I sat down in front of both of them as I was the last to have awoken from the entire experience. Jamie and Yvette were skimming through the photos I have once given them with hot coffees in their hands.

I sternly looked at both of them as they discussed something as though they were the only ones in there. I cleared my throat in an attempt to get their attention and as I suspected, they stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Do we need to talk about it?" I looked at both of them as they too stared at me.

I soon heard both of them sigh. They looked at each other before they turned to me.

"It was bizarre and the moment I woke up, there was something in me that was saying that I have to stand up and figure out exactly what happened to both the Hawthorne sisters," Jamie spoke as she was holding the photograph of Elizabeth's crime scene.

"I felt the same way too." Yvette seconded.

I looked around as I recalled something before I closed my eyes just after the whole paranormal travel happened. I stared out the floor and a sudden flash of a pair of boots started coming into me.

"Was there anyone else in here?" I stared out to the floor where we were setting up the cascarilla just a few moments ago.

"Who do you mean?" Yvette stared out to the same floor I was looking at.

The floor was now cleaned and not even a single trace of the powder could be seen.

"How long was I out?" my eyes were still fixed on the floor.

"About an hour." Yvette handed me a cup of newly brewed coffee.

"I remembered seeing a pair of boots when I came back. Someone carried me towards the couch."

Both Jamie and Yvette looked at me strangely. I could see in their faces that they too have the same question in their mind. I knew someone else was there.

"There was no one else in here when we woke up. You must have been hallucinating or something." Yvette gathered the photos on the table once again.

"That must be it." my brows arched as I recalled as hard as I can what happened before I blacked out. I'm sure there was someone else inside the house.

"Jamie? Do you see anyone else in here right now?" I gulped as I finished out my question.

Jamie's eyes began to roam around the entire flat. She walked towards the other part of the room as well and started peeking.

"I don't see anyone right now. Not even a soul," she confirmed.

I sighed as a sudden relief flooded inside me. It must have just been a part of my imagination.

I sat on the stool just across both of them. For a moment, a deafening silence started to fill the entire room.

"There was a man, on the night that they escaped, he was waiting for them outside. I sort of took over his identity during that time." each of them threw a look at me.

"So we were all in the same flashback again?" Yvette hesitantly asked.

"I think so." I looked at her as I noticed how her brown eyes grew fearful. For the first time since I've met her, she looked different. She looked scared.

"What happened to both of you while we were at that limbo?"

Jamie sighed as she seemed to have gathered all the strength she has to recall everything that has happened.

"These sisters went through so much. I think that whoever killed them is related to the cult. It was as if they were supposed to be sacrificed, all ten of them." she was touching her finger repeatedly, filled with anxiety.

"Did you see anything in particular that we could use to research for them?" I asked trying to force both of them to spill all of the things they've seen. I know how they felt. I can see it in their eyes. They are both terrified.

For someone like me, fear is not something that I can afford especially with the type of job I have. My mind should be focused all the time and whatever emotions I feel should not take their toll on me. I have to be better than any emotion I will have. I have been wired that way and despite all the paranormal experiences I've been having lately, fear is still something that feels strange to me.

"They all have this tattoo." Yvette now pointed out the photos she was gathering a while ago. "All 10 of them have this strange tattoo that Bridgette and Elizabeth have. That's all I could recall from the hazy escape. I can barely even recognize their faces."

I took the photo from her and looked at it again. For the past few days, these tattoos have bothered me so much. No matter what kind of research I do, I could not find anything. Any occult activities in the past always have a record in our database. For the past few years, the false belief often given by these cult leaders lead to several cases such as murder, homicide, and organized crimes.

Yet when it comes to the Hawthorne sister's murders, there are no traces of their history, not even this cult they've been a part of in the past.

"We need to do something. Every time this happens, it all feels like they have connected the three of us for a reason. I am not even sure how that crime scene from 50 years ago is related to all of this. But I want to find out." Jamie started fixing herself as though nothing very peculiar just happened.

"What are you going to do?" Yvette was now standing beside her.

"I'm visiting a friend. She's in New Orleans. I might be able to find some answers from her."

"Will you be okay traveling alone?" I inquired.

"She insisted on being anonymous. I can't let anyone else know who she is. I will be okay though. You don't have to worry about me."

"Okay then, let us know what you find out and I'll keep digging." I started gathering the photos as well and tucked them inside the envelope I was holding. "How about you Yvette? Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I might not be staying here for a little while though. I can't seem to take my mind off what just happened."

I started to worry about her. All of a sudden, her face turned sad in a quick second.

I saw Jamie hug her.

"We'll be fine. Don't worry. I will call both of you once I learn anything."

Yvette nodded as she bid goodbye to Jamie. As soon as I was done organizing my folders, I wrapped my arms around her and walked with her as we walked towards the door.

"Would you like me to drive you anywhere?"

"I'll be okay. I might just pull another shift in the coffee shop. I just-- I can't be here right now."

"I understand. You'll call me if something comes up okay? I'll be at the station."

She nodded. I hugged her before I left. I trod towards the road leading to the station. As I looked at my feet taking a step one by one, the sight of the pair of boots I saw just a while ago started attacking my mind again.

I stopped in front of a dress store and stared at my own reflection. For some reason, I am looking at myself showing the soldier's face instead of mine. I took a very long look at my reflection as my eyes twitched. I stared very intently at the dog tag that was on his neck.
