"Hey, dude, wake up."
Marcus' eyes open as he looks to see he is lying next to Ronnie, Blanko, Vanessa, Alex, Elizabeth, Christopher, & Hunter.
"Uh, what happened?" Marcus remarks.
"Shhhh," Alex & Elizabeth both hush him, "You got any popcorn?"
"What? No, why!"
"Well…," Alex begins to say as he looks at the head of Dirty Fang & the head of Massachusetts Boys staring at each other, "You just might want some."
"Your love?" Mason Makinsley questions, "Why would I ever want to see something so vile?"
"Oh, don't get me twisted, I just wanted to try and keep the peace a little. I'm not interested in fighting you y'know," Boston explains as he looks down toward Worcester's unconscious body, "Seems like you already had your 'big moment' while I was hooking up my guitar, so why not call it here for now. Don't you agree Salem?"
Mason Makinsley spins around to see The Massachusetts Boys second-in-command, Lucia 'Salem' Dulik, having arrived and standing next to Andy Nibble. Her Halloween costume she has on is of a witch outfit.
"I agree, you've all more than overstayed your welcome," Lucia 'Salem' Dulik insists as she glares at Andy Nibble.
"Woah, why am I getting all this animosity?" Andy Nibble questions, "At least let me compliment that costume of yours before you push me away."
As the two heads and their second-in-commands are chatting, the rest of the members at the Heartbreak Motel stand unsure of what to make of this situation.
"See, you already put the fear of the Mason Makinsley into the hearts of everyone here," Boston explains as he pats Mason Makinsley on the back, "You go any further though, and I'm certain the MSA would be interested in putting you in your place. You wouldn't want to wage a war against all of your allies, right Mason?"
Mason Makinsley's red eyes stare into the charming Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish's green eyes. Into the sole man here who has no ounce of fear toward him.
"Fine," Mason Makinsley relents.
"See, I knew you'd be interested in keeping the peace. Ah, speaking of which…"
Boston's attention turns toward the intruders who were all gathered here.
"I'm Boston, the head of this family here. Sorry if they caused you any trouble in my absence. Now then, what brings you all here?" Boston questions the group.
Despite only meeting him for the first time here, all of the intruders feel a sense of ease at his presence. And with that ease, their genuine answers slide off the tip of their tongues and out into the October air.
"Worcester took something from me and was harming people I cared for," Hunter explains.
"Well, it looks like you got what he took from you," Boston comments before joking, "And I don't think Worcester will be in a state to harm your family for a long while!"
"I'm here to make things right, to stop what the MSA is doing," Ronnie remarks.
"Oh aren't you a lil' wishful, good skill for kids these days to have," Boston comments, "Though how does what we're doing have anything to do with stopping the MSA?"
"What does stopping the MSA even look like? What do you plan on doing after the MSA vanishes?"
"W-well I-"
"You won't be able to make the change you want if you don't even know what that change is to begin with," Boston advises, "All you'll do is make things worse going in so blindly."
With Boston's comment said and done, his attention turns to Dirty Fang's Vanessa Deli, who is walking towards him.
"I was told your gang had a photograph, I need it from you," Vanessa states.
"Photograph?" Boston ponders before taking out a photograph from his pocket, "You talkin' bout this?"
Mason Makinsley tries to look and see what it is Boston is handing off to Vanessa, but his attention turns to a voice that cries out into the night sky.
Everyone's attention turns to see a barely standing Tim-Tom edging his way forward towards Boston & Vanessa.
"How the hell did he get down from the roof?" Boston questions as Tim-Tom rushes forward.
"I need that photograph," Tim-Tom gurgles as blood spills from his mouth, "Give it to me or else-!!"
Before he can finish his statement, a fist courtesy of Mason Makinsley careens into Tim-Tom's stomach, sending him hurtling to the ground.
"You're lucky I'm letting you off easy," Mason Makinsley grumbles, "If anyone else would have made a threat towards one of my own, I'd have you buried before the end of the hour."
As Mason Makinsley goes to walk away, he notices Tim-Tom struggling to stand up.
"I-.... I don't care what happens to me," Tim-Tom pants as his barely conscious body rises, "If you understood what was on there, you'd understand. You'd!-"
Before Tim-Tom can say yet another word, his body finally gives in from all of the beatings it's endured the past night and falls unconscious.
And with it came the end to a long and battled night.
"I'll find a way to get Tim-Tom back," Boston remarks as everyone begins to disband.
Dirty Fang were the first to leave, as quickly as their appearance caused a tidal wave to crash into The Massachusetts Boys, their exit left behind a devastating wreckage. Vanessa & Blanko went ahead with them, with Blanko being the only one to wave goodbye to the others from The Miracle Clinic. Vanessa seemed too occupied with something else on her mind.
"Guess we'll have to ask her how that whole photograph thing went down next time we meet," Alex comments to himself.
Chao "Cambridge" Huang & Hunter Huntingson also went home together, the two helping each other walk back home due to the severe injuries they sustained. Neither of them spoke to one another on their way back. Even if they did, there wasn't much they could say that hadn't already been said from the events prior.
Christopher decided to take a jog home, since he somehow still didn't get enough exercise in the whole past day. Sammy on the other hand left ahead of the others, with her having to make it all the way back to her home in The West Side.
The only Miracle Clinic members that left together on a train departing The West Side were Ronnie Everst, Elizabeth Moore, Alex Smith, & Marcus Veridan. Most of the train ride back was silent for the four close friends as the only thing on their minds were the events of the night they just lived through.
"What is the change that I want to make?"
"Why does it feel like I haven't heard the last from Kimberly?"
"What was up with Tim-Tom wanting that photograph? What could possibly be on it that he was willing to risk a fight with all of Dirty Fang to get it?"
"How is Hunter going to be after all of those injuries? What will his foster family think? Why was Chao there?"
"Why doesn't this feel like the win it should be?"
Eventually as the train finally arrived at its destination in the North Side, it was Marcus who finally broke the silence as the four stepped out onto the platform.
"You guys are staying over for the night, right?" Marcus remembers, "I doubt any of your families are going to not question all the bruises we all have and Mister Gulvonac is off on a business trip."
"Obviously!" Ronnie shouts, "I'm sure not even that Dirty Fang guy would be as frightening as my mom would be if she found out I spent the whole night fighting dudes."
"Yeah, though I call the couch!" Alex shouts.
"They have a guest bedroom, you know?" Elizabeth comments.
"They do? Wait can I change my-"
"I call dibs on the guest bed!" Elizabeth shouts.
"Hey, no fair!" Alex grunts.
"The fuck you mean no fair, you already picked the couch."
As the long night finally came to a close, it seemed like for The Miracle Clinic, most of their troubles were finally put past them.
That the dark clouds hanging over their heads were finally dissipating.
It would only be later would they realize just how mistaken they were.
They weren't exiting out from the dark storm that hung over their heads.
They were only just momentarily in the eye of the storm.
"I wouldn't have you go hanging around Boston if I were you," Joel Cooper advises.
Confused, Ronnie looks to see the leader of The Vignette standing outside his house as he was taking out the trash.
"Are you here to ask me to join you again or something?" Ronnie questions, "And what's so bad about Boston? If anything it looks like The Massachusetts Boys could be used for good if Boston was around more."
Joel goes silent after hearing that remark before asking, "Do you know what Boston really is like."
A crashing noise echoes out from a hospital room with the curtains drawn. A nurse in their late 20s who looks a bit older than she is is making their way toward the room when a figure approaches the nurse.
"Oh, I'm sorry but could you come back some other time," Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish remarks.
The nurse looks at the sweet man who stopped her and sees he's holding a cup of coffee in his hands that has 'Too Pretty Lady' written on it. He's also in much more formal clothing than what he had on the night prior.
"Oh this?" Boston remarks as he hands it to the nurse, "It's for you, consider it a gift for how hard you've had to work."
"Th-th-thank you," the nurse comments as she makes her way down the hall.
And with that done, Boston's attention turns toward the door to the hospital room where Lucia 'Salem' Dulik is standing outside of.
"Do you want me to handle this or?"- Salem starts to ask.
"Don't worry, I can take care of this," Boston explains, "It's my responsibility."
As Boston enters the hospital room he sees a dish of bland hospital food be tossed into Kimberly's face by the person who is in the bed.
"YOU FUCKERS STOOD AROUND AND DID NOTHING?!" The person in the bed, Willy 'Worcester' White roars.
Standing in the room are Victor 'Lynn' Dunnerman, Trisha 'Amherst' Bernstein, Parker 'Plymouth' Duggar, Quinn 'Quincy' Overton, Frankfurt 'Fall River' Schulz, Kimberly 'Lowell' Overton, & Chao 'Cambridge' Huang.
Worcester's severely burned face is concealed with several bandages whereas his arms are in casts.
As Worceter takes a few breaths, Boston can't help but let out a laugh causing everyone to turn their attention toward him.
"I-I'm sorry I know I shouldn't but- man Mason really did a number on you, huh?" Boston laughs.
As Worcester's yelling finally finishes, Boston lets out a heavy breath.
"Ya done whining now or what?" Boston remarks as he walks over toward his fourth-in-command.
"You talk as if you deserve to be recognized, that what you did was some grandiose accomplishment that all of us should get on our hands and knees to applaud. All you did was beat up some kid with a baseball bat."
"H-how did you hear about-"
"I'm not as dumb as you may think I am," Boston explains as he hangs above Worcester's hospital bed, "I know you'll just go back to your old ways once you recover like nothing ever happened."
Boston's once charming and pleasant green eyes have grown cold. His glance now seems like an ever watching, ever knowing stare.
"That is… if you recover," Boston comments.
Before Worcester can question what he means, Boston quickly slams his elbow into Worcester, shattering his spine. Before he can scream out in pain, Boston lifts the pillow from behind Worcester's head and starts to smother him in it.
"If you live, you won't be able to walk again!" Boston smiles softly, "What good can a devil be when their wings are clipped?"
The other Massachusetts Boys members in the room are all frozen in terror at their leader. Boston tosses the pillow aside and starts to beat Worcester senseless.
"I've been trying to have the MSA see us in a better light, and you almost ruined that! Trying to start a war with Dirty Fang? How highly did you think of yourself?!"
With his fists bloodied and some of Worcester's blood splattered across his left cheek, Boston turns away and walks toward the door.
"You'll remember this moment for the rest of your life. For me, I'll forget all about you by Next Tuesday," Boston remarks as he exits the hospital room, "You're no longer a part of The Massachusetts Boys."
With Boston exiting the room, Lucia follows him alongside the rest of the high ranking members that were in the hospital room. Several nurses and doctors start to rush into Worcester's room.
"H-he's flatlining!"
"Dear god, what happened to him?!"
Boston pays them no mind as he coldly wipes Worcester's blood off his cheek, that's when his gaze meets Kimberly's.
"Congrats Lowell, you're number four now," he tells her.
His attention shifts toward Chao.
"Say Cambridge, I remember hearing you say once that what me & Salem don't know won't hurt us, right?"
Sweat pours down Chao's face.
"You try and usurp my authority again, and I'll make sure you won't have to concern yourself with that 'other family' you live with," Boston sweetly tells his third-in-command.
Chao is silent as Boston exits out of the hospital and into the sunlight.
"Now then, it's a sunny day so it's best for you all to enjoy it," Boston tells his gang, "You won't be getting weather like this for much longer."
"Boston may treat outsiders very well, but anyone within his gang knows of the true monster he can be," Joel explains, "He views those he calls 'family' as people he has to torment and terrorize to keep in line while those on the outside need to be treated with respect and kindness. If you keep associating with him, he'll start to see you less as a guest and more as a little brother."
A nervous sweat drips down Ronnie's face after hearing that.
"W-well, it's a good thing we're not associated with them," Ronnie remarks, "Only people we talk to are The Three Ts and some people from Dirty Fang."
Hearing those words Joel looks at him dumbfounded.
"What? What did I say?" Ronnie asks.
"I'd rather have you associate with Boston than Makinsley."
"Wh-why? How come?"
In The East Side, Mason Makinsley stands looking out from the docks toward the lake, the wind blowing against his unbuttoned shirt & hair. Behind him is Andy Nibble.
"After what happened last night, I'm certain some will still try to take revenge on us on Worcester's behalf," Makinsley remarks, "To prevent the most harm, we need to secure our territory."
"You really want to go that far dude?" Andy questions.
"I'm certain," Mason Makinsley's voice echoes out, "All of those who dare to intrude on The East Side shall be met with an untimely end."
"Even our allies from The North?"
"No Exceptions."
"Makinsley's the exact opposite of Boston, he's always kind and loving to anyone in his gang, but if you're not apart of it or not from The East Side, you're basically an enemy and will be treated as such," Joel explains, "Two extremes on opposite ends of the city. I only came to warn you to stay in the North Side as much as you can from here on out."
"B-but I'm sure things will quiet down," Ronnie remarks.
"No, Worcester was the final domino needed to bring the peace we had to topple over," Joel comments, "Sooner or later, a war will break out from the gangs. I'll let you decide if you and your friends would rather face the odds of that war by yourselves or with us, The Vignette."
As Joel walks off, Ronnie can only stand there unsure of what to do with all of what he's been told.
Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish…
Mason Makinsley…
He doesn't know why, but he has a feeling he'll be hearing those names more often in the future.
But for now, while he's still in the eye of the storm, he needs to prepare for what's about to occur.
Since it'll take more than just a miracle to make it through the raging storm that lies ahead of everyone.
See You Next Chapter!~