"Man, how long do we have to keep walking for?"
"It shouldn't be too long."
"Why couldn't we have gone to the motel with everybody else?"
"Because we already agreed to do this beforehand," Trisha 'Amherst' Bernstein tells the other Massachusetts Boys Members, "And don't worry, It's just around the corner."
Several Massachusetts Boys Members march behind her including the two Ronnie defeated in Tatsu's Household Needs, the one who can 'ghost you', the one who has pure boss strength, the one getting married, the one wearing a mask that has the german flag painted over it, the one wearing pajamas, the one dressed as a crazy scientist, the one who is wearing a panda mask, the one who's mask is inside out, the one who has a helluva time counting, the one who wields a tape measure, the one who logically tosses art supplies, and lastly the one who told the tall tale of the man who punched the statue.
Their destination? The place they've set their sights on for a while.
The Starlight City Bookstore.
"Once you trash the place, make sure to douse it with the gasoline we brought," Trisha instructs the others, "It'll be easier to build a new place atop its ashes than it is to renovate it!"
Most tales begin with something grandiose like embarking on an epic quest. Others begin with the discovery of something otherworldly, something nobody in their wildest dreams could have ever dreamed of.
This tale begins with a shoe pressed down on someone's face.
"The Devil In Red?" A person with jet black hair laughs as he stands over the defeated Willy White, "Titles aren't something you can just plaster onto yourself, they're something to be bestowed upon the remarkable. And trust me, you're nothing compared to us."
With those final words, the gang that Willy White spent years trying to create, the men he ruled over, even the motel he used as a base.
It was all snatched away by two men. And he never even got their names.
That was until a few years passed, and Willy White ran into one of the two men again at a pub.
He almost didn't recognize him with his now dyed blonde hair and more professional clothing, but he was sure it was him.
"Hey, remember me!" Willy roared as he rushed toward the person with a knife..
10 Seconds.
He was defeated within 10 seconds.
"No, not really," the man remarked as he stood over Willy White once more, "I guess you just weren't worth remembering."
Humiliation. All he could feel was humiliation at that moment as the man who took away everything from him years prior took away what little self worth Willy White had at that moment.
"But, I do need some people for my family," the man with the blonde hair remarks before reaching his hand down toward Willy, "Wanna join?"
On that day, he was given a new title.
For some reason that lunatic he came to know as Boston was very fond of Massachusetts, so much so that the members of his "family" had to be given titles based off the cities there. Willy White was never a fan of the names, but over time it grew on him.
Just like the power he had in the gang as before he knew it, he was already the fourth-in-command. And with that position came a desire he thought was taken away from him long ago.
The desire to take over the night. He'd steal Boston's gang from him, wipe out Dirty Fang in a single afternoon, and even find the other man who helped Boston all those years ago.
All he had to do was sit and wait for the right opportunity.
But now?
Now it's finally here.
In the present day, several Massachusetts Boys Members light fires in the trash cans across the Heartbreak Motel in order to illuminate their total conquest over their foes.
Standing in the crowds are a very proud No. 9 Victor 'Lynn' Dunnermann, an eager No. 6 Frankfurt 'Fall River' Schulz, a sentimental No. 5 Kimberly 'Lowell' Masterson, & a haunted looking No. 3 Chao 'Cambridge' Huang.
"What's the matter Cammy?" Worcester smirks, "You sad about what I did to your foster bro? You barely even knew him! Grow up!"
Chao doesn't respond as he looks at Hunter Huntingson, just one of the several intruders that have been knocked out and placed together by a wall – the rest being Ronnie, Marcus, Alex, Elizabeth, Christopher, Sammy, Vanessa, & Blanko.
"Plymouth & Quincy still haven't come back yet? What's taking them forever?" Frankfurt huffs, "It's just Tim-Tom they're facing!"
"Who cares about them? They're just some gimmicky trash we don't need anymore," Worcester remarks as he makes his way to the center of the motel.
Worcester starts to yell out to the audience, "Listen! For too long we've been forced to follow that bastard Boston and do as he says! But not anymore! After tonight, the whole city will know our might! We won't be looked down on any more!"
The crowd cheers as Worcester makes his way to where the knocked out intruders are.
"Now let's say you lot, why don't you join us?" Worcester offers, "We'd be unstoppable together."
Of the defeated group, the only ones that have recently regained their consciousness are Elizabeth Moore, Alex Smith, Vanessa Deli, Blanko Deck, & Ronnie Everst. They're all too exhausted and beaten to fight back, with Vanessa too exhausted to speak at the moment, so all they can do is rest.
"Well, what do you say? If you join us now I'll even stop the attack on the bookstore," Worcester remarks.
Blanko, Alex, Elizabeth, & Ronnie all look at each other and they both nod in agreement.
"The offer is tempting," Ronnie remarks as he raises a fist.
"Good, glad to see kids have sense these days-"
"But, I think we're just gonna do our own thing," Ronnie finishes as he lifts his middle finger up.
Blanko can't help but let out a snicker while Alex smirks in agreement.
"Why would we even follow a freak like you?" Elizabeth cackles.
"Wh-wh- Do you not care about that Bookstore?! Doesn't your friend work there?" Worcester growls.
"Oh we care alright," Alex laughs, "Your men should be getting there right about now right?"
Worcester looks confused at Alex as the hot headed teen continues to laugh.
"I doubt your men are going to be able to lay even a finger on that store though bub, we left it in pretty capable hands!" Alex laughs.
Back in the north side of Starlight City, the group of Massachusetts Boys lead by Trisha turns the corner to see the Starlight City Bookstore, and the group of figures that stand between them.
"You're lucky they didn't allow me to make a pipe bomb." Selina laughs as she holds a wooden plank in her hands, "But you guys are getting your asses handed to you either way!"
The group consisting of Tim, Tom, Selina, & Randy stand ready to defend the store.
Trisha laughs as she looks at the size of the group.
"Weren't you just running from us a little bit ago? Do you seriously think that the four of you can beat all of us?" Trisha laughs.
"Who said it was just us four?" Tom questions.
Confused, the group looks to see a figure walking down the street approaching the bookstore.
Even more confused is Selina, "You said you were going to call someone strong to help us! Why the hell did you call him?!"
Ignoring Selina's question, Tim shouts, "About time you showed up!"
"I know, I know, I said I'd get here earlier but you'd be surprised how much work it takes to put the twins to sleep," The person says as they step into the light of a streetlamp, revealing themselves to be Mesto-Presto, "But I'm certain it'll be much easier to put these folks to rest."
"Haha, I like your style burrito boy!" A shoeless figure sitting atop a street light laughs.
Hopping down next to Mesto and the others is The Wild Card of Starlight High, the lime-green haired Crunch Backson.
"Crunch?! How long were you up there!" Randy yells.
"Eh I took a nap up there after I got fired for dyeing my hair green again," Crunch remarks, "I just woke up so what's going on?"
"We're fighting The Massachusetts Boys," Mesto explains, "Your assistance will be much appreciated."
"Wait, you're telling me these folk came all the way down from Massachusetts just to get their ass beat?!" Crunch questions.
As the small group of defenders continues to chat, Trisha looks at them with rage.
"So you got some hot guys with ya?! Like that's gonna do anything!" Trisha screams.
"Hey Trisha, I got a question for ya!" Selina smirks as the group of six are all ready to fight, "Do you seriously think all of you can take down the six of us?"
Back at the Heartbreak Motel, a nervous sweat drips down the side of Worcester's face as Alex & Elizabeth are now both laughing.
"Man you should see the look on your face!" Alex laughs, "It looks like you shit your pants bub!"
In retaliation, Worcester kicks Alex across the face and yells, "SHUT UP!"
The metal baseball bat in his hand falls next to Hunter's as Worcester says, "Here. You can have it with you when we bury all of you!"
"Wait, th-they're gonna kill us?" Ronnie whispers.
"You had your chance to join us, but it's too late for you! And once we're done with you lot it'll be Boston, and then the entirety of Dirty Fang! And after that not even the MSA CAN STOP US!!!"
As Worcester yells out into the night. The whole parking lot goes silent.
Save for one person.
Blanko Deck.
"You said you planned on taking Dirty Fang down, right?" Blanko questions, "Well I guess it's your lucky day then!"
Vanessa's eyes widen as her vision is trained at the entryway into Heartbreak Motel.
And the six beings making their way through it.
At the back of the group is a tall old white man with the fat on him barely hiding just how muscular he truly is. With salt-&-pepper hair, a salt-&-pepper beard, and brown eyes the man has clearly lived through plenty throughout his time in Starlight City. The outfit he's wearing is an all black suit with black dress shoes. This is The Dirty Fang's fourth-in-command, Harvey Benjamin.
In front of him is an interesting pair. On the left is a short skinny white man with long black hair, a lip piercing, and long sharp black nails. He's wearing a black t-shirt, black ripped cargo pants, and black running shoes. On the right is a tall, very muscular white lady with green hair in a pixie cut, eyebrow & tongue piercings, & several piercings on her ears. She's wearing a black tank-top, black sweatpants, and has black sports tape wrapped around her arms. This is The Dirty Fang's strongest duo; Hammer & Nail.
In front of the duo is a tall dark skinned man that is very muscular and has a pair of brown eyes. His wavy black hair is kept hidden by a black durag and the rest of the clothes he's wearing are a black leather jacket over a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black boots. This is Dirty Fang's Loyal Graham Dirt.
In front of Graham Dirt is a pair of two people. On the left is a man with pale white skin, depressed black eyes, has black hair in a perm, is branding a teardrop tattoo below his left eye, and has several scars across both of his hands. He's wearing a black face mask, a black baseball cap, black techwear hoodie, black techwear pants, & black air force shoes. This is Dirty Fang's third-in-command only referred to as 'Purple'.
On the right of Purple is a man with light brown skin, light black dreads, and is wearing an all-black bucket hat that obscures his eyes. Besides the bucket hat he is also sporting an all black tracksuit and black slides. This is the second-in-command of Dirty Fang, Andy Nibble.
And lastly in front of those two is an entity. An entity that brings fear into the hearts of anyone who is unfortunate enough to be against them. The Dirty Fang's leader; Mason Makinsley. His tall dark skinned body has spiky dyed red hair, and red eyes. The outfit he's wearing is a black denim jacket with no undershirt, black denim pants, and black running shoes.
"H-h-how the hell are they here?!!" Frankfurt squeals as Kimberly's eyes widen as she looks at Graham Dirt.
That message Blanko sent….it was to someone by the contact name of S'mores.
"Y-you sent them a coded message!?" Kimberly yells as she looks at the smirking Blanko.
"I don't know what you mean?" Blanko smirks, "All I did was tell a good friend about a deal."
Kimberly is about to shout back when the entity referred to as Mason Makinsley raises his hand, silencing everyone else.
"Graham, Harvey."
The two members nod as they find their opponents.
"Is that you Frankfurt?" Harvey questions as he sizes up his sniveling opponent, "I remember when you were still wet behind the ears'. Let's see what you've learned since then."
Towering over Chao, Graham looks down at the third-in-command of The Massachusetts Boys.
"How lowly does Dirty Fang consider us if they think you can defeat me." Cambridge glares.
"Clearly not low enough," Graham responds as he rolls up his sleeves.
"You wanna bet?!"
"Do you?"
Andy, Purple, Hammer, & Nail all stay back as Mason approaches his target; Willy 'Worcester' White.
"It seems like you've thought my disregard of you was out of worry over your might," Mason Makinsley begins, "How foolish you've all been."
His hands shaking, Worcester takes out a knife and aims it at the slowly approaching Mason Makinsley.
"It seems like you all need to be reminded…," Mason Makinsey remarks, "What exactly it means to be 'The Most Feared Man In Starlight City'."
See You Next Chapter!~