Operation: Beheading!

At this moment, in the command center of the Blue Army's Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade.

The colonels were expressionless as they watched the aerial images from the drones.

If Lin Shu saw the colonel now, he would definitely recognize him. He was the famous Fan Tianlei, also known as Fan Tiankeng!

In the command center, all kinds of electronic signals kept beeping.

The technicians operated the system meticulously to ensure that the data from the drone's aerial photography could be stably transmitted to the terminal on this side.

In front of a liquid crystal display screen, the scene of Kang Lei's convoy moving forward was displayed.

When Fan Tianlei's subordinate, Major Chen Shanming, saw this he smiled. "It's going to be easy!"

"Don't be too proud,"

Fan Tianlei said, "Old Kang is an old regiment commander who has fought in wars before. How can we kill him so easily?" Hurry up and activate the emergency plan. The battle has not yet begun, and it is still unknown who will win,"

Regarding the Iron Fist Regiment Commander Kang Lei…

Fan Tianlei didn't dare to be careless. Just as he said, that man was an old regiment commander who had fought in battles and had rich combat experience.

Fan Tianlei was an old comrade of his and was even Kang Lei's subordinate. Kang Lei had dug him out from a pile of dead bodies back then.

This operation was actually a surprise attack he had planned.

Modern information warfare would catch them off-guard. Even Kang Lei would not have thought that they would be so bold as to execute their regiment commander at the Iron Fist Regiment's doorstep.

Wolf Fang was the signature of the Southeast Military Region, the elite of the elite!

They had the most advanced equipment and weapons, and special operations and information warfare was equally important.

"The drill is to remind the regular troops that times have changed. Modern warfare is all about high-tech reconnaissance and information infiltration. We can take action right under the enemy's nose!"

Fan Tianlei muttered to himself, feeling emotional.

Why did they have to do a drill?

The exercise was a confrontation. The Iron Fist Regiment was not bad, but they still fought according to the conventional method. They were outdated. This was also a common problem for many conventional troops.

At that moment, the Wild Wolf Squad's report came through the walkie-talkie.

"Golden Condor! Wild Wolf Squad reporting, we have seen Iron Fist No. 1. It is estimated that the 'operation: beheading' will begin in three minutes! Over!"

Fan Tianlei picked up the walkie-talkie, "Golden Eagle received. Waiting for Hawkeye to attack. Over!"

"Wild Wolf Squad, copy!"


Kang Lei still did not know that he had been targeted by the Wolf Fang, nor did he expect the Blue Army Special Forces to be so bold.

Kang Lei didn't want to pay attention to that coward Li Erniu. He turned his gaze to Lin Shu and silently nodded to himself. This kid's temperament is not bad.

As a veteran soldier who had served in the army for more than twenty years and had participated in real wars, Kang Lei's judgment of people could be said to be quite vicious and extraordinary. He could basically spot them at a glance.

He could tell that Lin Shu and Li Erniu were fundamentally different.

They were also left behind, but from the beginning to the end, there was no panic on this kid's face. Even when he got into his car, there was not much change in his expression.

More importantly, a mere private was holding a sniper rifle.

For a private to be able to be a sniper in the Sharpshooter 4th Division, which was filled with experts in shooting, he must have some strength.

"What's your name?" Kang Lei asked curiously.

"Reporting, Commander. My name is Lin Shu."

"What? You're Lin Shu?" Kang Lei's eyes paused, and he was in disbelief.

Of course, he was not unfamiliar with the name Lin Shu. With just an 88 sniper rifle, he had broken the colorful flagpole from 1200 meters away. This feat had spread like wildfire in the Iron Fist Regiment. Naturally, it could not escape his ears as the leader.

Even Kang Lei had planned to meet this sniper genius with his own eyes, but he had been delayed because he was busy preparing for the annual military exercise.

But soon, a strange smile appeared on Kang Lei's face.

"Everyone in the regiment has described you very vividly. Your instructor has also constantly mentioned to me that he has a recruit called Lin Shu who has a super talent for sniping. His military accomplishments are even more peerless. Now it seems that your true strength has to be discounted in my heart."

Lin Shu understood what Kang Tuan was implying.

It was nothing more than the fact that the regiment had praised you as a god, that you were better than the veterans in training, and that you had no opponents in sniping and shooting. However, with such strong military qualities, you actually fell behind?!

What did this mean? A new recruit was still a new recruit. No matter how strong he was on the training ground, he would be useless if he had diarrhea in actual combat.

Lin Shu smiled bitterly in his heart. It was all thanks to that f*cking diarrhea!

However, Lin Shu did not explain much in the face of Captain Kang's sarcasm. The strength of a person was not determined by words but by actions!!

"Commander…" Li Erniu was simple-minded. Seeing that Commander Kang doubted Lin Shu's strength, he wanted to explain to Lin Shu that he had fallen behind because of a bad stomach. However, before he could say anything, suddenly—

The drones hovering in the sky, under the control of the Wolf Fang technicians, immediately locked onto Kang Lei's convoy.


Two missiles were launched from the left and right wings of the drone. They crashed down and exploded in front of the convoy. With a boom, a huge flame rose and dust billowed.

This wasn't the end. The sounds of explosions continued to ring out from the surroundings. It was ear-splitting!

The motorcade inevitably braked hard. They were already moving at high speed on the uneven dirt road. The sudden brake caught Kang Lei off guard. Due to the force of gravity, his body suddenly rushed forward.

In front of him were the backrests of the driver's seat and the co-driver's seat. If he hit them, his bones would be broken!

At that moment, Lin Shu, who had already raised his combat awareness to 6, reacted quickly. He placed one foot in front of the car seat and leaned back. At the same time, he raised his arm in front of Kang Lei and firmly pressed him back into the seat to avoid the fracture caused by the inertia.

In fact, with the help of the Marrow Cleansing Pill, Lin Shu's Constitution Strength, Willpower, and Battle Awareness had increased from four points to six points.

'What a fast reaction. This kid is not simple. He has martial arts…'

Kang Lei was secretly surprised. It was not an exaggeration to say that the situation just now happened in a flash. His movement was not the reaction of any ordinary people's reaction.

However, Lin Shu could react in less than 0.5 seconds. Not only did he protect himself, but he also protected him!

Li Erniu rubbed his head, which caused him to be a little dizzy from the impact. He looked out of the car window in a daze. "What's going on?"

"Operation Decapitation!" Lin Shu said in a deep voice.

Kang Lei looked at Lin Shu in surprise. This kid knew about the decapitation operation?

Li Erniu was shocked. "Are they really commencing this operation?"

"..." Kang Lei remained silent.

They were both recruits, but why was the difference between them so huge?

At this moment, the drones continued to bombard their attacks. The guards who were forced to stop hurriedly got out of the car. There were bursts of coughing, and the scene was a mess.

"The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking!"

"Quick, protect the Guild Leader…"

"Be on your guard!!"

The soldiers of the security platoon reacted quickly. They leaned against the military vehicle and guarded the surroundings with their guns.

  1. Fun fact: The nickname "Tiankeng" (天坑) means "sinkhole".