S2 Chapter 36 - Still Not Enough

"WHY IS THIS SO GOOD?" X remarks as he's reading a bunch of young adult dystopian novels.

The aloof upperclassmen is laying at the end of Eleanor's hospital bed and kicking his feet in the air. Eleanor Locke, the owner of these books, sees the opportunity to finally mess with her older brother for a change.

"Hey, you know Thermometer?" Eleanor questions as she stifles a laugh.

"Are you talking about the leader of the resistance? The one that's in a love triangle between the fierce yet sweet Dandelion & the timid yet illustrious Capricorn? Yeah he's only my favorite character, what about him?" 

"He dies in book 4."

"WHAT?!" X says falling off the bed due to the shock.

"Yeah, Capricorn & Dandelion take turns stabbing him in order to complete The Promised Da-"

"NO!!!!" X yells as he covers his ears, "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"

"Oh and if you think that's crazy wait until you hear what happens in book five-" Eleanor begins to say before she stops herself.

Confused, X looks to see where Eleanor was looking only to witness a tall figure making their way through the hospital in search of a long-term patient's room. 

A figure with dyed red spiky hair.


Years prior, Elizabeth Moore is standing next to her mother's red mini-van. On the back of it are a bunch of freshly added stickers including a 'Proud Mother of Three' one and 'HONK if a child falls out' one. Her mother, Lan Thi Pham-Moore steps out of the car and kneels down to talk to her.

"You have your snacks?" Misses Moore questions.

"Yes mom," a 4th grade Elizabeth sighs.


"I'm wearing my backpack."


"Yes I have everything!"

"What about a hug from your mother?"

"Wha- why would I need a-" the young Elizabeth tries to say but is cut off by her mother embracing her.

"Oh I can't believe my little Eli is joining a new club!" Misses Moore says.

"M-mom,I can't breathe," Elizabeth croaks out as her mom finishes the hug.

"You have to tell me how it went when I pick you up, okay?" Misses Moore asks as she stands up.

"I will, bye mom."

As her mother gets in the car and drives off, Elizabeth hesitates a bit as she makes her way into the Kennedy Private Academy, a school for very gifted and/or rich children from Kindergarten all the way to 12th grade. Compared to everyone in their fancy and well clean student uniforms, her plain hoodie and sweatpants make her feel completely filthy. 

Maybe going here wasn't the best choice.

Her mom hasn't been gone for too long she wouldn't be too mad if she called her and asked her to come pick her up-

"Excuse me."

Elizabeth snaps back to reality as she sees a girl just two years older than her standing in front of her. She's got medium length chestnut brown hair, white skin, & blue eyes. Her school uniform is slightly loose and wrinkly, there's a few band-aids around her ankles, and she's holding a clipboard.

"Are you Elizabeth Moore?" The girl asks with a smile on her face.


"Awesome! I was told to bring you to the taekwondo club room so follow me!"

"O-okay, and who are you?"

"Me?" the girl says as she points a finger at herself, "I'm Kimberly!"


In the present day, several Massachusetts Boys members are in a fight inside the abandoned Frederick Fastbear's Factory. 

"WE GOTTA PROTECT THE BOSS!" A Massachusetts Boys member yells as they charge toward a ginger haired teen,"SHE'S GOING AFTER THE CHICK SO WE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF THIS NOBODY!!"

"Nobody?" The ginger haired teen questions, "You chumps must clearly live in a bubble…"

The ginger teen raises their right leg up in front of them before shooting it out forward, push-kicking the thug and causing them to immediately pass out.

"If you don't recognize The East Side's Blanko Deck!" the ginger haired teen loudly proclaims.

More and more thugs rush toward Blanko, and more and more keep on dropping like flies.

"Is there anyone here who can hold a candle to me?" Blanko questions.

"Urgh, new guy! What are you waiting for? Get him!"

"New guy? Who're you talking abou-"

Before Blanko can finish, he feels a pair of hands grab him and slam him down onto the ground. Blanko struggles to get up as he looks at his new opponent….a person in an inflatable shark costume that hides their whole body?

"AYE WAY TO GO CJ!" A member shouts.

CJ, the man in the shark costume, grumbles something but due to his costume nobody can understand him.

Seizing the opportunity, Blanko knees CJ in the stomach causing him to let go of the kickboxing ginger. Blanko somersaults backward before hopping up on his feet.

"You may have taken me by surprise earlier," Blanko says as he wipes some dirt off his nose, "But from here on out I'm certain you won't be able to take me to the ground anymore!"

Though as Blanko gets ready to fight the new opponent, he can't help but worry about the other fight going on in the factory. And why wouldn't he be concerned? Especially when the person on his side hasn't thrown a single attack yet.

Across the factory, Elizabeth is stepping back each now and again, managing to get out of her opponent's range. To most there, they know her opponent as the fifth-in-command of The Massachusetts Boys, Lowell. But to her? She's her old acquaintance; Kimberly Masterson.

"Hey! What's the big idea Eli?" Kimberly yells, "You were always the fuckin' best out of everyone in our club! How come you're not showing me all the new moves you learned since we last fought?!"

Kick after kick zips by her and she just barely moves out of the way, if she was just a second slower Elizabeth wouldn't be able to avoid them.

"I'm giving it all I got, so can't you do the same?!" Kimberly yells, "Don't tell me you're scared!"

"I just have a question for you Kimberly," Elizabeth says as several memories plague her mind.

"Hey Eli, you shouldn't take after those kids over there, all they do is smoke and complain about school any chance they get."

"What? You managed to knock down the sandbag? THAT'S AWESOME!"

"I'm nowhere near your level, but maybe one day I can be!"

"Is this all your talent could get you?"

"Why are you here? Working for these guys?!" Elizabeth demands, "The Kimberly I know would never-"

"Eli, do you think I'm here because they're forcing me to stay? That I made some simple mistake and that chained me here like a bitch?" Kimberly implies, "That might be true for some of the folks here, but for me that's not entirely the case."

Kimberly leaps into the air and extends her leg as high as it can be, ready to bring it down like an axe.

"I'm just siding with the strongest!" She finishes.

Elizabeth barely manages to dodge the attack by falling backward, causing Kimberly's leg to slam onto the ground, cracking the concrete floor. The place Elizabeth lands on is a factory conveyor belt. With her hand pressing against a switch, the conveyer belts activate causing her to be moved along them.

Elizabeth composes herself as she stands up, Kimberly hops on the conveyer belt and approaches her former club member. As the two lock eyes, Kimberly runs her hand through her half-black half-orange dyed hair.

"Well it's about time I saw that look in your eye," Kimberly remarks, "You're ready to fight!"

As Kimberly rushes toward Elizabeth, Elizabeth grabs onto the chains holding the conveyer up and lifts herself up.

"You think I didn't want to fight you because I was scared of you?" Elizabeth questions as she prepares for an axe kick, "I was just trying to be considerate."

Elizabeth swings her leg down onto Kimberly's head, she then begins a flurry of kicks all across her face.

"But I guess if you want me at my strongest," Elizabeth says as she lets go of the chains and spins in the air, "I'll give you just what you want!"

After twirling through the air, Elizabeth's leg glides through the wind and lands on Kimberly as she lands a successful flying back kick, causing Kimberly herself to go flying for a moment as she tumbles toward the bottom of the escalator.

Breathing heavily, Elizabeth falls on one of her knees as her legs feel sore. But it doesn't matter too much since after all, the fight is over-

"Was that all you can do?"

Elizabeth turns to look back at the bottom of the escalator to see Kimberly standing back up, and save for the bruises and bloody nose, she looks completely unphased.

"It's been years since I got that first win against you," Kimberly remarks, "I thought you would've gotten the tiniest bit better. But to be honest, you've gotten worse."

As Elizabeth goes to stand back up, she feels Kimberly's leg slam against her face.

When did she-

"Each day since then, I've been building upon what I've learned. I've gotten stronger with my effort. But you?" Kimberly remarks as she slams her knee into Elizabeth's stomach, "You've just rode off the coattails of that initial talent."

A front kick to the chest, a side kick to her leg, and an axe kick to the head. Each blow that lands on her makes Elizabeth feel like her bones could completely shatter at any moment.

"I used to be inspired to get to your level, but when I finally did, I couldn't help but pity you," Kimberly admits as she jumps in the air.

"You never improved, you were just a big fish in a small pond," Kimberly explains as she twirls through the air, "You weren't strong enough to hop into a bigger pond."

Slicing through the wind, Kimberly's spinning back kick shoots into Elizabeth's face causing her to fly backward and land on another conveyor belt and denting it due to the impact.

"And you're still not enough," Kimberly finishes, "I don't think you ever will be."

Kimberly begins to walk down the conveyor belt when-

"We-we're not done yet."

A smile emerges on Kimberly's face as she spins around to see Elizabeth's very beaten body shaking as she stands up.

"I-I can still fight!" Elizabeth yells as she begins to run up her conveyer belt on the north side of the building.


Kimberly begins to run up her conveyer belt on the south side of the building.


"I knew you had it in you!" Kimberly screams.

The two simultaneously reach the top of their conveyor belts before leaping into the air. With the moonlight seeping in from the window behind them, the two soar through the air with their legs ready to deliver one final kick that'll determine the victor of this match.

"SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT, RIVAL!" Kimberly roars as the two simultaneously swing their legs.


Inside Granite's Auto Repair Shop, Tim-Tom takes his hand off of the metal door handle he just bent and twisted into being unusable.

Opposing him are two Massachusetts Boys members; Parker 'Plymouth' Duggar and Quinn 'Quincy' Overton.

"So, how about we get started then?" Tim-Tom asks, "If you-"

Before he can respond, he instinctively raises his guard as Parker rushes in with a flurry of punches. The strength and the speed of them causes his guard to break as Tim-Tom ends up being hit with the full force of all the attacks.

"You think you're on the level of Boston or Mason?" Parker laughs as he grabs a chain off of a stand and wraps it around Tim-Tom's neck, "Don't make me laugh! In my eyes, you're just someone who's gotten too big for your britches!"

See You Next Chapter!~