Goodbye, Commander!

Even after getting rid of the troops responsible for guarding the periphery, they still could not let their guard down. The next step was the core of this operation. They had to be careful and complete the two tasks of blasting and beheading as quickly as possible!

They must not make any mistakes in any of the steps, or all their previous efforts would be up for naught.

Lin Shu didn't need to say much. Wang Yanbing was very clear about the consequences. The two of them were on high alert. They formed a two-man tactical formation and carefully advanced into the hinterland of the Blue Army Air Force.

During this time, they would also avoid the patrolling soldiers as much as possible to prevent unnecessary battles from happening.

Just like that, the Blue Army would never have thought that the already declining Red Army would have two private soldiers so bold as to dare to move around in their base camp.

Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing were like ghosts in the night, moving around the enemy camp without anyone noticing.

"Lu Hang's arsenal is in front!" Lin Shu pointed at a two-story building in front of them and said in a low voice.

Wang Yanbing took a look and grinned. "It seems that the Blue Army didn't expect us to come to their Regiment. Only two people are guarding the arsenal."

"This is our chance! Next, we have to split up."

Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing split up and moved along the edges of the walls, quietly heading toward the entrance of the armory.

Sure enough, they didn't notice Lin Shu. It was four o'clock in the morning. The Blue Army, who had been guarding the night, was the most sleepy at this time. The two soldiers responsible for guarding the arsenal didn't notice them at all.

In fact, this was normal. Guarding the armory was important. It was very important, but that was all!

Think about it! The battle outside was in full swing. The Red Team was either fleeing or fighting. Who would want to mess with the Army Regiment? Not to mention, from the start of the exercise until now, dozens of hours had passed. They were fine under the high-intensity tension. It was difficult not to let their guard down now that it was dawn.

However, they won't be expecting Lin Shu to appear in the exercise. A guy who had not fully undergone military training and had not developed a combat mind.

Moreover... they won't be expecting someone who had such crazy energy in his bones!

"Haa… I've been standing here all night. I'm so sleepy!"

"Bear with it a little longer. There's still an hour and a half before the shift change."

The two guards chatted casually, clearly bored to death.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind each of them and covered their mouths. They widened their eyes and were about to struggle when their jaws were hit and they fainted.

This was what Old Hei had told them. A person's chin was very weak and would faint when hit by 15 kilograms of force.

After all, they couldn't kill their comrades in the drill, so this move was very useful.

Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing looked at each other and smiled. Then, they dragged the two unlucky fellows to the side and sneaked into the armory. They started to get a large amount of explosives and replenish their ammunition.

By the time the two of them came out, each of them was at least 30 pounds heavier.

The following blasting mission was much simpler. The arsenal and every armed helicopter had set up a bomb point and connected the explosives to a detonation device. Wang Yanbing's mission was to be responsible for the targeted explosion at a predetermined time.

"Let's go over the plan one more time. It's 4:45 now… Soldier Yan, I'm going to find a sniper position. At 4:55, whether I'm in position or not, you have to carry out the explosion. Understand?"

Lin Shu's voice came from the radio. 

"Understood, over!" Wang Yanbing replied. 

Lin Shu had already separated from Wang Yanbing when they were setting up the "bombs".

"Good! After the operation is over, we will retreat separately and meet up at Area 022. Over!" Lin Shu said.

"Roger, over!"

After confirming that there was no problem on Wang Yanbing's side, Lin Shu also began to move quickly. He came to the six-story building about 1000 meters away from the Army Air Regiment Command. He took a look downstairs. The roof was the best sniper position, but it was too easy to be exposed if he wanted to climb to the roof of the building.


Lin Shu let out a long breath. He put his gun behind his back and prepared to climb up the roof along the pipe outside the building.

Fortunately, these pipes were external. Otherwise, Lin Shu didn't know how to climb up.

However, if someone knew that Lin Shu had done such a crazy thing, they would shout that Lin Shu was crazy!

This was a drill. The sixth floor was about 20 meters long. Lin Shu didn't take any safety measures to climb. What if something happened?

Of course, Lin Shu also knew that this was very risky, but he was confident.

Besides, he had to have a different will and courage as a soldier. Otherwise, why did he think that he could behead the regiment commander of the Army and even the commander of the Blue Army?


After climbing to the roof, Lin Shu heaved a sigh of relief. His tense nerves finally relaxed for a short while.

His physical strength, willpower, and battle awareness had all reached 6 points, which was several times higher than ordinary people's. This was good and all, but it did not mean that Lin Shu was a superman. If he had slipped and fallen when he climbed, he would not have recovered either. He might even have lost his life!

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't nervous.

Lin Shu looked at the time on his watch. It was 4:52 am. Lin Shu did not waste any more time. He quickly got into a lying position and aimed his sniper rifle at the regiment headquarters. He opened the cover of the optical scope and entered shooting mode.

Time ticked by…

4:53 am…

4:54 am…

When his watch showed 4:55, there was a loud bang. It was the arsenal's first explosion!

Then, a series of explosions boomed one after another.

Thick smoke rose from the assault helicopters one after another, announcing that they had been blown up. The entire regiment headquarters was in chaos. Soldiers in camouflage uniforms ran out one by one, making all kinds of noises. It was a mess!

"This is the art of blasting!" Lin Shu's lips curled up as he muttered to himself.

How spectacular!

If this was a real battlefield or a real explosion, the scene would be even more spectacular!

... The explosion outside naturally alerted the senior leaders of the Army Aerial Regiment!

At the Regiment headquarters, Regiment Commander Zhang of the Air Force Regiment was in the midst of planning the next battle when he was startled by the explosions. At this moment, a major knocked on the door and barged in.

"Regiment Commander, bad news. Our… Our armory and helicopter were all blown up!"

"What?!" Regiment Commander Zhang's eyes widened. "Who did it? Quick!" Let's go out and take a look!"

He was about to leave when the major stopped him and advised, "Captain, I suspect that the Red Team is still active in our base camp. If you go out at this time… It would be too risky!"

Indeed, when the enemy was active in the base camp, the best choice for the supreme commander was to not show his face to avoid the enemy's beheading operation.

"Risky my *ss!!!"

Who knew that the regiment commander also had a bad temper and cursed, "Someone just blew up my arsenal and planes? There's something wrong! I don't believe that they would dare to stay and try to behead me after blowing up my arsenal and helicopter!"

"Uh…" The major knew that he couldn't persuade the regiment commander, so he said to the soldiers behind him, "Protect the Regiment Commander!"


Just like that, Lin Shu, who was hiding on the roof, suddenly saw a group of people walking out of the regiment headquarters.

The leader was a colonel, a regimental officer. However, Lin Shu only glanced at him and slightly moved the muzzle to aim at a corporal. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly as he muttered to himself,

"Goodbye, Commander!"

In the next second, Lin Shu decisively pulled the trigger.
