S2 Chapter 37 - A Creature of The Night

Almost three years ago, a trio of friends stood atop a stone bridge overlooking the rest of the Northern Starlight Park. Those three friends were Timothy 'Tim' McGee, Thomas 'Tom' Dolby, & Tim-Tom Pitt.

"I know she meant a lot to you two, but you guys don't have to go through with this too," Tim-Tom remarked as the chilly wind blew past his face, "I can do this on my own, and I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Tom & Tim look at one another and nod.

"Tim-Tom," Thomas sighs as he places his hand on Tim-Tom's shoulder.

Tim-Tom's eyes grew teary as he looked at his friend's distraught-


"OW!" Tim-Tom yelled, "What the hell was that for!"

The skin across Tim-Tom's cheek had already grown pink from the punch Tom gave him.

"I was trying to knock some sense into you!" Tom roared before mumbling, "We wanted to go with you."

"Wh-what? Why?!"

"Because we're a team and a team sticks together no matter what!" Tim chipped in, "If you're running away then so will we!"

"Y-you're not serious are you-" Tim-Tom tried to gasp.

"Dead serious," Tom responded, "You're gonna need someone as strong as me and fast as Tim if you're thinking of forming a gang."

"Not to mention rent will be cheaper!" Tim added.

Tim-Tom looked at the two stunned before he eventually smiled.

"Alright, but don't say I forced you into this once things get rough," Tim-Tom joked, "Now then, as the leader of our gang, I'll make sure to put you to work."

"Who said you were the leader?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, I could be the leader!" Tim yelled.

Tim-Tom & Tom glanced at one another before proceeding to ignore Tim's offer.

"The leader needs to come up with the name of the gang," Tim-Tom said, "And I have just the one for the three of us."

"All right," Tim said as he placed his hand on his hip, "Let's hear it!"

"Starlight's Brightest Boxers!" Tim-Tom yelled.

With snow falling onto them, Tim & Tom's disgusted faces looked as frozen as the nearby lake.

"Okay I still like the name but instead what about…"

As the group of three continued to argue about a name, they eventually settled on one.

A name that all three of them could agree on.

A name they would be referred to as ever since.

On this day, The Three Ts were born.


In the present day, Tim-Tom is trying to remove the chain wrapped around his neck by Parker 'Plymouth' Duggar. The two of them alongside Quinn 'Quincy' Overton are the only ones inside the Granite Auto Repair Shop.

"You think you're on the level of Boston or Mason? Don't make me laugh! In my eyes, you're just someone who's gotten too big for your britches!" Parker remarks as he tightens the chain around Tim-Tom's neck.

Finally getting a good grip on the chain with both of his hands, Tim-Tom tugs on it and brings his head forward, lifting Parker into the air and having him fall onto a car right in front of him. With his grip no longer on them, Tim-Tom removes the chains from his neck. He then stomps on it, breaking it into two smaller chains, before wrapping it around both of his fists.

"Uh, you just got lucky! And I'm still all hot & fired for a-!" Parker begins to say as he sits up from the car.

However he doesn't see Tim-Tom coming after him, instead he's making his way straight toward the slow moving Quinn.

Tim-Tom grabs Quinn by the collar of her shirt and with his left fist he sends a hook careening toward her face. Only, it's caught by Parker's hand.

"I see you're a bit wise to the situation," Parker remarks before both he & Quinn simultaneously kick Tim-Tom away, "But it's still despicable for you to lay your hands on a lady!"

As Tim-Tom crashes into the wall, the screwdrivers and nails on the counter atop of him begin to fall down on him. He winces in pain as small tiny cuts and nails litter his body. Though he doesn't get a chance to recover as Parker grabs his head and slams it into the counter.

"You're truly a monster!" Parker taunts as he repeatedly slams Tim-Tom's head into the wall over and over again, "Did your sister ever teach you empathy before she kicked the bucket?!"

Every attack Tim-Tom tries to get in is blocked by Parker's other hand as his right keeps slamming Tim-Tom's head into the wall over and over again. Throughout The West Side, many have challenged the crass man, yet they get easily taken out by him.

The reason?

His explosiveness. He's able to deliver punches as strong as someone a few weight classes above him yet as fast as someone several weight classes below him. In a matter of seconds he can bring a small army of fighters to their knees, and still have time to talk.

"I heard you just barely won a fight against that bastard Li-Wei!" Parker remarks as he pulls back his fist to prepare for one final decisive punch, "Did you know I fought against him once too? And guess what, he didn't even leave a scratch on me, The Human Firecracker!!!"

Parker swings his fist forward as fast and as strong as he can, bringing a decisive end to this fight.

"We can agree that The Arrow of Club Azure is quite the bastard."

Or at least, that would be the case.

If this was the same Tim-Tom who fought against Li-Wei Zhang.

"But I gotta hand it to him, his methods sure do work," Tim-Tom smirks.

Parker lets out a guttural scream as he holds the fist he just sent toward Tim-Tom. The fist that has just been impaled with several rusty nails.

"If I want to win against a phantom, I can't frolic around as Starlight's Brightest Boxer," Tim-Tom utters as he holds a pair of nails in his fist like claws, "Instead, I'll need to become someone who can dance around in the dark with him as a fellow Creature of The Night!"

"Wh-what kind of stupid nickna-" Parker tries to say before getting interrupted by Tim-Tom slamming his fist into Parker's jaw.

With the nails now slammed into Parker's mouth, he tries to dodge the next attack but he just can't move as fast anymore. And with the chains Tim-Tom wrapped around his fists, it's only made each blow hit like a cannonball.

"And so what if you're a firecracker?" Tim-Tom yells as he delivers a decisive blow into Parker's chest, "All you'll do is burn out quicker than the rest!"

As Parker falls to the ground unconscious, The Creature of The Night's attention turns once more back to Quinn. Only this time, she isn't as stagnant as she was before.

There's a look in her eyes.

A fire.

One that if not extinguished soon could grow to the size of a conflagration.

"So, you're Tim-Tom Pitt?" Quinn remarks as she takes off the wig she had on for the halloween party, "Do you happen to listen to music?"

"Mostly just some bossa nova, why?" 

"I see, once I'm through with you, I'll make sure to let you in on the internet's latest and greatest digital sensation!" Quinn shouts as she rushes over to deliver a punch to Tim-Tom's throat.

Tim-Tom quickly lifts his arms up to block the attack, but when the hit lands, he can feel the chains he wrapped around his fists start to creak. 

Then another punch from Quinn lands on his guard, this one stronger than the last.

And then an even stronger punch hits his guard, shattering the chains into several tiny pieces.

Now making through his guard, Quinn manages to land hits into Tim-Tom, causing him to start dodging them.

The speed, accuracy, and power in her blows keeps on increasing with each strike. Unlike Parker who starts off a fight as powerful as he can be before quickly losing steam, Quinn starts out any fight at her lowest possible state, though as a fight continues every aspect about her capabilities begins to increase more and more.

Having already sustained significant injuries from Parker and now having to deal with someone who's now as strong as Parker was at the start of his fight, Tim-Tom eventually gets caught up in a flurry of punches from Quinn, sending him flying into the car he put Parker on top of just moments ago.

Quinn quickly leaps atop the car and slams Tim-Tom's head through the windshield.

"You said you wanted to fight dirty right?" Quinn remarks as she notices the hood of the car isn't on.

Tim-Tom winces in pain as he looks at Quinn pick up something. Whoever was last in the auto repair shop, they forgot to take the jumper cables out of the car.

"Well that's fine by me," Quinn remarks as she hooks one of the jumper cables up to a nearby generator, "My favorite color is electric blue y'know."

Before Tim-Tom can move, Quinn squeezes the other end of the jumper cable onto his chest, causing electricity to start running throughout his body.

With his body being electrocuted, all of Tim-Tom's sensations are shooting all over the place as several memories flood his mind.

He remembers the memory of when he ran away from home.

He remembers the memory of when he first started The Three Ts.

He remembers the memory of his sister, Tammy, 

And he remembers the person who took her from him.

The person he's spent the past few years searching for.

He remembers The Phantom.

Overcome with a wave of emotions, Tim-Tom uses every ounce of his strength to lift his arm toward Quinn.

"You like electric blue you said?" Tim-Tom grunts out, "Then it'll be rude of me not to share!"

Placing his left hand around Quinn's neck, the electricity now begins to surge into her as well. The two scream out in pain until Tim-Tom finally grabs the jumper cable with his right hand and rips it off him.

Despite how much energy was just zapped from them, the two still have some strength left as Tim-Tom leans his head out of the car and then slams Quinn onto the ground.

As soon as Quinn stands up, she's greeted with several jabs. When she finds out the rhythm of those, he switches his tempo by leading with his left hand.

"I can't give up here," Tim-Tom mumbles to himself as he continues to send a flurry of punches Quinn's way.

"I can't falter," Tim-Tom says as he continues to use his switch hitter skills to not allow a single attack of Quinn's to get through.

"I CAN'T BE DEFEATED," Tim-Tom roars as he delivers an overhead hook with all his might into Quinn's face, "BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!!"

Quinn falls to the ground unconscious right next to Parker.

With his knuckles bloody, burns all across his body, and several open cuts – Tim-Tom stands as the victor.

"I may not be as menacing as Mason, I may not be as strong as Jackson, and I'm sure as hell not as smart as Joel, but you wanna know why I'm still considered a crewhead?" Tim-Tom pants, "It's cause I'm pretty damn resilient."

Tim-Tom takes a moment to breathe before he starts to rummage around the place.

"That dude said you guys were in possession of that photograph he wants," Tim-Tom remarks as he scans the area, "Since this is a part of your turf could it be in here?"

Tim-Tom waits for a response, only to remember that the only other two people in here were knocked just out by him, So even if he wanted to ask a question there'd be nobody to-

"Are you talking about this photograph?"

Tim-Tom freezes in place as he looks toward the source of the voice. A figure stands in the entryway of Granite's Auto Repair Shop. The door that he made unusable moments prior now lays unhinged on the ground next to the figure.

But the state of the door is hardly on his mind at the moment. What is on his mind is the identity of this newly arrived person.

"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me," Tim-Tom exhales as he readies his fists for one last fight.


Back at Tatsu's Household Needs, a bruised Ronnie stands facing off against Chao 'Cambridge' Huang.

"I told you to give up," Chao remarks, "You got nothing in your arsenal I haven't seen before."

"I'm not so sure about that," Ronnie smirks, "I still got an ace up my sleeve!"

"Oh really? What can one ace do when you're up against a royal flush?"

"Oh don't worry," Ronnie remarks, "The only thing getting royally flushed today is that arrogance of yours!"

As Ronnie readies for the rest of his fight, he is a little hesitant to use what he learned.

However he knows he has to.

If he didn't, then that whole trip to the hospital would have been a waste of not just his time, but James Lewis' time.

It's time for him to use the lesson that was almost erased by the passage of time.

It's time for him to use the lesson left missing from the sixth tape.

See You Next Chapter!~