The Annual Drill! (II)

"Fourth Division! Where are you guys? Why… Why didn't you wait for me…"

Seeing this figure, Lin Shu was happy. He was reminded of the plot. This person was Li Erniu. Because he went to the Tiger 6th Division to see Wang Yanbing, he also missed the exercise!

But what happened to Li Erniu after that?

He had fallen behind but had gotten on the Iron Fist regiment commander's carriage. He had mistakenly thought that there was a war going on, so he carried the regiment commander and ran. If He Chenguang and the others had not arrived in time, this silly boy would have jumped off the cliff with Kang Tuan. He would rather die than be a prisoner!

After a series of actions, not only was he not punished for falling behind, but he was also appreciated by the Kang Corps and earned a wave of military merits with tears in his eyes.

His luck was much better than He Chenguang, who had worked himself to death and almost lost his life.

Otherwise, why did people say that fools had good fortune? It was true. Luck was something that one could not deny. In the Special Ops drama, Li Erniu was undoubtedly the luckiest one. By relying on his luck, not only did he enter the Sharpshooter 4th Division, but he also became a special forces soldier.

If he was so lucky, following him would be the right thing to do!

Lin Shu immediately had a plan and quickly ran toward Li Erniu.

At this moment, Li Erniu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. His face was filled with helplessness and doubt. His eyes were red with worry.

At this moment, Li Erniu felt someone pat his shoulder. He subconsciously stopped and turned around—

"Lin Shu?!"

"Why did you fall behind like me?"

Lin Shu smiled bitterly.

"Don't mention it. I had a stomach ache and went to the toilet. I didn't make it back in time..."

Li Erniu seemed to have found his backbone.

"Lin Shu, what should we do now? Are we going to war? I… We've left behind and can't find the main group. What should we do??"

It was a series of questions. Looking at Li Erniu's helpless expression gave Lin Shu a headache. He didn't know how this man became a special forces soldier. After all, this man had worked hard in society for a few years before deciding to join the army. Didn't have other options? Plus he always panicked when he encountered something…

"What are you panicking for?!"

Lin Shu took a deep breath to calm himself and said in a deep voice, "The main group shouldn't have gone far yet. Let's follow the tracks and run forward. We'll catch up to them sooner or later!"

"Yes, you're right! I'll do whatever you say!"

If Li Erniu used to admire He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing the most, then now, he admired Lin Shu the most!

This man was too awesome!

First place in all subjects of the recruit assessment! Even He Chenguang was not his match. Li Erniu had witnessed the Sharpshooter Best Sniper competition with his own eyes. And oh my god, this man had hit the flagpole at 1200 meters! He did not even dare to dream about achieving such a feat, but Lin Shu did it!

… Out of admiration and respect for the strong, he subconsciously listened to all of Lin Shu's opinions.

The two of them ran along the tracks for about ten minutes.

The roar of an engine suddenly came from behind them, and a few armored vehicles slowly approached.

"Lin Shu! There's a car! There's a car! Is it from our army?" Li Erniu's eyes were like copper bells.

At this moment, the convoy stopped in front of them.

In the middle of the green SUV, a square-faced colonel looked at Lin Shu and Li Erniu.

"You two soldiers, come over!"

Lin Shu knew that this was the leader of the Iron Fist Regiment, Kang Lei. He and Li Erniu obediently walked over to the man.

"What did you do?" Kang Lei asked.

"I…I…I was left behind." Li Erniu replied nervously.

"You fell behind?"

"Which division are you from?" Kang Lei frowned.

Li Erniu was so upset that he was about to cry. He blinked his eyes. "Sharpshooter… 4th Division!"

Fourth Division?

Kang Lei almost doubted his ears. How could the soldiers of the Sharpshooters 4th Division fall behind? He turned his gaze to Lin Shu and paused for two seconds on Lin Shu's sniper rifle.

"Are you also a Sharpshooter 4th Division?"

"Yes, Guild Leader!" Lin Shu replied briefly.

"How can the 4th Division have soldiers like you two?"

Kang Lei thought that he had to ask Gong Jian how he recruited the soldiers, but he still ordered the two of them, "Get in my car!"

"Yes, sir!" Li Erniu was a little excited. He didn't expect to have the chance to ride in the same car as the regiment commander.

Lin Shu also got into the car. He sat beside Kang Lei, while Li Erniu sat in the back.

The convoy continued forward.

Sensing the faint aura on Kang Lei's body, he gave off a feeling of dignity without being angry. It was like an ancient general holding the fort, inexplicably stable. Lin Shu could not help but sigh.

As expected of a veteran who had fought in a war!

Lin Shu was clear that this aura came from Kang Lei's experience on the battlefield. All the veterans who had fought in the war had it, and Kang Lei's aura was even stronger!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the car was a little heavy.

Kang Lei didn't say a word. Lin Shu wasn't a talkative person either. He was trying to recall some things about this exercise that happened in the drama.

Li Erniu, on the other hand, felt the oppressing and solemn atmosphere and could not help but swallow his saliva. He asked nervously,

"R-Regiment Commander, are we really facing war right now?"

Kang Lei, who was resting with his arms crossed, glanced at him. "Do you want to go to the toilet? Taking number one or two?"

In other words, was he afraid and wanted to escape?

Li Erniu obviously understood the meaning behind Kang Lei's words and hurriedly said,

"Not Regiment Commander, I…I'm not afraid! If we really fight, I'm not afraid! The Iron Fist Regiment must always be on high alert! Prepare for war!"

"Hmph!" Kang Lei sneered. "Your division has already run two miles, and you're still left behind. Are you still on high alert and preparing for war?"

"Go back and apply for the division. Go to the kitchen!"

Li Erniu lowered his head in shame. His words made Commander Kang soften. "C-Commander, I am from the kitchen…"

Kang Lei's pupils instantly enlarged, shocking!

"Then you should go to the farm to raise pigs!"

"What? That's..." Li Erniu did not dare to look at Kang Lei anymore. He lowered his head. He knew that he had fallen behind and would definitely be punished when he returned. He could not help but secretly hate himself. Why couldn't he react faster like Chenguang, Yanbing, and Lin Shu?

Kang Lei was speechless when he saw his cowardly look. "Then who was the one who recruited you?"


Meanwhile, at the same time, as they were moving forward, a small team was hiding about a kilometer away.

They were the Wild Wolf Squad of the Blue Army's Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade, and they were in charge of the beheading operation!

The Iron Fist Regiment was the main force of this exercise. As a veteran mechanized infantry regiment with a long history and glorious tradition, the threat was not small. The Blue Army Special Forces would not let it go.

The sniper from the Wild Wolf Squad observed the convoy through their optical sniper scope.