charpter 11

As the teenager dragged me out of the bar, Chi Ri grabbed the wrist of my other hand.

"Xia Zhi, you said that a liar will swallow a thousand silver needles. 」

I understood a word, but I understood.

He hated cheating the most, and he wanted me to fulfill every promise I made to him.

"But I lied too much, such as I said I would accompany you every birthday, such as I said I would not divorce you.... 」

We looked at each other silently.

"And the biggest lie, I said I would always like you. It turned out that I couldn't do it. Chi Day, I really tell too many lies, and a thousand silver needles are simply not enough. 」

And then what he said, I can't hear.

Fortunately, I couldn't hear it.

I'm tired of everything about him.

The hustle and bustle of the world was silent in my ears.

My ears are like broken radios.

Chi Day's eyes turned rosy, and he grabbed my hand hard, looking dazed.

I don't believe he loves me, it's probably just a human instinct to be sad about loss.

I withdrew my hand firmly.

"Chi Day, let's go here, so that we can gather and disperse." 」

He gritted his teeth and looked at me, revealing a fragile stubbornness: "Don't regret it. 」

I felt very clearly that I really didn't love the person in front of me.

Not because of a terminal illness, but because he always stands on a tower, looking down and trampling on the love of others.

He knew how much I liked him.

But he has always chosen to ignore my grievances and pain, and look at me sadly. He proved my love for him by hurting me, over and over again, that no matter what he looked like, that no matter how bad he was, I would never leave him.

But Chi Day, the injuries you suffered in your last relationship, I spent seven years to heal you, isn't it enough?

How long are you going to test me.

I wish his tower never falls.

May he always be high and don't fall in love with me.

The moment he fell in love with me, he lost me forever.

Because my love is long over.

I told him firmly: "Chi Day, you are the one who did the wrong thing, and you are the one who should apologize, and it is you who never says you are sorry, so you must not regret it." 」

Don't regret losing it, because there is no way back.