S2 Chapter 39 - The Devil In Red

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!" Blanko yells as he runs through Frederick Fastbear's Factory.

The reason for his panic? He's currently being chased by not only all the Massachusetts Boys Members he knocked out prior, but also their No. 5 Lowell. At least he managed to take down that dude in the shark costume in a single kick and he's still knocked out. But besides that things aren't looking good for The East Side's Favorite Ginger, especially since his one ally here at the moment – Elizabeth Moore – was just knocked out by Lowell's kick.

"Get back here! I'll show you my pure boss strength with all my might!" One thug says

"I'll ghost you if you don't stop running!" Another chimes in.

"I'll force you to go to my wedding if you don't stop right now!" A third screams

"Gotta hurry!" Blanko says as he begins to type out a message, "Otherwise it'll-"

"Can you shut your bitch ass up for one second?" Kimberly groans as she leaps toward Blanko. 

Without a second to dodge or block, Kimberly sends a flurry of kicks his way, each more powerful than the last, until she finishes him off with an axe kick.

As Blanko falls to the ground unconscious, Kimberly takes a look at what Blanko was typing out.

A message to someone with the contact name "S'mores" which reads 'Go to the bodega and get 100% Off On Our Cherry Bombs RIGHT NOW!"

"What kind of message is this?" Kimberly remarks as she puts the phone back into Blanko's pocket.

That's when her own phone goes off. It's a video call from Fall River. She answers it.

"Hey, did you just about finish with those two intruder-" Kimberly is about to ask when she breaks out laughing.

"H-HEY! WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" Fall River shouts as his face is covered in bruises and bumps.

"Man it looks like you got your shit kicked in!" Kimberly laughs as she shows the other Massachusetts Boys members around her the video, "Hey! Check out Fall River!"

"S-Stop that you wench!" Fall River hisses, "And yes, we just finished up over here. I got a call from Cambridge saying that he's also done over there. No news from Plymouth or Quincy yet."

Fall River points his camera down revealing the unconscious bodies of both Vanessa & Sammy. 

"Woah, they look worse than you do!" Kimberly gasps, impressed, "Did you get any outside help to finish them off?"

"Wh-what?! Of course not," Frankfurt 'Fall River' Schulz sweats through the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll call up Lynn in just a moment, make sure to bring the intruders with to the motel," Kimberly commands.

"You don't need to worry about that," Frankfurt laughs before hanging up. 


In the abandoned August Leaves Mall, a phone rings out in the food court as a bruised and bloody Victor stands opposed to a bloody and bruised Alex.

"Y-you still got more in you?!" Victor pants.

"Of course," Alex pants as he limps closer to him, "I can do this all day-"

Before he can limp closer to Victor, the hotheaded teen falls and lands atop a pile of bodies he knocked out. With him finally defeated, Victor 'Lynn' Dunnerman gets a call from Kimberly which he answers.

"Yes Lowell?" Victor pants, "Y-yeah, we just wrapped up here. If you, Cambridge, & Fall River can send a few of your guys over to raid the bookstore with Amherst that'd be great. Okay, I'll see you with the others at the motel. Hopefully Worcester isn't picking up because he's too busy messing with his prey."

As Victor hangs up, Alex begins to panic. If all the others got taken out then that means, it's over. He'd try to move and fight more but his body isn't letting him, it's too exhausted. All he can hope now is that the ones facing Worcester are still standing.


Surrounded by Marcus Veridan, Hunter Huntingson, & Christopher Wrinkle, Willy 'Worcester' White stands up atop the convertible, basking in the moonlight.

"Good," Worcester utters, "I was getting impatient waiting to slice you all into pieces."

Looking at his three opponents, Worcester wastes no time in pulling out his first weapon out of his arsenal.

A wrench.

Rushing towards the weakest link of the three, Worcester goes to bring the blunt end of the wrench down on Marcus' head.

Only instead, it hits the side of Christopher Wrinkle's neck.

Christopher, who managed to get in the way of the attack, stands tall as Worcester switches his handling on the wrench.

"Don't worry, I've taken down guys like you before!" Worcester yells as he brings the sharp side of the wrench toward Christopher's neck, "They think they're all tough up until you give them a little-"

"Forget about me, asshole?!" Hunter remarks as he pulls Worcester back by grabbing onto the white cape of Worcester's all white vampire costume.

Using the opportunity given to him, Christopher creates a fist and leaps into the air. He slams his fist down onto Worcester's face, causing Worcester to hit the ground so hard he bounces before tumbling away.

"Are you two okay?!" Marcus asks.

"I'm fine," Christopher says as a small amount of blood drips down a tiny wound on his neck, "I promised to protect my friends, and I intend to keep that promise!"

"I've dealt with that trickster before," Hunter says, "This time I'm not making the same mistake I did last time, I'm putting him in a coffin tonight!"

Not giving Worcester the time to react, Hunter & Christopher pounce on him. Hunter sending blow after blow into his side while Christopher readies himself for another superman punch.

"WHERE IS IT?!" Hunter yells.

"Uh, you don't need to shout!" Worcester yells back as he slams the sharp end of the wrench down into the center of Hunter's foot, "I can hear you just fine!"

Using the opportunity, Christopher leaps into the air to perform another superman jump, only for Worcester to dodge it and take out a second weapon that he slashes across Christopher's chest.

"Look familiar Hunter?" Worcester smirks as he shows off his bloody box cutter.

With his right foot having a wrench slammed into it, Hunter's movements have become much slower, and without his bat, the disadvantage is already clear.

However, before Worcester can finish Hunter off, Christopher steps forward.

"Don't worry it's okay," Christopher tells the rebel of Starlight High, "You're not alone anymore!"

Worcester laughs as he races toward Christopher, "Was the slashes not enough for you to get the memo? This ain't your fight boy! What use are you if you only know one move?!"

Christopher inhales deeply as he rushes toward his opponent.

Worcester looks upward in preparation for Christopher's attack. However, he stays on the ground much longer than he would have if he were to perform the superman punch he's been doing this whole time.

"Who said I only knew one move?" Christopher asks as he recalls the lesson his instructor left him with.

"You know why Muay Thai was created?" Christopher's instructor, Mechai Aromdee, asks as he steadies the swaying punching bag.

"N-no, not really?" Christopher answers honestly.

"You see, the origins of Muay Thai can be traced back toward the Sukhothai dynasty. Wars and fights would constantly break out then as kingdoms tried to expand their territory. In order to defend their homeland, an army was created. And when that army was created, so too were the building blocks that became what we know as Muay Thai today."

"So what you're saying is…"

"You should never forget about your roots Christopher, as long as you can do that, I'm sure you too will become capable of defending what you care for!"

Leaping forward, Christopher slams his knee right into Worcester's chest, knocking the wind right out of him and sending him flying backward into a motel wall.

"Wh-what was that?" Marcus asks.

"Khao Yao," Christopher remarks, "The first move I was taught!"

"W-woah, how many moves do you know?" Hunter asks as he limps toward him.

"Two," Christopher replies.

It seems his response has also knocked the wind out of Marcus & Hunter, just in a different way than what he did to Worcester.


Marcus & Hunter look toward Christopher's knee.


The box cutter Worcester had earlier, he managed to stab deep into Christopher's knee when he performed the Khao Yao move.

"I gotta admit, I underestimated you," Worcester utters as he stands up once more, his all-white outfit covered in stains of red.

Hunter looks to see that Worcester's left arm, the one he was holding the box cutter in, is broken. However, in his right hand is a new weapon. The metal baseball bat.

"Can you feel it? The ground below you is opening up," Worcester remarks as he lunges toward the three, "AND I'LL BE THE ONE TO KICK YOU STRAIGHT DOWN TO HELL!"

First one's up is Christopher. He slams his foot into his calf, and because of the nails that are on Worcester's shoes, it causes Christopher to fall on one of his knees. This allows Worcester to easily slam the baseball bat into Chrstopher's face.

Next up; Marcus Veridan. Worcester doesn't waste any time as a simple swing at his skull does the trick like it did last time in knocking the poor teen out.

And lastly, for the main course; Hunter. He slams his foot down onto the wrench wedged into Hunter's foot causing it to go deeper into him. He then uses the opportunity to swing the bat up hitting Hunter's chin, and then bring it down atop his head.

Hunter falls to the ground, with still an ounce of consciousness left within him. And as for Christopher….

He's still up?

"You bastard, I'll rip your teeth out!" Hunter groans as he gets back up.

"I won't fall to the likes of you, and I won't ever be-" Christopher tries to say.

However, he never gets to finish his sentence as slicing through the air are two spinning back kicks that land on Christopher's back.

One from Kimberly, and one from Cambridge.

"Having trouble Willy?" Kimberly taunts.

"I knew leaving you three opponents was a bad idea," Chao begins to remark when his eyes lock with Worcester's last standing opponent.

His foster brother, Hunter Huntingson.

Hunter's eyes widen as he sees Chao standing there, time almost freezing in place as they stare at one another.

"What are you doing here Cha-"


Hunter falls to the ground unconscious as Worcester's breathes heavily. Both of his hands hold onto the metal baseball bat he just swung down at Hunter.

"Bring them all together," Worcester remarks as he sees all of the other Massachusetts Boys members arriving.

As countless members gather in the Heartbreak Motel parking lot, the unconscious bodies of Ronnie Everst, Marcus Veridan, Alex Smith, Elizabeth Moore, Christopher Wrinkle, Hunter Huntingson, Sammy Becken, Vanessa Deli, & Blanko deck are all placed next to one another.

Staring at their bodies, pure euphoria washes over Willy 'Worcester' White.


See You Next Chapter!~