SUN SHORT #1 - Cashing In A Favor
"So that's what Joel told me," Ronnie questions.
"Are you serious? Those gangs might be going to war?" Marcus reacts.
"Yeah, I figured I should probably tell you first. Plan on telling Alex & Elizabeth later, the others I think we should keep out of this."
"I agree, we may need to tell Sammy, Mesto, Christopher, & Hunter about this but we need to keep this from Randy & Selina. Having them tag along with us to the west side was risky enough, but we can't have them risking their lives anymore. I don't want to see either of them getting hurt."
As Ronnie & Marcus continue to discuss, a person stands behind their door in their bedroom, overhearing everything.
"You idiot," the person mumbles under their breath.
That person being none other than Selina Gulvonac.
"Don't you think we don't want to see you hurt too?" Selina mumbles to herself.
As she stands there unsure of what to do, she looks toward the window and spots a familiar feline clawing at the glass trying to get in.
That's when an idea gets in her mind.
Later that day, Ronald Sampson is standing outside the Starlight City Bookstore. He's wearing a light green bomber jacket over a white shirt, black cargo pants, and black sneakers. His brown hair that's usually in a mullet has been tied into a manbun. Selina is standing outside the bookstore next to him.
"Can you say that again?" Ronald asks as he cradles Mister Fluffykins in his arms.
"Last time I took care of him for you, you said to call you anytime if I need some help," Selina remarks, "Well, I need some help."
"Oh, Oh! Sure!" Ronald says with a smirk, "What do you need me to do? Give you fashion advice? Help you out on a date with someone you like? Explain some homework or?-"
"I need you to make me stronger," Selina responds.
"Make you stronger?! Why the hell did you think I could help you with that? All I do is just design clothes!"
"You kicked that lock open once, I'm sure you might be a really powerful guy but just don't wanna show it," Selina comments.
"Still, a kid like you doesn't need to learn how to fight."
Ronald begins to walk away when Selina stops him.
"Don't say I can't do shit just because I'm a kid, do you know how annoying that is?!" Selina yells.
Hearing those words, Ronald Sampson pauses for a moment, a spark of memory coming back to him in that moment.
"Alright fine, I'm not really good at teaching people how to fight, but I think I know just the place for you," Ronald Sampson remarks.
"R-really? Thank you sir! Now where are we going," Selina remarks.
Ronald whispers the place into Selina's ear, causing her face to go from excited to confused.
"You're going to have me learn spinjitzu?"
"What? No," Ronald Sampson says, "I said I'll be signing you up to learn some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu."
"Ohhhhhh," Selina sounds off before asking, "Wuzzat?"
"You really don't have a clue, do you?"
SUN SHORT #2 - Building Up Power
On the East Side's Docks, Mason Makinsley is walking away from them with his right hand man Andy Nibble.
"I agree we should be ready for a worst case scenario but you're taking it to the extreme," Andy sighs as he follows Makinsley.
"I'd rather keep the precaution in place than take the risk, and it's not just Boston and his gang we have to look out for. The Vignette and The Carmine Manifesto are also nothing to scoff at."
"That reminds me, if all of us were to go up against all of The Massachusetts Boys, do you think we'd win?"
Mason Makinsley falls silent as the wind blows past the two men.
Finally after what feels like forever, he speaks up.
"We'll need to gain every ally possible to be certain," Makinsley comments.
"Well it looks like that'll be hard to do when you've just threatened any ally we could get outside of the east."
"Number 5 is set to return from college in November which should tip the odds in our favor. And I already plan on visiting them."
"By them you mean those legendary fighters?"
"Yes, it's been a while since we met them, but it sounds like at least one of them is still quite strong. So what do you say, ready to say hello to some old allies?"
SUN SHORT #3 - Somerville
Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish & Lucia 'Salem' Dulik are walking into the Heartbreak Motel's parking lot.
"Say Salem, you think Dirty Fang is gonna attack us?" Boston comments.
"It's a strong possibility, when that happens, do you think you'll be able to rally your whole 'family' together to fight as one?" Salem questions.
"No doubt about it. I'm sure none of them would want to get on my bad side again after what happened."
"Still, we lost Worcester and several of the members who went to raid the bookstore have since quit the gang. Fall River's connections have also seemed to dry up too. Do you think we'll be able to win a fight against all of Dirty Fang?"
Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish falls silent as the wind blows past the two.
Finally after what feels like forever, he speaks up.
"We'll need to expand our family tree more for a guaranteed victory," Boston comments as he approaches a particular motel room.
"I doubt many people in the city will want to join your family."
"Can't you recruit them?" Boston questions.
"Not right now, I have a date night with my boyfriend after this," Salem comments.
"Wait when did you have a boyfriend?" Boston asks.
"A while, you just never asked," Salem answers, "And besides, that's not important. What is important is finding some more talent."
"Well, our position as the west side of town will come in handy for that, but that's already not enough," Jackson remarks, "We'll need to also reunite with my former brother and his friends for a decisive victory."
"Those legendary fighters? Are you sure you can convince them to join us?"
"It's worth a chance, and besides.We have a secret weapon too," Boston says as he unlocks the door to one of the motel rooms.
The door creaks open as the two look in on an old furnished motel room. The room looks like it's from a bygone era with fuzzy brown carpeting, a box TV, antique wallpaper, and blood splattered across every surface.
"I gave him a test of fighting the foes Fall River were defeated by and he passed with flying colors," Boston explains.
In the room there are several bodies all unconscious and strung across the motel, save for one figure with their back turned toward the two.
"I've given him some snacks to chew on every now and again but I think it's time to unleash our new Number 5," Boston smirks, "Salem, say hello to Somerville."
SUN SHORT #4 - A Deal Is A Deal
"Well, you actually managed to get it? I'm impressed," Joel remarks as he examines the photograph.
The scrawny young looking 18-year-old is standing outside Seastar High with Vanessa & Blanko standing there. Behind Joel is his two men Elias Fox & Archer Flick.
"We had a deal," Vanessa remarks, "If you don't show me where-"
"Relax Vanessa Deli," Joel remarks as he waves off Vanessa's regard, "We'll take you to see that man. Are you ready?"
Blanko looks at Vanessa with a bit of concern but stays silent.
"I'm ready," Vanessa remarks.
The setting sun lights the hilly grassy area in harsh shadows as Joel Cooper and Vanessa Deli walk up a gravel dirt path to the top. The smell of roses, daisies, and lilies find their way to Vanessa's nose as she reaches the final top.
"We're here," Joel murmurs as he stops walking.
Looking forward, Vanessa can only see what looks like an endless amount of grey stone slabs protruding from the earth, cutting through the too bright orange sun. Vanessa slowly walks through the field, her hand lightly sliding across some of the stone slabs until she finally finds a specific one.
Vanessa stands above looking down at the stone slab, the harsh setting sun masking her mask in heavy light & shadows.
"So… that's where you've been all this time," Vanessa states.
Her legs giving in, Vanessa falls down to the ground, her hand grasping it as hot wet tears begin streaming down her face. In front of her is the gravestone of the man she's been after for so long, Fabian Deli, her father.
"I…I never got the chance…," Vanessa weeps, "To rip that cold dead heart out of you!"
As a mix of rageful and sorrowful cries ring out throughout the graveyard, they eventually subside as Vanessa slowly makes her way past Joel Cooper.
"Are you alright?" Joel questions as the two walk down the hill together.
"I'll be alright," Vanessa states as the skin around her eyes is red, "Its just a shame."
"That he's gone?"
"....That I didn't get to kill him first."
And with those parting words, the two finally leave the graveyard behind them.
SUN SHORT #5 - A Deal Unfulfilled
"You're fucking with me right?"
Tim, Tom, & Tim-Tom stand inside their very own auto repair shop as they're being scolded by their latest client Casey Burns.
"I gave you all that money to retrieve one photograph, and you couldn't even snatch it away from a little fucking girl?" Casey grunts.
"W-well, in our defense we were trying to help some kids get out of there," Tom remarks.
"Like I give a damn? Back when I was a kid I would've-" Casey begins to say before letting out a deep sigh, "Just how incompetent are you guys?"
"Hey don't blame them, you can blame me," Tim-Tom says as he goes to size up Casey, "Now, I may have not gotten that photograph but I saw what was on it. You want to explain why that exists or do you want me to beat the answer out of you?"
Casey looks at Tim-Tom and rolls his eyes, "You sure are The Three Ts alright. Talentless, Thickheaded, and Tantrum-Heavy."
"Guess it's option B-" Tim-Tom is about to say when-
The door opens as Joel Cooper makes his way into the auto repair shop, behind him is one of his men Elias Fox.
"Ah, there you are Casey," Joel remarks as he walks forward, "I figured you'd try to get others to do your dirty work, but you should've found more trustworthy pawns."
Casey looks down to see Joel lift out a photograph from his pocket.
"Do you know what this is-" Joel tries to taunt only for Casey to grab it and ignite it into flames with a lighter.
"Ash," Casey answers.
"Wrong," Joel smirks, "It's a copy. Archer's already printed off dozens of them for me, and I'm not telling you where that original is."
"You threatening me kid?" Casey remarks.
"I don't know, am I?"
As Joel adjusts his glasses, he looks toward Tim-Tom.
"I can send you a copy if you want, but only if you promise not to show anyone," Joel remarks, "After all, I think it'll be in all of our interests if we take turns holding their leash."
As Tim-Tom and Joel continue talking, Casey takes the opportunity to walk out the door passing Elias who's busy fiddling with some screws.
As he exits, Casey looks up toward the sky.
"I promised I wouldn't get them involved again," Casey mumbles, "But it looks like none of us have a choice anymore."
Casey begins to walk down the street, preparing himself for what's to come.
SUN SHORT #6 - Oh Yeah, We're In School
"OH GOD NO!!!!!!!"
Selina, Randy, & Sammy look confused as they enter Amnestor's classroom to see Ronnie jotting down notes, Elizabeth racing around the room, Alex freaking out, and Marcus calmly chatting with Amnestor and X.
"What's up with them?" Selina asks Amnestor.
"Oh, I guess you haven't heard," Amnestor remarks as he cleans his glasses.
"Haven't heard what?" Randy questions.
"This week is the week every student here feared would occur," X Locke explains, "Even as the student council president I wasn't able to put a stop to it happening. I've failed you all."
"Wh-what week?" Sammy asks.
"It's…" Ronnie tries to say but he can't bring himself to say it.
"It's…" Elizabeth also tries to say but she also can't bring herself to say it.
"IT'S…" Alex finally tries to yell out but he just can't utter those dreaded words.
"Midterms week," Amnestor answers nonchalantly.
As those words ring out, Randy & Sammy look at one another.
"Oh, that actually isn't too bad," Randy remarks.
"Yeah, finals are really were-" Sammy tries to say but is interrupted by Selina falling to her knees.
The two look down to see Selina yell out toward the heavens a deafening, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
See You Next Chapter!~