven't divorced yet!" Who are you disgusting? 」

Fortunately, the light was bright at that moment, which could hide my pale face.

I looked at him expressionlessly.

"The divorce agreement is only your name, if you feel disgusting, sign it quickly." After signing, express to Qiqi on it. 」