Before she'd close her eyes, she stared at Darius and Yvette who was sitting right across her with their hands holding each other. She held on tightly to the stone Yvette just handed her a while ago.

As Yvette started her chants, she closed her eyes while mentally preparing for what's about to happen.

As Yvette's voice started fading away, she noticed how the wind turned chilly. She gulped as she felt the sudden gush of the wind slowly filling her senses. She started feeling that strong force pulling her towards the insides of the earth. Yvette's voice completely faded from earshot and she felt her subconscious feeling lighter.

She slowly opened her eyes trying to brace herself with what she would soon encounter.

She found herself sitting in the middle of a carpeted modern-style living room. Her eyes started to roam around the rose gold painted interior. She noticed how high the ceiling was and how the chandeliers were noticeably expensive.

She slowly stood up as she continued observing the entire place. The walls were filled with movie posters starred by Bridgette herself. There's a helical staircase that would lead to the second floor of the house while the entire living room was dominated by the plush-colored sofas.

She stopped walking on the footsteps of the staircase and looked up slowly as she heard voices. They were barely audible yet she knows they were in there somewhere.

She started to take a step on the stairs as she clasped her hands tighter. She knew that whatever she would witness in this place, there'd be no more turning back.

She ascended towards the staircase as the voices became clearer and clearer. As she reached the top step, she stopped and looked at the seemingly long hallway.

If Bridgette was indeed living alone, how could she have such a huge house without anyone else living with her?

She started walking towards where she thought the voices were coming from. While she was walking down the hallway, she took note of the paintings that were hung on each of the walls.

They were signed by Bridgette herself and she noticed how every painting seemed to have become darker and darker.

She stopped in front of a painting that aroused her curiosity. It was of a woman wearing a white cloak facing a huge tub. The entire canvass was painted with blood red and mixed with the highlights of black.

She suddenly felt entranced by the painting. There was something about it that made her look at it even more not even minding where she is at the moment.

Her mind only lost its focus from the painting when she heard heavy footsteps in the room next to it. When she turned to look at the door, she saw Bridgette opening the door with two cups in her hands.

In this state, she is invisible to anyone who is in this event, an intricate detail to her paranormal powers that she thought would make sure she doesn't get to change anything that has already happened.

She followed along like a shadow to Bridgette as she went inside what seemed to be the master's bedroom.

In the corner of her room where her windows were, a man stood looking out into the dark clouds outside.

He stood tall at perhaps six feet and was wearing a neat black tuxedo. Bridgette handed the other cup to him as she took a sip from the hot concoction. As soon as she was done, she flinched and let her tongue out symbolizing it didn't taste well.

"Cocoa and vodka do not go very well for me," she stated yet she took another sip and this time around closed her eyes as she managed to disregard how it tasted.

She looked out the window the same way as he too was looking out of it with the cup in his hand and the other was tucked inside his pocket.

"Are you ready?"

What he said turned the whole room silent. It took a long time before Bridgette could answer and the moment she did, Jamie saw how her eyes started to get teary.

"It's not something that I could avoid. No matter what I do. They'll keep coming for me." her voice sounded weak.

"You know there's no escape right? Even if you managed to do so a long time ago, they can come looking for you. They just won't stop." the man standing beside Bridgette turned to her.

He was wearing heavily graded eyeglasses while his hair was in an army cut. His face was worried and was filled with conviction.

"Escaping from that camp was the best decision we've made. I think it is the best decision you've made too. We're safe even if it was temporary, there's no arguing about that. I just hope that when I make this sacrifice, they won't come looking for Elizabeth. I have done so much to make sure she is safe. It would be such a waste if she too would be compromised."

"I will take care of her, I promise."

Bridgette placed her cup on the bedside table as she walked towards the bathroom and took off her robe.

Jamie followed suit and found the bathroom extremely creepy.

There were candles all over the place and the tub was half-filled. In her mind, she recalled the photo of the crime scene that Darius showed them. It was the same tub yet she could not remember if there were any candles on the crime scene.

The man she was talking to followed her as well and elegantly, clothed his hands with surgical gloves. He carefully took off his coat and helped Bridgette get into the tub slowly.

"Remember, set your mind in peace. Say the words carefully and repeatedly. This sacrifice should be worth it. For your sister and for all the girls you helped escape from that camp."

"Please tell me it will all be okay."

He walked towards where her head was and kneel to whisper something in her ears. Jamie could read his lips, saying those comforting words. Bridgette started sobbing as she too started to mumble some words. Perhaps the sacrifice they're talking about is beginning.

It all felt too solemn but nothing prepared Jamie for what happened next. The man she was talking to, carefully put out a small knife from nowhere and gently ran it into her throat.

Jamie gasped as she saw how her blood started flowing from her throat.

Her eyes opened as she continued to mumble and looked up into the ceiling with tears falling from her eyes.

Jamie started feeling weak as she saw how the man started to cut both her wrists as well. She felt both cuts as though she was the one receiving them.

Jamie noticed her tears started welling up. She was stuck in her feet, unable to move while seeing how Bridgette's eyes slowly lost their life. Her lips stopped mumbling as her blood continued to fill the tub.

The man she was with slowly stood up. He took off the latex gloves filled with blood and placed them inside a zip lock bag.

He took another set of gloves and put it in his hands. One by one, he blew each candle as he started mumbling a chant she could barely hear.

As soon as he managed to put out every single candle in the room, he stood in front of Bridgette.

Everything turned even more intense as Jamie noticed how his gaze turned towards where she was standing.

Does he know I am here?

The man smirked and slowly without taking his eyes off of where she was, walked towards her.

His presence made her nervous and seemingly placed a nail in both her toes. Her body stiffened as she felt a powerful aura starting to take over the whole room.

"In another time, I will see you." he started to whisper. "All of this has to happen and you will soon find out why. I will see you soon."

The chilling sound of his voice filled her entire being and sent chills all over her spine.

How is this possible?

"A quo factum est, ut vadam revertar," he whispered every word with eloquence and circumspection.

She closed her eyes and gulped as she mustered all strength she has to keep herself from panicking.

She stopped her impending sob and opened her eyes once again.

The moment she did, she was no longer inside Bridgette's room. She found herself in the alley of a Victorian-style building walking steadfastly towards a girl.

She was now wearing a white cloak with a gold-like chain around her waist.

She stopped in front of the girl whom she estimated to be around eleven years old.

"We have to get out tonight. They're planning on doing the sacrifice by midnight." she noticed herself whisper.

Was it possible that she's inside the body of this young girl?

"But we are not prepared." this other girl said to her.

"We have to be. This cult is going to kill all of us. We can't be here anymore. We have to disappear."

The other girl nodded. She seemed familiar. Is this Elizabeth? Bridgette's sister?

"When do we escape?"

"Tonight, at ten. We can't be late. Someone will be waiting for us. Tell the rest." she said before walking away from her trying to avoid anyone from seeing them.

What cult? Are they in one right now?