S2 Chapter 41 - Do You Want To See My Love?

Outside The Starlight City Bookstore, several Massachusetts Boys members are running towards the bookstore, ready to destroy it. 

"I'll hop over the others and make my way through with my trusty tape measure!" The member with the tape measure shouts, "After all it can go on for yards and yards and yards and-"

"You're holding that the wrong way," Mesto remarks as he kicks the person's hand, causing the tape measure to fly into the sky.

Mesto catches it and pulls on the tape side of the tape measure before he swings the silver case at the members.

"It makes much more sense to use it more like a whip, like so," Mesto remarks as he knocks out the two Massachusetts Boys members that were at the grocery store.

"I see," the person who originally had the tape measure had.

The soon-to-be married man tries to make his way toward Mesto, however he tosses the tape measure causing it to spin around the thug. The tape tightens around him causing Mesto to pull him to the ground and then kick him in the face.

"Hey! I'll show you the true might of a boss-" one of the members roars only to get knocked out by the tape measure.

One member is having one helluva time counting all the people Mesto has knocked out with just the tape measure, before he too gets knocked out with said tape measure.

"That's it, I'm gonna big body him!" One of the members shouts as she charges toward Mesto.

"Selina, can you handle this one?" Mesto suggests as he knocks out the man in the panda mask with the tape measure.

"Uh, sure!" Selina shouts, "Sorry in advance for this!"

Selina slams the wooden plank she's holding onto the person's head, knocking them out.

Before Selina can step back, a person begins chucking art supplies at them, Selina charges after them with the wooden plank only for the person in the German flag mask to knock that person out.

"I could've used those!" The figure in the German Flag mask yells before getting bonked on the head with the wooden plank.

"H-hey, I'm pretty good at this!" Selina chuckles unaware of the man in pajamas & man with the inside out charging toward her.

Luckily, a familiar flash of lime green blows right past the freshman and slams their hands into the two men.

"Man, I haven't had this much fun since capture the flag!" Crunch grins as he holds the two in place with just his hands.

Crunch then lifts them in the air and throws them down onto the ground. However, he quickly has to dodge a member who swings solely their right fist at him.

"I'll beat you with just my right fist, just like that man who knocked down the statue!" The person roars.

"Statue? The fuck are you saying?" Crunch questions as he bends his very flexible body out of the way of the punches, "But hey, I'll give it a go!"

Before the other can protest, Crunch slams his right fist into their face, knocking them out instantly.

The member dressed as a crazy scientist runs up behind Crunch, ready to knock them out, however both Tim & Tom, who're busy taking out several other members, come in and uppercut the person at the same time.

"Dude we gotta dual uppercut again sometime, that was sick!" Tim shouts.

"Hell yeah it was!" Tom agrees as the two dap.

Back over by Mesto, he finishes using the tape measure and hands it off to the person he borrowed it from.

"Woah, thank you for the lesson! I'm gonna make sure to use it so I can defeat all of you right no-" the person tries to say but Selina bonks them in the head with the wooden plank.

With all of the Massachusetts Boys members defeated, Randy celebrates.

"Alright! That's why you don't mess with The Buzzing Brawler! Booyah!" Randy remarks.

"You did jack shit though," Selina says.

"Y-y-yes I did," Randy lies.

"Prove it," Crunch, Tim, & Tom say in unison.

"Uh- I was-" Randy tries to say before he points down the street, "They're getting away!"

The group look to see Trisha 'Amherst' Bernstein running away as fast as she can from the scene. 

"Should we give chase?" Crunch suggests.

"Nah, let's go inside real quick, it's getting a bit chilly," Selina remarks as she opens the door to the bookstore.

When the group enters, they see the co-owners Ivan Turnip and Jessica Powell inside by the cash register.

"Oh, Selina- It looks like you brought some friends," Ivan remarks as he moves his wheelchair by them to greet them.

However as he does, the group spreads out to block the view to the outside from the doorway.

"It's nice to meet you, I heard you had the best books in town," Tim remarks as he hides his bloodied knuckles by putting them in his pocket.

"We do, and that's quite the costume you got on," Jessica Powell remarks.

Tim stands confused before looking in a mirror to see he still has on the whole cat ears, fake whiskers, cat collar, and fake tail.

"D-did I have this on the whole time?!" Tim blushes in embarrassment as he realizes he was the only one in the group who didn't take off their disguise costume.

As Tom laughs, Crunch & Mesto whisper to one another.

"I'll go hide the bodies, you guys just keep them distracted. Don't worry, I've done this before," Crunch remarks.

Mesto nods in agreement before looking back at Crunch in confusement. But by that point, he's already left the store. Still with some time to kill, Mesto and the others decide to do some shopping in the bookstore.

"Woah so you work here?"

"Yeah, few years in fact."

"Excuse me sir but do you happen to have any of the 'Highlight' books? My girlfriend really likes them so I was thinking I could read them."

"Sure we do, but couldn't you just borrow them from her?"


An hour before the current events at the heartbreak motel, a karaoke machine is playing a song.

"Your stare was holdin'," Hammer sings into a mic.

"Ripped jeans, skin was showin'," Nail sings into a mic.

"Hot night, wind was blowin', WHERE YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING BABY?!" Hammer & Nail sing into a mic.

Their karaoke session continues inside Mason Makinsley's penthouse suite in The East Side. Inside with them is a sleeping-on-the-sofa Harvey Benjamin, a dancing-his-heart-out Andy Nibble, and a not-really-involved pair of Purple & Graham Dirt. For some reason, Mason Makinsley isn't there.

"Why do we always have to have a Karaoke Friday?" Purple sighs as he scrolls through his phone.

"It's always Hammer & Nail choosing the same exact songs," Graham groans as he feels his phone vibrate.

As Graham looks down at the phone his face goes cold.

"BEFORE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE I MISSED YOU SO BA-" Hammer & Nail continue to sing before-

The song is paused by Graham.

"Hey what the hell Graham! You don't pause the karaoke!" Hammer yells.

"You should know how high up we are, we wouldn't want you to 'accidentally' fall off the balcony," Nail hisses.

"Woah chill dude, it was just a song," Andy groans, "And besides, Graham would only do this if something serious came up."

The others all look at Graham waiting for a response, their interest only turns into bewilderment when Graham shows a text message from 'Blanko Hayfield Deck' that reads ''Go to the bodega and get 100% Off On Our Cherry Bombs RIGHT NOW!'

"The fuck is a cherry bomb?" Purple asks.

"Him, Mason, & I created a way to send coded messages to one another," Graham remarks, "Go to the bodega means 'I need your help', and the cherry bombs means 'this involves the Massachusetts Boys'."

"And the 100%?" Andy asks.

"It means he needs all the help he can get," Graham utters.

"If that's the case then we should call Mason," Purple remarks.

"And interrupt him on his visit?!" Graham yells, "You know he can't-"

"I already hit the call button," Andy remarks as he holds up his phone that's dialing a contact by the name of 'MMDFWS1'.

"What does that even mean?!" Hammer asks.

"Are all your contacts like that?" Nail inquires.

"It means Mason Makinsley, Dirty Fang, West Side, 1st In Command, isn't it obvious?" Andy questions.

"No!" The others shout in unison.


Mason lifts the phone to his face.

"Talk to me Andy!" Mason remarks.

"Hey, it looks like we got an issue, Massachusetts Boys apparently have some of our men and it's apparently dire," Andy Nibble explains through the phone.

Mason Makinsley's face drops as he utters, "Is that so?"

"How do you wanna proceed? I can go by myself if need be-"

"No, I'll be heading over. Most of the higher ups are with you too right? Take them with you," Makinsley says.

"Understood. Purple's tracking the location of the phone and it looks like it's at the Heartbreak Motel. Meet you there."

As the phone call ends, Makinsley takes a second to lean back in his chair and let out a deep sigh.

"Is everything alright?"

Mason's red eyes open as he looks toward the person he was visiting. 

"Yes, just an urgent call from work, it looks like I'll have to get going," Makinsley remarks as he stands up and turns to walk away.

"It was nice getting to meet you, I'm glad that child has someone like you in his life," The other person in the room remarks with a smile.

Mason stops at the door, hearing those words he…

"It was nice getting to see you again," Makinsley utters as he leaves the hospital room.

As the door closes, the person sitting in the hospital bed stares off toward it. The person looks over to the table near their bed and at the gift Makinsley left behind for him.

"See you again? And how did he know oranges were my favorite fruit?" The person sitting in the hospital bed, James Lewis, wonders aloud as he picks one up from a wooden basket full of them.


Back in the present, a shaking Willy 'Worcester' White aims a knife at Mason Makinsley. With one broken arm, can he really take on someone like him?

"It seems like you all need to be reminded…," Mason Makinsey details, "What exactly it means to be 'The Most Feared Man In Starlight City'."

Looking around at all of the faces of the other Massachusetts Boys members, all he can see is a look he's all grown too accustomed with pointed his way.


'This is who we're following?'

'He's all bark, no bite.'

'What did we expect from him anyway?'

"SHUT UP!" Worcester yells out for all to hear in the motel's parking lot.

"Hey," Mason Makinsley questions, "Nobody was talking right now."

"I-I'LL KILL YOU!" Worcester yells as he rushes toward Mason Makinsley.

He swings the blade in his right arm toward Mason Makinsley.

"DIE! DIE RIGHT NOW!" Worcester pleads as he keeps on swinging, "JUST DIE ALREADY!"

Worcester stops as a shaky exhale escapes his body. He should be dead now. H-he did it, he beat Mason Makinsle-

"Why did you stop?"

Worcester looks up and sees those piercing red eyes looking deep within his very soul. None of the swings landed on Mason Makinsley. With all eyes on him, Worcester feels like everything he has is already on display for all to see. What more do they want?

"Swing," Mason Makinsley commands, "Go ahead, do it."

Worcester yells as he goes to swing on Mason Makinsley once more, this time he has a perfect swing, a perfect trajectory, he'll be able to land this on the man so many fear-!


Worcester looks at his right arm to see it bent out of place with a fist slammed into it. 

"Ahhhh- AHHHH!!!!"

His cries ring out into the October air.

"H-h-hellp!" Worcester yells as he stumbles back and ends up tripping on himself, "SOMEONE, HELP ME!! LYNN!!!"

Victor 'Lynn' Dunnerman is standing in the crowd frozen in fear.


Kimberly's face is full of shock as she stands motionless.

"A-a-anyone?" Worcester whimpers.

Worcester looks toward Mason Makinsley to see that he's approaching him slowly. Worcester begins to crawl backward trying to escape from He Who Made The Devil Weep.

"S-stay back! Y-you already won!" Worcester yells, "WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!"

Grabbing a small rock next to him, Worcester tosses it to Mason Makinsley. It lands on his chest before falling down.

"Well, it looks like you finally landed a hit on me," Mason Makinsley breathes before he continues his slow march toward Worcester.

Worcester tries to crawl backward once more, but he bumps into something. One of the trash cans that has a fire burning inside of it. He turns to look forward once more to see Mason Makinsley looming right over him.

"I surrender!" Worcester pleads as Mason Makinsley grabs him by the head, "I said I surrender!! You don't need to fight me anymore!!!"

"I never once called this a fight," Mason Makinsley says as he lifts Worcester closer toward the flames, "I said this was a reminder."

Before Worcester can plead any further for mercy, The Leader of Dirty Fang puts Worcester's head against the burning flames from the trash can. His screams ring out for all to hear.

Yet not a single one weeps for the man. Since why would anyone weep for a devil?

Long after Worcester's screams have dried up, Mason Makinsley finally lets go of the charred body.

"What kind of devil can't handle some hellfire?" Andy questions as he walks up toward Mason Makinsley.

"Andy, I didn't tell you to-" Mason Makinsley begins to say but Andy cuts him off.

"Relax, it's already handled," Andy says as he points across the parking lot.

Sitting atop the unconscious body of Frankfurt 'Fall River' Schulz is Harvey Benjamin who is drinking out of a silver antique flask. One of Frankfurt's teeth falls out of his mouth and rolls across the wet ground. Beside them, Chao Huang is breathing heavily as his shaky body stands in a fighting stance similar to Graham's.

"Y-you haven't bested me yet!" Chao pants.

"Your tenacity is remarkable," Graham begins to utter, "But you should know your own limits."

Exhausted from both fights he's had, Chao falls to his knees. Graham looks over to Mason Makinsley.

"So, what do you say we do with him?" Andy questions.

Instead of responding, Mason Makinsley just slowly walks over to Chao. His hand opens as he goes to grab Chao by the head. Blood dripping down his face, Chao only has the energy left to close his eyes knowing what is coming next.



Echoing out for all to hear, the noise of a guitar riff slices through the air and into the ears of all of those in the parking lot. Everyone looks up to see where the noise is coming from only to see someone standing on the roof of the motel, the moon shining down behind them as their fingers glide across an electric red guitar. Their blonde hair blows in the October air as the unconscious bodies of Parker 'Plymouth' Duggar, Quinn 'Quincy' Overton, & Tim-Tom Pitt lay below his feet.

In fact, as he leans forward while playing, the guitar player's foot pushes deeper into the side of Tim-Tom's face.

Eventually the man finishes his playing with a loud closing note. The figure is wearing a ripped washed jean jacket over a ripped white t-shirt that has a washed-out american flag logo on it, pink star-shaped sunglasses, ripped black denim pants, and dirty blue high tops.

With the song finished, the player hops down from the roof onto the motel's second floor balcony before hopping on top of the busted red convertible. The player's green eyes shine with delight as they lean toward Mason Makinsley.

"Hey Mason," the guitar player and head of The Massachusetts Boys, Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish grins, "Do you want to see my love?"

See You Next Chapter!~