Forest Viper!

"Of course, it's to give the Blue Army a taste of their own medicine! They beheaded our Iron Fist regiment's commander, so we'll kill his entire regiment!"

A cold smile appeared on Lin Shu's face as he said faintly, "The Blue Army's Air Force Regiment is extremely precious. Once we get rid of it, not only can we avenge the regiment commander, but it can also play a huge role in the victory or defeat of the entire exercise!"

Wang Yanbing understood what Lin Shu meant.

"You want to take out their air firepower equipment, which is equivalent to taking out one of the Blue Army's hands?"

"Something like that!" Lin Shu nodded and recalled the situation of this exercise in his mind. He slowly said,

"In this exercise, the Red Team and Blue Team's forces are unbalanced. In terms of numbers, the Red Team has the advantage, but the Blue Team's overall strength is stronger than ours. The reason is that they have an additional rocket brigade and special forces brigade.

"Don't even think about building a Rocket Brigade. We're not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth, but getting rid of one of their aviation regiments is also enough to make the Blue Army suffer!"

In the entire Southeast Military Region, there were only two aviation regiments. In this exercise, there was one from each side.

One could imagine what kind of blow it would be to the Blue Army if they took out a division of the Blue Army. Although such a blow could not directly affect the direction of the victory and defeat them, it was enough to let the Red Team catch their breath when the Red Team was defeated. Thus, the Red Team and the Blue Team in this exercise would once again appear to be equal.

This was Lin Shu's aim!

After listening to Lin Shu's analysis, Wang Yanbing stared at him for a while.

"Lin Shu, I think you were blind to be a soldier. You should go to military school and be a decision-maker!"

He couldn't help but admire Lin Shu's brain and way of thinking… He only had sincere admiration toward him! Ever since the 6th Division was broken up, Wang Yanbing did not know what to do. There was only one thought in his mind, to defeat the Blue Army! But what should he do? He had no idea at all.

But what about Lin Shu?

Even though he was separated from the main group, his thoughts and goals were still clear. What was the difference?

That was the difference! He couldn't accept it!

"Come on, how can I get into a military school?" Lin Shu knew this well. Whether he was in his previous life or the original owner of this body, in terms of academic performance… They were all quite ordinary and were destined to have no fate with the military academy.

When Wang Yanbing heard this, he did not continue the topic. "Do you have any ideas on how we should set up the Army Air Force?"

"In a while, let's do this..."

Lin Shu began to deploy a detailed action plan. He spoke out the ideas in his mind in an orderly manner, as well as some things that needed attention. Finally, he asked Wang Yanbing,

"That's the general plan of action. Do you have any ideas to add?"

Wang Yanbing shook his head. "Your plan is very good. I have nothing to add."

"Then get ready to take action!"


Lin Shu and the others had already gotten the coordinates of the Army Air Force from the Blue Army captain who had just been killed. They drove to the vicinity and Lin Shu observed the surrounding terrain through the optical scope of the sniper rifle.

The Army Regiment was very large, and it was an open plain. It was heavily guarded, and it was unrealistic to charge in.

They could only sneak in secretly. It was also difficult to sneak in from the front. Lin Shu set his target on the mountain behind the group.

Although there would also be a defense there, it would be better to cover their movements because of the surrounding mountains. Even if they failed to hide, they could immediately retreat and be safer!

However, this way, they would have to make a long detour. They could not drive anymore and had to abandon the car.

"It's 2:45 in the morning now. We have to go around to the back of the Army Regiment as fast as possible and take advantage of the cover of the night." Lin Shu said as he looked at his watch. "You still good?"

Wang Yanbing shook his head. "You've underestimated my stamina. No problem!"

"Alright, let's go!"

Lin Shu didn't waste any more time. He and Wang Yanbing went through the mountains again. They brought their weapons and equipment and ran for a long distance.

After an hour and ten minutes, they covered fifteen kilometers of mountain roads. By the time they arrived at the back of the army regiment, it was already 3:55 in the morning.

Lin Shu's expression was normal. His body was a little hot, and his breathing was still. However, Wang Yanbing was already panting like a cow, and his face was covered in sweat.

It wasn't that Wang Yanbing's physical fitness was bad. A 70-minute armed run of 15 kilometers was considered an excellent result for a frontline combat unit. Moreover, Wang Yanbing didn't rest at all that night. He was either fighting or fleeing on the mountain.

"You... Your physical fitness... Really... You're really not human!" Wang Yanbing panted.

Lin Shu smiled. Now that his Constitution Strength had reached 6 points, it was not just for show. He had to take care of Wang Yanbing. Otherwise, he would have been even faster.

Now that they had entered the back of the group, Lin Shu looked at his watch.

"Rest here for ten minutes to recover your strength."

Wang Yanbing found a tree to lean against and sat down. He took a small sip of water from the kettle and did not say a word.

Lin Shu also sat down to rest for a while. As he rested, he filtered the next action plan in his mind to see where he needed to adjust and where he needed to improve.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Lin Shu patted Wang Yanbing's shoulder punctually.

"Yanbing, listen to me. It's 4:05 now. There's about an hour and a half before dawn. Now is the time when the Blue Army is the most sleepy. This is also the chance for us to succeed! In an hour and a half, we have to complete two missions:"

"First, silently destroy the arsenal of the Army Regiment and get a large number of explosives."

"Second, behead the regiment commander…"

"I'll take care of the arsenal with you first, then you'll be in charge of the explosives, and I'll be in charge of the sniping. After the operation is over, we'll take advantage of the chaos to retreat from here and here and meet up at Area 022. You clear?"

This was Lin Shu's plan. He would blow up the aircraft of the army regiment and behead the commander of the army regiment at the same time!

In this way, the Army Air Force, which had lost its armed helicopters and command, was just a group of headless flies and could not pose a threat.


"Let's go!"

... Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing shuttled through the jungle again. Soon, they saw the garrison team at the back of the mountain. The two of them were lying on the slope.

Wang Yanbing looked through the sniper scope. "The garrison team has a group of people. We are not sure if there are any hidden sentries. Over!"

"I've found the hidden sentry. Two sniper teams, two people in each team. Crossfire and cover the garrison team…" Lin Shu reported the scene from the sniper's optical scope.

"Looks like we have to destroy the sniper team first before we can enter," Wang Yanbing said.

Lin Shu nodded, "Stay there and cover. I'll be responsible for clearing these two sniper teams."

In such a situation, they definitely couldn't shoot. Once they were fired, their position would be exposed. Wang Yanbing wasn't suitable to make a move, and Lin Shu, who had mastered the SS-level Snake Movement skill, was simply a weapon for silent assassination.

Lin Shu was absolutely confident that he could eliminate them before the sniper team could find him!

"Can you do it alone?" Wang Yanbing could not help but ask.

"Watch and see," Lin Shu smiled faintly and put down his sniper rifle, starting his assassination!

Seeing Lin Shu being so confident, Wang Yanbing couldn't say anything for a while. He took the sniper rifle and aimed at the sniper team that Lin Shu had reported to him just now. If the situation went south, he would shoot and kill the sniper team immediately to buy time for Lin Shu to retreat.

To be honest, the sniping team of the Army Air Force was not that good. In Wang Yanbing's opinion, they were far inferior to their Iron Fist Regiment!

Putting everything else aside, Wang Yanbing could clearly see the layout of the sniper position from 400 meters away.

'One person taking out two sniper teams… Is that even possible?' Wang Yanbing could not help but mutter.

Immediately after, Wang Yanbing's eyes widened. Where did Lin Shu go? Why couldn't he see at all? He hurriedly and carefully searched, but he still could not find him. It was as if it had completely disappeared!

That was impossible!

Even under the cover of the night and camouflage uniform, he would have been able to see traces of Lin Shu's movements!

While he was still looking for Lin Shu's figure, Wang Yanbing suddenly noticed the sniper team 400 meters away from the corner of his eye. His head suddenly tilted.

Had he already taken out a sniper team?!

Wang Yanbing's eyes widened. F*ck, this was completely unreasonable, right? He hadn't even noticed Lin Shu's shadow, and Lin Shu had already successfully eliminated a whole sniper team?!

Then, after another minute or two, another sniper team was eliminated!

Just at that moment, Lin Shu's voice came through the radio, "The sniper team has been cleared. Soldier, when I take out their garrison team, bring your weapons and equipment to meet me!"

Wang Yanbing suppressed the shock in his heart. "Roger!"

This time, he finally saw how Lin Shu moved.

Lin Shu was crawling in the grass like the most ferocious and poisonous snake. He approached the garrison team without making a sound, but the four soldiers of the Army Aerial Force did not notice him at all. They were even yawning and looking a little sleepy.

At this moment, Lin Shu, who was about 20 meters away from them, pulled out a 92 pistol from the holster on his thigh and screwed the silencer on.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He decisively pulled the trigger. In the next second, thick smoke instantly rose from the bodies of the four soldiers guarding the team.


"You guys are dead. Follow the drill rules!" Lin Shu said at the four people from the Army Aerial Force who were dumbfounded with an expressionless faces. After saying that, he waved at Wang Yanbing.

The garrison captain glanced at the 'Blue Army' on Lin Shu's armband and could not help but say, "Aren't you one of us?"

Lin Shu looked sideways, then tore off the blue team's armband and put on the red team's armband. He smiled and said,

"Sorry, I forgot. I'm actually a member of the Red Army!"


After Wang Yanbing came over with the weapons and equipment, the two of them quickly changed into their military ranks, armbands, and other things. The eyes of the few people from the Army Aerial Force widened, and the captain said in disbelief,

"You two private soldiers dare to mess with our army?!"

"The brave will die from overfilling, and the timid will starve to death!" Lin Shu's lips curled up.

The squad leader seemed to have thought of something and quickly asked, "Where are our two sniper teams? What did you do to them?"

"They're fine, they're just temporarily unconscious. Also, I want to emphasize again, abide by the drill rules!"

In order to prevent the sniper team from breaking the rules and shouting and reporting, Lin Shu did not show mercy and directly knocked them out! Not only that, but Lin Shu also asked Wang Yanbing to remove all the walkie-talkies of the four garrison teams.

It was very important to carry out the operation of the army regiment. If these people did not abide by the rules of the exercise, all their previous efforts would be wasted!