As new as it was to him, Darius swiftly transitioned towards another dimension after seeing Jamie's eyes close moments before he too was taken to this platform. His training has enabled him to remain calm and collected right now regardless of how dark this garden he is situated in is.

The silence of the night was defeaning, yet he took notice of every single movement in his surrounding.

The moment he was transported to this paranormal platform, he saw himself wearing what seemed to be a soldier's uniform.

He was living someone else's life in this dimension and he is hiding right now behind the bushes of a Victorian-style house that seemed to be structured around the year 1910. His army watch was telling him that it was already 10 PM dated June 15th of 2007.

The date may be very recent yet that huge house screamed danger to him. It's filled with long dark alleys with about a hundred rooms. Its location is on the top of a steep mountain and isolated from the rest of the world.

He took note of a truck parking not too far from where he is right now. He wondered what it was that's going to happen tonight and how is it related to the murder of the Hawthorne sisters.

Not a few minutes passed when a bunch of girls wearing white robes came rushing out of the building each holding someone else's hands.

Involuntarily, his hands waved towards one of the girls. Despite the steep place, they managed to run through the darkness and reach where he's hiding.

He reached out to each one of them as he helped them out in getting into the truck.

He counted ten of them and one of the girls leaned towards him and hugged him before she could get in.

"Thank you for being here."

"We better hurry. I don't think ten girls out would go unnoticed."

She nodded as she carefully tucked in the cover of the truck's back.

As soon as everyone was in, he hovered over towards the driver's seat and started the engine.

He drove off towards the forest that surrounded the entire place and did his best to get a very good visual of where they were heading despite the fog that covered the road.

He managed to get out of the forest still safe up until he noticed that someone was blocking the entrance of the mountain.

Two people stood there with their faces covered by the hood of the dark cloaks they were wearing. He noticed one very distinct thing that they were wearing, a red pendant that reflected throughout the night.

He was forced to pull into a stop. His heart started beating so fast as he turned his head towards the small window that served as the only light that all the girls could see from inside the truck.

"Girls, you'll have to take care of yourselves from here on. As fast as you can, I need you to RUN!" he emphasized the last words as though their life depended on it.

He descended from the driver's seat and slowly walked towards the two individuals blocking the road.

One of them took off his hood and looked at him wantonly.

"How dare you betray us Uriah!" this man's baritone voice started to creep him out. The other person standing beside him started walking towards his truck.

"I only want to help them. What you're doing is not righteous! Those girls do not deserve the fate you have set upon them!"

"Who are you to decide what is righteous and what is not? All of this is bigger than anyone one of us. You know that! I do not want for these girls to be sacrificed but it is not up to me."

"Of course it is up to you! They are someone's daughters, someone's sisters and they will become someone's mothers! How could you decide their fate for them!"

"It's out of my hand Uriah!"

"Then you can go ahead and stop me if you want." as he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a pang of pain shoot up his back. That pain ramped up towards the upper part of his body. He knew it hit a major part of his vertebrae. It felt stiff all the way to searing and blinding agony. He felt himself puke some blood as the pain continued to dominate his entire being.

Before he knew it, he felt the cold-stone ground against his body as he slowly became immobile. His eyes moved around as he saw how the girls started separating and ran out of the truck towards the desolated forest.

Darius who's mind was in this man's body was feeling all the pain he was feeling. He kept trying to blink his eyes in an attempt to keep himself alive yet it steadied while the vision of three girls falling to the ground plastered in his eyes.

In his mind, he took note of every detail of the man who stabbed him. He too was wearing a dog tag which would simply mean that this man named Uriah knew him all along.

Before his senses turned totally off, he could barely hear some of the girls shouting as slowly, one by one, some of them too were stabbed just like him.

His vision turned totally black while his entire body felt weak and yet, his mind remained conscious. He felt his body and mind traveling from one dimension to another. Before he knew it, he noticed how his entire weight was being carried while his eyes struggled to view who it was who was carrying him.

He could barely hear the heavy footsteps brought about what seemed to be a pair of boots making a sound from the friction it created against the floor.

He was placed on top of a comfy couch still struggling to get a better view of who was helping him all the while feeling groggy. He was dozing off heavily like he was drugged and had no choice but to close his eyes again. Before his eyelids completely shut off, he saw a piece of the camouflage pants that started breaking out the cascarilla that was formed on the floor.

With his hoarse voice and clouded mind, he whispered, "Uriah." Then his mind stopped thinking and fell right into a deep slumber.